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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Least I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. Bors thought as he tossed another one of the destroyed drones onto a pile outside of the armory door. Misato had done a good job of blowing them up, as well as trashing the wall outside of the armory, with the 35mm cannon he had rigged up. He was able to put is finger into one of the holes that were left in the wall and chuckled to himself a bit as he imagined explaining why there were holes in the wall to Hanako.

As he tossed another broken leg onto the pile he took off his jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair and wondered why he was the only one doing this, hell his partner in crime made this mess and should be at least helping.

Cargo Bay

After a short elevator ride down to the cargo bay he strode into the cargo bay and crossed his arms over his black tanktop, slightly irritated that he couldn't find Misato. Guessing that she was either hiding somewhere or doing something important. With that plan nixed he looked around for someone else he could drag upstairs to help him clean and quickly spotted the new member of the infantry team.

"You busy standin' 'ere and doing nothing." He said with his usual sarcastic and good humored tone, as he came up to her and crossed his arms over his black tank top, "Cause I got a job for ya upstairs if you can fit it into your schedule."
Wardroom (Kitchen)

Ayumi sighed, pushing herself to her feet and glancing about at the damage they'd done to the wardroom and kitchen by shooting all over the place. She brushed her uniform flat, though she understood she would probably need a new one, since there were rips and tears in it now.

Helplessly the neko shrugged and stepped out of the mess that was the kitchen and wardroom, glad it was not her job to clean up the mess. If such a thing had happened in the medical lab? Well her calm and stoic appearance probably would have flown out the window.

As it was, she did have a medbay to clean up after the mess from the morning, and so she headed off to grab a fresh uniform and return to her duties.

She could feel the ship humming it's life around her, and the movements it made told her that they were at least flying away from the planet. This meant the droids had been extinguished, and that the Shosho had made it back to the ship safely. The rest of the crew had probably gone back to their duties as well.


Though she probably should have tried to sit down for a bit longer or rest, the sheer amount of shots she'd taken still had her limbs buzzing, she set about cleaning and reorganising the cupboards. If anyone ever asked, she'd make a terrible soldier. She wondered if Sienna would return her NSP. Her empty holster was an
uncomfortable reminder that she'd handed off her weapon to someone who was not a soldier.

As Ayumi set the injector's she'd used into the cupboard she called out to Charisma, "Charisma, please request Sienna-san come to the medbay when first able." She asked, then returned to her work.

Zero-G Passageway

"Sienna Shelton, your presence is requested in the medbay, when next able." Charisma informed Sienna.
Izokia wandered around the ship in an attempt to bleed of the extreme focus she was on during the fighting. Once she finally convinced herself that the ship was actually clear she made her way slowly to the med bay.
Zero-G Passageway

Sienna looked up and around her with a slight start as the computer's voice suddenly spoke from everywhere. Still floating in front of the open inner airlock door, holding onto the edge of a control panel, she frowned a little. She'd already said that she was going to help clear out the scrap littering the ship, so what did they--

She blinked and made a face of sudden realization as she understood what this was about. From what she'd gleaned of Ayumi so far, she figured that the duty-driven medic was probably anxious to get back to some semblance of routine after their ordeal, and would likely want to pick up treating her prior injuries where she'd left off. That, and she wagered she wanted her pistol back. Or possibly to let her know in some stiff, professional way that she was cross with her for using her as mobile cover in the wardroom. Or all three, most likely.

"Uh, okay," Sienna said hesitantly to the disembodied voice. "Let 'em know I'll be down there in a bit." She turned to face the aft wall and gently kicked off, a little grin on her face. She was starting to somewhat get the hang of this. "Oh," she continued abruptly as she glided through the air, looking up, "uh, tell Natsumi, or Hanako, or whoever, that there's three busted drones in the docking airlock ready to be vented."

After hearing Hanako's orders then Sune's departure, Chieko looked between the door, her sensors, and Natsumi. "What do you think, Yamashiro-hei?" she began, "Want me to stick around for the time being? I'm not seeing anything on the sensors, but that also seems to be bothering me."

