Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 25 - Part 2] The Chopshop (YE 38)


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Unnamed Star System - NMX Designation 87D
Early YE 38 - Continued from YSS Eucharis Mission 25: Stolen Pride

In a shimmer of hyperspace, emerged the speeding shape of the battered shuttle the Eucharis crew had captured from the Rikkikor. Crusted in dust, soot, and rust, it had seen better days. It rocketed toward the star system ahead, where there were three planets.

Shuttle Interior

Sparks flew from a contraption on the interior of the shuttle and some hanging electrical cords began to melt and catch fire. The shuttle was making a rattling noise in its engines and a weird electrical whine that when from high to low and then started over again was coming from some machinery below the floor of the passenger compartment. The interior lights flickered erratically.

Hanako was up in the cockpit area with Umeshu, who was flying the rickety shuttle. She was holding her communicator in both hands. "Charisma says she's being held in a base on the equator of the second planet from the star," she told Umeshu. "Set a course for it."

Next, Hanako ducked back into the passenger area. "Tsuguka, if we can get the airlock on the shuttle to work without exploding, do you want to try to that EVA infiltration idea you had? Please remind me how it works again." Hanako also looked to see how her new samurai was holding up.
Rixxikor Shuttle Interior

(OOC: Contains interaction between two Marcus characters. The second will be indicated by a different color text to avoid confusion.)

As soon as they started the hyperspace travel, Marcus began watching the control panel inside his material compression pouch. Just as he'd predicted earlier, the light flicked on when they came within communications range. As soon as it did he hit the button on the inside of the pouch.

"Run program."

"Command acknowledged. Now running program." Came the computerized reply.

There was a slight clicking sound from the panel inside the pouch. For Marcus, the next several minutes passed at a snail's pace. It seemed like each second would draw on forever. Eventually, and only really after a few short minutes, the speaker clicked to life, again.

"Data-cloning program has been completed. Initial scan shows a .021 variance in information content, safely within expected limits. Current time index indicates a level two time gap between last mental scan and program completion. Are any diversions from business setup anticipated?"
The voice was identical to Marcus'

"Very much so, Marcus." The original Marcus Rodia proceeded to inform his data-clone of the situation at hand. The details were vague, but the main point was easily made. With a few of his references, he used a few terms and names that would be unfamiliar to most, if not all, of those on the Shuttle. The Rixxikor, in particular, he referred to as "Hive minded Myst Leeches."

"So let me get this straight."
The copy finally said through the communicator. "You're all currently on your way back to try and get the shuttle, and you want me to help from this end as much as possible?"

"Exactly." Marcus answered. "And, to make matters worse, I shouldn't even be conscious right now. I was injected with stimulants to wake me out of the recovery cycle."

"You could've died any number of ways. What blasted fool made that call?"

Marcus looked over at Wazu and smirked slightly. "Heram. He just wanted to get me to the med bay. He didn't know."

The other sighed. "Then how are you not unconscious now?"

Marcus sighed. "I'm running the mods. I estimate I've got about 20 more minutes before I have to remove the alpha block."

There was silence on the other end. "You know what that'll do to you."

"Of course I do."

"Don't forget what Katarina went through."

"I'm the original, Marcus. Everything you know that doesn't relate to this universe or a farming business, I know."

"You think we can get you back to Ayenee in time?"

Marcus shrugged, though he knew his other self couldn't see him. "I don't know. At this point it doesn't matter. Fang's lessons did their job. I've pledged my loyalty to Hanako and her crew, and that ship is their home."

"Alright then. Can Hanako hear me?"

"I think so. Let me move closer, just in case." Marcus stood and moved closer to the cockpit where Hanako was and turned up the volume on the pouch's control panel. "Alright, Marcus, go ahead."

"Hanako, I'm sure this is strange for you, but think of me as the man standing next to you. Now what is it you need from me?"
Shuttle Interior

After napping for what felt like only a few minutes Candon awoke startled to the sound of everything going wrong. He'd been in many space fairing vessels and this shuttle was by far the one most likely to get him killed. The smell of smoke brushed his nostrils, a sign that breathable air was about to become scarce.

