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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Ayumi was taken aback, looking up from her place in shock for a split second before her cheeks coloured slightly and she looked down at her hands. She was surprised that Chieko was so interested in going out on the planet again, that after all the day had given her she wanted to have permission to go out into the atmosphere which had caused the problem.

"You wish to go back to exploring the planet?" Ayumi asked, her tone flat even though she was surprised by the scientist and her wish to venture out again. Sure, Chieko was as scientist and that in and of itself probably aided in her wish to venture out into the unknown, or worse known now, but did she really want to end up back in a tube for the better half of the morning again?

With a sigh Ayumi straightened her uniform and accepted that all she could do as a medic was suggest that Chieko remain Eucharis bound for now. It was not her place to forbid any crew person from leaving the ship, it would never be her place- And she'd never wished for it to be. She was a medic, she was trained to patch up the ones sent back to her mangled by whatever, and then return them to be sent back to her at a later time- Probably also mangled.

"Koizumi-hei, I will grab you a fresh uniform." She informed the Minkan, after a moment of thinking deeply to herself. Quietly she exited the showers and went to do as she had bid.

Perhaps Izokia was the type of medic to run into an unknown planet, or hold an NSP, but Ayumi was certainly not.

Akane sat, intent on the details of the briefing. She wanted to do better than she had in her initial outing. With a bit more knowledge going into the situation, she was sure her performance would improve.
Sune updated the display with Hanako's inputs.

Dreamworld Second Exploration - Debriefing
* Crew members did their best to get incapacitated crew members back to the ship.
* Charisma was able to program a counter measure and make it avail.

* Tennyo crew members did not make use of their enhanced respiration capability to counter the gas attack.
* Crew did not stay in groups of two or more
* When the counter measure was available, was not used by all NH-33

Lesson Learned
* Future teams exploring unknown areas should carry filter masks for protection.
* When countermeasures are available use them.
* Acquired potentially useful alien technology

Hmmm... interesting way to do a de-brief. Kale thought listening to the first few suggestions.

"Sho sho, may I...?" he inquired

"On the positive side we have gained a measure of the possible types of danger that may be present on this world. They seem to specialise in psychological instead of martial combat. An old quote comes to mind. 'A hundred victories in a hundred battles is not of the highest excellence. To win a war without shedding blood is of the highest excellence. Therefore first attack an enemies plans and next his alliances. Thirdly attack his army. But remember it is worst to attack a walled city.' Given who we are we come third on that list and therefore they have done the wise thing and attacked our plans first. Negatively communication between the away teams was not as good as it should have been. We should have been in scheduled contact every few minutes so that we know if there is a problem with the other group. As a lesson learned I think we need to have a policy regarding the Inertial Compensation ability our bodies possess. We almost lost a crew member because of use of that ability while not completely focused."

"Of course I do," Chieko replied to Ayumi, "though more prepared." She had then finished off her legs and started to dry herself when the medic left to get her uniform. The scientist sent a thank you after her, as she continued drying.

After a moment, the academic wondered if it really was a good idea and if it may be better to recommend leaving. Chieko then quashed that idea with the understanding that if this place were to end up an enemy, knowing as much as possible about them would be necessary. She then finished drying off and waited for Ayumi to return with her uniform.

It took only a few minutes for Ayumi to return with Chieko's new uniform, draped cleanly over her arm as she entered the shower room. She dropped her gaze to the floor again as she entered, again affording Chieko modesty whether she liked it or not.

She had thought about it on the way to the laundry and back, about Chieko wanting to go back to the surface even after the day's events. She figured that if she were to even suggest the scientist not returning, it would be much like someone suggesting she not return to the medical bay after the stress of her own day.

Shyly she smiled, though her gaze remained on her feet as she held up the uniform for Chieko to take. "It is my honest opinion that you should stay on the ship until you are confident in your ability to get around. In the event that your ability to defy gravity fails you must be able to get around on your feet." Ayumi explained softly,

"But, when you do return to explore, take care." The neko added, a slight nod at the end as if to try and cement what she had said. It was so hard for her to simply give her blessing knowing the dangers, but she knew it was not her place to give such a blessing.

Chieko looked over when Ayumi returned and smirked when she noticed the Neko drop her eyes. "Thanks," she smiled taking her underwear and started pulling it on as the medic spoke. The scientist nodded with the words, moving on to her bra next.

"If you figure I'm not ready to head back out there yet, then I'm not," the Minkan chuckled, doing up the clasp, "I am anxious to do my job, not cause you trouble. I've been on both sides of this kind of situation before - you can trust me to listen and behave."

The academic spun the bra around and finished with the straps and fitting. She then moved onto her stockings, pulling them on one at a time, followed by her top. Once her skirt was on, Chieko threw on her shoes then sighed in satisfaction.

Bors chewed on his lip as he listened to everyone throw in their two cents to the debriefing. He had already given his recollection of events to the new Heisho, the other two senior officers most likely overheard he wasn't that quiet of a man after all, and in his opinion nothing they were putting up on the screen seemed proactive, more reactive.

