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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Ayumi's gaze had been trained very firmly on the table. She had expected to be reprimanded for speaking out in disagreement from her captian, and yet the next person to speak was not Hanako. She looked up to see Izokia standing and not only that but agreeing with her. Certainly not something she had expected after their argument in the medbay mere moments before.

Then, as the other Neko sat, Ayumi was offered a look that she could only interpret as comforting. She wasn't the only one thinking this planet was too dangerous to keep gallivanting about like they were honoured guests. Her lips pulled slightly into an almost smile at the other medic. It was certainly reassuring to have her agreeing with her so readily.

Her hands relaxed in her lap, and she turned to Hanako as she spoke, certainly pleased to hear they would be leaving the planet's surface with the ship. At least then they may have a chance of preventing it from interfering with the ship's systems as it appeared to have the night before. However the call for volunteers concerned her.

Quickly she sent a message over to Chieko, "Please do not go, you need time to recover." She knew she was overstepping her bounds as a medic, but she was worried.
Natsumi shook her head in agreement. "No, I don't think I want to go back out there either" she replied, "Not unless I get to take my MINDY" she frowned. " With everything that's happened out there it just isn't a safe place, too many things working against us that we don't know about"

She picked up her drink and took a long sip. "Might be the best thing to do" she added in response to Siennas suggestion that they just get out of there.

Chieko looked over at Kale when he volunteered and the wish went through her that she could go with him, but Ayumi's message reminded her of her condition. She still, however, pulled herself up using her gravity manipulation and set her arms out for support. The scientist gave the medic an apologetic look then set her eyes on Hanako.

"I can't at the moment," the young Minkan began, "however I would appreciate the chance to go again once I am cleared by medical."

Akane listened dutifully to the briefing, though remained quiet when it came time for the crew to provide recommendations or ask questions. She believed any gaps in knowledge on her part would be cured by experience. As a new member of the crew, she felt no compulsion to speak up, if only because it could reflect poorly on her not having many duties in the field to date.

Her silence remained intact until the Shosho asked for volunteers to meet with the Chelti merchant and Hidden Sun explorers. With her greatest apprehension coming from a lack of direction, Akane jumped to her feet to announce her intentions.

"I, Santo Hei Miyako Akane, volunteer to aid in meeting with the merchant and explorers." Her words came out crisp and clear, stiff, and somewhat formal. It was her wish to remain absolutely respectful in volunteering for duty, even if that was to provide security for an incident that might not even happen.

"Yeah, something tells me your skipper ain't gonna be too amenable to that," Sienna replied to Natsumi with a quiet scoff and half grin. After the Neko's mention of the power armor, however, something occurred to her. Reaching down with her right hand but keeping her eyes on the gathering out in the middle of the room, she checked the sheath in her boot. She hadn't realized until now that the familiar weight of her knife was gone, and upon feeling around the empty sheath, her heart sank a bit. That was one of her only weapons. Her knuckles were hidden in her cabin; at least she had those, anyway. Sitting back up, still with her eyes out to the room, she pursed her lips and tried to think of where it could have ended up. Hopefully it was still aboard the ship somewhere.

A taut-sounding female voice barked out over the call for volunteers, making Sienna blink and turn her head with a slight start. The red-headed soldier she didn't recognize was standing rigidly at attention, as if someone had shoved a thick metal pole up her pant legs and a coat hanger in her shirts' shoulders. The girl had some pipes on her, she gave her that. She wondered just how many more new crew members were going to pop up out of nowhere, and where they were all coming from so suddenly.

"I'll go... Though I would feel better if I had another combat personnel with me. There was a Chelti down there that apparently expresses a want to get off planet." Misato volunteered right after Mitsuko sent the message to her, She doubted the Shosho would let her keep the pet, but at least it get her a bit more time with them.

As she sat there she looked over at her partner in crime, giving him a look of hope that he would join her. Bors would be a great back up down there.

Hanako nodded. "Go get the merchant. I will go make our goodbyes to Sepop of the Hidden Sun Clan," the Shosho said. "Dismissed. And have the ship ready to take off when we return. Yosmet, you're with me." She turned in her lunch tray and then headed down the zero-gravity passage with the giant ID-SOL following along."

In moments, she was walking across the landing area toward Sepop's starship.

Sune was definitely surprised by Hanako's turnabout. He chose to follow her and once she was out side he spoke up.

"Shôshô, a word before you speak with the Hidden Sun Clan. I think it may be unwise to lift ship at this time. I urged a heightened security, not departure. Restrict entry and exit of the ship through the airlocks to prevent any wanted items entering. Grouping the soldiers in perhaps threes, and as you said, equipped with filter masks, and sensory equipment such as science scanners, and perhaps Uno Sunglasses to offer visual abilities in other bands.

Since it is apparent that the Essai have a strong interest in keeping us here, they may take steps to prevent our departure. Or even take steps to prevent us from leaving out of fear that we may warn others."