"Team! Get your helmet's on! Jax, put that fire out!" He shouted through the confusion as he rushed over to Marcus three seats down with his own helmet in hand. The process was easy for someone familiar with Emrys technology, Candon couldn't expect someone from another universe to automatically know how to use technology even he hadn't used more than once. "Marcus, your helmet seals to the collar, hold it straight while it seals or it'll be crooked," he explained quickly, "if it takes more than five seconds let me know."
Shuttle Interior

They were fucked.

That cheerful message repeated over and over in the engineer's head as he freakishly scrambled about the cargo hold. Turns out, Jax was way ahead of Candon. He'd given up on trying to repair this thing a looooong time ago! Now, it was a matter of slapping on as many band-aids as needed to get them to where they were going, which was hopefully close. The only issue was that the infant child on which he was applying the band-aids kept tearing them off, and then stabbing itself in a new location with a steak knife!

<Umi?! Darling?! Angel?! Love?! You'd be doing me a huge favor if you could take it easy on the engines!> Jax pleaded to the neko in the cockpit in the sweetest voice he could muster. It didn't sound sweet in the slightest. It sounded horrified and panicked.

He allowed himself a nervous laugh, but quickly stopped as another fire sprang up! One of the shit-soaked rags from Mitsuko's cleaning efforts was nearby. Horribly enough, the caked residue actually helped smother fires! Who knew?!

Jax tossed the rag over the flames, then with gloved hands, applied pressure. Within seconds, the fire was gone, and Jax took a moment to don his own helmet. But he wasn't out of the woods yet!

"Gotta reduce the stress!" the nekojin gasped under his breath. With less of a workload, the shuttle might last a little longer. It would be best to cut power to all non-essential systems. He grabbed a screwdriver, also left by Mitsuko, and scrambled on his hands and knees to a cover on the floor with a "high voltage" symbol on it. That damned whine was starting again! It terrified the mechanic because not even he had a clue what was making it! Heart racing, he hovered over the panel, a wild, almost manic look in his eye.

Four screws. Off in a few seconds. Dark. Use FAR's flashlight. Wiring. Lots of wiring. That one's the main. Don't touch the main!

That one. There. Smaller exterior lights. Not needed. Would make the ship stealthier, too. Stupid to try and touch a hot wire. Get the FAR to cut it. Done. Next, power to reclining chairs. Done. Next, stereo system-.



The Star Army couldn't cough up a few extra pennies to offer uniforms with tail-holes, but the fuckin' Rixxikor got fuckin' stereo systems?! Bull shit! He called bull shit! He was working for the wrong company!

Whatever. Getting side-tracked. Snip the wire. Done.

Throughout all of this, Jax silently prayed that his efforts to safely stow away his satchel of rockets would be fruitful. He'd locked it up in one of the overhead storage bins, where he'd smartly checked for wiring before setting it in. He didn't feel that now was a good time to share that he'd brought along explosives.

In the famously superstitious ways of a techie, Jax leaned down and lovingly patted the deck.

"Please stay running, little baby!" he begged under his breath to the shuttle.

Shuttle Interior

Tsuguka immediately stood up upon being addressed by her Shosho, but ended up waiting for Rodia to finish talking, occupying the time by affixing her helmet upon Candon's request. Not exactly an unexpected situation given the general condition of their makeshift shuttle. The entire thing seemed to be built out of so many shoddy ill-fitting parts, that she was mildy confused how it kept running even as soundly as it did.

"...It's a pretty straight forward projectile trajectory, ma'am. The shuttle rapidly accelerates with a crew member on the hull, then slows down rapidly, 'shunting' them forward with about one hundred and ten kilometers of inertia. They must turn their environmental control systems off in order to put their body heat to freezing levels, and avoid detection." The plan was detailed calmly and efficiently, certainly more like one was talking about a weapon being utilized, rather than an actual person being dropped like a bomb upon a target. It was an artillery crewman's way of thinking, not a scientific one, but the basic facts were none the less concrete. "According to survival training, it would take about fifteen minutes for the crew member to become debilitated by hypothermia. This gives the tactic a range of about thirty kilometers, since they also need to slow down using their own gravity organ. Because the enemy base is on a planetoid, however, it could be used beyond the horizon of the planet to reduce detection risks to an absolute minimum."
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Shuttle Interior

"They will be shooting at us soon... if the ship's transponder has..."

