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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Passageway, Deck 2

The distance between the wardroom/lounge and the bridge really was not all that far, but a major hurdle was crossing the zero-g vertical passage. For the Neko's this was no issue, for Sienna this was a problem. She would have to be carried across.

Natsumi moved ahead, NSP at the ready to blast any spindly legged drone that decided to show its metallic face. She came to the zero-g passage and glanced down the six story tall shaft. And there were multiple crawling around down there.

"Okay, we need to get to the bridge fast, I'm going to hop across and make sure the bridge door is clear, cover me from the ones down there! Follow as soon as you can" she said to the others who had come with her, then quickly picked Sienna up and kicked in her gravity manipulation as she launched herself across the passage, landing a moment later on the other side and setting the Nepleslian woman down.

"Okay" she said and moved again, catching sight of the three drones camping outside the bridge hatch.

"Thee hostiles!" she announced quietly to Sienna, indicating them with a wave of her hand, then opened fire, blasting away at the three drones, hoping to knock them out quickly.

Keeping herself steady as the ship tilted, Deziarra could see the battle going on outside. It was time to make her move. She opened the doors to the bridge and shot one of the robots while they were distracted by Natsumi, Sienna, and the others further away. Knowing they would return, Deziarra went back to the computer to check on their progress.

"Hurry! More are headed this way!" she warned.

"Bors-Hei? Bors!" Her eyes widened as he started to run off, doing her best to cover him. "He said teams of three! Three!" She shouted at his back as he ran off, before ducking back into cover, frowning at her roommate. "Misato-Hei, the Type 30B Machine Gun is for mounting onto tanks. We don't even have a tripod, Bors just propped it up on a box! You're not really going to try to fire-"

Mitsuko was cut off as Misato began sending bursts down the hallway, likely doing as much damage to the hallway as the drones. The long barrel wasn't exactly designed for firing in such close quarters, after all. She was honestly surprised it didn't just rattle and recoil right off the box, but Misato was somehow keeping it in place.

She just sputtered at the request for a reload, finally remembering to return fire towards the other side of the passage, disabling or delaying the drones still headed for them. "I can't believe you..." Then the Neko blushed at Misato's joke. "D-date!?"
Engineering, outside

Wish I had my drones.. remarked the Taii as he was about to slowly enter the room, when his ears perked up at the unmistakable sound of a type 30B Machine Gun, Takeyu turned down the hallway, it was faint - but still noticeable and obvious.

So obvious, in fact, that it seemed the drone... or what assumed was just 'one' drone, in the room had also heard it for he saw a set of tiny legs come scurring out from behind one of the terminals... followed by a second... a third... and a forth...

Locking down the reactor was a good thing, now maybe I should've had Charisma lock down the damned ROOM as well! Takeyu backpedalled and went back around cover as two of the drones quickly scampered out of the room and began to hurry down the hallway. The third drone stopped at the door and began to look around for a moment, then joined its two companions.

The last drone didn't follow, it stayed - along with a fifth drone that Takeyu noticed from a shadowy reflection on the wall; the two drones stayed in the doorway for at least a few more seconds before turning around and venturing back into the room.

Taking in a deep breath, Takeyu crept out of cover and took aim at the first drone - the one closest to him that had its back to him. I hope Takeda is nearby.. he wanted to dispatch the first one and second one quickly, then get into the room and lock down the door to prevent the drones buddies from doubling back. Exhaling slowly, he fired a short burst into the back of the drone, blowing off its rear cover and smashing it into the ground. The second drone there spun around, and opened fire on Takeyu, the Taii was quick to get back behind the doors frame.

Between burst Misato started laughing manically, the pain was getting to her, but the funny part was Mitsuko's reaction. "Here I was hoping to take you out for dinner at a nice restaurant and maybe a play... But hell this is grand isn't it." She grunted the whole thing out between burst of fire and stabs of pain from her hands.
Zero G Corrodor

Chieko pushed herself against a wall that afforded her some view of the drones below, but also kept the edge between them for quick cover. It seemed they didn't react much to Natsumi's little flight with Sienna, however when the shots started, they all seemed to look up and start shooting.

The scientist ducked back some at first to get out of the fire, several bolts hitting the wall just above her head. She then took a peek and fired a few rounds of her own into the first easy to see drone before ducking back. When the academic took a peek again, however, another had taken its place and sent a shot by her left ear.

Chieko reeled back as quickly as possible, hand against her ear from the heat and making her way from the edge. "Looks like they're trying to cover for something," she called out, "More might be on their way up."

"So the new Heisho is stuck in engineering eh?" Bors said, a wolfish grin spreading across his face. "Guess i'll go bail her out of whatever trouble shes gotten herself into, not a good first day for her."

Getting up from his seat he started making his way towards engineering, only to be thrown from his feet as the Eucharis started to shift. Once he steadied himself he picked up the pace as he started moving faster towards engineering. Spotting Takeyu outside he sprinted over and positioned himself on the wall next to the Taii.

"Having fun playing wack-a-mole with these robots boss?" he said unslinging the Aether/Scalar SMG from his shoulder and offering it to him. "This might be a bit more effective then your NSP."

