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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 24] Looking for Trouble (YE 38)

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Fort Hanako, Hanako's World
Two Weeks After Mission 23

Clink. Clink.
Two cubes of dark brown sugar sank to the bottom of Hanako's cup, followed by the tip of a small spoon that swirled them around in the hot water until they dissolved into nothingness. Hanako stared at them intently until the last grain disappeared. "Nothing lasts forever," Hanako reminded herself before taking a long sip. The Shosho then stood up and walked outside of her tent to a scene buzzing with activity. Dozens of Plumeria-class ships and other starships assigned to the task force were parked outside, and hundreds of personnel were busy loading cargo and making preparations. In the center of the bustle was the crew of the Eucharis, standing in formation beneath the gleaming, fully-repaired Eucharis, and waiting for her. As she took her place at the front of the formation, the crew came to attention.

"As of this moment," Hanako said, summoning her rarely-heard outdoor voice, "The Eucharis is the flagship of Task Force 82. The mission of the task force is to locate, gather intelligence on, and counter the Kuvexian Interstellar Kingdom. I know I can count on you because you have shown me so in the last missions. In recognition of your leadership, skill, and personal growth, I am hereby promoting you as follows...
  • Jackson Howard, from Santo Hei to Itto Hei
  • Miyako Akane, from Santo Hei to Itto Hei
  • Akiashiro Aikiko, from Nito Hei to Itto Hei
  • Candon Howard Suites, from Itto Hei to Joto Hei
  • Hashimoto Umeshu, from Shoi to Chui
  • Yamashiro Natsumi, from Shoi Kohosei to Chui, and reassigned to serve as first officer of the Eucharis
  • Also, Antonia Stark has been promoted by the Nepleslian Star Navy to the rank of Petty Officer.
All Eucharis crew members have also been awarded with a service ribbon for our twenty-third mission and a combat award for the battle. Congratulations. On the command of fall out, please make your way aboard the ship. She is ready for action once more. Fall out!"
Fort Hanako

Jax gave a quick bow, hoping he wasn't expected to salute instead. He was still having trouble with that.

"Shotgun!" He whooped and pumped his fists in the air in excitement. Dressed in similar attire to the meeting a couple days ago, he began walking to the hulking warship that would be his home for the next several weeks or months. He walked with an almost playful hop in his step. The excitement and chaos around him made him feel giddy, made him feel important. His ship was the head of all of this.

Inside, he was taken back to his childhood, when he would watch the ancient war-vids with his dad. Grand armies, armed with spears, swords, and shields, would file into massive ranks and begin to march from the fortress, and towards their enemies in some distant land. The Eucharis was the commander, high on his horse, at the front of the mass.

Now that he thought of it, they all died at the end of that particular movie, and the commander himself was given the harshest, most cruel execution of all.

'Okay, just gonna stop thinking about that.' Jax told himself mentally. He straightened up.

"I swear to god, if they changed the seat settings...!" he grumbled jokingly to the rest of the crew.
Fort Hanako

Natsumi stood once everyone had been dismissed. She had not expected to be promoted to Executive Officer of the Eucharis, though she had been preparing for taking on more responsibilities as part of her officer training, and, she realized, she was the longest service officer of the ships crew still aboard now, save for the Shosho herself. She walked over to Hanako and bowed.

"Shosho Hanako, I will do my best to serve you and the Eucharis as executive officer." she said formally and bowed as respectfully as she ever had in her life before. She then smiled broadly at the teal haired princess/admiral. "Thank you for everything you have taught me over the years. You have been my inspiration of what I can become if I work hard enough" she said with a look of pure joy and admiration in her eyes.
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Fort Hanako

"Please, control yourself, Itto Hei. The rest of the Task Force is watching." Mitsuko glared daggers at Jackson from behind those tinted glasses, a bit upset that the somewhat formal ceremony had so suddenly given way to whooping celebration. "You can be as loud as you want back in Engineering, but everyone can hear you right now." She didn't pursue the argument, or the crew member, any further, letting him hurry inside the ship. She veered over towards Natsumi, as she saw her speaking to their captain.

"Congratulations, Yamashiro-Chui." She gave the officers her own proper bow, a large smile on her face as she straightened back up. "This seems...right." She nodded at her assessment of the situation. They arrived on the Eucharis on the same day, right before attacking the NMX Nest, and it was comforting to have such a familiar face around. Murakami was quite comfortable with her in command, even if their relationship had been strained at times.
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Fort Hanako

Victory would bring the STV around right outside of the staging area for the Eucharis, the large truck providing him and Victory a view the rows of soldiers attending the end of Hanako's speech.

