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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Bay

A long ear twitched on the side of the aliens head as it heard the others come in. Still leaning down for Akane it turned its head to the newcomers.

"Ah, dear acquaintances." it said it greeting and then its eyes found Misato's bandaged hands. "I see fortune has not smiled upon you since we last met. What has happened?"
Cargo Bay

When Bors rejoined the group a sly smile came on Misato face. "Well she was a bit hard to get warmed up, but once she was... Ohhh boy yeah..."

She grinned before sliding the weapon off her back and handed it over to the Nepleisan, moving with care not to hurt her hands.

Then The Chelti spoke up. "Well I danced with the flames, as with any good dance I was left with a reminder."
Cargo Bay

Picking up the large weapon, Bors braced himself as he grabbed it by its barrel handle and looped his other hand around one of the firing handles next to the butterfly trigger. As he turned towards the bay doors a small frown appeared on his face.

"Aww, closed 'em already bummer wanted to do a test fire."

Muscling the weapon a bit he lifted it up and set it across his shoulders, letting out a slight grunt of exertion as he did so. With his normal gait slowed a bit by the weight of the 35mm cannon he started to head back towards the armory door.

"You guys have fun, I'm gonna go clean up the armory mess." To emphasize his point he kicked one of the drones that lay in pieces next to the door. "And make sure you get those burns looked at Princess, don't want those dainty little hands to get infected."

Chieko thought about the quarantine idea and it sounded good, but for one tiny wrinkle. "Quarantine would only help if they remained relatively stationary," she commented, her brow knitting in focus, "If they moved and we didn't know about it, people would not be protected again.

"They would need to be kept an eye on for any jumps they attempt, and their trail would need to be watched for if they show up somewhere else in known space. Then again, even if they don't remain in known space, they could wait us out until we had forgotten and come back from a different direction. I'd recommend a tail, no matter what else gets decided."
Bridge Corridor

Sienna grunted, straining and gritting her teeth together as she pushed the first of the broken and smoking hulks of the drones down the corridor towards the zero-G passageway, the horrible sound of metal screeching against metal grating on her ears and reverberating along the walls. The squat metal drones had moved surprisingly nimbly for their bulk, but now that they were little more than scrap heaps, it was like trying to move heavy furniture. She didn't have far to push them, but she had three of them to move just in this area, and as heavy as they were, even the short distance would take some time. Once they were at the edge of the zero-G shaft, she could shove them out there one by one, but she knew that would be an entirely seperate challenge. Perhaps they would be easier to maneuver without the force of friction constantly fighting against her, but their weight and momentum, coupled with her own relative inexperience with moving about in zero gravity, would likely pose an entirely different challenge.

Dwelling on it wouldn't help, however. Reaching up, she touched the nick on the side of her forehead and looked at her fingertips. There was still some wet blood there, but it seemed that the little cut was already scabbing over. Hopefully the painkillers still in her system would hold out until she at least got these three into the airlock; she wasn't sure how much of a headache she'd have after they wore off from the knock to the head and the withdrawal from the fog, not to mention her still-battered hands.

With a final shove the first drone finally made it to the edge of the passageway, and she straightened up, putting her hands on her hips as she took a brief pause to breathe and rest. Then she started back up the hallway to get to work moving the second.
Cargo Bay

"I'm not sure I'm thinking of what you're trying to suggest." The alien replied, scratching its cheek.

Suddenly the thing it had extracted from the cart before beeped in its hand. Looking at it for a few seconds the alien sniffed and put it into a pocket.

"Excuse me."

Giving up on the offered hand the alien stood, taking a moment to cringe, it began unclamping the membrane from over the top of its snout. Clear marks indicated it had been on a long time. With that done it pinched one end and took a deep breath.

With a yelp it ripped the membrane off like a bandage, it turned and a small scattering of blood snorted out over the floor behind it as it pulled out a cloth and covered its face.

"Forgive me. A consequence of wearing the olfacticon for too long." It said, dabbing its snout tenderly. "But where are my manners? Thank you for your graciousness, and how has the little one I gave you?"

Sune listened to the others on the bridge, then responded "Scout ships would be able to monitor it from a distance. Our sensor data of the planet's emergence should be something that the MEGAMI's should be able to identify if it returns to normal space in our territory.

Unfortunately I am unaware of any other devices at our disposal to warn off people except for ships. Of course the Dreamworld emerged outside of our space, so the matter of the legality of a quarantine needs to be addressed. If we choose to forgo a quarantine, putting our fleets notice to keep an eye out for the Essai. Is probably the most we can realistically do.

We should probably also notify our allies to be on the alert for the Dreamworld or the Essai. Obviously they can make their own determination about making contact or not."

Learned Bear

Sepop watched as the Eucharis left a blazing trail of dangerously hot plasma in its wake. If that is their normal departure method, I do not want to see them landing on the new world. That destructive energy can not be good for the environ.

