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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Bay

"I feel like we could use a zamboni or something," Victory commented from the catwalk. "If we want to really clean the cargo bay, we are going to need to move all the cargo containers to clean under them. Even though they are chained to the deck, the water probably went down there. We will need to land on a planet and unchain and unload the cargo; however, I am not sure when or where our next stop is." The green-haired neko climbed down the ladder and walked to container M5 and unlocked it. Its doors squeaked as she pulled them open and walked inside. "There are some cleaning carts in this one," she explained while rolling one out into the cargo bay.
Cargo Bay

Chieko giggled when the technician jumped. "Actually, I'm here for something we picked up at our last stop," she replied, "The Shosho wants me to investigate and possibly reverse engineer it."

She then heard Victory's voice from above and looked up, then around her more. The scientist noted again where her harisen was trying to point her, then she saw Mitsuko.

"Excuse me, Itto Hei," Chieko began, "Do you have a space where I can work on the hard light technology that was picked up? I'll help clean up."

She then looked up to Victory again, "The Shosho also has us heading to Hanako's World, via HX-22 and UX-3 III - if that helps."
Cargo bay

Well that's embarrassing Kale thought admittedly he hadn't exactly taken a grand look around the cargo bay when he came in but still... He had missed at least two other people working in there.

"Many apologies. I thought I was alone in here." He had met neither of the other officers before though he had seen them at breakfast that morning.

"Need any help Chi? Well... After we finish reversing the effects of Tsunami Dreamworld in any case. Might be an idea to let the floor fully dry before you start work on anything delicate though."
Cargo Bay

"Cleaning everything by hand would take forever..." She sighed at the sight of the cleaning cart Victory wheeled out. Mitsuko was glad for the distraction Chieko offered. "Oh! Hello." She managed a quick bow, starting to feel a bit silly for still wearing the AMES. At least she wasn't getting dirty.

"Normally there would be plenty of room here, but..." The Neko trailed off as she gestured at the room in general. "Um...you might be able to find some clear space on top of a storage container. Or, perhaps you could try the Fabrication Area?" She stared past the others, considering the situation. "The shuttle was sealed, so it might be dry inside as well." Mitsuko shrugged. "S-sorry. Things went so badly today." She didn't have to worry about explaining that, everyone on board knew how rough things had gotten.
Med Lab

Izokia walked back into the crowded med lab, she moved over so that she was next to Ayumi. "I'm here if you require assistance. I'm sorry for delay."

Ayumi listened to Misato's story, nodding in a very doctor-like fashion as it was told. She would not be able to suggest a safer option next time, simply because it did not seem like there had been one. She also genuinely hoped that there would never be drones in the armoury ever again.

"I can offer you some burn cream." Ayumi stated, "It will speed the healing process your body has no doubt already begun, and most importantly soothe the skin." Without waiting for the Itto Hei's answer, the medic turned to her cupboards and pulled out the burn cream.

She turned back to Misato, a kind, slight smile on her face. "I can apply it, or you may apply it yourself if you so wish." Unsure if Misato's issue with asking for medical treatment was that she just didn't want it, or if she didn't like being touched, Ayumi offered the compromise automatically so as to avoid any confrontation.

As Izokia entered Ayumi looked over her shoulder to nod in her direction, "If Sienna-san will allow it, I was hoping to make sure her hands do not have any damage from the altercation earlier." She explained to the other medic.
Power Systems

With a grimace and twist of her hand, Junko popped the last tiny control run into its port. The telltale turned a contended green and she removed her hand from the small wiring space. She pushed back, resting in a crouch for a moment now that the last of the repairs to the conduit hatches she’d sealed were finished. The task hadn’t been complex so much as requiring precision in fitting the tiny connectors together; she was just glad that in her haste she hadn’t done anything more drastic - or permanent - to secure the hatches.

Gathering up the repair kit from the deck beside her, she triggered the control stud and clambered down onto the bulkhead ladder. A few moments later she stood on the Mainspace deck and made to deposit the repair kit and the AMES she was still wearing. Once she had stowed away the suit, she glanced around for a moment, noting that the Taii was still manning Engineering.

“Sir, if you will excuse me for a moment, I’d like to change into something more practical,” she said, in consideration of the duty uniform she was still wearing. With a bow, she slipped out of the main entrance.