“It certainly looks like you are gearing up for another war,” Wazu said as the STV came to a halt near the Eucharis' staging area. Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the words would start to feel weird. He knew there would always be a next fight on the horizon and he didn't need to make any more enemies. It certainly felt right for him to have that nervous feeling welling up inside, for more than just the last year he had been a wreck, isolated from the universe at large as he tried to recover. He could feel his old habits were still in the back of his mind, only adding to his worries as he started thinking of the worst reasons why this group would be assembling here...

“Victory, thank you for driving me out here.” He added, opening the door and climbing down from the vehicle, duffle bag slung over his shoulder and the warm daylight of Hanako's world hitting his arms. In more ways than one it was time to come out of the cold.
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Fort Hanako

Aikiko stood there a moment, letting everything sink in. Seeing the Armada of ships and the fading words of Shosho still in her mind. ~~Wouldn't mind settling... wait, did I get another promotion?~~ A slight change in her stoicism façade as she realized once again uot of uniform by a measly ill-timed promotion.

She shook her head slightly and would draw from the ship's stores for the appropriate patches. As she walked towards the waiting towering Eucharis, she did a mental checklist. Everything she had remembered was gotten and already aboard the Eucharis. Even the updated copy of her back-up which she would turn over to the ship's senior medic to be stored, while the original was back at the Base's Hospital Records Department.

She shivered as she stepped from the sunlight into the shadow of the Eucharis. She looked around as she made her way up the ramp into the ship proper. She moved down the familiar corridors with her usual casualness to settle the pre-mission jitters. Listening to the crew exchange pleasantries and greetings from their time from the ship on Shore Leave.

Aikiko nodded to a few of the crew, she had become a little more than acquaintance with. Already her mind was focusing on her duties as she entered her quarters to change into shipboard duty uniform.
Fort Hanako

"Thank you" Natsumi replied to Mitsuko, the grin on her face spreading to mirror the one on the logistics neko. She could not help but be touched and honored to hear the words of approval spoken by someone she had served beside for nearly her entire life.
YSS Eucharis

"That is very kind of you to say, Natsumi," Hanako thanked her new first officer. "But hopefully you will make a better captain than I have when the time comes for you to get your own ship. I am not known as a force for good or peace among some circles, and I responsible for some terrible things," the Shosho reminded Natsumi. Sometimes you will have to make some some decisions that might haunt you. I say this not to scare you but to warn you to be prepared." The captain briefly removed her cap and ran a hand through her hair as she stared off into the distance at nothing in particular, and then suddenly snapped back with a sharp inhalation. "Right then. Please report to the bridge and begin preparations for take-off."

Hanako walked to the rear of the ship where the cargo ramp was open. There, she was met by Victory, who had Wazu in tow. "Heram J. Wazu," Victory announced. "1 each," the supply neko added.

"Former Nepleslian Grand Admiral, and former Yamataian Taisho," Hanako nodded. "I hope you did not have a difficult trip to get here. I speculate that this planet's weather is more agreeable. Come aboard. We are all getting ready to head back into space to start our new missions. One of my crew will help you find a cabin to put your duffel bag," she gestured with an open palm and then did an about-face and ascended the ramp into the Eucharis's cargo bay.

With no need to change, and a great need to get out of sight of Umeshu, Jax rocketed down the zero-g passageway and swung into engineering.

"'Sup, Cherry?" he greeted, and immediately set to work giving the ship its final inspection before launch. He inhaled deeply. Gotta love the new-ship smell!
Fort Hanako

Mitsuko nodded to Natsumi, glancing aside as their captain moved away. She noticed something she should attend to as well. "Oh, excuse me." She followed after Hanako, but her target was the other new arrival. "Welcome back, Victory! I'm so sorry you had to spend leave on this errand." She frowned. "I wish I had known earlier." She watched the Shosho guiding the new face inside for a moment, before managing another smile. "I tried to purchase a few things for you while we were here, to help welcome you back. Lime has them in your cabin. And don't worry, I'll deal with our's not much, but hopefully you can relax a bit."

After greeting the other Logistics Neko she began to head up the ramp and into the ship, following Hanako and their new shipmate inside to see if she could be of any assistance.

Engineer Cherry was back to her usual self, having fully recovered from her facial burns in the last battle. When Jax entered the engineering space, he found her leaning back in a chair reading a data pad, and only wearing the pants and boots of a working uniform. On the opposite wall she had installed a bright lamp that was shining down on her. The uniform's top hung nearby, draped over a large valve, rather than on Cherry, who was instead topped with a tiny tropical-themed bikini top that could barely contain her ample endowment. She lowered a pair of sunglasses and just said, "Hey," to Jax.
Promotion? Really?

Akane's eyes widened where she couldn't blink when she heard the announcement. She didn't feel her contributions had been wrthy of the Star Empire, but it was still not her place to question the decisions of her superiors.