With Charisma's help, Deziarra went from room to room gathering up the dead robot bits and tossing them out the airlock. She had on an AMES with an NSP equiped just in case. As she approached some of the larger pieces, she stared at them as if expecting them to suddenly start moving again but no such movement came. The Wardroom was particularly cluttered with debris from all the fighting. She shed a tear for those who had been wounded while she had been trapped in relative safety. Then she reminded herself that, even in a war, avoiding combat can sometimes be more important than winning a battle.

Receiving Sienna's message, she headed towards the docking airlock picking up any additional robot parts along the way. It may not be an exciting job, but cleaning up after a battle was a job that needed to be done.

I would like the company and the extra set of eyes" Natsumi replied and gave Chieko a sideways smile. She was still deep in her SPINE connection and could see every single bit of data the ships sensors were pulling in. Really she just wanted the company.

"Are you okay after everything today?" she asked after a moment. She knew the scientist had been through hell.

Ayumi would feel a tap on her shoulder.

If she turned around she would be looking into two large predatory eyes blinking at her; belonging to an alien figure crouched beside her in dirty, damp clothes with blood on its snout.

As she made her way through the ship, Sienna had passed by a few of the crew engaged in various post-battle activities, paying them little mind. She tugged on her shirttail a little as she turned the corner to head to the medical bay, pulling the taut fabric further down on her waist, and lightly scratched an itch on the exposed skin of her upper left arm with her palm.

The door to the medbay whooshed open as she strode through, looking off to the left side of the facility, and panning around to see who was present. "Hey, Charisma said y'all were lookin' for m-eyahghngh--" she began, her words cut off and quickly devolving into a startled jumble of nonsense smooshed into one shaky syllable as she spotted the towering reptilian alien standing over Ayumi. Before she could think, her hand had whipped around her back and snatched the handle of the NSP shoved into the back of her pants, pulling its barrel just a couple of inches out from beneath her belt. Her knees bent as she coiled up into a somewhat panther-like defensive stance, ready to spring in any direction she felt she had to, unsure of what this creature was or what it was doing here.

Hanako returned with wet hair and wearing a yukata. She carried a laundry basket under one arm and was brushing her hair with her free hand. "Please check for any indications that the artificial planet is engaged in any dangerous activity or that we might be in an illusion," she ordered as she passed through on the way to the main passage.

Main Zero-gravity Passage

Passing Deziarra, Hanako gave the newer crew member a nod of respect. "Thank you and Sienna for taking care of this."

Crew Lounge Area

The Shosho pressed her lips together as she saw all the scorch marks on the walls of the lounge. She didn't see anyone, which meant the night shift had most likely returned to bed. She continued across the shaggy red carpet into the laundry room. Her bare feet could feel wetness in the carpet outside the washing machine. Why did they put carpet in the laundry room, she wondered noting it had lint in it and was slightly moldy smelling. With a short sigh, she opened her basket and tossed her uniform into the machine, added the detergent, closed it, and pressed the button. The machine hummed and hissed as it came to life. Exiting the laundry room, she went up to the wardroom.

"Sure," Takeyu said to Kale as he made a few adjustments to the ships engines and frowned when he noticed a slight power variance in the ships FTL systems. With a sigh, he sent a set of fixes to the system and watched as the levels evened out a bit.

"I don't mind, after all, we are a bit limited on space."

"I could be worse," Chieko replied with a smile, "Getting distracted like that at those velocities can be very deadly. One of the reasons why I'm glad I don't skip upgrades, otherwise it could have been the end of me about two years ago."

"How are you managing?" the scientist asked as she looked over another sensor sweep.

Ayumi tensed and spun around, one arm over her chest as if she was prepared to defend herself if needed. The surprise of having the alien in front of her caused her to gasp slightly and take a step back. Having not been on the planet, Ayumi had no idea who the aliens were, what they looked like, or whether there was supposed to be one of which kind on the ship. She vaguly remembered Hanako mentioning that they were going to rescue an alien from the world.