Her baggage were exactly where she had left them in the Lounge, fortunately undisturbed by the general melee that had taken place across the ship. Gathering up the bag that contained her uniforms, she made her way into changing room adjacent to the bath and got to work pulling on the. As she buckled on her belt she realised that she was just going to have to dump her bag back on the deck again.

A quick consultation with Charisma while she walked back into the Lounge proper proved useful and she composed a brief message as she started off again for Engineering.

 To: Blackberry-Shoi


Having returned to the Eucharis I am looking to secure accommodations. The records currently show your cabin being the only one with available space and I would like to request your permission to share it with you. If this proves objectionable I would understand completely.

Thank you,
Takeda Junko

She sent the message as she re-entered the Mainspace and - with a nod and soft, “Sir,” toward Takeyu - she settled into the auxiliary systems console and pulled up the general overview display.
Med Lab

Izokia's eyes widened at Ayumi's request. The medic nodded silently and moved towards the civilian. She was terrified that Sienna would react hostilely to the individual who shot her earlier and then tied her down. Shakily she asked Sienna, " C-could I take a look at your hands in case of damage." Izokia did not look up at Sienna while she said this.
Cargo Bay

Chieko considered Mitsuko's suggestions as she looked around more, her eyes settling on the harisen again.

"On top of a storage container sounds good, but I have to wonder if that would put me in your way. I could check with the Shosho about trying it in the shuttle, though perhaps the Fabrication Bay would be best, since it would be right there for prototyping and I would need to speak to Nayacessen-Taii anyway."

The scientist at that turned to Kale and smiled, "Especially if I wish to properly requisition your help. How are you with Optics and Quantum Theory?"

Still leaning against the back wall with the sole of her foot propped up against it, Sienna tilted her head curiously at Izokia's jittery behavior as the medic approached her. Lifting an eyebrow, she warily opened her hands palm down to show the doctor, watching her face, or rather, the top of her head, since she wouldn't look up at her when she spoke. Why was she acting so terrified all of a sudden?

She said nothing about it, however. When the doctor would look, she'd notice the same things Sienna already had: a lot of bruising. The middle knuckle on her right hand had a tiny spot where the skin had split open and scabbed over, and her left thumb and pinky were badly strained, although the painkillers still in her system kept them from bothering her more than with a very faint ache. There could possibly be one or two small hairline fractures in her fingers or knuckles as well, for all she knew, but that was as severe as the damage would be.

"If y'all know of some way to fix busted hands, have at it," she offered, eyes still fixed quizzically, even a little suspiciously on Izokia. "Otherwise, just keep the painkillers coming and I'll wait on them to heal on their own."

With Ayumi offering to help her with her hands she held them out, "Go ahead doc... though careful they hurt a lot. I wouldn't be able to unbandage, or re-bandage, them myself." she looked a bit sadden that she couldn't do it herself.
Cargo Bay

Bors looked across the the cargo bay to the two Nekos and Minkan staring around and staring at the large puddle of water that was in the middle of the cargo bay. He sighed as he walked passed them, as well as Victory, and into the M5 container. Grabbing a few extra mops from the remaining carts as well as some buckets he went back outside and headed over to the the little group. Once he arrived he dropped the buckets letting them make a loud metallic KLANG as they hit the floor.

"You know how you could have some work space? If we got some of this water off of the floor." He said catching the last bit of their conversation, "A mop works a bit better than just stairing and talking about it, well unless you nekos have some crazy liquid disappearing brain magic that you don't know about."

Bors chuckled a bit as he tossed the mops out to Kale, Chiko, and Mitsuko. "It will go a lot faster if we all do it, plus I don't know about you but I think a bit better when I'm doing something." Turning around he extened one of the last two mops to Victory, "And I'm sure Miss Victory here wouldn't mind helping us out here as well Would you?"
Cargo Bay

"After we get the rest of the floor, I will move the cargo containers around with a crane. If there is excess water, we can open the ramp and throw it through the air containment field and out into space with a bucket," Victory explained as she began to mop, starting at the edges of the room. She also got the walls where the water had come in. "I have heard Hanako has flooded the cargo bay with ocean water at least once before," she added, thinking of where the ship would land when they reached Hanako's World. "So who has been to Hanako's World before?" she asked. "Does anyone besides the Shosho have contacts there?"
Cargo Bay

Chieko almost twitched at the interruption, however she did recognize that Riko was of a higher rank. She took the mop, but the comment about liquid sucking ability caused her to sigh.

