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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 22.2] Echoes of the Past - Part 2

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Splorfin III
The Next Day

As the day shift crew was getting ready, Hanako arrived early on the bridge and broke orbit, lowering the ship down towards the planet. It was a cold place with only a trace atmosphere, dim sunlight, and a jagged, cratered surface of tan and steel blue rock formations. In the midst of a toothy valley of rocks and partially buried in pool of pebbles and shattered crystals, lay the mangled metallic remains of a very huge, very old starship. The Eucharis extended her stumpy landing legs and and came to rest on a nearby bluff overlooking the crash site.

After breakfast, Hanako called for the available crew to meet in the armor bay...
Med Bay

Taharial woke up the next day in the Med Bay laying against a table, she shrugged and picked up her notes as she headed to the wardroom for breakfast.


Taharial enjoyed her breakfast, well what she ate anyway, she was obviously to the food as she was still writing and the food was either missed on the plate of missed her mouth, both parts Taharial didn't care about.

Armor Bay

Taharial wasn't that stupid as to ignore Hanako, she put her notes away and walked to the armour bay. When Taharial was there she had a small look around then sat on the floor and waited for the others.

It was a surprise to see Tony and one of the other Neko's laying entwined with each other amidst the blankets on the floor of her quarters, naked. She just smiled at least Tony had bonded with someone on the ship. How had she missed the signal not to enter her shared quarters. She slipped back out of the room, just as quietly as she had entered and spent her sleep shift in the hopefully quiet P.A Bay. Only sign that was left that Aikiko been in her quarters, was the sock or cloth to signal privacy was drapped over a chair in the room by the desk. Plus two breakfast sandwiches on one plate on the desk.


Aikiko fixed herself several breakfast sandwiches to eat on the run and a few more.. She made a quickstop to place two of the sandwiches in the room, seeing they had moved back to Tony's bed. Then headed on over to the P.A. Bay.

P.A. Bay::

Aikiko finishing up the last of the clean-up she missed, when Taharial entered the P.A. Bay. Seeing her sit on the floor, "Morning Medic. There are benches to sit on." Giving Taharial a quick smile.
"Thank you for the cream. It's working nicely."
P.A. Bay

Taharial looks at Aikiko "morning, its okay really, I awoke on the floor this morning in the Med Bay, must of passed out because last thing I remember was writing notes" she smiled happily at the girl "that's great, glad it is helping, if anything happens I am here to help you" she stood up and stretch "really need to get my armour sorted though or I will slow down everyone like I did to you yesterday" he looked down her scarlet hair wasn't done up in a ponytail so it hung over her face.
Armor Bay

Mitsuko had already returned to her cabin after breakfast, so she'd been in the perfect position to change into her Working Uniform before reporting to the Armor Bay as ordered. She had a feeling she knew where this was heading, and she didn't have the strength to fight it this time. She nodded to the other two crew members that had already arrived, moving away from the entrance to stand near one wall, waiting for whatever was planned to begin. Probably a briefing on today's mission, dealing with this derelict spacecraft. Yesterday's events were still fresh in her mind, so it was no surprise she was a bit worried about exploring an unidentified object on an alien world right next door.
Armor Bay

Tsuguka appeared later than usual, still looking a bit haggard, but with crisp-pressed uniform and stance every bit as rigid as you would expect. Slung over her left shoulder using her newly regenerated hand were two grenade bandoleers; Containing twenty transparent plastic canteens between them, rather than explosives. An appetizing brown liquid sloshed around inside.

"Good morning Santo Hei Akiashiro. Good morning Santo Hei Taharial." The usual dull but attentive scowl."I brought coffee for everyone... Take some if you want it."

"Oh... The harnesses?... A tray of hot liquid belongs in neither the zero-G corridor, or around live electronics, I figured."

A small sigh, almost as if to say 'being nice is hard'...
Armour Bay

Taharial smiled as more people came into the Armour Bay, she nodded to the girl she vaguely remembered seeing when she first got on the ship and then again at dinner, she smiled brightly at Tsuguka then without thought ran and hugged her "glad to see your arm is repaired" she pulled away quickly "I am so sorry about that, just happy to see you are okay" she moved away from Tsuguka after taking a coffee 'grenade' and sat back on the floor drinking from it as she moved her hair to cover her face.
P.A Bay

Aikiko nodded towards Tsuguka, "You're looking much better today, Tugs," giving Tsuguka a quick rare smile of hers. Then returned back to finishing up putting the last of the tools away after a quick wipedown.