"This," she said at a slow place, "is an unexpected honor." She bowed after the Shosho gave the order to fall out, then sprinted to check her armor so she might be ready for battle once more.
Fort Hanako

Umeshu was lined up with her fellow Eucharis shipmates, with a smile on her purple face and even in her sage green eyes that was truly beaming. Her first promotion in the Star Army was really happening! For so long before at the Samurai House she was passed over to become a Journeywoman and earn the right to wear the royal blue hakama, it had almost ingrained in her a sort of hidden despondence that such a thing as moving up in rank could never happen to her. Yet here she was standing here, her dress uniform bristling with a new service medal and another thin gold stripe that everyone could see. And a prestigious assignment on the bridge of the lead gunship of an entire Task Force... surely when her sisters Yuuki and Sanae found out they would turn a lovely shade of green with envy. If only she could be there to see it...

The Nekovalkyrja almost began to cry tears of joy, fighting them back with a swipe of her thin fingers as she bowed her supple body nearly to a right angle in a show of humility fit for a Samurai retainer before the Ketsurui princess. "Arigato gozaimasu," spoke Umeshu in deepest gratitude, "I feel unworthy of this great honor, but I will do my very best to live up to the expectations placed upon me by the Ketsurui clan. My sword is now and always will be yours to command, Shosho Hanako-sama."

The operations officer also gave a show of respect to the new first officer. Though a part of her did envy the other Neko, she nodded in agreement to Mitsuko with her observation that it did feel right for her to be Hanako's XO. Her experience in such things was known even to the relatively green Umeshu. "Omegatou, Yamashiro-chui," she congratulated her in kind as she straightened up, "You were the logical choice to be the Shosho's right hand for this important task, as you always have been in the past. I look forward to continuing to serve and learn from you also."
Fort Hanako

“You can just call me James...” He said, letting his voice trail off as Hanako turned around and ascended into the ship. He watched her from behind for a moment, tilting his head to the side as he processed the last interaction. He could still feel a certain weight on the conversation, his mind racing back to their last meeting when he asked to remain 'strictly business' despite her friendly, bubbly, nature... Of course, there was no shortage of slights between them and, his lips only able to verbalize one of the questions on his mind,

“... When did Hanako change her hair?”

Mitsuko had come up moments ago, spending a few moments trading conversation with Victory as he stood there watching Hanako. As the rest of the crew started to move he too followed suit, seemingly the only one without a uniform or new shiny rank pinks. “I could use a cabin,” He finally said as he caught up to Mitsuko, adjusting the placement of the duffel bag that was resting on his shoulder, “Also, I was wondering what this fleet's next operation will be...” He let his voice trail off again, looking right at Mitsuko's glasses for a moment then continuing to look forward... it seemed a bit hypocritical to ask when he was still walking while favoring his left leg.
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Natsumi bowed to Hanako as the Shosho went to do other things and took to heart everything the admiral said to her, the suggestion that she may, someday have her own command made her blush. She wanted to respond with something to counter what Hanako had said about her not being a force of good, since all the time Natsumi had known her, Hanako had been a good person. But Hanako had departed too quickly to do other things.

She smiled at Umeshu and said, "Thank you, I hope I am up to the task and will do good" she took a breath," "And I think this means you get my seat on the bridge" as XO she had other duties to attend to now and it would be appropriate for Umeshu to now be the one to pilot the ship.

"I'll see you on the bridge" she smiled at her fellow operator, then boarded the ship at a quick jog and got herself to the bridge.

Natsumi settled into the chair behind the auxiliary station, her old post from before she had become the chief operator what seemed now, not like so long ago. She quickly went to work preparing the Eucharis for launch. She began the preflight sequence, running all of the automated system checks through the computer, then as systems responded green, she began engine startup.
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Aikiko finished up stowing her stuff in her quarters, taking note the lighting in her room brightened as the Eucharis came alive around her. The thrill of returning to space coursed through her as she did one more check to see if she had missed anything.

Once that was done, she moved to the Power Armor Bay, carrying with her vial of premade fluids for the manipulator arms pack. Once that was installed, she was set to check out the newest model of the Mindy's.

Coolant flow? Optimal. Electrical systems? Optimal. FTL? Check. Engines? Check. Coffee? Sub-par. Half-naked, sunbathing neko? Unexpected, but welcome.

Jax glanced back and forth between monitors, hunched forward in a swiveling chair. Non-engineers would never understand just how much they took for granted the fact that they hadn't blown up into a million sub-atomic particles. Engineers knew. They knew just how intricate and unstable a starship really was, and how much work needed to be put into one to keep that stability. That was one of the reasons that engineers in particular became attached to their ships. Jax hadn't been around long enough to form that sort of bond, but he definitely was acquainted with the Eucharis. It was like caring for his own infant child... Except his child was armed with some of the biggest guns in known space... and weighed a couple thousand tons... yeah...