"Funny you would talk about brain ability," the scientist began confidently, "If I were to use mine, I'd suggest raising the temperature in the cargo bay by ten degrees and decreasing the humidity as far as possible. Evaporation would take care of it after that if the water is the only barrier to my work. Actually, if we could get a large squeegee, we could push the excess out the doors, then let the little bit left evaporate using the environmental settings I had just described."
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko let out a squeak as the buckets rattled on the floor. She turned from the conversation to see Riko, scowling at him as she took the mop. "Cleanup was about to begin..." She shook her head, getting to work with the others. At least it wouldn't take long at all with so many people.

"Oh, I was there last time. With Bors-Hei, Misato-Hei, Natsumi-Hei..." The Neko trailed off, obviously going over her memories of the shore leave. "The officers, of course. Klein-Chusa was our guide, but she's gone now." She didn't have much more to add. "I still have the maps and information downloaded, for the area we stayed in at least, if you'd like me to share?"
Cargo Bay

I guess that's just the way he likes to go through life. Kale thought. He's about a sharp as hammer to boot. Guess I know why he's the infantryman huh.

Chuckling slightly Kale got on with helping to get rid of the water. "Well technically seeing as each of us can manipulate gravitational and magnetic fields you would think that we could just wave our hand and propel the water. Hell there's probably a way to do it. Unfortunately as far as I know no one has figured out that particular caveat of information. If you ever find out let me know." he commented to the gunney.

He thought about his skills for a second before replying to the scientist. "Well optics isn't one of my main strongpoints but I got a pretty decent handle on most aspects of quantum so I should be able to help out. I might need to do a little information digging but nothing too time consuming."

Kale returned to mopping the sodden floor. A thoughtful expression on his face.

Ayumi set the burn cream on the table next to them and began to go about taking care of Misato's hands. The wrapping which had been done previously was removed. When the pair of heavily damaged appendages were open to the air, the medic examined them delicately. "In the future, reaching into fire is generally ill-advised." She offered, a shy smile on her face for a short moment before she reached over to begin treating Misato's hands.

It had not even occured to Ayumi that asking Izokia to take care of Sienna in her stead would be awkward for the other medic. Generally Ayumi just got over things much faster than other people, and if the tables had been flipped she would have gone about her work much the same.

Gently Ayumi worked the cream into Misato's hands, making sure that she was not pressing too hard and watching the other neko's face to make sure she was alright. When she finished that she wandered back over to the cupboards and pulled out bandages to cover the injuries. "Generally I would say you should let them air a bit, but in this case the burns are severe enough I should think you may need to keep them covered, roughly 24 hours should be fine. Then you should be able to have the bandages off without any trouble."

Ayumi situated herself in front of Misato again, and began wrapping her hands just as gently as she'd put on the cream.

Nodding as she listoned to the medic until she got to the part about being unadvised to do the things she did, "Funny they told me the same thing about blocking Ripper weapons with my chest..." it was a bit of dry humor, Bors had rubbed off on her a bit too much.

She winced evey so often but all and all the medic did quite a good job keeping her form feeling much discomfort. "So you are saying I'm useless for 24 hours? But... what if we go back do to the planet?" She looked quite worried. More so then she had over her burnt hands.

Sienna couldn't help but scoff a little at Misato's question, grinning across the room at her as Izokia examined her hands. "Your skipper can't possibly be that stupid," she said. "You're still alive with all your marbles, ain't you? Is your sense of purpose so flimsy you can't handle sitting on the bench for a day? Count your blessings."

Once Sienna spoke Misato's eyes flared, "There are how many Infantry on this Ship? I'll tell you, Three, Bors, some new kid named Miyako, and me. That's all, sure everyone is training in combat, but they all focus on their jobs on this ship, Techs, bridge bunnies, medics... No offenses meant to any of them. They all do their job, and from what I can tell they do it well. But the safety and security of this ship is up to three people, now if I'm laid up for a day... that is... let me grind my marbles together... Two. Two people, that's it. Unless you want to sign up and train up in the next few minutes."

Misato was sure Sune was going to lay into her but she tried to take her job seriously, and this civy, guest, someone who's safety fell under Misato's own job, was telling her it was alright to kick back and not care.
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