The weight on Wazu's chest felt oppressive. He could barely even get up out of the seat, much less hold a useful conversation with someone. He could feel questions lingering in the back of his head, second guessing his course of action, his previous choices... even the pressing desire to just lay down couldn't be entirely ignored.

Of course, Wazu knew exactly what he needed to do.

~Fake it till you make it,~ He reminded himself. He'd take one quick breath, check the ammo magazine in the Rixxikor rifle, and then look over at Hanako.

"While Marcus is Multi-Boxing we should have the Charisma start charging its ASC. I doubt the base could focus on anything else while that is going on.

They might not notice our stolen transponder if they are focused on something else."
Stolen Shuttle

Natsumi slipped her own helmet on. The shuttle seemed on the verge of loosing atmosoheric integrity if Jax's scurrying about and fretting was any sign. She finished sealing her helmet in place and glanced about the shuttle interior.

"If everyone helmets up, we can depressurize the shuttle interior and not hsve to worry about explosive decompression if the airlock system fails" she suggested.
Shuttle Interior

As the craft pulled out of hyperspace with a lurch and whine from the engines and the smell of an electrical fire brewing from the rear hit her nostrils, Umeshu swallowed hard and began to slightly regret volunteering for piloting duties for the return trip to the Eucharis. No matter how hard she tried to stabilize the Rixxikor shuttle's trajectory or thrust fully it refused to cooperate, listing to one side or the other... and without a SPINE interface to rely on, the manual controls ended up feeling more like trying to steer a bull's raging path by grabbing it's horns than deftly guiding a piece of aerospace machinery like one's own body. Oh how she missed precision Yamataian engineering right now...

The Taii gripped the controls with whitening-knuckles as Jax's panicked message came through. She tried to compose a reply in an utterly calm fashion, but even the purple-skinned operator showed signs of jitters. <Gomen nasai, Jax-san... I'm trying! But the acceleration profile of this craft is so unpredictable... and with the vibrations and electrical impulses I'm feeling through this stick, we could lose the main power at any moment. So we've just got to push as fast as possible before that happens...>

"Hai, Hanako-sama... hold on," Umeshu nodded to the Shosho sitting alongside her, trying her best to persuade the rusted and now sparking shuttle to blast off towards the second rock from the sun where Charisma was broadcasting from. Planetfall couldn't come fast enough... though hopefully with the emphasis on the planet and not the fall.

Taharial sighed when she watched the shuttle leave, she looked around at the emptiness around and started to walk to see if anyone was awake. They had moved all the injured down to the beds so they had somewhere to rest. She hoped to find that at least one other person was awake so she didn't have to wait out her time by her self, as she headed downstairs she realised that the stairwells would be perfect places to set up traps for anyone who came to attack the lighthouse while the injured were here.

Taharial smiled as she walked the halls checking each room for someone who was awake and sighing when each room turned up to be either empty or the occupants where asleep. She sighed again and looked around "Hello is anyone here and awake?" she tried to be as quiet as she could not to wake up anyone who needed rest "I could really use a friend right now, as the others left us to take back the ship."

Aikiko sat in the station communication Centre, finishing up transmitting a message on a very little known frequency. Just a few who knew of it, would surely come and investigate. Hearing someone moving about the station. Her ears swivelled towards the familiar sound of Taharial.

~~I am in the communication centre. ~~ Aikiko sent the telepathic message to Taharial as she leaned back her seat after setting the scanner to monitor frequencies and to lock into the more actives one.

After awhile a soft chime was heard throughout the station coming from the kitchen. Aikiko frowned as she got up and left the Communication Centre to move to the kitchen. "How is the patients doing?" She yelled out so her voice could carry through the quiet station.

Taharial felt a weird buzzing in her head and smiled, someone was awake and trying to telepathically communicate with her, she knew the feeling from Tsuguka and sighed, she hated not being able to hear the communications of the others in this way. She smiled slightly though "Sorry I can't hear that type of message but I am glad to know you are awake" she giggled to herself and went around the patients checking that all was okay.