He wanted to tear into them himself, say why they didn't do a better atmospheric check when they landed or at least in the morning before they went out, which would of prompted half of what was going up on the screen.He thought to himself that they failed the crew as they did relatively nothing to better any of the situations that landed, by his count, four people in the med bay. The number could of easily been higher if all the away team had been contaminated earlier in the day. His fingers drummed on his bicep as he also recalled of the thing that attacked him in the alley way, what if that was just an probing assault and something worse was waiting for them outside. The phrase acceptable losses came to mind, a phrase which filled his heart with a boundless fury. Granted no one died, but crew mates and friends trying to shoot and beat the tar out of each other simply wasn't acceptable in his book.

It took all his remaining will power to not say anything, he already had one ass chewing today and he wasn't going to make a fool of himself by tearing at these new wounds by getting into a shouting match he was bound to loose at with people who would send him to the bring in a heartbeat. He shot a glance over towards Junko, he pictured her with a beaming smile as the scenario played out in his head and he was put into the containment cell until they reached the next major star port, and he would be dammed if he let that woman have any more self satisfaction at his expense.

With another shy smile Ayumi looked up as Chieko finished dressing. "That is a relief." She replied, remembering the other patients running out on her. Even if it was caused by the drugs, at the time Ayumi had wondered if there was something wrong with her bedside manner or something similar.

The smile on her face left as easily as it had come, and she turned to the door to leave, "I believe that the rest of the crew is currently in the wardroom, and I think that you will want to hear what the others went through on the planet." She offered, heading out of the shower room without another word.


As the Neko entered the wardroom she automatically picked up on the tension between some of the crew, and the words up on the view screen glared at her from across the room.

Dropping her gaze to the floor and lowering her head submissively she wandered over to the nearest free seat and, before seating, bowed in the direction of Hanako to let her know that she was sorry for her lateness. Despite that fact that it had been important that she be late, she still didn't want the Shosho to think that she would be making a habit out of it.

"The briefing will be more or less procedure," Chieko replied as she followed Ayumi out, "What I'll want afterword is to work with you on the drugs to work out how to protect the rest of us from it."


Floating in behind Ayumi, Chieko stopped before taking a seat and bowed to Hanako as well. The scientist, however stayed remained so until a break in the briefing occurred, rather than interrupt. The tension did seem high, though, and she wondered how bad things got while she was being tended to.

"I guess it is" Natsumi replied to Sieanna and watched the discussion with little interest. She was too tired and too sore to want to take part. She finished up the last bit of her meal and leaned back in her seat.

Picking up her drink she sipped at it. "I think we should go visit a nice vacation planet" she said to Sienna. "Somewhere with a beach"

Deziarra was planning what to say when Chieko entered. She gave her a smile before speaking.

"I am glad to see Chieko-san is once again with us," said Deziarra remembering to use an honorfic this time. "With her return, a positive is there were no long term injuries because we were able to get out of there fairly quickly. A negative is plans were made by people obviously under the influence of the drugs which led to careless mistakes. Lesson learned, even when things need to be done quickly, they need to be done right."

Shosho Hanako could see that there was an emotional shadow over the debriefing and that most of the crew didn't have the will to speak up and give information on what happened. It reflected well on Kale to be the only enlisted person who actually contributed. "Maybe this mission was better suited to the Scientific Studies Service," Hanako quietly murmured to Sune. "Of course, we have no guarantee the planet will still be here by the time they arrive. Unfortunately, if it moves, it could take us to some strange part of the galaxy years from home." The Shosho took a deep breath of the beefy-smelling air as she mulled over their options, having hoped for some better suggestions. There was a distinct possibility that this place was more dangerous than facing the Mishhu. It was insidious.

Having contributed his little caveat to the meeting Kale's mind wandered. He wasn't paying particular interest to anything in general and thus it was no surprise that he noticed when Chieko made her way into the Wardroom.

He sent a quick smile at her 'Good to see you mobile again Chi' he sent.

Chieko slowly started wondering if what she really should do is what she wanted, rather than the polite thing to do. It was possible her little stunt was enough for the result of barging in to be negligible. Then Kale's voice entered her mind and she unfolded herself to erect again.

"Mostly," she replied to the technician, hiding a smile from her face, but not the thought, "This room seems worse than how I feel."

"Apologies for my tardiness, Shosho," she began out loud, before looking up at the screen, "Looks like what I would say about what happened, though when did we hear about the help for NH-33s? That would have helped the group I was in immensely."

Sienna smirked and nodded to Natsumi, looking back across the table at her from the corners of her eyes. "And beach-bodied cabana boys serving us drinks, too?" she whispered back.

