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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Medical Lab

Chieko didn't seem to make much of an effort to make herself descent as she watched the interaction between Izokia, Bors, and Ayumi, but also figured that interfering would only make things worse. She then heard the announcement from Sune and heaved a huge sigh, soon thinking she very well may need to call attention to herself. The scientist then watched as the infantryman took his leave and the two medics started at it again.

The academic leaned back against the tube, slowly growing irritated at being ignored until Ayumi arrived with a towel. Chieko was nearly ready to make some noise about it, however the one medic's attempt to be kind only resulted in bringing out a wicked grin.

"And here I thought we were supposed to be fighting with whatever is out there," she commented waving her hand off to the distance while accepting the towel, "It seems most things are behaving, but I can't quite walk yet. I was thinking of heading off to the showers to get the rest of this stuff off me before finding a clean uniform; but if you're willing to help me out there, that would be appreciated."

Junko’s eyes tracked Bors’s return to the wardroom like fire direction sensors, only releasing their lock as he returned to his seat. She took a quick breath and turned back toward the officers.

“Thank you, Chusa. Ma’am, by your leave.” She bowed again and then turned, walking up behind Misato and Bors and falling into parade rest.

“Misato Suzume-Itto Hei, Riko Bors-Itto Hei, come to the position of attention.” Junko’s eyes were level, expression steady, and voice utterly devoid of emotion, even a little quiet.

“Riko-Hei, I do not know you and you do not know me. That might explain some degree of interpersonal tension or discomfort. But frankly, I’m not finding it sufficient in this case. That’s why I’m offering you the benefit of the doubt and a very, very short opportunity to explain why you saw fit to not only insult and ridicule me, but to also offer an implied threat of physical harm. Of firing a weapon at me. Please understand, this is a courtesy. You are at liberty to decline, in which case I will formally request of the Shosho that you be brigged until such time that formal criminal charges may be levied against you.”

She stared at Bors in silence for just a moment before turning toward his neko compatriot.

“Misato-Hei. I believe you have mistaken my purpose in being aboard this ship. I am not, in fact, present in order to ‘play nice.’ I am here solely to do my duty. As an enlisted member of the Star Army of Yamatai, my duty includes maintaining appropriate military bearing and treating all of my fellow soldiers of higher and lower rank with courtesy. How, exactly, have you been so excused from your duty as to allow you to present rude and insubordinate behavior to a person you had just met, had offered no insult to you, and is in fact one of your ranking NCOs?”

All Ayumi could offer was another shy smile, this one clearly because she felt embarrassed by the situation. She in no way wanted to fight with her crewmates, and yet there she had been. With the slightest slump of her shoulders Ayumi dropped her head apologetically.

"I apologise for the discomfort I must have caused you. It was not my intention to fight with anyone." She explained softly, her tone only slightly more animated than usual with her honesty for the situation. It was apparent to her that she made sure she was not in situations like the one Izokia was in because she didn't know how to handle them, but she didn't know how to say that and explain that she also thought Izokia had taken the wrong course of action.

The smile quickly replaced by what could only be described as her "business face", Ayumi nodded shortly as Chieko explained her plans. "I will help you, I would like to keep an eye on you just in case, and I cannot let you be alone if you are not able to function completely yet." This was probably about as close to "I like you and I worry for your safety" as Ayumi would ever get, not that it was likely anyone else would interpret it as such. She spoke it as if she were a medic, just doing her job.

"Charisma," Ayumi addressed the ship, "Please let the Shosho and Chusa know that Koizumi-hei and myself will be a few minutes late, as she needs to clean herself and find a fresh uniform." Ayumi stated softly, not giving her reason for following because she figured it would be obvious.

As Junko talked Bors couldn't help but think that this new Ittô Heisho was just trying to make a name for herself. The pattern wasn't that new to him, new ranking official comes in and tries to make a name for themselves by making an example of someone in front of the entire crew to show that they shouldn't be messed with.

As much as he wanted to state this fact he decided against it, remembering the last time someone made that mistake and guns were drawn, and would play along with this little dog and pony show.