He looked briefly over at the 'Learned Bear' and noticed that a suited member of the crew was conducting some sort of inspection of their landing gears.

"Can't go two feet without me huh Princess?" Bors snipped at Misato, his usual sarcastic demeanor returning. "I guess I'll hold your hand and help out again."

Bors wasn't enthralled about going back out but it was his job to do so, he'd would most likely end up going back out there anyway. He couldn't sit around and twiddle his thumbs for hours on the ship.

Mitsuko smiled at the pair, as they returned to normal, joking and picking at each other. "As long as we just go get him and return, I'll go too. Someone has to keep an eye on you two." She tsked. "And make sure you wear the proper protective gear..."

Her look she was giving Bors turned to a glare at him. She was going to have to figure out something to get him back for that nickname. But when Mitsuko spoke informing them that she was joining her a tightness filled her chest.

She turned to her, "Are you sure... remember what happened last time you came along... the past two times." She worried but it was Mitsuko's call. but if something happened to her Misato knew she would carry it on her head.

"Well Lets go suit up in AMES and pistols, at least all around."

Mitsuko giggled at Misato's reaction to that nickname. "Yes, I'm sure...Suzume-Hime." She grinned, eyes bright behind her glasses. "Let's be more careful this time, okay? Bors-Hei is too heavy for me to carry around all day." She turned away before they could respond, returning her tray. Then it was off to the Cargo Bay. They could find the equipment there, and she wanted to make sure the sleeper module was ready to receive a guest. She wanted to return the alien's kindness, but that didn't mean she wanted him bunking with the crew.

Misato was now sure nether of her friends were coming back. "I am not Princess." She huffed as she started off towards the armory.

Once she arrives she hooked her pistol mags up to a quick charger as she donned her AMES suit. She made sure to re-buckle her holster low slung on her hip. "Mimi-No Kimi... make sure your pistol is charged and ready to go." She was about to reach over for a rifle but stopped herself. "Baka Baka Baka..." She growled before retriving her mags and resetting them in her holster.

"Well you two ready?"

"Aye I'm ready there Princess." Bors said emphasizing the word to irritate her a bit more. He had forgone the AMES and had strapped on one of the filter mask that they had recently received. His pistol was strapped firmly to his thigh and he lead the way to the cargo bay and back down to the planet.

"If one of you guys start to go crazy let me know, make things a bit easier to take care of ya. I'll be sure to do the same for you."

As the Shosho issued her orders and departed, Junko stood, only casting a sideways glance at the strange Nepleslian woman. She was a guest aboard the ship and, beyond the respect that entailed, had to be afforded some understanding as a non-member of the Star Army. Junko hadn’t always agreed with Hanako’s decisions; indeed, she had disagreed quite vehemently before. But ultimately, she trusted her captain. The CO gave the orders and the crew followed them, no matter if that meant hazarding the ship or even their lives. Under a CO like Hanako, Junko was perfectly satisfied with that state of affairs.

Discarding such idle thoughts with a small shake of her head, she moved over the the chief engineer’s seat and bowed slightly toward him. “Nayacesen-Taii, it’s good to see you again. We’ll get the startup sequence going right away, sir.”

With that, she wheeled about and - with a quick mental review of the crew roster, courtesy of Charisma - scanned about for her fellow technicians. “Ah, Deziarra-Hei. And Namach-Hei, we haven’t met. I’m Takeda-Heisho, pleasure to meet you. There’ll be time for pleasantries later but for now let’s get started. I’ll get the physical plant sequence initialized; you 06Cs get the auxiliary computer systems online and run a full diagnostic of all main and auxiliary network systems. Throw the results to me when they’re complete.”

Junko didn’t know the Shosho’s timeframe, but definitely did not want her to return to an unprepared ship, and so she took off, bustling through the hatch into the passageway.


As she entered the Mainspace, Junko paused a moment and looked around. A huge smile was plastered across her face. Any given Plumeria-class warship was more or less the same, but each ship had its own little details and anomalies. Being back amongst those on the Eucharis and in Engineering in particular felt undeniably wonderful.

There wasn’t time for too much ruminating though and so, pausing only to drag on an AMES - she wasn’t particularly interested in soiling her dress uniform -, Junko made for the main console. A few entered commands later and the display was graciously presenting the full power sequence screen. Checking to ensure the standby-ready levels were all in the green, she reached forward and triggered the volumetric key to begin the process. Unless something were disastrously wrong, the systems would automatically spin up the generators to full-ready levels. That left Junko to physically tour around Engineering, meandering first on the main deck and then on the catwalks as she ensured that all individual component tell-tales were in the green. The Aether generator, fusion generators, hyperspace unit, liquid coolant tanks and pumps; all and sundry seemed, so far, operational. Satisfied, she swarmed up the ladder mounted to the forward bulkhead and with a small grin triggered the hatch that would bring her to her old haunt, Power Systems.

Kale acknowledged the orders nd turned to the other technician.

