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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 2] Containment

Alice raised her head from work when Roken mentioned incineration. She didn't like it one bit. "Sir? Isn't incineration too much? We could put them in one of the cold-boxes for dead bodies or nearest airlock. They won't be getting out of that. There should be laso body-bags here somewhere." She said. She was sure that the infestation would be curable and dead peacekeeper could be transfered into new body later on.
"If we are looking at an infestation, incineration is the only sure way to stop the spread of what ever killed them. It will not make a difference to the dead. Right now our responsibility is to protect the living." Chikai said to Alice.
The infested body started to move, and the man started to moan in pain as his body started to more drastically change. His limbs elongated and his jaw fell loose from his face as it pulled out like a piece of putty. His eyes opened wide as all the white of his drained to black. They maybe had a few more seconds before the change completed and the infected technician would be trying to attack them.

The blip above them stopped with a loud crash as something large fell through the ceiling air vent with a loud PLOP. Whatever it was as a large as their Tenshi and sounded metallic with scraping, clanging movements as is started to pull itself upright...

Commander Fleming shivered as Mac's arm tightened around his neck, trying to maintain his balance. "Sir, I'm so hungry it hurts," Mac moaned as his face changed and his mouth elongated.

Fleming tried to pry the technician from his neck, "M..Mac?!"

Lavendar finally opened her eyes as she stood up in a quick jerking movement like a marionette on strings. Her body began to expand like something big was inflating her.

Blips started appearing on their scanners and whatever it was was suddenly all around them.
Shit, what kind of infection is this? he thought as he brought up his My-M1-W3004:Transphasic Energy Pulse Cannon "I'm going weapons hot." He shouted as he discharged a full ten shots into the body he had only moments before been examining. He monitored his HUD and the ever increasing number of targets.
"Oh goddamn it!" Alice sweared as she watched Lavender. No one could see horror in her eyes, but small trace fo panic could be heared in ehr voice. Alice made two steps back, when injured peacekeeper started mobing in chaotic way, stood up and then inflated.

How could this happen. Alice should have done medical scan first, she coul have found whatever caused it and cure it. No time to dwell on it now.

Alice raised her head with newfound resolve and shouted. "Rokken get commander out of here!" She then swinger her left leg in a round house kick as she tried to send Lavender away.

She then turned to metalic thing in the middle. She boosted away she woul stand between Fleming and possible enemy PA. "Weapons hot," she repeated after Chikai and Armed her missile launchers armed with plasma missiles. When she locked on she fired full volley from both her shoulder mounts.
Roken took a step back as the large unknown figure dropped through the vent...rather loud. He greeted the uninvited guest with burst fire before moving towards the commander. “ On it, hold tight commander.” clearing the distance was easy as he took a deep breath, aiming his swing directly at the infected Techs forehead, “your gonna have to settle for my fist.” Roken switched to his communicator, “Lets not drag this fight out pull back to the exit were getting off this ship now!!” Roken's mind focused on pulling mac off the commander as he picked him up, “sorry this is gonna be a rough ride.”
Chikai started moving towards the exit to the medbay, covering the team and firing anything that was not part of the team and moving. "Sounds good to me. This party is getting a little too weird for my taste." He replied punctuating his sentence with weapon fire..
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