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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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With a practiced precision Bors flew past Takeyu and Kale outside of the door and went in to hunt down the last remaining drone. As he cleared the door his pulse was at his shoulder and he was scanning the room down its barrel.

"Where are you ya little bastard." Bors mumbled to himself as his rifle crossed over the room. Suddenly he noticed a bit of movement near the edge of the reactor, and made a move to get behind the thing and blast the drone from behind. With his back towards the reactor Bors leaned out to try and catch a glimpse of the thing. Lucky for him the drone did not pick up on his movements, it was too busy doing something to the reactor cables. If he had to guess Bors would have guessed that the thing was trying to get the reactors back online so they could do something with the ship. Bors didn't really care however, his job was to make sure nothing hostile took over the ship, and he leaned out and fired a salvo of rounds at the Drone.

Bors watched as the Drone spasimed and sparked before hitting the ground with a plume of dark smoke.

"All clear." He said causally to the two still waiting at the door.

"Grrk" Kale choked as his momentum was suddenly reversed. Spinning in the grip he very nearly shot at whatever had grabbed him. Instead he came face to face with the stony face of the Head Engineer and a tesla bolt whipped past his back.

"Thanks." he said quietly. "Sorry about that. I guess I'm still a little out of it since all the excitement earlier."

It was a little bit of an understatement. The kid was borderline on exhaustion with all of the events that had taken place but he wasn't about to let all of the rest of the crew deal with everything.

The drone was out of sight now though the tapping of its mechanical legs could still be heard. He quickly came to the conclusion that this was a very bad place for a firefight.

"Is there only one of em here? We could probably lure it out and get rid of it." Kale looked between his jury rigged bug-zapper and the officers pistol. There nothing that could be used instead of the Class II (Kale's own classification system) Energy weapons they already had, and those could make the whole reactor go up. "Is there a wrench around here. Or something else appropriately club-like?"

A blur raced past the duo which resolved itself into the infantryman from earlier.

Well THAT'S convenient... Kale thought. The fight was short, messy and the mess made him wince. Guess I now know the meaning of 'Extreme Prejudice'

Natsumi bolted into the bridge even before the doors were openedball the way, brushing past Dediarra and dropping into the Helm chair. She was already engaging her SPINE connection with the ships computer as she settled into the seat.

"I'm on the bridge, ready for full engine power!" she announced to Takeyu in the engine room.

She had no concern on resecuring the bridge, there were others to see to that. she focused on the ships launch prep. already she had the flight control system online and was ready for full burn on the turbo aether jets skyward as soon as she had the power. "sealing cargo hatch" she announced, closing up the ship to make her air tight

Takeyu grinned, then the grin changed into a smile, before he patted Kale on the shoulder. "Bor's, check the rest of the room please - just in case we have any more hostiles that are hiding. Kale, please try and locate Takeda-heisho."

As he was saying this, the Taii was walking over to his control terminal where he inputted his security code to clear the reactor lockdown. With a look at the reactor he began the start up sequence and started running through the various checks, although he decided to skip most of them due to the situation they were presently in.

"Reactor start up in progress...." he said to no one in particular as his hands danced across the terminal.

Natsumi was in her element now. No more of this running around all over the place with guns and armor and stuff. She was tied into the Eucharis' computers via her SPINE interface and sinking fast into the welcome sensory detachment from her own body that came from linking with the ships computer systems.

She didn't need to look at the screens or touch the controls anymore as her thoughts sent every command and received every bit of information she needed directly through to her digital brain and the SPINE link.

Natsumi already knew Takeyu had got her message, the main Aether generator's output levels were rising quickly towards full power levels and she could almost feel the ship coming back to life.

She swept out the ships sensors, detecting what was going on outside. Indeed they were sinking. The giant lily pad landing platform was settling down into the purple water and the ship was rapidly going down by the stern. Already a good portion of her lower hull was submerged.

She rapidly set the anti gravity systems to standby for takeoff once power levels were appropriate and had the thrusters ready to kick in once they were out of the water, if it was really water? She had some concern about how the liquid would react to being hit with superheated plasma once the main jets kicked in, but was sure it would be blasted out of the engine nozzles quick enough once the lit off.

