Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Sienna had barely even completed her last sentence when movement in the corner of her eye attracted her attention. A three-legged robot that she swore was not there before stood against the back wall, and spindly arms were unfolding from its metallic torso along with the unmistakable quiet hum of electrical capacitors charging.

"DOWN!" she screamed in the same breath, and lunged across the table with both hands, grabbing Natsumi by the front of her shirt. In one motion, she violently flung the white-haired Neko to the floor and flattened herself face-first alongside her as bolts of energy ripped through the air amid the dining room. Covering the back of her head with her hands as she pressed her whole body against the floor, she gritted her teeth and held her breath.

After the first volley, she peeked up as much as she could without lifting her head, her mind racing on what to do next. Her eyes flitted in the direction of the exit to the zero-G passageway, but she wasn't sure she could make it there without exposing herself. She had no idea whether or not there was a way out of the galley or not, but even if there was, it meant going towards the drone.

Natsumi was thrown to the deck by Sienna. She had not expected the sudden intruders or to be slammed down on the hard deck. Not that she complained, a stun bold burned through the air where she had been sitting an instant before.

"Charisma, sound intruder alert and recall the Shosho!" she yelled and drew her NSP, flicking the safety off. She quickly pushed Sienna to roll under the main table that filled the center of the wardroom, then rolled under herself.

"Where the blazes did they come from?!" she yelped, then took aim as best she could at the drone in the wardroom and fired several shots at its center of mass. Her NSP was set to full power.

Misato's shots cut down on of the robots but also hit a rack of NSP battery chargers, blowing them apart sending flaming battery shrapnel showering down into the lower floor which was full of ammo and missiles. NSP batteries contained a lot of energy. A fire rapidly started on the remains of the charger.

Kale gulped as he came face to armour with a set of electronic sensors. He bailed off the sofa reaching for his pistol, which was not there. It was in fact completely discharged on the floor of the med-bay.

He jumped behind another sofa using it a cover. The droid, not being overly intelligent, followed. Only to have its legs swept from under it. there was a loud *crack* as Kale punched upwards throwing all of his weight behind the attack. The robot fell back to the deck. Not knowing if it was permanent or temporary the technician busied himself with stamping on its neck joint repeatedly to break whatever connections lay within.

The sensors dimmed. Pulling the "corpse" behind the sofa he examined it.

Wonder if I can adapt one of these arms as a weapon.
Dreamworld - Landing Area

Sune was about to answer Hanako to further explain his stance, when the ear splitting sound that the Essai liked to use before speaking sounded behind them.

He flinched and resisted the urge to dive forward and come up in a crouch. Instead he turned around and rested his hand on his holster with the strap released.

He looked at the newest representative of the Essai, its demeanor towards Hanako annoyed him but he held his tongue.

Learned Bear - Pad
Lowadam was outside inspecting the landing gear. It seemed that someone or something had been probing around. There were a number of damaged wires, nothing critical. It looked to him as if someone had been trying to hack into the ship through the controls.

He was about to report to Sepop his findings when he noticed two crew members from the Eucharis approaching. He was about to return Hanako's wave when he saw giant creature emerge from a tear in space behind the soldier.

Not sure what to do, he keyed the emergency channel on his communicator to signal those inside to checkout what was going on.

When the drones appeared, Takeyu's eyes flickered in their direction as he pulled the table up to provide some cover and crouched down behind it. This was quite a predicament, how did these drones get aboard without them noticing? Of course, the fact they just flickered out of no where meant they had some form of cloaking device.

Tapping his communicator, Takeyu went to ship-wide. "Takeyu to all crew, we have intruders onboard. Unknown numbers, all hostiles. We are going to condition two. Begin clearing the ship of hostiles, work in teams of three."

With the message sent he then sent another message, only to Chrisma. "Charisma, lock down the ships main reactor please, do not permit anyone access to it but ship technicians and officers. Also, I want details on how many intruders we have on board and their locations. Also, get a message off to the Shosho and Chusa right quick!"

"Sienna, Chieko, Natsumi, stay with me and keep your head down," he said as he peeked over cover for a moment and took a few aimed shots at the nearest drone.