With the conflict having been resolved, Sienna listened with subdued interest as the crew began outlining a pro-and-con diagram of what had transpired that morning, barely able to keep from grinning the entire time. The whole routine seemed forced and pointless to her. She could have summed up the entire escapade in less than a minute, even with her shattered memory. The ship had come across an unprecedented technological marvel whose origins and intentions were completely unknown to them, and without so much as a second thought they had landed on it based on a single invitation from an unknown sender that basically told them "Come on down, it'll be fun." As if that wasn't boneheaded enough, they had taken no measures to protect themselves from any threat at all in an undocumented alien environment, and then they acted surprised when everyone started wearing their underwear on their head. Didn't seem like it warranted an hour long discussion to her. If anything, they should be considering themselves lucky that's all that had gone wrong. At least, so far.

Hanako's comments almost made her sigh in exasperation. She had been wary of this place from the start, and hadn't exactly kept it to herself. But they hadn't listened to her then; her opinion and presence wasn't highly thought of or respected amongst this rabble, so she didn't expect that repeating herself now would do any good. At least Hanako sounded like she was starting to figure it out for herself.

She listened to the silence hanging over the crew, chewing idly on her tongue, hoping that she wouldn't have to be the one to say it. Chieko walked in right before she had given up on someone having the gumption to encourage them to leave before it was too late. Looking over towards the entrance, she raised her eyebrows in quiet surprise at how quickly she had healed.

Maybe Natsumi's gonna be just fine, then, she thought.

Kale suppressed a chuckle at Chieko's reply. She didn't know about the little altercation between the different ranks that had taken place not ten minutes earlier.

'To be honest I'm not surprised. Our man in infantry.' he paused sending a mental image of Bors through the link 'Ended up in somewhat of a fight with our new officer, who seems to have taken offense to some of his passing comments. Not really sure what to make of her really. Since I'll likely have to work under her personal command I hope we can get along a little better then they did.'

Though he found her more then a little scary he had nothing against the new officer, whom he hadn't even met yet. She seemed to have been made out of the perfect mould of a soldier with that attitude. He'd have to brush up on his military etiquette. Then again the head of Engineering at the academy had been of the same mindset.

Perhaps its a scientist thing. Acting like that because they know that something disastrous will happen if you get something wrong. he mused.

Misato sat there thinking over the past few hours, something bothered her. they were attacked and yet no one had bothered to look at this as more then a scientifically investigation.

"Ma'am We were attacked down there, The ship was hacked and we were drugged, Why are we looking at this as still a benign planet. These people have been villainous from the get go." She took a breath and sighed, "If this was any other places we would have rolled back out of this ship in force."

I'm all about staying here until we get to the bottom of this, what would happen to the next ship that lands here peacefully just to be dragged down like this. Ma'am what would happen if they appear closer to Yamataian space next time? how many of our civilians would you think they would do this to?"

She knew she was just a screw up here aboard the ship, but she wasn't going to let these beings on this planet continue to terrorize people. Even if it took arguing with the Shosho her self.

"Think about what you are suggesting, Misato. The planet is covered in seemingly innocent civilians, and its defenses are unknown. We cannot just call the fleet to start throwing aether at it just because it had a wide-area cloud of drugs and we walked into that cloud, and because it probed our computer's defenses. Saying that those are 'attacks' is a stretch. Furthermore, if this planet wants to attack us, it probably has actual physical weapons it can use. Lastly we have no idea of its thought process or etiquette. I doubt it cares much for the individual rights of what it likely sees as lesser beings. To a vast intelligence a planet-size computer could hold, we are probably on the order of what algae is to us, in its eyes. If the Essai are really its ambassadors, maybe communicating with them more is prudent. What do you think, soldiers?"

Sienna remained reclined in her booth, feet kicked up as she chewed on her tongue and lightly drummed her fingertips on the table next to her empty plate, listening to the discussion. She shook her head lightly in condescending disagreement as Misato implied firebombing the entire planet. Although she never did actually come out and say it directly, her desire to use brute force was obvious. Sienna hoped against hope that Hanako wouldn't be so proud and stupid as to even consider doing that. As she had suggested before, the level of technology and energy necessary to build, operate, and maintain a spacecraft on the same scale as a small celestial body would be unfathomable by their standards, and it wasn't exactly a huge leap of faith to assume that the destructive power of such a craft's defenses and weapons would be equally astronomical. Attacking such a place, especially when the most aggressive thing it had done so far was merely play its visitors for a bunch of chumps, would probably be suicide. They were all still in one piece. There wasn't any reason to go back outside rattling their sabers except to compensate for bruised egos.

She wasn't particularly impressed with Hanako's stance, either. Diplomacy seemed pointless to her. Whatever was out there was clearly interested in their private thoughts, dreams, and memories, from all they had gathered so far. And every moment they stayed increased the likelihood that the very essence of each and every one of them, dare she even think of them as their souls, would be compromised. The Shosho did raise an interesting point in that the world's inhabitants, or the world itself, may simply not regard them as sentient beings deserving of the same respect as itself, but that only furthered her silent objection to staying here any longer. If whatever was calling the shots out there viewed them as insects or pond scum, that made attempting to communicate with them an even sillier idea.

She leaned her cheek against her thumb and forefinger, propping her head up with her arm braced on the back of the booth, not saying a word.
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