She heard something come from the kitchen and heard the familiar voice of Aikiko "Oh it was you Aikiko, well is that you in the kitchen and the patients are doing fine" she got a chill run down her spine and walked to the kitchen, she realised that the voice of her friend didn't come from this way and she had to protect them all, she used her communicator to try and warm Aikiko "There is something in the kitchen, can you come down and provide some assistance?"

"Yeah me. I just arrived." She moved over to the automated dishwasher to unload it and put away the freshly cleaned pots and dishes everyone had used. She had used another route to get to the kitchen. "Its safe." talking via communicator so she wouldn't have to yell.

Taharial felt a little stupid as she walked into the kitchen, she laughed "I am sorry Aikiko, I didn't know you were in here, so um why are you in here?" she looked around the room and started to checking for any non spoiled food that she could feed the patients "Oh by the way they other will be back when they have the ship, so hopefully that will be sooner than later."

She smiled lightly "So um Aikiko, since it is just us not injured, wanna talk about our works, or something" she shrugged not really knowing that much about Aikiko excepted that her and Tsuguka were good friends from what she saw. "I am sorry if you find this weird, I am not really that good at the moment, I am a bit nervous and haven't been getting good sleep" she thought to herself a moment "And before you get any ideas, my lack of sleep isn't because of Tsuguka."

Aikiko looked at Taharial. "The way you was on the battle field with them roaches?" She gave Taharial a shrug. "Some people have a more of a conscious that any violence causes them sleepless night. I was glad that you had some sense to drag Blackberry to the ship. I would've never been able to make the second trip. I would became Roach food." Giving Taharial's shoulder a squeeze. "I wouldn't worry about it to much. You will get used to it."

Taharial smiled slightly at the girl next to her "Thank you, but it isn't that either, it all started when I went home, now I have nightmares about my old self and stuff I want to forget" she looked away "I wasn't always interested in helping people when I was younger, hehe if I could of seen what I would turn into I think I would of ran away and never looked back." She laughed sadly "But I am a better person now then I ever was and am more happy in healing bullet holes then making them" she hands Aikiko the gun she was carrying "I think this will be better with you then me.

Aikiko looked at Taharial for a few long moments. "Naw... You better keep it. As long as you know when to stop shooting. Things will be fine. Even a doctor need to be willing to kill in the patience defence." She stepped back from Taharial, refusing to take her weapon.

She pulled out a container that had some food in it. "Here eat this. It make you feel better. As for Tugs. It is a good thing you and her are good friends willing to share quarters. Maybe it will loosen her up a bit." Placing the container with food near Taharial. "Bring balance to the both of you."

Taharial smiled and split the food into two for them "Here have some as well, you look like you need some food as well" she giggled and fluttered her wings "Well I am glad you seem okay with me having a gun." She sighed and looked down then started to eat "Tsuguka means a lot to me, I believe she means a lot to you as well" she looked around he kitchen and then at Aikiko "I have been wondering, did I steal Tsuguka from you, I mean you knew her longer than me?" she looked down again "Sorry I get like this on no sleep."

She sighed and shuddered again "I think I can trust you with my secret, why I kept the name butcher, well it was a name that was accepted at the academy because of how bad my first practice surgery was, but I had the name before that as well" she fidgeted where she stood and sighed "I um I used to get money for working in bars and that, you know, as a lady who would get up and shake it..." She blushed crimson and giggled "Well I was doing that to pay for living by myself after some messy stuff at home" she looked away "somethings happened I was taken by a gang, you know what normally happens to people" she looked down and a tear fell to the floor "lets say that was the first time I used a blade to get out of a bad situation, the gang members that are still around call me the butcher."

Aikiko gave a soft laugh at hearing how Taharial defended herself against an unwanted advances. Whether the gang succeeded or not. At least they had to earn it. "Angel... Defending oneself against unwanted attention is nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud that you earned the respect of them. That don t make you a victim. It makes you a predator just like the Tsugs, me, and the others. Its knowing when to put down the weapons of violence that makes us different from the criminals, psycho and other undesirables. It happened. Learn from it. and move on. I bet you was the sexiest thing on stage." Aikiko gave Tarahial a rare smile. "We all learn the hard way sometimes. It makes us who we are. For better or for worse."