"Stand by" she said out loud.

Natsumi's sensor sweep showed that the Learned Bear was above them and holding them with a tractor beam to keep the Eucharis from sinking into the lake. She could also see the Essai just disappearing through a small rift in spacetime.
Zero G Corridor

As she regained her resolve, Chieko looked over the lip again to start shooting only to see that the drones had not come all the way up - then came Charisma's announcement. The scientist wondered about making her way to the recreation area in pursuit, but thought better of it as she may be needed on the bridge soon.

Transit -> Bridge

Looking to her luck, the academic floated on to the side of the corridor and into the passage leading to the bridge, avoiding any other distraction she could. Soon Chieko made it to the door and entered just behind Natsumi. She passed by Deziarra, thanking her for opening the door, and made her way to the Sciense/Sensors station.

The ship was indeed tilting, but there wasn't mush Misato could do about it. "I know it wasn't" She said with a grin as she leaned into the tilt. "Maybe we should..." That was when Charisma spoke up with the report on the drone counts.

"If you reload me we can seal the armory up and make our way to the rec-room. Unless you think staying here will be a better?" She asked Mitsuko.

Mitsuko gasped. "They're in my Cargo Bay!?" She felt a bit light-headed at the thought, going a little pale. "They're probably...m-messing everything up." It took a few moments for Misato's question to register. "You are not going to try to carry that thing inside the ship, Misato-Hei." She frowned at her roommate, and at the hilariously oversized gun she seemed to enjoy firing a little too much.

"We have a moment. Let's see what we can do about your injury, Suzume-chan." Satisfied they were mostly safe, she moved to assist Misato. The medical kit the gauze had come from surely had hemosynth, perhaps something for the pain. If her roommate held still, Mitsuko would certainly have her hands healing themselves soon enough. Then they could begin moving boxes back into the Armory.

And then, they could go deal with the uninvited guests in her Cargo Bay.

Rolling her eyes. Misato sat back against the wall and held up her hands. "Careful they hurt a lot." She fainted a small smile as she watched Mitsuko work on fixing them up. "I'm sure... your cargo-bay.... is fine..." she said between grunts of pain. "But then again i think you and i have more then payed them back for it already. " She gestured at the large pile of the drones.

Akane heard the voice beside her. Unfamiliar, she turned. As soon as she noticed a lack of Star Army of Yamatai insignia, the young nekovalkyrija pulled her sidearm. "Identify yourself," she said, disregarding what he'd already told her.

Noting the goods and the notebook the mono-eyed creature carried, Akane wondered if this might be the person of interest in the negotiations. Unsure, she relaxed her grip a little and waited for an answer to her question.

Takeyu's hand moved up into the air as a volumetric window appeared showing the ships power levels. "Stabilizing levels," he announced as he routed power around what he figured were a few damaged conduits - possibly damaged by their uninvited guests.

He glanced off to his side as another window appeared, this one showing the various ships systems coming back online one by one. "Full system restart in thirty seconds," he said and looked back at his terminal.

"Takeda-Heisho, where are you?"

Junko twitched, still feeling the spasms from the massive stun she had been subjected to. The drone’s bull rush had toppled her over before she’d been able to fire up her plasma cutter. She’d managed to wriggle away for a moment, but in her flight she had toppled over into a coil of coolant piping and been swarmed. She wasn’t sure what weapons the drones were using exactly, but enough of them together had overwhelmed the limited protection offered by her suit, burning out its electronics, before finally overwhelming her.

She rose, unsteady on her still numb legs, casting her gaze about as she tried to figure out how long she’d been out. She could feel, more than hear, the vibrations as the machinery came out of lockdown. Trying to call out with a, “Hello,” Junko could tell her suit helmet was muffling her voice. The seals relented momentarily and she dropped the helmet to her side as she shuffled around the coolant tank into full view of the rest of the Mainspace.

Catching sight of her shipmates, she began moving toward them, confidence in her balance growing with each step.

“Taii. All clear, I take it, sir?”