She brought the ship into a rapid ascent, but staying clear of the teal blue lines. The Science vesel made a hasty departure as it streaked up and out of the atmophere. Once clear she transitioned to their plasma drives and started moving away to a point safe for them to tunnel.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko winced as blood dribbled onto the floor, joining the bits of robot debris. "Misato-Hei, you should escort our guest to Medical. I'm sure the captain would want him scanned for contaminants, especially after what we've been through." She nodded at the alien, sure that he understood that. She pulled out her Science Scanner and began a quick once-over, just in case.

"Similarly, I will need to inspect your belongings."
Cargo Bay

"Sure," Akane said to the alien, fighting through the strain of her muscles and the sensation of impact. She wasn't sure if bringing the merchant on board was the right course of action for the ship as a whole. Her inexperience put her behind the rest of the crew.

She hoped it wouldn't look too badly upon her record.

"I burned them in a fire... As for the little lizard pet I thought i had given that back to you? If not It's probably in my cabin." Misato was sure that she had given it back before she boarded before lunch.

With a nod Msiato smiled at Mitsuko, "Yeah i better take him up there. though I might want to grab a pair of gloves before hand... or they will poke and prod me."

"This way." She motioned to the Chelti for him to follow her to the med bay.

Hanako leaned back in her chair a little, finally starting to relax as the ship moved away from the mysterious artificial planet. After letting out a long sigh, she commented, "I think we left with more questions than answers. It underscores that there is so much we do not know about our galaxy and the species that inhabit it. I will tell the other squadron ships to stay at the edge of the system and monitor things. Quarantine is not an option but we can certainly warn curious captains...not that there is a great amount of activity in this part of space."

Looking down at her feet, the Shosho rubbed her wet toes together. "I had better get a shower and do some laundry. Sune, can you let the crew know we plan to take it easy for the rest of the day and extend greetings and accommodations to the guest merchant? I will meet him once I am cleaned up. This uniform will still probably get people drugged if they sniff it," she smiled, standing up briskly and heading to her cabin.

Cargo Bay

Victory stood on the catwalks looking down at the still-wet floor of the cargo bay, where the lake water had spread out to cover the deck to about 15 centimeters deep before most of it went out during Akane's pickup. Luckily everything was in containers. It still meant a mopping detail would have to be formed to clean the floors. The green-haired cargo specialist went over to Akane as Misato escorted the Chelti.

Leaning over the railing, she admitted, "I was worried you would get left when we started taking off! How are you holding up, Akane?"

Meanwhile, Yosmet, the huge strong silent type, walked off to the main passage on his way to the recreation room.

Natsumi relaxed a little as they blasted clear of the planet's gravity field and out for the system perimeter. She kept her focus on the sensors though, just in case the people down there decided to try and force them back or send some kind of pursuit.

The Shosho's mention of a shower and a clean uniform sounded like a good idea, she could do with both herself, again, but not now. Now she had to remain on watch a bit longer and make sure they were safely far far far away from that planet.

I should probably go ask Takeyu-Taii if I can move into his cabin. Kale checked the time. May as well do it now.

With his new little pet, which he had decided to affectionately call Jitter given the incessant bouncy attitude it seemed to have. He made his way to engineering to speak with the Chief.


A solid, steady thrum could be heard in the mainspace. The sound of the ships heart. It was somewhat soothing in a mechanical kind of way.

Kale found him near the Aether reactor where the last conflict had occured. Upon sensing another living being Jitter made a good effort of hiding behind Kales legs. Unfortunately the droid was somewhat too large for this ploy to work. It made for somewhat of an odd sight.

"Nayacesen-Taii would it be possible to transfer into Cabin Three? I noticed that it was one of the only two cabins with one occupant. Noting against the sleeper module, its a fine piece of design, however it wasn't really meant for prolonged occupancy"
Cargo Bay

"I'm afraid that I've only had the pleasantry of your company once, certainly I hope I would remember more." The alien replied, walking though the water behind Misato. "Are you certain you're feeling well?" it asked with concern, tilting its head.

The big alien stopped beside Mitsuko as it was about to pass, at this distance at was clear the alien was two feet taller than the nekovalkrja. It looked down at her with its large eyes.

"Fear not for your mate, for I am here." it said to her quietly and then turned and continued behind Misato like little had occurred.

"Tell me," it asked conversationally as the two stepped out, ", is it true that severing a finger causes a second one of you to regenerate from it?"
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko couldn't help but lean away slightly, as the much larger alien loomed over her. He was only standing so close to whisper something to her, thankfully. Of course, she turned bright red, sputtering as the alien guest casually walked off with Misato. "I...but..."

Trying to salvage some of her dignity, the Neko busied herself scanning and inspecting the creature's luggage. After, she would join Victory in cleaning up. Maybe in a few hours, the blush would fade, too.

