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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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"Where the blazes are all these things coming from!?" Natsumi demanded. She heard the commotion behind her and the PANG of Sienna's frying pan and spun around.

There were two more just out from the kitchen, how had there been two more in the kitchen? "They have to be getting through the access tunnels?" she mused as she took aim and opened fire on the one Sienna had slammed her pan into.

She blew out the drone's optics and melted a hole through it before it crumpled to the deck.

"Takeyu, do you think we should secure the bridge?" she asked over the din of gunfire and drones skittering. It was closer than the armory from where they were and she did not like the idea of drones being in there.
Dreamworld Landing Area

Sune paused briefly until he saw that Hanako had gotten past the creature. He had expected the creature to try to block him and thus give Hanako a chance to get by. But apparently the Essai had not anticipated their ability to fly.

He landed next to Hanako on the ramp, pulled out his scanner and switched it to chemical analysis. He brought the unit close enough to try to get a reading. His other hand was on the ramp and he felt something about the ship bothered him.

"Hanako, something is seriously wrong with the Eucharis. I am not feeling any of the usual harmonic vibrations from when main power is operating in the deck." he said his voice rising slightly with alarm.
Takeyu turned toward the new targets, will it ever end? With a grin on his face, he spun his NSP around and moved down a step or two to give himself some added cover.

He waited a few breaths, listening to what Sienna was doing but also listening to something going on below. He didn't look though as his concern was more for the drones, he waited until he noticed some tiny little legs poking around a corner and fired a three second burst, causing one of the little legs and blowing it clean off.

The drone fell onto its side and began to try to move away from where Takeyu was, its companion, the one that was damaged already, seemed a bit confused and instead fired several shots in the direction that Sienna and Ayumi were.

Good god, what a racket Kale thought as some crew members he had never seen before began to move around. It did nothing for his building headache but it did suffice to bring him back to full lucidity.

Staggering to his feet he paused for a second getting his unruly legs back under control.

"Watch out for those weapons. The kick is more painful but less efficient then the stun setting on our NSP's" he stated to the officer in charge. He honestly didn't know how they would react to a suddenly appearing person here. Especially one they didn't know.

"Either way Takeda-Heisho is currently alone in engineering, so I was going to head that way to support her."

To the best of his current ability he saluted before heading towards the door. Figures. An attack that almost disables my legs and I cant even float because of this thrice damned headache.

Ayumi watched in vein as the drones moved in front of her. Her body slowly reacting and moving to her commands due to the shots she'd received. Another shot hit her already useless left shoulder, for which she was thankful. She was already useless enough, she did not want to be unconscious as well.

The one thing Ayumi had not expected was for Sienna to come to her rescue. She watched in shock as the wok was thrown, feeling a slight bit of regret when the shot only glanced off of the drone. She was only able to offer a second shot to the already dazed drone before Sienna was on her back.

Briefly she was aware of Sienna's shoulder coming into contact with her back, the pain shocking through her for a moment before dulling. She winced slightly, but didn't yelp at the pain or shock which she experienced when Sienna began to roll with her. The air was knocked out of her though, and she gasped slightly as they made contact with the table.

More than anything Ayumi wanted to profusely thank Sienna for her quick thinking, but she knew there was little time enough for short conversations at the moment. The thought that she was handing her gun off to a non-requisitioned person was quickly thrown from her mind and she quickly handed of her NSP to Sienna.

It was at this moment that the shots came in from the remaining drones. With reflexes she was not aware she had, she pushed herself off of Sienna and prepared to use herself as a human shield when the shots came, hitting her across her shoulders and on her upper chest.

The medic gasped in pain, finding it hard to breathe due to where the shots had landed. She bit her lip, only supported on her good leg, her other keeping her only slightly kneeling. The purpose behind her "self sacrifice" was simply that she knew she would not be useful to the remaining fighters anyways. She could not let Sienna get hit.