Aikiko reached out again and gave Taharial another shoulder squeeze. "Don t let it get to you. We all lose our maidenhood at one time or another. Some have a choice and others..."Shrugs, "You are here with people care about you. The help that you can provide."

Taharial sighed and rubbed her arm lightly "I know I can tell people, I just don't like that part of my life, when I was doing it, I loved it but know I realise what I was doing I hate it.." she sighs "but the nightmares are me on the Eucharis, blood everywhere.... me giggling.... m killing..." She looked away "I am sorry, it is just bad dreams but I wonder if that was what I was like then, taking enjoyment in it and all... it makes me sick thinking that I liked that."

She shook her head and giggled "Maybe if your lucky and I am drunk I could give you and Tsugs a show of my old self" she thought for a minute "um there may be a video or two of me on stage, don't ask, it was under the name fallen angel." She laughs "Well I had bright pink wings, bright pink lipstick and nothing else" she laughs harder "just remembering it is funny, how did I ever think that was better than my red look for a fallen angel I have no idea."

Aikiko laughed with Taharial, "You will be fine." Giving Taharial a hug. "I will definitely look them vids up. Or get someone else to do so for me. I think pink would be a more becoming colour for you." She settled in the seat across from Taharial. "With Tugs being red and all."

Taharial giggled "next shore leave then I will do that, and if you get me drunk enough I may show you some of my old moves" she smiles "are you going to eat your fill of the food Aikiko, plus can I be the one to tell Tsugs, I don't want her finding out from someone else the girl she cares for was a entertainer among other things." She giggled again and looked at the gun "I always preferred blades to guns, I am thinking of buying one for me, then coating it in that acid the Rixx have in their body, maybe be useful in a battle" she was trying to steer the conversation away from her younger exploits and to something new.

Aikiko pushed her bowl of the food to Taharial, "Maybe you can make some. They brought back two bodies of them." She looked at Taharial and snickered a bit in a pleasant way. "Our Ship Angel of Mercy is an Erotic Dancer!" then openly laughed, She shook her head as she pictured Taharial on stage wearing a little frilly apron at her waist being reviled upon the spreading of wings and pasties with sparkly tassels and the nurses cap at a jaunty angle. She absentmindedly licked her lips. "Yup definitely a sure fire way to give the incentive to heal quickly!"

Taharial saw the look on Aikiko's face and sighed "I am taken now doll face, I am all Tsugs" she pushed the food back to Aikiko and sighed "lets change the topic before you flood this place with drool shall we?" She smiled and looked at the girl "So tell me about yourself Aikiko?" she smiled more and moved closer "I hardly know you, or any of the crew, I am normally locked in the Med Lab doing my own thing, and yea, I dissected those two rixx and found a way to synthesise their acid, it is quite strong though so need a good blade to use it on, have any information to help me out."

"It should not effect metal. The Samuras swords were unaffected by their blood or any metals." Aikiko spoke, resuming her usual demeanour of stoicism. "My area of expertise is explosive. In making, placing and if needed, to disarm them." She paused a bit to think "I
have learned a lot in my travels."

Taharial smiled and listened "yea I remember hearing that, so you are a bomb girl, it sounds amazing to be, were as at the moment I am just a medic, I hope one day I can be a very good and save everyone who comes to me without fail" she looked at Aikiko "but that may just be some dream for me." She smiles "Now please eat, you were one of the injured, if Hanako and the others found out I wasn't taking care of you, I will be in trouble."

"I think she don't like me much. I don't fawn over her like the others." Aikiko spoke softly, "In my own weird way, I respect her. But not in the Yamataian way like most of the other Nekos do." She smiled at Taharial. "I will tell her that you had me hogtied and force fed me. I had my fill, so eat and keep up your strength. You are more of an asset than me."