Chieko heard Sienna's shout just before the table tipped over taking her lunch with it. I guess I'm done lunch, she thought as she spotted a couple drones floating around. The scientist managed to duck behind the table in time for a bolt to fly over her shoulder, and rolled next to Takeyu.

The academic went for her NSP and grabbed air once, twice, then looked down. "Kusou!" she exclaimed before grabbing hold of a chair and holding it up above herself. "Taii, my gun is in the Med Lab," she began, "see if you can distract one long enough for me to smash it with one of this chair."

Junko was about halfway through the hatch when several things happened very quickly. A cacophony of noise lit off, between the ship-wide general quarters klaxon and the Taii’s announcement and the engineering specific SCRAM-alarm, as the power generators went into emergency shutdown and lockdown. In the same instant, Junko felt the rear right leg of her AMES get very, very hot before the internal cooling systems kicked in. She boosted the rest of the way through hatch with her inertia manipulation abilities and flipped about instantly to shut the hatch.

She paused for a moment, panting, before contorting herself to look at the suit leg. There, in a small diameter on the back of her thigh, was the distinctive black scorching of an energy weapon impact. She took a moment to be immensely grateful that she had put on the AMES, as she might otherwise have a rather nasty chunk blown out of her leg.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly cracked the hatch and darted a quick look through it. Junko drew her head back in a hurry as more energy fire impact around and on the hatch. She sealed the hatch again, this time pulling up the access panel and fiddling about with a pair of wires for a moment until she was sure the actuating mechanism was out of commission. Sitting back, she pulled up her suit comms and pinged Takeyu.

Taii, this is Takeda. I’m pinned down in Power Systems by at least three, maybe more, of the hostile contacts in Engineering. The generators are SCRAMming and I’ve locked down Power Systems, but I am unarmed. I’ll attempt to work my way around to get back into the Mainspace. Please advise, over.

Turning, she took off through the forward hatch into the Main Cannon Junction, making sure that hatch too was sealed behind her. She paused for a moment, deciding whether to head up to the passageway around the Bridge or down, toward the lower cannon assembly. Considering that the Bridge would be pretty high on her priority list if she were boarding an enemy ship, she chose to head down.
"Get yourself to the armory and load up, I'll send you a path and update it as new information comes. Report on any enemies you run across so we can paint a better picture of where they are. If you can't make it to the armory, let me know and we'll figure out a place to rendezvous before heading to the armory."

Takeyu glanced up and over at Natsumi, before letting out another burst of fire.

Natsumi spotted Takeyu glancing in her direction where she and Sienna were pinned down. "Some bigger guns would be nice!" she fired at the drone. "Maybe the MINDY's?" she added, suggesting power armor to level the playing field a bit.

Unprotected like they were it be easy to take out.

There was a green flash as a shot zipped across the room, blasting down the drone nearest to Chieko, which took the hit with a metallic CLONK. Lime was looking the serving window of the galley with a butcher knife in one hand and her NSP in the other. "They using nonlethal weapons!" Lime shouted. She disappeared again as she spotted a robot in the kitchen and went after it with the knife.

Kale took an internal scan of the droids electronics systems.

Hmmm... seems simple and modular, maybe this won't be so hard.

Using a cutlery knife that had been left near the coffee machine he began to disassemble the droids casing to get at the interior. He only needed three three modules. The power pack, weapon arm and the energy control unit. The outer casing came away quickly. It wasn't overly thick, perhaps half a centimeter or so. carefully he began to trace wires back to their sources to decouple the unnecessary modules from the ones that he needed.

On the arm removing the servos and actuators gave Kale enough space to comfortably attach it to his wrist.

When the drones had first appeared in the wardroom Izokia was far to interested in her food to notice at first until the shooting started. She dove down under table and quickly got out her NSP. She fired a small burst into the group of drones before preparing to make her move toward Ayumi. She focused down and rolled for her colleague in attempt to get someone at her back.

Takeyu sighed as he stared at what was left of the drone. "One down," he said to the others and glanced over. "Come on, we need to get to the armory so we can gear up."