"Protect... Chieko... and..." Ayumi coughed slightly, a frown of concentration on her face as she raised her head to indicate the location of the Minkan and the Neko who were out cold. She just needed a minute, perhaps the numb feeling in her chest would subside. She began to focus on taking sharp little breaths to try and keep her system functioning properly.

Sienna snatched the pistol from Ayumi without a word and pushed herself back against the table with her heels as Takeyu unleashed electric death from his own weapon behind the staircase railing. The unmistakable crackle and bang of the shots hitting metal confirmed most of them as hits, but she couldn't see how effective they'd been.

She felt the light tickle of a thin dribble of blood trickling down the side of her head from where she'd nicked it. She didn't need to check it to know it wasn't anything serious, however. Reaching across her face, she wiped it clean with the heel of her left hand while simultaneously pushing some stray hair from her eyes. Glancing up to her side to decide which end of the table would be best to peek around for a shot, her eyes widened as she saw Ayumi stand straight up from behind their cover, exposing herself.

"What are you doing, you stupid--" she snapped in protest, her words cut off by the shriek of incoming taser fire raining around the medic. One of the shots dissapated as it slammed into Ayumi's shoulder, causing her to convulse and stagger back briefly, and Sienna didn't think before jumping into action again.

Before Ayumi could stumble more than a step away from the table, her nerves steeled and she sprang forward, catching the medic by the belt. Using her momentum, she spun herself around to Ayumi's back and stood up, staying pressed against her as she reached up with her left hand and grabbed the medic by the back of her collar, steadying her and pushing her to the right. Crouched low, barely off of her knees, with her head just below the tiny-framed Ayumi's left shoulder, she threw her pistol arm around the medic's side and aimed at the assailants, resting her firing arm across the crook of her left elbow. Using the already-damaged medic as a shield, evidently as she had intended, she maneuvered them both in a quick shuffle to the right as she opened fire from the relative concealment just around the trailing end of their movement.

Sienna's experience with firearms was mostly limited to older gunpowder weaopns, however. Most of her shots went wild as she instinctively tried to compensate for recoil that the energy weapon simply didn't have. The drone that Takeyu had dismembered whirred and clanked as it clumsily hoisted itself up on its two remaining legs, continuing to fire indiscriminately in her direction. The other one was slumped over in place with a smoking hole through it.

The limping drone continued to fire at them, and another shot hit Ayumi in the stomach as Sienna adjusted her aim at the remaining threat and let loose. More appropriately compensating for the lack of recoil, she managed to land two shots in the largest part of the drone's body, piercing two glowing holes of molten metal through it as she reached the edge of the table and ducked back down into cover, yanking the crippled medic down with her.

It seemed the last drone in the wardroom was downed by combined fire from Takeyu and Sienna. Natsumi frowned seeing how Sienna had used Ayumi as a shield and thought she might say something about it later. as it was she rushed over to the pair and checked the medic's vitals.

She was stunned but alive and breathing. "Ayumi, wake up" she coaxed the medic then glanced to Takeyu. "I think we need to secure the bridge" she repeated her earlier comment to the engineer. "If you all want to go to the armory fine, I'm going to go to the bridge and make sure these things aren't trying something"

With that she got up, tugged her uniform straight and checked the power level on her sidearm before check for noises at the door to the passage.
Cargo Bay

Hanako spotted drones intruders in the cargo bay. "Cover me, Sune!" she said, and quickly grabbed the phone next to the door ramp and dialed the shipwide intercom before drawing her pistol. "Attention crew! We need main power and anti-grav online immediately! Techs, get to engineering! Out!" she shouted Over the sound of her and Sune's NSP fire. As she finished, the ship began to tilt slightly, angling to decks down towards the rear of the ship. Water came rushing into the rear part of the cargo bay, soaking Hanako's stockings up her knees. She slid out of her shoes and took shelter from the taser blasts by using the "Troll" tank as cover.

The darkness was starting to become a rather familiar environment to the young science adviser, though it never truly managed to bring her any joy. Eventually she started to feel a humming, tingly feeling in her chest which soon had a hot searing pain associated with it. The academic's chest lifted and fell suddenly with great travel, her eyes and fists squeezed shut under the pain until they opened.