"I am no asset just a medic and I don't eat that much anyway, unless I am starving, the things that have happened have just made it so I am definitely not hungry for anything" Taharial spoke calmly and giggled then sighed "I will remember to get you a vid of me dancing in the old days, that will definitely lift your spirits a lot." She laughs "Or should I give my copies to Tsuguka to see what her reactions to the old me were" she had fallen back into her memories but she shook her head "Sorry been a lot of thinking time while here, I am normally doing a lot while talking, my mind is going places, can you forgive me?"

"No worries, I like to listen," Aikiko gave another soft smile. "Save it for Tugs." Since she didn't like to see food go to waste. She ate it quickly.

Taharial smiled and giggled again "A ship full of cute and beautiful girls and I fall for the one with commitment issues" she sighs "Sounds like it is something bad, but I actually am super happy with Tsugs, she has her own way to deal with everything and I find her great to cuddle with." She shook her head "hey can you do rounds with me, it is really easy just check on the patients and tell me if anything is weird."

Aikiko shrugs, "sure." She stands up and disposes the dishes in their proper place to be washed. "Where do you want to start? Top and work our way down?"

Taharial smiled and patted the girls head "That is what I was thinking, too bad I don't have my nurses costume to hand, you could of worn it for this and maybe healed some people while they looked at you." She laughed and stood up "Lets go Nurse Aikiko" she smiled and started to walk out the kitchen "Blackberry is in a room by herself but everyone else is in a room with two of them, so best thing to do is go to them and each of us takes one person then go to the next room, we do blackberry last."

"Naw, I just sell myself and forget the chase. Its quicker and no regrets..." Aikiko spoke bluntly as she tagged along with Tarahial. "Only if you wear one also, Doc Angel. or is that just wings?" Giving Taharial a lewd lustful look, then giggled, making the After You, hand movements.

Taharial smirked "Darling if I wore my old Nurse outfit, I think I would kill more people from heart attacks or something" she laughed and giggled "Well I am sure if Tsugs were here, all three of us could play doctor" she winked as she walked past Aikiko to the first room and smiled "you take left I take right?"

Aikiko impulsively gave Taharial a quick hug and moved to take the right side of the corridor to look at the patients. She kept pace with Tarahial on her side of the corridor in case Taharial wanted to talk more.

Taharial didn't talk while they checked the patients and it was only after checking blackberry that she spoke again "Well everyone is healing normally, so no worries" she giggled. "Now we can do what we want until the gang come back" she looked around "hmm not that much to do around this place is there, I guess we could go around and gather things that may be useful for us, like medical stuff and maybe some other things, as this place seems really abandoned."

She smiled and hugged Aikiko "thank you for listening to me while I got my past off my chest" she smiled "it is good to have someone to talk to, there is one more thing, I was thinking of modding my body with some of that Nightmare type body "see if I could get some of the stuff that you Nekos and Minkans can do, like telepathic communication, or I may just get some done next stop to help out with all of that stuff."

"No problem," Aikiko nodded and looked thoughtful, "Ever try to get a back up like us Nekos can?" Looking curious at Taharial as she lead the way to where everything was stored. "From what I read and overhead. These stations were built for ship that broke down and to give them a place to stop while awaiting rescue or fix their ships."

Taharial sighed "I want to stay how I am though, if I get a back up and I die, I will only have a Neko or Minkan body that I can go in, I like my body and I don't want to change, but I do want to hear what people try to tell me in private." She shook her head and nodded "Well do you think there is anything that we could take on the Eucharis that can help us in any way?"

She sighed "I don't think we actually should take anything, this placed help us, I think it will actually be better to leave everything then take stuff, what if some else gets stranded here."

Aikiko nodded. "yeah. Just leave the place clean for the next people that have to use it." She moved through storage area and taking note that Mitsuka had everything very neatly arranged after she had gone through and trashed the place for ration for the Eucharis Crew to enjoy a hot meal.

Moving on and coming to the washing facilities that the Station had supplied and began to clean up the mess that others had left behind. The towels were placed in a cart to be washed; putting back the soaps and shampoos in their slots when they had arrived. It was scut work, but those that followed would be more appreciative to come to a clean place. Even if it was those that serviced these stations.

Taharial moved with the girl helping to tidy the lighthouse for the next group of stuck people as she smiled and cleaned up she looked at Aikiko and giggled "You are an interesting woman you seem to know a lot" she smiled "What do you think we should do after cleaning up, we could do some exercise or just chat more."

