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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Izokia let out a contented sigh as she saw Takeyu and Natsumi step out of the kitchen with lime unscathed. She whispered back to Ayumi, "I agree but we shouldn't leave the in numbers is best." Izokia wasn't exactly calm, but she was able to center her constant tension into something constructive, in this case surgery like focus. She waited back to back with Ayumi hoping Takeyu would organize a push out to the armory

Chieko only nodded when she heard Takeyu mention that the robot was dead. She tossed the remaining portion of the chair leg she still held at the ruined metalic frame with a clunk, then tried to stand. The academic's balance seemed to be mostly okay at first, until she tried with both legs.

Her knees started to shake and she grabbed the side of the table, turning on her inertial manipulation again before falling. The scientist then shook her head. "Almost there," Chieko sighed before hearing some blasts come from the kitchen.

The young Minkan floated up and looked around the corner with Sienna. "I hope that's not tonight's dinner," came her comment when she saw another smoking robot.

Chieko then went through a few things in the kitchen, first picking out a large fry pan from where Sienna had found her wok. She then made her way around to the knife block and pulled out a ten inch slicing knife, checking the edge before looking back towards Lime. "Joto Hei," the scientist began as she held up the two kitchen implements, "may I borrow these?"

Lime was still passed out on the galley floor from bring shot with a stun blast from one of the robots.

With a sigh, Takeyu looked over at Chieko for a moment. He knelt down beside Lime, doing a quick check and nodding her head. "Let's get to the armory, we'll be able to get some weapons then, and start clearing this ship one deck at a time."

"Chieko, you able to carry Lime by chance? Don't want to leave her here in case any more of these things are around..." he gave a slow look around the room.

Chieko looked closer when Lime didn't answer until she realized what had happened. "I'll get to it," she sighed, putting the knife away then floating over to where the collapsed cook was catnapping.

The scientist soon lowered herself until her knees bent underneith her, then leaned over, getting her right shoulder under the Neko's ribcage. Chieko then wrapped an arm under Lime's thighs and pulled herself up, pulling the cook up with her. She then started to float herself back up again.

"Ready to roll!" Chieko mock cheered, raising the pan over her head.

"Shh!" Sienna shushed the conversation harshly with her empty hand held up, her eyes wide open and intently staring along the walls, gazing at the floor. As soon as the room quieted for that one instant, quick metallic pinging sounds could be heard clinking all around them, like rats with swordlike claws scurrying about in the crawlspaces.

Scanning the room in focused, stoic alarm, Sienna muttered to no one in particular, "They're all over the ship."

When Izokia saw that lime wasn't responsive she ran up to the incapacitated cook and did a vitals check before Chieko picked her up. Izokia wondered if Chieko should be taking part in such heavy lifting so soon after recovery. Her thought stream was cut off by Sienna's warning. The medic looked up at the cieling and shuddered at the thought of more of those thing hiding all over her home.

With the Ship's Ai ignoring her and the fire raging bigger and bigger, Misato did the only thing apparently available to her, she stepped into the fire and started grabbing and tossing the battery parts out of the range of the flames. The flames burned trough her suit in a matter of moments but she had to do it to save the ship. The pain was intense, when she finally grabbed the last of the batteries out she pulled her self out of the flames and Demanded that Charisma fire off the Fire suppressant system with her coughing breath.

Grinning for the first time in what felt like ages Kale finally managed to rip off the required circuitry. He broke apart a datapad hardline connecter attaching the two strands to the guns trigger mechanism.

'Fire!' he sent over the data link. the gun obliged sending a bolt of electric fury skittering across the room.

Hmm.. That new Heisho was over at engineering before this whole thing kicked off wasn't she. Guess I'll head that way then.

'Takeda-Heisho? This is Namach-Hei What is your location? he asked

The steady tap of metal legs became audible coming down the hallway. Which could only mean one thing. Time for a live fire test. Aiming sown his arm Kale waited until the head of the droid was visible before taking a potshot and frying its 'brain'. Unfortunately what he hadn't noticed was that it had brought three friends with it.

Well bugger... he thought

Bors ran over to the the wall and pulled off a fire extinguisher before running over to the fire and Misato. Grabbing the back of her shirt he threw her out of the fire,

"Quit being a feting idiot! Your not good to anyone dead."

He shouted at her before pasting the burning area with a coat of cold white goo. He continued spraying until the container was empty and tossed it on the ground. Satisfied that the the fire was out he grabbed two GP-12B Phased Pulse Rifles off of the rack and tossed one to Mitsuko.

"Here, this is a bit more powerful than your NSP."

He said before going over and kneeling next to Misato,

"You alright there princess?"

Mitsuko also went with the full-body protection of the AMES, securing her NSP after sealing herself in. "Bors-Hei, are you sure you're fine with just a mask?" She was worried about him, after the reaction he'd had before. Her weapon was still fully charged...she'd only fired one shot from Riko's NSP, after all.

Just a few moments later, everything went wrong.

She yelped as Misato shoved her back, shots from the robots narrowly missing them both. "Suzume!" She started to draw her weapon as well, but the explosion made her wince and hesitate. Fighting them from here was not a good idea. "We're all getting out of here together!"

The Neko grabbed weapons - LASRs mostly, since they were the most familiar weapon to almost all crew members, and wouldn't be as incredibly dangerous to fire inside the ship as some of their other choices. Slinging the weapons over her back, Murakami readied a message for the other crew members.

"Hostiles have already made their way to the armory. Bors-Hei, Misato-Hei and I are pushing them back now. We have recovered weapons and will be securing the door behind us."