With a sigh of relief, Jax felt the tension in his body ease away, and he lazily swiveled around to face his partner in crime. He came to a stop, propped up his feet, and rested his head back into his hands. Now, don't get it twisted, as there was no doubt in his mind that he was infatuated with Umeshu, but he was still a guy. When his eyes quickly scanned that bikini top, and Cherry's beautiful... eyes... he couldn't help but feel a small feeling of approval in the back of his mind. Whoever invented the neko had his eternal gratitude.

"Thanks for the help..." he grunted sarcastically, making damn sure to keep his eyes up, and grinning a little to let her know he was joking. "Don't tell me this is how you spent your vacation! There's a real beach, like, fifty yards that way." Jax chided, jutting his thumb over his shoulder.
Hiding in the back of the crown Tony blushed when the Captain mentioned her promotion. It was nice of her to recognize what Tony had worked hard for, thought she never expected it. She figured she would have to explain her rank at every juncture. But she would have to get the Captain a bottle of some nice whiskey or something in show of her appreciation. Sop when they were dismissed she slinked away to her quarters and grabbed her new rank pins she had received a few days before. It had come in a diplomatic pouch with her name on it. And when she had opened it and saw her promotion papers and her new ranks she had slid it under her pillow, in hopes no one would have seen. With this all out though she pinned them in place and made her way up to the Eucharis's bridge.

As she entered she looked at Nat's and smiled, "Well Boss where would you like me to be now?" She grinned.
YSS Eucharis, Passageways

Umeshu returned the smile to Natsumi and began the trek up the ramp and on board the Eucharis as well to heed Hanako's orders to prepare it for takeoff. She had been following the XO's lead at first, but the purple-skinned Neko hesitated as she transited near the zero-g passageway to go up to the bridge, having thought she saw the distant whoosh of Jax-san's figure float down into his station at engineering. It was very obvious to her that they were actively avoiding each other after what happened during shore leave...Was it simply easier to flee from the battle with one's feelings, than confront the fear they were true? She could not keep doing this dance with the man forever, though, and every near-miss was tearing her up more inside to find the answer.


Hashimoto-chui finally arrived in the nerve center of the Eucharis, giving another quick bow to Natsumi, who was hard at work beginning to run a full systems check and pull the ship out of standby. It was telling that she was not in her former seat at the main pilot's chair which still sat unoccupied, and the fellow operator knew that what the XO had said before about her being the new pilot was in fact true. It was a great honor... and also great responsibility.

Umeshu slowly turned the Starship Chair, Type 35 to face forward and carefully slipped into its embrace. Taking up the mantle of the SPINE connection here happened reflexively, and as the green-eyed Nekovalkyrja inhaled and exhaled deeply she found her sensory hands wrapped around the hilt of the Plumeria Gunship itself, not much unlike a great sword of the Empire that now was entrusted into her care. Would the mere samurai Trainee of questionable killer instinct be worthy of wielding the near-legendary blade of Hanako-sama, though? Could she perhaps restore some of the honorable luster to its oft-bloodstained reputation? The battles ahead would surely test her resolve... but for the honor of her Princess, for her sempai Natsumi.. and even for Jax-san... Umeshu would face it all without hesitation.
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YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Hashimoto-Chui, take us up into space as soon as our task force has take-off clearance from the spaceport, and then set course to the nearest edge of the system. Prepare for hyperspace fold," Hanako ordered as she took her seat in the center of the bridge. She pulled up the big starmap on the main viewscreen. "I need you to chart a safe course to the area of the Higaflan system, back in old Mishhuvurthyar space. We can start our search there. We do not have many leads, but it would make sense that other star systems in that area might also be subject to the Rixxikor expansion. Besides, it has been a long time since anyone checked up on them. Natsumi, see if we can come up with some sort of sensor sweep pattern to locate their colony ships based on the ones we have encountered thus far. When that is done, make sure the crew gets mental backups, just in case, and that they are all doing something useful."

Hanako picked up her console phone and dialed the ship's intercom. "This is the captain. Would whoever is with Mister Wazu please bring him to the bridge? Thank you."

YSS Eucharis - Engineering

"I'm not ready for it to be over yet," Cherry moaned, setting down her datapad. "The warm sun, the ocean breeze, the way everyone on Hanako's World goes around barely clothed. And the sex! We haven't even left the ground and I feel like I'm already in withdrawal." Her eyes locked on Jax. "Maybe you can cure me with an...injection?" she suggested. "Unzip and show it to me. I want to see what you're working with." She slowly gestured for him to step closer to her by curling her fingers. "It isn't like there is someone else you are saving yourself for...right?"
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