"Lime, do you need us to stay real quick?" he said as he moved toward the door but stopped short to see if Lime had an answer. "Natsumi, take up the rear, I'm on point. Sienna, stay in the center. You are unarmed and I'd rather you not get hurt," he turned his attention out into the hallway, giving a quick look around for any possible hostiles.

As Takeyu looked busy, a robot managed to hop up on the table. Seeing this, Chieko smashed the chair in her hand over it, crying out "iiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!!" while causing a shower of parts and sparks.

She then continued to beat the mechanoid, shouting "Die!" repeatedly in Yamataian, until it fell off. Then it jerked some and she yelled again, beating the robot to a pieces with the remaining chair leg in her hand until the sparks and jerks finally stopped. The scientist then sat back on her haunches and sighed, "Mou!"

Takeyu was quite dumbfounded as he watched Chieko beat what was left of the drone, in a way, he felt sorry for the thing. "Umm, its already dead..." he said and turned toward the Kitchen. "Lime?" he said, waited, then shouted. "Lime!" and brought up his NSP as he slowly inched his way toward the Kitchen.

"Natsumi, back me up," he ordered.

"Yeah I got you" Natsumi said, checking the charge on her NSP's battery. She had Takeyu's back and inched around to peer in the kitchen at the drone inside that Lime had to deal with.

It had her backed up to the far wall Natsumi quickly aimed her pistol and snapped off several shots into the drones back, careful of her aim, making sure no shot could possibly hit Lime.

The drone shuddered, sparked and burned out, collapsing to the deck in a smouldering heap.

"Armory!" she hissed. "Let's get moving"

Once the sparks and commotion died down, Sienna peeked out over the center table, blinking and looking around for any further signs of more of the tripedal drones. The acrid smoke rising from the steaming hulks irritated her throat a little, and she coughed a couple of times as she climbed to her feet.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some damsel in distress, now," she retorted to Takeyu. "Get me a weapon and I'll pull my own weight. Don't you worry about that."

She coughed again a bit, wiping under her nose with the back of her hand as she looked over at where Chieko was standing over the smashed, sparking, and twitching remains of the first drones. She watched as the scientist dropped the chair she had bludgeoned it to pieces with and dropped back on her hind end, her shoulders heaving. Sienna wrinkled her forehead as she looked up at Chieko from under her eyebrows, slightly impressed.

Several shots rang out from the kitchen seconds later, and Takeyu and Natsumi came back around the corner, followed by more billowing clouds of the stinging electrical smoke. Down near her knees, she noticed that one of the cabinet doors beneath the hibachi had been knocked open in the commotion, revealing several solid-looking cooking implements. Bending down, she snatched a heavy iron wok and hefted it in her right hand a few times, testing the weight. It wasn't ideal, but it would do until they could get to the armory.

Eyeing the Yamataian crew, then her improvised weapon, then the crew again, she said flatly, "First one that makes a sexist wisecrack about this'll be the first one I wang upside the head."

The answer which Chieko had hoped for did not come quickly enough it seemed. Suddenly the wardroom was a whirl of activity, and Ayumi was trying to figure out what to do. Her training quickly snapped to her attention and she pulled her NSP from her pocket, standing from the table and holding it in front of her protectively.

When the first shot was fired and there was a fire started, Ayumi frowned, turning to look as Izokia rolled to her side, "Shouldn't the AI have noticed this sooner?" She asked, pressing her back to Izokia and listening to the commotion around her.

With a worried glance around the room, Ayumi watched to see what the drones were doing. They, like the other things she'd heard about on the planet, were using "non-lethal weapons", yet here they were, on their ship. A slight glare swiped her face for a moment, but it was gone in an instant.

"We must be prepared for injuries." Ayumi added softly. She tensed as a drone began to turn to her, wincing as she pulled the trigger on the NSP on her gun and causing it to disarm the creature. Their rate of fire was worrying, she wasn't sure if she could return fire as quickly.

Misato Cursed herself when the fire broke out. "Bors lead Mitsuko out of here, head to the wardroom. Charisma remove the Atmosphere in here please." She grabbed a fire extinguisher and went to work. She hoped to get this out and gather a few weapons to help hand them out. Maybe they can get this ship cleared.
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