Mitsuko was still blushing. "N-no...this doesn't count!" She whined. "I wish we could just forget the whole last two days..." It might be hard to hear her complaints over the machine gun nearby, not to mention Misato's cackling. She began to notice she was having to adjust her aim, lean slightly to compensate.

"Suzume, something's wrong..." She really wished Bors was still there. Murakami really wished anyone would show up, so she could convince Misato to leave.

"I don't..." Msiato really didn't want to forget it, she finally told Mitsuko how she felt, and ten kissed her. She wouldn't trade that for anything. "What do you mean something is wrong... duh... There are dream stealing drones on the ship trying to knock us out... There is a lot wrong here." She grunted as she fired off another blast at one of those very drones. There was a goodly sized pile starting to form out before her.
Approaching Engineering

The silence was unnerving. Only broken by one or two scuttling sounds as droids unseen made their way around the ship.

'Takeda-Heisho I'm right outside Engineering and heading towards the main reactor. What's your position and where should we meet up?

A drone flitted across the hallway and into an air duct. It hadn't noticed him. Kale shuddered. That was just creepy. He looked down at his little makeshift gun.

Wonder how these power sources work. I doubt a battery would have been able to power this weapon for so long. A small reactor perhaps?

Kale stepped through the door into engineering. Alert for any more nasty surprises.
Cargo Bay

"Santô Hei Miyako and Crusher are still out there, as is the merchant who wants to escape with us," Hanako shouted over the ZAPZAPZAP of the little tri-pod drones spraying taser volleys. She pulled her communicator out of its belt pouch and turned on the mirror app and poked the camera out of behind the tank, looking for her attackers for a moment. Charisma had started putting large volumetric arrows over them so they were more obvious. After she saw where they were, she popped up and blasted on with her NSP before crouching down behind cover again.

Meanwhile the ship continued to sink to the water, already halfway submerged into the purple-tinted liquid.
Outside the bridge

The tree drones were blasted apart, piles of smoking wreckage were all that remained of them as Natsumi bolted to the bridge door and skidded to a stop just before running into them as Charisma informed her the bridge was under security lockdown.

Natsumi swore. "I'm at the bridge but its under security lockdown" she said over her communicator to Takeyu, then to the others with her, "Hold them off as long as you can!" she said then hit the intercom.

"Charisma, override security lock on bridge door, authorize my voice print, Itto Hei Yamashiro Natsumi" She hoped the AI would let her through.
Learned Bear Bridge

Sepop was at her station on the bridge making her log entry when Lowadam informed her that some crew members from the Eucharis were heading over.

She smiled at the news, and hoped that perhaps she would have a chance to show the Yamatai soldiers her vessel. But her smile faded when a moment later the ship sensors reported a spacial anomaly between the two ships. She pulled up a video of the area and saw a giant insect looking creature but one that was holding a huge spear.

She had considered activating the ship's weapons but was not wanting to create an incident. Then she saw something she had heard but not seen when Sune and then Hanako took the air unassisted.

Sepop watched them head swiftly to the Eucharis, which was listing. She trained the camera and could see that the landing gear were awash in the water as their landing pad was sinking.

Her sensors showed no indication of power generation aboard the other ship.

"Kaliq, adjust ship's profile to flight mode. Bring the Movi Geanme Tyokanorjopa. Tell Lowadam to get into the airlock immediately." she said aloud in the bridge.

"Executing your command Ta'a." came Kaliq's voice through the speaker to her left.

She stabbed the intercom button to shipwide. "All Hands Brace for Emergency Launch."

"Sar Lowadam is in the airlock." Kaliq informed.

Sepop brought the ship's Heim Force engines to full thrust and lifted the Learned Bear from its pad and started moving it towards the Eucharis which was sinking further.

"Bridge Lowdam in Engineering. Orders Ta'a." came the deep voice of the engineer.

"Configure the Anoka Udano for grapple. The Yamatai ship is sinking. We will not stand by and let this happen. Once we grab the ship give me updates on system stress on the Anoka Udano. I do not want to lift the ship out of the water, but keep it from sinking further."

"Immediately Ta'a."

She brought the Matu Giajodjo fifty meters above the Eucharis and held position. She switched on the ship's Defense shields just in case the Essai did not appreciate their helping the other ship.

"Anoka Udano configured, actuating. Bringing power to 80%. System stable."

Sepop felt the Matu Giajodjo pull down slightly when the gravity shield latched onto the Eucharis. She increased thrust to keep them at position.

Kaliq was monitoring the efforts on its crew to help the other ship. "Ta'a, we have arrested the other ship's sinking. Provided no other forces come to bear the Eucharis should not go any deeper. "

"Ta'a, we can hold that ship for a while, but the anoka udano emitters and coils temps are rising to upper limits of operation. I will engage emergency cooling before we reach that. I estimate 15-20 minutes before we may have to release the ship."

"No, not like that. The ship is-" She cut off with a squeak as the tilt became more obvious, one of the emptier boxes they were hiding behind starting to slide a bit. Mitsuko leaned against it to keep it steady. After a few moments, she noticed there weren't many stun shots flying through the air anymore.