Blushing at the Chelti's comment to Mitsuko, Misato started leading him out of the cargo -bay and to medical. She was about to ask how much the man wanted for the lizard pet, but hen he asked the question about fingers... "Sure why not... makes sense." She smiled, "But serious no we don't bud off like that. As for feeling well yes yes I am, other then my hands that is. as for you lizard pet, I returned it before I boarded the ship, while you and the XO were speaking."


Upon entering she smiled and spoke up, "Hey Doc's go someone for you to poke and prod. He is going to need a decon shower and a full medical I guess. Then again I'm no Doc, docs..." She smiled and walked over dropping into a chair. "The procedure for him won't take long will it?" She sat there trying to hide her hands.
Cargo Hold

Akane heard a voice call her name and ask how she was doing. "A bit dizzy from the landing." She tried to pull herself up, moving slow so she wouldn't fall.

When she was up on her feet, Akane said, "I'm a bit sore from pulling in our guest." She didn't like doing things on so little notice, especially not knowing who she was carrying. From the look of things, it seemed to be working out.

"If you don't mind," she said, "I'm going to stand here for a minute."
Cargo Bay

The first thing Mitsuko noticed under the canvas covers and ropes was a strange gurgling noise from a good sized cage on the back. Suddenly half a dozen small heads poked out through the bars on long necks and stared up at her perplexedly. This must be where the alien kept his pets when they weren't crawling over it adorably.

One of the little heads tilted as if recognizing her, as if to say "Mama? What are you doing here? I'm hungry!"

The other items seemed strange but harmless or odd. More of those large insect wings they saw the first time they met the alien, as well as other trade items. As far as weapons went all she could find was a highly decorated spear with intricate carvings on its shaft with a stone head, and a very small bone knife, obviously not made for combat.


The big alien banged its head on the top of the hatch as it walked in but wasn't far behind. It looked around the room curiously.

"Ah, the most noble profession." he said aloud to no one in particular.

Sune picked up the handset and punched in the ship-wide channel. "Attention all hands. We have left the Dreamworld and are back to Condition 4. All able body personnel should assist in general housekeeping activities. We need a clean up crew in the hold to help deal with the water that came in.

Once all clean up activity is done, you may use the rest of the day to relax."

He hung up the handset, and asked Charisma the location of their newest civilian guest. Seeing that he was being escorted to the Medical lab made him smile, he looked over at Natsumi, "Yamashiro- Ittô Hei, you have the bridge. I am heading to medical to speak with our guest. Once I have taken care of him, I will return and relieve you."

He stood up and walked out of the bridge, to make his way to Medical.
Zero-G Passageway

It had taken Sienna less than a minute to figure out how to open the inner airlock door at the top of the open shaft. However, maneuvering the first drone through zero gravity was almost a small disaster. The floating hulk was far easier to get moving thanks to the lack of friction, but stopping its momentum proved to be far more difficult than Sienna had imagined. Several times she had pushed it in just slightly the wrong direction, sending it sailing off towards one of the walls where it crashed into it with a loud bang, just to richochet and go spinning away in another unwanted direction. Worse, she had a tough time getting herself in front of the thing without crashing into it, getting sandwiched between it and a wall when she realized she couldn't stop or maneuver, or overshooting it entirely and slamming wholesale into a wall herself.

With a great deal of trial and error, however, she had managed to finally shove it through the open portal where, once it was seized by the artificial gravity all of a sudden, clattered down to the floor right on the edge. After entering the airlock herself, and nearly losing her balance once her weight suddenly came back at once as well, she was able to drag it away from the passageway and head back for the second. The next one hadn't quite been so difficult, after she'd had the practice with the first, and now that she'd gotten to the third one, she was getting fairly proficient at it.

Pushing off of the wall just beneath the bridge corridor with her feet, she glided headfirst lazily past the last destroyed drone as it drifted slowly through the open space. Catching herself on the wall just opposite the airlock, she grabbed one of the handholds and pulled herself in, turning to place her upper back firmly against the wall. Curling up into a ball with the soles of her boots facing the steadily approaching drone, she waited as it sailed slowly towards her, gently tumbling end over end in a graceful dance.

Just as it met her boots, she caught it against the soles of her feet and eyed the open airlock. Cushioning its momentum and bringing it to a stop, she shifted just slightly and easily shoved the thing towards the airlock with her legs, using just enough force to let it clear the opening without slamming into the outer door or dropping too early and tumbling back out into the passageway.

Still holding onto the handle, she watched as it cruised back across the passageway, went through the open door, and crashed to the ground. With a satisfied nod, she kicked off the wall again, sailing to the airlock, and pulled the last one in. She then returned to the shaft and closed the inner door. She was about to cycle the airlock when she realized that she should probably wait. There was no need to alarm the already-skittish crew with an airlock opening unexpectedly.

Glancing back towards the bridge corridor, she noticed Sune exiting the bridge and making his way into the zero-G corridor.
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