The words from Misato caused her to relax only slightly. As she looked over the creature, trying to decide exactly how to handle it, Sienna walked in. Her gaze flicked to the Nepleslian woman, "Sienna, this is our... New guest." She explained softly. Completely unsure how to handle such a situation, having been trained to handle well known Yamatai and Stay Army species, she spent a few moments simply trying to figure out what she was going to do.

"How can I help you?" She asked finally, "Is there a particular ailment I can aid you in fixing?" She noted the blood on the alien's nose, but didn't want to simply reach in.

"Arigatou Nayacesen-Taii. If there's nothing else I'd better be off to help the rest of the crew patch things up and dry up that lake water we took on-board."

With nothing pressing forthcoming Kale started towards the aft of the ship where the cargo bay had been slightly swamped to help the clean-up effort. Jitter bobbed along beside him making an interesting sight for those who had so recently been fighting the little bandits.

Without moving her head, Sienna's eyes flicked back to the wiry lizard-like alien before her warily, as if waiting for some kind of confirmation. Slowly her posture relaxed, and she took her hand from the pistol grip behind her, leaving the NSP securely tucked in her belt. She glanced over to the far wall, noting Misato seated casually in a chair, obviously unbothered by and even looking somewhat familiar with the creature.

"Fellow hitchiker, huh," she said quietly, barely above a murmur, and circled the room, keeping her facing towards the others. She threaded her left thumb through a belt loop in front of her and let her arm hang on it as she studied their new guest. It looked like a tightly-wound death machine, bristling with claws and sinewy muscle, and its slitted irises and tough-looking skin only added to its fearsome appearance. Still, if it had been stuck on that "dreamworld" they'd just run from, she couldn't blame him for wanting a ride. It wasn't too long ago that she'd been in nearly the exact same situation. And this creature, while certainly imposing, didn't posture like it was looking for trouble.

She finished her slow walk around the perimeter of the room, and came to a gradual stop at the back wall. Leaning back against it, she placed the sole of her right boot against the baseboard while she continued to look the newest passenger over from top to bottom, waiting for Ayumi to handle her business with the alien before asking why she'd been called here.
Medical Lab

Sune entered the lab and stopped to take stock of who was in the area and their condition. Fortunately this was one of the few times that despite having a large number of bodies, there were no copious amounts of blood.

Spotting their second guest was easy given his stature. So he walked over to him.

"Hello again. Welcome aboard the Eucharis. I am Jalen Sune-Chusa. While it is obvious that we have many questions about yourself and your species. But for the moment, do you require any medical attention that our medics can provide? And do you have any special environmental requirements? "

Natsumi nodded, "Sorry about that, by the way" she said to Chieko. "Didn't mean to do anything that would get you hurt" she glanced over at the scientist. "What happened two years ago?" she asked, raising a snowy white eyebrow.
"Ah, forgive me." The alien replied to Ayumi, standing up and performing a small bow and flourishing a hand as Sienna came in and eventually put her weapon away.

"I was asked to appear here to make sure I don't have any contaminants on me that might be a threat to your vessel." the alien answered, its head turned to Sune as he stepped into the room.

"Ah, it is good to see another familiar face. Maybe you can help me avoid anymore misunderstandings, yes?" It jested, one of his hand passing down the front of its body as though showing itself off. "I had also thought myself of decent aspect, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose."

It blinked in a slow, lazy manner as it returned to a more serious tone. "The atmosphere is more agreeable than at my last stay, certainly. Although I'm afraid I may have to trouble you for some small oxygen tanks, and perhaps someway to clean densely packed air filters?"

Misato made a conscious effort to try to keep her hands hidden when the Doc, and now the XO was around. "Yes i brought him in from the cargo bay, figured a shower and some poking would do him good." She smiled a bit, before it turned into a frown, with a bit of a grown, when one of her hands hit the leg of the chair.
Med Lab

Sune looked at Misato. "That was the proper thing, after being on Dreamworld I think we all could do with a good cleansing. Although any poking will have to be with our guest's consent."

Sune smiled at the alien, "We can get you a walk-about tank of oxygen. And if you give us the filters our technicians can either clean them or fabricate new ones for you.

So what is your name? And how did you come to be a guest of the Essai?"
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