"Ok then why don,t you go upto the bridge and use the console there. Ill start on network diagnostics on my mobile station."

Given that there seemed to be somewhat a sense of urgency about the task. Kale hurried off to collect the equipment that he would require.


Finding a conveniant seat Kale booted up the computer pad and connected to the network. His fingers began to fly across the virtual keyboard initiallising systems and beginning diagnostics.

He prioritised the most relivant systems such as landing gear, flight control and the helmsmans controls. Briefly he thought about whether they might need to break through the atmosphere by force. Therefore while he didn't activate fire control he did spin up the various subsidiary systems to allow them to bring the guns online at a moments notice.

Better safe then sorry, right?

Waiting for the diagnostics to return he began to think about the various digital nasties he could add to the system to make it harder, and more painful, for anyone attempting to hack into the computer systems.

Thinking about it it might just be better to cut all links between those systems and the communications array. That way the control of them could not be wrenched away remotely by this planetary intellegence.

'Takeda-Heisho. I would like to isolate the flight systems from the systems connected to communications array. In case someone trys to hack us remotely.' he sent.

Even so he couldn't help but think that they were being just a little too quick to take off. After all they hadn't even done a security search of the ship, and goodness knows he wanted nothing more to do with those Essai. He wondered if he was stepping over his authority.

'Charisma? Would it be possible to scan the ship for unauthorised lifeforms biological or otherwise?'

Chieko watched as Hanako and various other members of the crew started leaving the wardroom, particularly Kale's departure once his back was turned. This option was the most secure they could be, as much as the away team in the shuttle would still be in great danger. That, however, left the possibility of the Eucharis being attacked in orbit, though it is usually more difficult to send something out of a gravity-well than into it.

The scientist then looked to Ayumi and Izokia. "Satonaka-Hei, Orshira-Hei," she began, "I will need authorization for the drug scans performed and treatments used today along with what body types they were used on - I will also need to know what body types we have on the current roster. I don't want to know whom they belong to, nor any extended medical history unless that becomes relevant later. For now I just want to perform the needed scientific study, and possibly take the current NH-33 cure to make it compatible for as many others as I can."

Chieko then turned to Natsumi and spoke, "Yamashiro-Hei, I still have some lunch left, but the bridge is my next destination. Let me know if you require me there earlier." The academic then floated back down into her chair and started eating again.

While eating she connected up to the computer some, "Charisma, please let me see the information on the current NH-33 cure for the Dreamworld psycoactives and the nanites producing them. Everything I have clearance for."

Sienna sneered to no one in particular with a sigh. Just as she'd suspected, no one had heeded her warning about having too much faith in their technology, but at least the captain seemed to have come to her senses about leaving. Glancing across the table at Natsumi with a nonplussed expression, she closed and opened her hands a few more times. The painkillers were still working wonderfully, and her bruised digits didn't bother her.

As people began to file out of the wardroom, she shot a nonplussed glance across the table at Natsumi, then at Chieko as the latter addressed the former before returning to her lunch. As much as it aggravated her, she knew it was pointless to press the issue. She was not military and didn't know warfare, and given that she was merely a passenger aboard the Eucharis, she knew her protests would go unheeded. They hadn't listened to her when they all brazenly walked out into the fog, and they certainly weren't about to now. But this wasn't a war. This was survival, and that was one thing she was good at.

Still, she had other talents, and if the crew was insistent on endangering the ship further by putting the AI in the line of fire, she could at least help. Looking back at Natsumi, she opened her mouth and lowered her voice. "Can you get me to the engine room?" she asked. "I may as well do something useful, and if they need another pair of hands, I'm good with 'em."
Dreamworld - Landing Area

Hanako walked towards the Learned Bear, waving to the technician to try to get his attention. "If you think it is unwise to have the ship leave know, when will it be safe? If they want to prevent us from leaving, it will happen regardless of when we leave, yes?" Hanako asked Sune as she walked. As they moved, a silent, glowing tear in space-time opened up behind them and a black, spindly giant stepped out through it, one legs at a time. It was an Essai.

Hanako jumped a little and then froze as the buzzing and horn noises began blaring at her back. She did an about face to look up at the towering Essai.

"Is there something you would like to tell me, little girl?" the alien asked through its translator device. "You have not even begun to experience the pleasures of this planet."


Charisma's reply to Kale was: "Scanning. There are seventy-five unauthorized drones on the ship. Attempting to compensate for their cloaking systems." As the ship's volumetric projectors came to life, all over the ship, robots began to appear. They matched the type that had zapped Bors in the market alley. As they realized they were caught, they began to fire taser blasts at the crew!

When the drones appeared it took Misato a half second to realizes what the hell was going on. A whole second to let the data soak in. In the second second She grabbed Mitsuko and threw her behind her, as her right hand reached for and drew her NSP. No Stun this time, she had it set to kill.

"Bors grab something heavy." She said as she fired away at the group of drones before her. She hoped that she could keep them busy long enough for her partner in crime to gear up and going the firing line.
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