She paused, to scream, as Riko pulled her coughing, singed roommate away from the fire. "Bors, seal the door! Suzume-chan, now you can't even fire..." Mitsuko tried to help her roommate up along with Riko's help, taking the slightly unfamiliar Pulse Rifle in her free hand. "Bors-Hei, let me handle her, concentrate on covering us."

"Misato-Hei is injured. Suggest we rendezvous at Medical." The message to the crew concluded.
Armory, or the hallway outside it

"The fire... We need to make sure it is out... Ore the ship will blow.." She paused to cough.She tried to bend her fingers, but they hurt to much to even attempt to use. "We also need to hold here so that we have the equipment to fight these intruders... Get me into a Mindy... i can work from there."

Ayumi tensed, stepping over to the rest of the group slowly and listening to the sound of the drones all around. How had this many gotten on to the ship without anyone or anything noticing? She looked around, for all she was tense she looked like she was calmly taking a walk in the park. She kept the NSP at the ready.

As Chieko began lifting Lime, she tossed a warningly toned message to the Minkan, "If your body begins to tire, ask someone else to hold her." She instructed, wondering why on earth Takeyu had asked her to carry someone when she couldn't even walk yet.

"Stay close together." She stated calmly, looking around to try and place the noises which she heard. She glanced at Sienna. The Nepleslian was clearly well versed in combat, she felt respect for their guest, and was glad she was here.

Though she did not feel like waiting for Takeyu to decide what they should be doing, her military training required she wait for the right answer. She wondered if they should be heading for the bridge, or looking for Hanako.

Bors was already firing out of the armory bay doors, covering the pair of nekos without being told to. He let his brain go into combat auto pilot as he popped in and out of the cover of the door frame blasting any thing that had more than two legs.

"Holding the armory would be the best choice," Bors said listing to the coms chatter going on, "Seems like thats where everyone is headed anyway."

Part of Bors wanted to go and meet the rest of the crew up in the wardroom with weapons to get them better armed, but he knew he couldn't leave until Misato was on her feet and ready for combat.

Sienna's warning that she could hear the intruder drones all over set Natsumi on edge. "Well that's just awesome" she said sarcastically.

"Chieko, you got Lime, or do you need some help?" she asked the scientist, then went to the door, listening for a moment, her ear pressed against the cool metal that sealed the wardroom from the passage outside. She could hear all the clanking around, as Sienna could, but they sounded like they were not outside the wardroom at the moment.

"Okay, I think the coast is clear at the moment, we should go soon before some of those drones come trundling by here"

Takeyu stared at the data coming in from Charisma. "All over is an understatement," said the Taii as he raised his NSP. "I've got point, Natsumi, protect-" his voice stopped when he noticed an alert from Charisma, telling him about three drones down in the lounge.

He would've ignored the alert, had Charisma not told him about Kale. "Change of plans," he told them and spun toward and approached the stairway that would lead down into the lounge, sure enough he could hear weapons fire. "Drones below us, three according to Charisma."

"Kale, where are those drones?" Takeyu asked as he descended down the stairway slowly, with his NSP lowered just in case one appeared.

"Take up positions on both sides of the stairway, Ayumi, stay up here in case we get any more uninvited guests. Natsumi, Izokia, your with me,"

Natsumi frowned. "Right" she commented and moved from the wardroom hatch to the stairway down to the lounge. She held her pistol ready and waited for the command to move.

Through the opening she could hear the metallic clanking of the drones walking around. Some eyes down there would be awesome right about now... if they just had some drones of their own to scout around.

One in the doorway and two attempting to flank me. Currently Im behind the sofa opposite the door.Oh, just so you know these things are more intelligent in a group.Have you heard from Takeda-Heisho since this kicked off I was going to go find her before I got trapped here.

Kale glanced at the realtime data coming in from Charisma to his datapad. Of the three the closest was twoo meters across the floorspace and just to the right of the sofa. He ducked out from the sofa and shot at the offending droid incapacitating it.

Kale heard a chitter from behind him.

"Clever droid." he chuckled ruefully before a tesla bolt slammed into his back.

Just as the group got ready to move, the squat forms of one of the robotic drones turned the corner and skittered up the stairs straight for Takeyu, strafing the area with brilliant bolts of energy. Sienna, standing just below the top step of the staircase, immediately pressed herself back against the wall as flat as she possibly could, one of the bolts streaking past her close enough to singe her eyebrows and burn her nose.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins and her breath coming more quickly now, she glanced out into the room, her eyes settling on the smashed remains of the first drone and the chair Chieko had used to bludgeon it into submission. Among the rubble the seat portion of the chair was still relatively intact, and it even had a bar still attached beneath it that would make a decent handhold. More importantly, the fabric surface and thick padding wouldn't conduct a stun bolt.

"Somebody throw me the seat from that chair!" she yelled over the commotion, pointing, then flinching back against the wall as another hailstorm of energy bolts ripped through the air in front of her. Looking down towards Takeyu, she spotted a second drone turning the corner below and behind the first one, covering it with suppressive fire.
Dreamworld Landing Area

Hanako looked up at the giant cyclops' eye. "We have not found the Dreamworld to be hospitable to us. For example, you attempted to compromise my ship's computer. We also had issues with the fog."

"We only want to learn more about you," the Essai replied. "The fog is there for your comfort. I am sorry do understand. Perhaps when you are wiser," it said.

"If you will excuse me..." Hanako said, trying to walk away. The Essai kept moving its giant staff in her path.
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