Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Alliance MISSION 2, PART 1: Dinner with the Enemy

Beji took a glance about the room and with the twitch of one of his eye brows he took notice of the neppie burgers and stomach gave another grumble. Careful not to run into anything in his bulky PA he walked over to the table and picked himself up something to eat, including a fefw forgien foods and then took to leaning against a wall away from most of the other visitors.

He slowly scarfed down the stim burger and nibbled at the elysian foods, finding what he liked and what just tasted funny. Dispite looking like he was enjoying himself, he kept an eye out for touble. It had been drilled into him eversince he'd been to the military academy. After a bit he popped his helm back on and pulled up a virtual copy of one of his books and took the chance to read and keep an eye on his HUD to see waht was going on around him.
The burgers from Neppies had trouble written all over them. It had recently been added to the wrapping and other packaging to try and give the burgers a more edgy look as part of the campaign to capitalize on the planet side violence.

The HUD would highlight for him the goings on nearby, the location of the hidden light sources, an buff looking Elysian girl entering the room with a tray of Stim burgers, and one of the other guests who was female but not Elysian whom seemed busy watching the other people in the room rather than eating the fish fillet that lay in front of her. The heavily armed marines seemed to prompt a group which had been sitting in the corner to get up and leave, heading for a lift on the other side of the room rather than exiting toward the marines themselves.
It took a laggy few seconds for the marine to notice that things were going on around him. He noted the page number and then closed out of it. he looked at the elysian and then at the other woman. Instinct took over and his fingers casually shifted to his hip, lingering just above his hip. He shifted his weight off the wall and when the minor details started to piss him off he complained to Fian about it. "Fian..." He said, not quite sure.... "I think something's going up..." he said and then reported what all his HUD had picked up and identified for him. After a minute he murmured "I think I need a breath of fresh air, who's with me?"
Kokuten nodded when found that all the other Marines seemed to be fine. He followed suit with Fian and Benji, removing his own helmet, revealing the medic's head. His face showed obvious signs of excitement, the LED's on his eyes assumed a blue color for the moment, his hair seemed unkept from being crushed under his helmet, his small beard frazzled. He placed his helmet under his arm and proceeded after the rest of the guys into the dining hall.

The medic looked around, seeing the brilliant architecture that surrounded them. He turned as he walked towards the S-shaped table, he looked down at all the Elysian foods and noted the Anti-Matter-Os and burgers.

I can eat burgers and Anti-Matter-Os whenever I want, now is time for some exotic food.

He rubbed his armored hands together as the thought went through his mind. He walked over to the table and picked of a plate to put the foods on. The Medic was careful to try and fit one of anything on his plate, just to try it. He looked around at the other Marines, some seemed relunctant at trying the Elysian food as readily as Kokuten did. Benji, seemingly unnerved by what was before him and his surroundings, put his mind to going outside. The Medic could only shake his head to that comment, food seemed to taste a lot better than fresh air. Sitting down, Kokuten tried to pay no mind to the other guests as he went ahead to eat. He had hoped that maybe they would just ignore the tall 7'2" armored man that sat next to them.

This would probably give truth to the Nepleslian's feeling to the Elysians, if someone would look at his actions closely. He had mostly ignored the Elysian people, only to admire their art. The Medic thought them as bad people with good tastes. Of course, he had never really met with an Elysian, sat down, and talked to one, but that's stereotyping for you. One of his pet peeves was just being looked down on; While it could be put aside by any other person, Kokuten couldn't barely stand it. As he ate, he wondered how long it would be before one commented on his lack of manners, how he seemed to put down the food so quickly, or even his eyes. While he enjoyed the trip and the sights so far, he kept in mind how long it would be before one of them would say something to ruin it.
Fian eyed the people leaving the room until they have disappeared from sight. After taking a quick look around the room, he deduced that there isnt anything fifteen marines cant take care of.

"Well then, looks like they are giving us some privacy." The P2C said, stepping forward to take a plate. "Eat up boys, this one is on Elysia."

He then took a few pieces of the Elysian food, sat down and then nibbled them slowly in a vast contrast to Kokuten that was directly next to him. The subtle morsels were equally in contrast of the hard and fast Nepleslian food he was used to. Ocassionally he would look up to give the unknown female a glance to find out who and what she was but then casually turned back at his serving if she looked back.
Well this sure is a fancy slop hole..err..mess hall John thought to himself as he briefly look around then got down to business. He went down the long S shaped table, getting an ample supply of flatware and then collecting any morsel that looked even vaguely appetizing, and as he finished herding together the array of deliciousness, a thought crossed his mind.

I wonder if they would?...

He glanced around, making sure the Elysian's eyes were looking elsewhere, and scanned the two plates of food with his suits mono-eyes, hoping the suits systems would be adequate enough to detect any poisons.

"I'm hungry for food, but not enough to die for it.â€
Benji paced lightly, the boots of his PA making tracks in the carpet which he was sure the elysians weren't going to like. To keep himself from one of his rare outbursts of anger he turned his music back on and then ditifuly stalked over to where he could lean against a wall and stare, rudely no doubt, at the non-elysian woman before him. Good thing he had his helm on or he'd surely be reminded not to stare.

After deciding the woman wasn't going to try to murder him, not like she could while he was all suited up, he walked over and took a seat next to her. He said nothing, but kept an eye on her. "Anything else you wana point out HUD?" he murmured to himself. Then it came to him and lhe let out a sigh, wanting to bash his head on something. Great, he was talking to his Armor now. What would it be next? Sweeping the woman next to him off her feet and marrying her?!
A few of those who were still wearing their armors also voiced their dislike of being in this room, though as one marine noted, "Where would you rather go numbnuts? We are on an Elysian planet.â€
At the time, Kokuten kept mostly to himself as he tasted the delicious food. The Elysians had good tastes indeed, still a bunch of bird brains, but damn good food. He noted the shorter Fian sit next to him, he only nodded to the P2C with a mouth to full to speak. Though as he consumed what was infront of him, he noticed that Fian's attention would go up to the female in the room. He leaned over to the P2C next to him.

"Something caught your interest?" The Medic asked.
Once the meal seemed over an Elysian aide entered the room, "Once you have finished the meal I would value a discussion over what activity you next wish to indulge in. Our society values input and discussion over authority and tyrany." The aide gave a small smile, "I assure you that this centre is equipped to take care of almost all of your needs."