"Thank you for allowing me to retort and explain myself Ittô Heisho," He said as formally as he could trying not to sound too dickish, "Allow me first to say I do apologize for any ill will and resentment I may have casted at you, as you said before we don't know each other and well if you haven't realized I'm a very sarcastic individual and my tone may have misconstrued what I was trying to say. "

Bors took a moment to catch his breath, grabbing Misato's water glass and taking a sip before he continued.

"And my comment, which sounded like i was going to blast you in a back alley way or something was merely a jest, I doubt you heard what happened out here," He said pointing over his shoulder as If the market was right behind him, "But to sum it up some of us got... infected... by some crazy shit in the atmosphere causing us to hallucinate and caused a few of us to open fire on each other, not to mention get taken down by some of the locals who wanted to know who knows what with us. So blinding on the fact that I didn't know who you were, though I do a bit more now after this nice little conversation, I didn't want to have an accident like that happen again and I wanted to get checked out in the med bay to make sure that I was clean and good to go."

Bors waited a moment for her to answer, noticing that she barely came up to his chest (something that he would of found funny if he wasn't in the middle of getting his ass chewed in front of the entire crew) before speaking up again.

"However if that explanation isn't good enough for you, I already have a cell picked out in the med bay where someone dropped me off after our little excursion. So if I'm lucky the bed may still be warm."
Medical Lab

Chieko smiled at Ayumi's apology as she wrapped the towel around herself. "I was mostly just getting cranky about the chills that were starting," she nodded, "The argument itself didn't bother me." The scientist then began to float up until her face was up near the medic's height as the report was being filed with Charisma.

"Shall we go then?" she grinned before heading towards the door.
Standing up quickly to attention, Misato listened to the Itto Heisho, tear her a new one. "Ma'am... er... Heisho i wasn't meaning any offense." She Was about to go on about how it seems she did exactly what she reprimanded Mimi for, but she shut her mouth before it could dig her a deeper hole. Maybe she might get out of this with only the lecture, but Bors, she worried for him.

Today was really filled with highs and lows for her. Misato planned on getting through it. Hell she still was itching for a fight with the bastards that had drug her and the rest of the crew. Maybe she had let her anger over the whole day to paint her view on this situation.

Natsumi sank into her chair a bit more. She really was starting to not want to be here. The aggravated conversations going on between the crew and officers was doing wonders to kill her appetite. If not for Sune's command that everyone remain in the Wardroom Natsumi would have forgone the rest of her meal and returned to her cabin to sleep off the rest of what had turned out to be a miserable day.

She looked across the table at Sienna, who seemed to be, again, enjoying the infighting amongst the crew and picked up her rootbeer and took a sip of the bubbly drink. This was one area where she differed from the Nepleslian woman.

Natsumi glanced back at the others. What was going on? It just seemed more and more there was a lot of conflict among the crew, a lot more than she had noticed since she came aboard. Or maybe she just had not noticed it when she had been a shiny new operations neko.

Junko’s eyes blazed for a moment as she almost snapped at Bors before stuffing the lid back down on her temper, hard.

“You say you are a sarcastic person, Riko-Hei, and such is your prerogative. However,” she continued, her voice sharp, “might I suggest that you restrain your wit for the remainder of this ‘conversation,’ as you put it.”

She looked up at the Itto Hei, who was fully twice her size, but at the moment she wanted nothing more than to reach up and shake some sense into the man. She shook her head minutely and sighed.

“I will take you at your word that you did not seriously intend to threaten me. But this does give me cause, Itto Hei, to question your judgement. Implying harm against a superior that you have no personal relationship with, however much the comment may be intended in jest, is not acceptable. Likewise, Misato-Hei,” she said, eyes tracking over to the neko, “I will take your word that you did not mean to give offense. I do not know either of you well enough to have a personal judgement of you, good or ill, and I will extend you the courtesy of reserving said judgment beyond this point.

“But I wish to be very clear: insubordinate and impolite behavior - however it is intended - is prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the Star Army and counter to the rules the Shosho has set forth for all Eucharis crew members to abide by. As I told Murakami-Hei, you are entitled to your personal opinions, including disliking me. But I will not tolerate the insult given to the honor of our service, our ship, and our captain by conduct which flouts those orders and disrespects the chain of command. Am I understood?”

I understand that you don't have a sense of humor and that the quartermaster may have given you a pair of shorts that are a bit too tight.