Poking her head out of cover, she watched the latest drone fall to Misato's last burst of fire. It was oddly quiet, as Murakami moved to assist with reloading. She peered at the piles of twitching, sparking drones again. "I...I think that's the last of them? The rest must be concentrating on the others." Others without heavy machine guns. She never got around to reloading, returning her attention to her rifle as she took a moment to ensure they were alone.

When Takeyu saw Kale, he was about to speak to him before the crewmen walked past and right into engineering. The drone that was there was about to fire on Kale when Takeyu grabbed the crewmen by the back of his collar and yanked him out of the way.

"You gotta stun wish or something?" he asked Kale as he took a shot at the drone and hit the leg, the leg limped around the edge of the reactor.
YSS Eucharis

"There are six unauthorized robots remaining: two in the cargo bay, one in the shuttle bay, one in engineering, and two in the recreation room," Charisma announced.

"Mango and I have the recreation room and the shuttle bay," Blackberry's voice came on just afterward.
Zero-G Passageway

Sienna wasn't thrilled about being carried across a six-story-deep hole by a floating young girl that was smaller than her, but there didn't seem to be much of an option in this case. Holding her breath the entire way, she gripped the NSP in both hands, her eyes surveying every direction visible as Natsumi carried her with arms locked around her waist, the whole time trying not to look down for too long.

She didn't have time to exhale when they touched down on the other side in the passageway to the bridge, however, before Natsumi shouted her warning, and three of the squat drones unfolded their taser-arms and commenced blasting.

Passageway, Deck 2

As they descended the last few inches to the deck, Sienna wriggled out of Natsumi's arms and dropped to the floor as NSP fire from behind her blasted the one nearest to them to smoking ribbons. Chieko was right behind them, firing from above. No sooner than her boots hit the ground, she sprinted forward towards the obliterated hulk and slid feet first behind the meager cover just as electrical bolts seared in from the two advancing on them from down the corridor. Crouched as tightly as she could, she reached her hand over the top of the destroyed drone and squeezed off several blind-fire shots to distract them.

As she hoped, the other two focused their fire on her, giving Chieko, Izokia, and Natsumi a brief second's respite in which to set up their next attack. Natsumi continued to fire down the hallway, weaving back and forth, and her shots streaked down the corridor by Sienna's crouched form. The sound of sparks and grinding metal met her ears at the same time; Natsumi had destroyed a second one.

Wasting no time, Sienna popped out from the right side of her little hiding spot and fired two more bolts down at the remaining one, managing to graze the side of its "head" with one of them. While it didn't stop, it seemed that its optics and sensors had been scrambled, and it suddenly and awkwardly turned sharply to its right, skittering with a loud slam into the one Chieko had just fried. Several more errant shots from its arms arced down the corridor, three of them slamming into the defunct drone that concealed her, showering her with another halo of white and blue sparks as she quickly ducked back into hiding, her heart racing. Natsumi's pistol lit up the corridor yet again, and the third drone was destroyed.

Natsumi ran past her, heading for the bridge, and she climbed to her feet. As she started to take another step, however, she noticed that her right hip felt hot. Looking down, she saw that the sparks had dropped an ember onto her shirttail, and it had ignited.

With a yelp, she slapped at the fire that was quickly spreading on her with her left hand, across her waist.
Wardroom (Kitchen)

At first there was just a buzzing feeling all around Ayumi, like all of her limbs were electrically charged. Opening her eyes just a crack was not an issue, however she could not coax any of her other muscles to function the same- And her eyes did not want to open more than that.

She accessed the memories of the past few hours as one by one her appendages began to awaken. Her elbow, chest, stomach, shoulders, and hip burned where the stun shots had connected to her as the buzzing subsided. With a slight whine and quite a bit of stubbornness, Ayumi pushed herself to a sitting position, ignoring her very angry limbs.

A short look around confirmed that the rest of the group had managed to leave the wardroom, though she wasn't in any condition to chase after them.

She pressed herself up against the counter, letting her head rest against the surface so she wouldn't have to hold it up and anger her neck anymore. Would the Shosho be angry that she'd handed off her weapon to Sienna? Surely the situation had called for the woman to be armed somehow. She glanced over at Lime, settling on watching her while her skin stopped buzzing.
Just outside the bridge

Natsumi frowned as the bridge door refused to open. "You okay?" she asked Sienna, noticing her putting out a flame.

Natsumi queried Charisma as to who was on the bridge, at lease the AI told her that and the operations neko snapped on a new channel on her communicator.

"Santo Hei Deziarra Lansky, this is Itto Hei Yamashiro Natsumi. We are outside the bridge and the passage is secure for now. Open the doors, we need in ASAP!"

"Alright, I am opening the doors!" Deziarra yelled back.

As she fiddled with the controls, she wondered why the doors did not open for Natsumi. Natsumi outranked her so she should have been able to override any seal Deziarra had placed on the doors. Perhaps the error would be seen in the diagnostic she sent once it could be studied in greater detail. For now, however, her concern was simply opening the door. With a creaking sound that sounded like it should not be there, the door opened. Her new concern was whether or not the doors would shut again once everyone was safely inside.
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