She moved to her Mindy's Compartment, finishing up there. She was wondering what today would hold.
PA Bay

Kale yawned as he wandered his way into the PA Bay. The last night had not been restful in the slightest for the young engineer who had spent until the wee hours of the morning attemting to repair his android collegue. With a tired smile he greeted those already assembled before half sitting/half collapsing upon one of the benches nearer the door. In lieu of coffee he decided to go for something somewhat stronger though a little experimental.

Parse command: StimPackage_v1|15.nko
Activating StimPackage_v1.15

The little patch, cooked up during academy days caused the body to deaden the feeling of tiredness. Increase metabolic rate by a factor of 50% and finally increased heart rate slightly. It would allow someone to function longer and with more vigor, though he was likely going to sleep like the dead in the evening to come. It took all of two minutes for the effects to set in, as he gradually relaxed from 'I'm sitting bolt upright because if i dont ill fall asleep' to a pose dubbed 'Non-challent 5'. Feeling somewhat better he settled in to wait for everyone else.
YSS Eucharis, PA Bay

"Good morning," came Dirjon's voice from the entrance, "I ran diagnostics on all the armors last night and did some work with shields." With his datapad he cued for the assigned armors that weren't already at their station to be brought down from the racks.

"Taharial, I went ahead and assembled an MCAS for you. If you need anything mounted just let me know," he said through the medic's hair as he pointed to her armor as he pulled a canteen from the belt, "Tsuguka Hei, I LOTO'd your previous Daisy for the arm situation. I'll fix it later. I have two tuned specifically for you, one with a standard shield and one with the big shield you salvaged. It'll be tight quarters in that ship so I left both as an option."

He proceeded straight to his station where cream, sugar, and an empty coffee pot sat and poured some of the condiments into a mug, mostly sugar, before introducing the coffee into the mug.

His Daisy now sported a shield on both arms and a shoulder mounted missile launcher that had obviously been welded back together
Power Armor Bay

Tsuguka just sort of held her arms up as Taharial approached, not quite sure how to respond. "...It's erm... It's okay. A little numb still." It took a moment to respond, by which time the angelic girl had already departed. Her slightly wavering voice said she might have been blushing, but considering the redness of her face in general, it was basically impossible to tell. "Thanks for taking care of me. I feel much better now."

Akiashiro's comment was met with a small agreeable bow. Tsuguka felt like she could have been doing more for the woman, but things had been that way for a while. For now, the angular neko just had to think about the mission that loomed before them. Mitsuko and Kale got equal treatment as she noticed them.

"Nice work, Santo Hei Ulvson... Glad to see that you are looking much better, yourself." A welcome distraction, whilst she regarded her new Daisy. "The spare was unnecessary, through, however..." It didn't look like she particularly wanted to explain herself, and several seconds were spent in silence, but the unanswered question was beginning to feel uncomfortable too.

"Last time... Well, I was way too naive. My light load out was based on the assumption that we would be facing humanoid opponents." Her fingers regarded the glossy finish of the new shield, before she regarded Dirjon again, looking a little more fiery all of sudden. "Different mission, different tactics. I'll block the enemy in with the shield and lay a shoulder gauss cannon shell right in their faces. Second phase, handheld aether sabre. Might be a bit of a problem turning around, but defensively, it's superior against most aggressors at close quarters."
Cabin 3

Natsumi's eyes fluttered open slowly. At first she was not aware of where she was or who was there, but it did slowly become apparent that she was not in her own cabin and not in her own bunk and also that there was someone else in bed with her. She lay there, her arms and legs intertwined with the other person's, warm and content feeling. She, of course, quickly remembered what had happened the night before and sighed, smiling.

Her tummy grumbled as she lay there, but she did not want to wake Stark yet. Her red eyes roved around the dim cabin and she spotted a plate with breakfast sandwiches. Someone, whoever Stark's roommate was, had to have come in at some point and brought them. That was nice. She managed to wiggle an arm free and traced a fingertip down Stark's cheek.