Chieko's eyes flicked around the room, her recognition of the situation slowly returning causing her to maintain her prone position. The young Minkan then tried to slowly and subtly lift herself just slightly off the floor and float back into the kitchen and around the corner to where Lime's NSP had been left. She picked the pistol up and re-erected herself in hiding before floating back to the corner and scanning the Wardroom for robots.

The scientist was thankful to only find her fellow crew members and their guest while the hostiles, for the moment, lay broken on the floor. Seeing Ayumi out, however, prompted a sigh as she floated over to help Natsumi. Then Hanako's orders resounded around the ship.

"Itto-Hei," she began, "I'll help you take the bridge. We both ought to get there and start stemming the tide of these things anyway."

"Thanks" Natsumi replied to Chieko as she listened in at the door. "Okay, seems clear" she said, having noted the Shosho's announcement she knew it was urgent they secure the bridge and lift off.

Then the ship began to settle unevenly. She was settling by the stern... were they sinking? "I think we are going down...." she muttered, then cursed. ""Sienna, you're armed, come help" she said, it was a polite order as she openedbthe door and peered out into the momentarily empty passage.

She waved for Sienna and Chieko to follow as she checked both directions, then NSP ready, the steppes out and began moving forward towards the bridge.

"You heard the Shosho," said the Taii as he noticed Natsumi already acting and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck for a brief moment before sending off a message to Takeda.

"Takeda-Heisho? Head back to Engineering, I'll be bringing the reactor out of lockdown shortly-" his message was interrupted when he felt the ship shift unevenly. "The hell?" he said and checked with Charisma to see what was going on. "Oh hells bells..." he said and turned toward Natsumi.

"I'm heading back to engineering, you be careful when going to the bridge, there are sure to be more of these damn drones," he said and pointed his NSP down the passageway before slowly making his way toward engineering.

Izokia wasn't speaking while she checked Ayumi's vitals and made sure there wasn't anymore permanent damage. She began to pick up the fellow medic when the ship suddenly tilted to the side. Izokia was sent to the floor with her unconscious charge falling with her. Izokia stood up and moved Ayumi next to lime, she hoped that the other medic wouldn't be in any kind of danger but it was certainly safer than being carried through a firefight. She ran to catch up with the group headed for the bridge, "I'll be joining you on the bridge. There may be wounded after all.

There had been no time for Ayumi to explain that one or two of the shots had been definite to hit despite their cover, and she was having enough trouble breathing to not want to go into explanations. As she was hoisted up by Sienna, the medic tried to make herself easier to move. This was far easier said than done, because her various limbs were not helping her.

She was glad she was so small and able to be moved by the larger Nepleslian.

It was the shot to the stomach which ultimately undid Ayumi, who had been trying her best to keep herself conscious. Fully out of control of her core, the Neko slumped back against Sienna, not replying when Natsumi spoke to her, and remaining unconscious as she was dropped off next to Lime.

By the way everyone broke cover and started to mill about the room, Sienna guessed that the one she had disabled was the last one. As Izokia lifted Ayumi off of her, she rose to her feet cautiously, surveying the room for any further threats. Seeing none, and hearing Natsumi call her to follow to the bridge, she nodded, glad to hear that they were finally getting off this spaceborne hellhole.

As she started to trot to the zero-G passageway, she felt the floor start to list slowly upwards, tilting the room backwards. The unexpected movement caused her to stumble slightly, and she grabbed a hold of the table to steady herself, looking around at the crew in alarm. Her eyes met with Takeyu's as he swore under his breath, exchanging a meaningfully dire look with him. The ship was sinking. How, she had no idea, and didn't have time to care. The clock was now officially ticking for them to get out of there.