Bors thought to himself keeping a poker face that any professional gambler would be impressed of, before saying simply

"Understood Heisho."

From her reclined position in the corner booth, Sienna shrugged her eyebrows and lips, moderately impressed. She had fully expected this ragtag crew of misfits to go at one another's throats again, but this newcomer, who quite obviously had rank over the others, appeared to have defused the situation in a suprisingly calm way. Of course she looked like she wanted to reach up and slap the living daylights out of one of them -- which Sienna would have absolutely loved to see -- but she'd kept her cool the whole time.

Sienna took another long drink of her water, still watching the scene like a hawk watched its prey over the rim of her glass as it unfolded and appeared to wind down to a close. Even though it hadn't gone the way she'd expected it to based on her experience with this crew, she still found herself losing even more respect for them with each passing day. The fact that she got the clear impression that several of them saw her as an untrustworthy outsider at best and a minor enemy at worst was almost comical to her, given the fact that this crew seemed to spend more time fighting amongst themselves than anything else. She'd never felt more certain about being right about everything before she came aboard the Eucharis.

She glanced back across the table at Natsumi, and her sense of self-satisfied superiority immediately faded as she eyed her rapidly healing wounds. In fact, her injuries seemed to have healed an astonishing amount just since she'd left them infirmary. It did a great deal to alleviate some of her guilt, but she still couldn't shake it off entirely. That perturbed her. She'd never felt bad about harming another person (or machine?) in her life, but then, she'd never blacked out and beaten someone that may not have entirely deserved it into a bloody pulp before, either.

"Guess that show's over, huh?" she offered with a weak grin, breaking eye contact with a sigh and pulling her plate towards her. Stilll with her feet up in the booth, she busied herself in finishing her burger and vegetables as casually as she could.
Well that was awkward. Kale thought as he finished the last of his lunch. Glad Kira's not here or she might try to hook up the two of them. Doesn't help that im not sure if the ship would survive, never mind the relationship.

To be honest the technician had actually found the whole situation somewhat amusing, though expressing it outwardly would be counter-productive in the current environment. He had found that the usual atmosphere aboard spacebound vessels was a lot more relaxed then ground installations such as the academy.

Kale had not spoken or interacted with either of the crewmen but he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive of the new officer.

I think it might be prudent to stay out of her line of fire...

Ayumi watched as Chieko floated, wondering if when the Santo Hei from earlier had said they were "flying" he had meant floating. The two different words made very different images in Ayumi's mind.

With the slightest of nods Ayumi followed Chieko towards the door, preferring to walk for all that she'd soon be in the anti-grav hallway..


As they entered the shower room Ayumi stepped to the side. Despite being a medic and having already seen Chieko in all her modesty, Ayumi didn't really want to watch any person bathe as she felt it was a personal experience.

She shrugged to herself and waited.

The scientist's legs dangled the whole time in areas with gravity and once in the shower room, she put up the towel and made for one of the stalls. She set the water to a very warm temperature and after a moment sighed, relaxing into it while trying to remember to keep floating.

"How are you making out, Satonaka-Hei?" Chieko asked in a casual, but kind way, "I haven't been here much longer than you, but I'd like to hear what you think of all this - being one of the more rational seeming minds on this ship."

As Ayumi sat to the side, she was surprised to be addressed by the washing Minkan. Her cheeks coloured involuntarily as Chieko praised her, even though it was only brief. Ayumi was not one who usually received praise, generally she left the room before anyone could say anything to her that could be thought of as praise.

"I do not like this planet." Ayumi admitted, easier than she thought she would have been able to. After this she fell silent for a moment, before being able to respond again. She felt that the captain's easy trust of these people was strange, and that were she in the same position she would have definitely avoided contact with beings which made such strange requests.

"This crew... Seems to have good instincts, and should trust them more." She added, remembering the tension in the wardroom the night they'd arrived. She remembered how apprehensive everyone had been to volunteer to leave the ship. "Caution needs to be healthily exercised." She also offered, after a beat to think of her words.

The Neko spoke slowly and deliberately, indicating that she had given much thought to her words and that there was conviction behind them.

"I am sorry that you were injured, Koizumi-hei." This sentence was spoken with a little bit more speed than her other statements, indicating that she was a little nervous about her words.