She smiled sweetly "would we could try and teach each other, you teach me a little about bombs and I teach you about mending wounds?" she giggled again back to her normal happy self.

"I have been around a bit. I was not always Star Army." Aikiko paused for a bit looking thoughtful. "See a recognizable bomb, Run and get everyone as far away from it as possible. Use a landline to call for help..." She stopped talking, looking a bit unfocused for a few seconds.

Taharial smiled at her friend "I will teach you how to sort out common wounds that can gotten, what to do with poison and acids as well" she smiled and waved her hand in front of Aikiko "Hey there sweetness, wake up we are on watch and can't be unfocused.

"Yeah." Aikiko focused again. Looking at Taharial. "I am fine. where was I?" She seamed impatient as if she wanted to be elsewhere at the moment. "You was saying something about poisons?"

Taharial smiled and went over what she said again and smiled as the two got to work on teaching each other a little of their trade so they can help out the other one if needed.
Unnamed Star System - NMX Designation 87D

As the shuttle approached the planet, they could see and detect there were a lot of ships there. Several Rixxikor colony ships were in various stages of construction, being built out of various scrap including salvaged Mishhuvurthyar ship sections from the war. These were a lot more heavily armed than the previous Rixxikor ships, as they were bristling with salvaged weapons. Other vessels were of an unknown design, but also looked somewhat cobbled together. Notably, there were also two Kuvexian Navy ships, which, judging by the damage and repairs on them, were the survivors from the last year's battle with the Eucharis. There was an orbital shipyard complex and a ground facility on an apparently habitable planet below, the surface of which was largely covered in clouds. There was a space elevator connecting the two. The signal from the Eucharis was coming from a hangar on the surface.

Shuttle Interior

"Marcus, I think the idea is that you stay here and start your agriculture business and your original copy returns home to Ayenee. But before that can happen, we must get our ship back. You are on the ship with a small portion of my crew, and most of the rest of the crew is about to land there. We can probably expect a fight."

Hanako was then interrupted by transmissions from the Kuvexian Navy ship. "Shuttle RX-38719, this is KRNS Maisepona. You are not expected in this location. State your business."

"Can I get the crew member whose high school voted him as Most Rixxikor to come to the cockpit, please?" Hanako requested at the crew compartment.

Suddenly, redundant power systems kicked in and the stereo system reactivated, filling the smoky shuttle interior with loud bass beats and profane lyrics. "AND I FUCKIN' ATE HIS KIDS WHEN DEY CAME OUT DA EGGS, AND DEN I TOOK ITS MATE AND I SPREAD ITS SKINNY LEGS. MY OVIPOSITOR WAS GETTIN HARD AS A ROCK, WHEN I SAW ITS CLOACA OPEN FOR DA RIXXIKOR COCK..."

The Shosho face's was a mixture of annoyance, disgust, and confusion. She enhanced her speech with Nekovalkyrja telepathy so she could still be heard. "Tsuguka, I think we are just going to take a the shuttle in. By my calculations it would take too long for you to decelerate, and you would still be working on insertion by the time the away team will have already reunited with the ship. Besides, we need you here to protect us."

Hanako put a reassuring hand on Umeshu's shoulder. "Take us in for a landing."
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Shuttle Interior

Needless to say, the sudden activation of the stereo system irked Jax greatly. Was it really so important that they would install a secondary power source to it?! Why not, say, life-support?!

He was red as a tomato already due to the crassness and general vulgarity of the currently playing song. But he nearly lost it when Hanako requested that someone head up and speak like a Rixxikor.

You see, the Rixxikor were sort of like a more disgusting version of Nepleslians. Jax, as it so happened, was a certified "Professional Neppi". He had spent years perfecting the art of acting like a testosterone-fueled jackass. It was the only way to survive high school.

Native Yamataians, when doing impressions of Nepleslians, always seemed to have a bit of hesitation in their speech; a genuine shock at their own inappropriateness. In other words: They just couldn't put their hearts into it.

had merely adopted the vulgarity. He had been born into it- molded by it. By the time he had left Nepleslia, he was already a man. He knew that right now, their survival quite literally depended on a convincing response. No matter how awful he felt about it, he knew that only he could give that response.