Giving not so much as a second thought to the incapacitated, she adjusted her footing and started towards the bridge with the rest of them, Ayumi's NSP clutched tightly in her hand. She hoped the battery was still good for a little while longer.
Cargo Hold

Sune was firing his NSP rapidly in single mode. Providing cover fire for Hanako and trying to take out the alien drones. I hate it when I am right. Damn it. He thought. He saw Hanako make it to the 'Troll' for cover. He hit the control to close the door as he ran past it and dove for cover behind a medium SSCT.

"Well, guess we know what happened to main power. I wonder how much damage these have caused." He said firing at one of the drones hitting it twice in the 'chest'. He called out to Hanako.

I need to know what is going on. he thought, then sent telepathically. "Takeyu-San, what is the ship status? Why is main power off-line, and how long to restore?"

Takeyu's pace slowed a bit as he got to the end of the hallway, surveying his surroundings with a careful eye before responding to Sune message. "Sune-san, I put the main reactor in lockdown as a safety precaution. It won't take no more than a minute or two to bring it back online," Takeyu shifted when he felt the hallway shift a bit.

"Correct, I'll get it back online in less than that, I don't like the ship listing..." with that sent he continued toward engineering. When he arrived, he placed his hand on the door and unsealed it before going to a crouch and peering into the room.

He could hear it, something skittering about the bay. Well shit.. he said as the door slowly opened, he scanned the room slowly with his NSP out - hoping that the drone inside wasn't near anything vital.. scratch that.. everything in there was vital, he just hoped that if he fired he would HIT the drone and not anything around it.

Although it no longer seemed a priority, Deziarra sent the results of the diagnostic as instructed. She really hoped the bridge computers had not been hacked. If they had, the enemy could learn how to steer the ship or control the life support systems. Either could kill them instantly. This enemy, however, clearly felt the people on board were valuable and wanted them alive. She heard the announcement to go to the armory, but the robots were still outside the doors. It was safer to remain where she was.

Deziarra could tell the robots were planning their next move. They seemed to know the auto defenses would gun them down if they tried to get on the bridge and were content to make this a chess match. Suddenly she was notified the ship was starting to sink and realized with a sigh their next move had been made.

When she heard the Shosho's message to go to engineering, she realized she would need help and sent back an encrypted message which she hoped could be understood by the people on her side but not by the robots.

This is Santo Hei Deziarra Lansky.  I am on the bridge.  The seals and auto defenses are in place, but three of the robots are just outside the doors waiting for me.  For the moment, I am safe but trapped inside.  Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to do while I am in here.

The robots remained outside, unbudging.

Once Bors took off leaving the heavy machine gun in defensive position Misato dropped behind it and with gritted teeth she started firing on the drones that were charging a skittering up the passageway. She knew it was a gamble making that announcement but she wanted to crew to know they had a safe place to fall back to and rearm.

"Mitsuko you will have to reload me when I'm out... I can't grip anything well." She said before another burst ripped out and nailed a drone slowing it down to a sad one legged craw down the hallway towards them. "We just need to hold out until the rest of the crew started falling in. great first date huh?"

Misato's gritted teeth formed a smile for a second before it faded away when she fired another burst. "Charisma can you get me a accurate count on the drones? and maybe a volumetric map of the ship with th crew members and drones superimposed?"
Cargo Area

Sune looked at Hanako, "Nayacesen-Taii says that the main reactor is fine. They took it offline at the start of the attack to protection. He does not anticipate any problems restarting as soon as makes sure Engineering is clear." he said loudly to her as he fired at the same drone again, and watched it clatter to the floor. He ducked barely in time to avoid being hit by one of the others.

As Natsumi headed for the door, Chieko went back into the kitchen and searched rummaged around a bit. Soon she located two extra battery packs, which she pocketed before feeling the floor go, or so it seemed. The scientist made her way quickly to the snowy haired neko when bid, quite sure the urgency of the situation had just risen.

The academic then noticed Izokia join the group, making them four. "The more the merrier in this case," she commented to the medic, "and hopefully we'll be making that five once we get to the bridge. I'd hate to think Lansky-Hei is laid out over one of the console by one of those things."
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