Izokia stepped into the wardroom uncertain and and scared. Her argument with Ayumi did nothing to calm her nerves. Moved over and made a plate for herself. In order to avoid as much of the crew as possible, she took her meal off in table closest to the corner. She would admit her failing to the Shosho immediately after lunch, until then she would eat her food and pray no one came to talk to her.

Deziarra continued to eat her food quietly while Junko snapped at Bors. Personally, she felt the reaction was too extreme considering the ordeal Bors had gone through recently and the possibility that trace elements of the drugs might still be influencing him. Junko had caused many members of the crew to dislike her in a short amount of time. To her, it was a reminder that they were indeed in the Star Army. Since she was a technician, she was directly under Junko's command. She needed to make sure she did not rub her the wrong way and that meant learning last names and refreshing herself on the proper use of honorfics.

When Izokia, who had fired on Sienna and Natsumi, entered the wardroom Deziarra tensed up expecting another chewing out. Even she would have said something to Izokia had her rank been high enough so she certainly expected Junko would. She took another bite of her cheeseburger without saying a word.

Mitsuko glanced over as Misato and Bors whispered to each other, giving her roommate's hand one final squeeze before letting go. She could hear Junko speaking behind her, making her cringe. She resisted the urge to turn and watch, focusing on her plate as the conversation continued. There was nothing she could do to help her friends now.

Murakami winced again as her name was brought up. What was going on? She knew it was no use to try explaining anything. Riko had presented the day's events fairly well, but this hadn't phased the new arrival at all. Now they were both as quiet as Mitsuko. If the captain approved of this woman and her approach, it would likely be wise to keep their mouths shut around her and tread lightly. They would be a facing a storm of odd, rash decisions on two fronts, it seemed. The three of them - four, if she counted Sune - would just have to do their best.
Sune noted that most of the crew was now present. And the situation with Junko and the others was handled for the moment.

He stood up and looked around the room, "Those of you who are still eating, please continue but pay attention and be prepared to participate in the debriefing."

He sent a command to Charisma and a volumetric display appeared above the table.

"I will get things started, I would like each of you to try to think of a positive thing that happened, a negative thing, and something to put in the lessons learned.

Under positive, the crew did fairly well given the challenges of dealing with people behaving in erratic and unpredictable manner to get them back to the ship for treatment.

Under negative, the majority of the away team had NH-33 Tennyo bodies. Those possess an enhancement to their respiration that allows them to hold their breath for ten minutes or limit their exposure by breathing slower for up to twenty. Yet, most of them were overcome because they did not make use of that ability.

Under lesson learned, I propose that on any future exploration on this world or any other that we make having a filter mask on their person a requirement for any persons exploring on unexplored worlds."

He sat down and let Charisma update the display.

Dreamworld Second Exploration - Debriefing
* Crew members did their best to get incapacitated crew members back to the ship.

* Tennyo crew members did not make use of their enhanced respiration capability to counter the gas attack.

Lesson Learned
* Future teams exploring unknown areas should carry filter masks for protection.

"Who would like to speak next?" Sune inquired.

"For a positive," Hanako chimed in, "with Charisma's assistance I developed a software patch for the 33-series Nekovalkyrja that will result in the body setting up the necessary defenses to the nanomachines and their behavior-altering substances. This allowed me and others who employed it to be immune to the troublesome effects. For a negative, the crew failed at stay in groups of at least two, and the software patch was not used by all of us in NH-33 bodies even after it was available from the ship. The lesson learned is to use countermeasures when available. I also want to note that we were able to purchase new, useful alien technology."

Chieko smiled at the medic's comments as she moved from rinsing her hair to her arms and torso. "I'm not quite so sorry," she commented, "With the amount of unknowns we were dealing with, I'm actually surprised we haven't suffered worse. I'm more disappointed I did not detect the substances in the air last night which seemed to leave us feeling too comfortable the second time out, despite the odd dreams."

The scientist then moved onto her legs which half co-operated. "I'm figuring I will need to work on investigating each step we make in detail next time," she sighed, "ounce of prevention kind of thing. As for the rest of our visit, filter masks or AMES will be part of my excursion kit. Once I'm cleared for that kind of duty, of course."
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