"Its all clear." Bors said letting a puff of light blue vapor from his E-cig escape his mouth, "Least thats what MEGAMI says, I trust it enough."

Bors did a quick check on his rifle before thumbing it to safe and setting it next to the coolant tub he had decided to take a seat on.

"A thank you Bors would be nice too Heisho." Bors said sarcastically, forgetting how much she didn't like it in his excitement to get to shoot something on this mission. As he chuckled to himself he noticed something, or more of a lack of something on Junko. "You didn't loose your sidearm did you?" he said eying the space where it should have been on Junko's hip. "It's part of the SOP after all, plus there's still a few baddies on the ship. Wouldn't want you to go unarmed and get blasted by one of them again."

Now that was just silly... He may have saved them a hell of a lot of trouble but deliberately annoying an officer of higher rank was a great way to justify getting chucked out of the airlock. Without a space suit.

"Bors? You really ain't helping right about now. Also unless you noticed in all the chaos today a number of us have misplaced our sidearms. Thankfully we know how to use other objects as weaponry." Kale said coming to the defence of his new commanding officer.

He hadn't caught much of the earlier arguement but that attitude was starting to rub him the wrong way. He hefted his shiny tesla pistol.

"Case in point. Either way we have more pressing problems right now such as the fact we are sinking. I got most of the systems up and running earlier Taii. Both flight surfaces and weapon in-case they become necessary." he stated to the Chief Engineer "Once the reactors back online we can leave immediately."
Cargo Area

Sune took out his Science scanner and switched it on. He was scanning for energy signatures. With most of the Eucharis' systems down, the drone would be a source in an unusual area.

He then came around the edge of the container and fired two shots in the area that the scanner indicated. Neither of the shots was good enough to disable the drone, but were enough to disable its camouflage.

The alien turned its head, it had two eyes after all, and the upper lip of its mouth twitched in what was clearly a sneer as it looked at the weapon in her hand and then back to her. Despite being alien, the gesture clearly carried a silent "Seriously?" to it.

It brushed one of its lapels casually and pointed to the ship Akane had just come from. "Perhaps that can wait..." The clawed finger was retracted into the palm and pulled back. ",unless you enjoy swimming."

"We keep side arms on us so this chaos doesn't happen, thats my case and point."

Bors said picking up is pulse rifle as he stood up and adjusted the other weapons he had slung over his shoulder.

"Also saves me the trouble of running across a bloody star cruiser currently infested with dream stealing drones to do a bit of house cleaning and pull someones ass out of a fire. My point being is it could of been a lot worse they could of been firing plasma or something instead of stun blast. Thats why I'm pointing this out, I don't like explaining dead bodies to the ShoSho, not a hobby of mine, and I've seen more than my fair share of them. Speaking of which I still owe you a drink for Ether Taii"

Bors made his way towards the exit, letting out another puff of light blue vapor. Before he left he stopped and looked over his shoulder,

"If you don't mind Heisho I'll take my ass chewing later, I'm gonna go finish taking care of our little pest problem. Plus unless you want me to go out and push I don't think I can really help with our sinking ship."

Takeyu sighed and turned in his chair toward Bors. "I'll take the drink," he said with a smile before his face turned serious and looked at the rest of those there. "However, one thing I will add to this conversation is that even though we are trained to always have our sidearms with us, there can and will come a time when a person will make a mistake, forgetting their sidearms."

"However, its not a mistake that should be repeated. Always ensure that you have your sidearms with you at all times, you never know when a situation like this may happen again..."

Once the last of the cargo bay drones were cleared, Hanako went up to the bridge. As she entered, Charisma announced that the ship was clear of intruders and silenced the alarms. Taking her seat in the center chair, Hanako briefly got a look at what was going on and then told Natsumi. "Once we are under our own anti-gravity power, signal the Learned Bear to release its tractor beam on us. I think the computer should be able to do translation. Do not move the ship until the tractor beam is released. I would not want to have your ships yanking each other around. Once we are free, see if we can stick our cargo ramp in front of Akane and the merchant. Once we have everyone on board we can head to a safer distance from this...disagreeable environment."
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