"Wakey wakey" she said quietly, to rouse her companion.
~~Cabin 3~~

With a painful groan, Antonia stark opened her eyes to the bright shine from the safety lights in the room. "UUGGG..." She only then noticed she wasn't tangled in blankets like she first thought. "What are you doing..." She groaned out she fought the hangover fog on the night's before activities.

"Right..." She pulled the blanket over her head and snuggled closer to Natsumi... "Shhh... we needs something... Do you ubermadien have LOS on my Whiskey? I need some dogs hair..." she moaned and held her hand to her head. Her mouth tasted funny, and sandy.
Cabin 3

Natsumi raised an eyebrow. "Dogs hair?" she asked, confused as she looked around the cabin, well what little she could see from where she and Stark lay snuggled together. She spotted the whiskey bottle though. "I donno about this dogs hair thing, but I do see your bottle though"

She stretched an arm out, snatching up the bottle from where it lay beside the bunk and brought it over, slipping back under the covers with Stark. "Here you go" she said and offered the bottle.
~~Cabin 3~~

Tony took the bottle and carefully un-capped it under the blanket. Takking a few sips she moaned and resealed the bottle. "how much did i drink last night? And.. ummm... You've been here all night haven't you?" she said trying not to sound like she was upset, but the hangover wasn't helping.

"Do you know when we will be needed? Is it day shift?"
Cabin 3

"Not terribly much, that I remember" Natsumi replied. "Yes, I have been here all night" she went on, "As for time and when we are needed..." she trailed off, accessing the MEGAMI. "It's morning" she rattled off the exact time according to the ships clock, confirming that it was still a bit before the begining of the morning shift. "Looks like breakfast is being served in the wardroom, but, also, looks like someone brought us some food" she indicated the plate with sandwiches on the small desk.

"So, no real rush to get up and going yet" she finished.
Armour Bay

Taharial smiled at Tsuguka "you were my most stubborn patient ever, it was a good change from everyone listening to me, I am happy to have a person like you near" she looked at her MCAS and smiled at it "it looks amazing, THANK YOU!!" She smiles and hugs her MCAS.

Taharial started to look for something to put her hair back into her normal ponytail then sighed as she couldn't and just left her hair as it was, then put it over her face so no one would be able to see what she was looking at as she smiled.
PA bay

Kale blinked. The shields on Dirjon's suit looked good enough but that missile launcher was beginning to worry him.

"Dirjon just how sure are you that that's safe to use?" He asked, indicating the kitbashed rocket pod. "You know I'd rather not have my collegues blownup on my second day back."

Given the fact that a misweld could potentially cause a premature detonation of a warhead on firing was, he thought a valid concern. Especially since such things were fairly easy to fabricate on board.
YSS Eucharis, PA Bay

"Dirjon just how sure are you that that's safe to use?" He asked, indicating the kitbashed rocket pod. "You know I'd rather not have my collegues blownup on my second day back."

"Should be safe, it was mounted on my right shoulder which was pretty much the only part of me that wasn't crushed. It just needed a new rangefinder and camera. The missile rack itself was just fine but the case took a beating as I fell-" he cringed as he remembered being polarized, magnetically stuck to the massive slug as he hit almost every hard object on the way down, "yeah, it should be fine but just in case y'all should probably not stand in front of me."

He pulled up his tablet again and pulled up the armory commands, "alright, any armor or weapon requests?"
YSS Eucharis - Armor Bay

Hanako went to a control panel on the wall first activated the air-containment forcefield of one of the wide armored doors on the side of the armor bay. Next, she opened the door, which filled the bay with a loud mechanical groan as the door raised, revealing a desolate, rocky scene of strange, sharp spikes of sword-like stones and sinking sands of shattered shards sitting silent, still subject to sunlight and shadows of the scarlet solar sphere above. In the distance the starship crash site was visible. It did not look very recent.

"This is a simple mission," Hanako told the crew. "We are going to inspect this old wreck to see if there is anything of interest. Given that it is metal, it's unlikely to be from the crystal species were recently encountered."
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