Then I killed her afterwards!
I ain't even give a fuck!

With ears flattened against his head, and a face that could rival Tugboat's, Jax tentatively stepped into the cockpit and calmly took the mic.

Fucked a Yami kitty-cat,
While stacking all my millions up!

The nekojin gave a nervous mewl, looked to Umeshu apologetically, then to his Shosho, then to the remainder of the passengers. It was clear he didn't want them to see this side of him- the one conditioned for years in Nepleslia to be a "tough guy" (See: Testosterone-fueled Jackass); the darker side of his imagination which had spent months in space, surrounded by nekos who had no qualms with nudity, and unable to do anything about it.

Made her squirm, made her meow,

He took a deep breath...

Shot her fuckin' husband- *POW*!

"Yo mayne shit mayne we took this mutherfuckin' shuttle out for a fuckin' joyride mayne! It was fuckin' crazy bruh! We jacked a fuckin' Yami cargo ship and fucked all those cat-bitches on board bruh! Bent them right over the captain's chair mayne! Shoulda heard 'em squeal homie! Yeah mayne, we fucked 'em all real good and blew that motherfucker to bits mayne! Nothin' left dawg! The stupid bitches fuckin' shot us when we rolled up tho mayne! Fucked that captain extra hard fo' that mayne!"

Jax had slipped into "the moment". He made grand hand gestures and body movements as he spoke to emphasize his words. The look on his face was what you would expect of a malicious, psychopathic sexual predator. It seemed so unholy. It was definitely not the adorable kitten that fixed their stuff and made jokes at the dinner table.

But there was a method to the madness. He figured that these more civilized Kuvexians would become grossed out if he went far enough with his subject matter, and just let them pass by without another word to avoid hearing word-for-word about their exploits.

"Shit dude it was fuckin' great! I had a pilot-lady on my dick mayne and a fuckin' soldier on my face! Ery'one gotta few turns wit da head-lady tho holmes! I went first mayne! Ju wanna hear what I did to her!?"

As he ended his sentence, the fire left his eyes, replaced with icy shame that almost made him hurl. He fell silent and hugged himself. He glued his eyes to the floor, unable to face his compatriots after that awful, evil display. It made him positively sick how effortlessly, how... naturally that had come to him. He mewled quietly and trembled, and wrapped his tail around himself.

H-he had to do it! he told himself. It was for the good of the crew! They'd die if he hadn't.

It didn't help, though. The words were out and couldn't be taken back. He closed his eyes tightly and waited for either the Kuvexians to call back, or his crew mates to share their obvious horror and disgust.
Shuttle Interior

The Kuvexian voice sounded aloof yet annoyed. "Shuttle RX-38719, this is KRNS Maisepona. I doubt that. You're a genderless insect. You have no penis. You can fantasize as much as you want, but you will never have real sex. And the Star Army of Yamatai has slaughtered you every time you've encountered them so far. I do not care for your disgusting lies. So, where is this purported Yamataian cargo ship now? Why are you in this system? Do not waste my time."
Shuttle Interior


Jackson's blood went cold and he swallowed several times, his mind racing to come up with a response.

"I had real sex with yo mama!" Jax retorted in Rixxikor. "Aight mayne don't get crazy! We wuz racin' this thing through an asteroid belt- we wuz just out havin' sum fun y'know?- and got messed up real bad mayne! We just chose a place to go and this is it mayne c'mon dude we just need some repairs you feel me?"
Captured Shuttle

Natsumi winced as the stereo kicked in with it's vulgar noise, almost drowning out her worry about the Kuvexian warship interrogsting them in a wall of vulgarity. Her white furry ears twitched and she nearly clapped her hands over them to try and block out the rubbish.

She watched with some interest and surprise as Jax went to the comm and responded, speaking like one of the bug men might. She blushed, surprised at the words he spoke. He seemed to be channeling the bug men disturbingly well.

But it seemed to not be working. This caused a frown to spread across her lips. She could feel the doubt starting to rise in the pit of her stomach as the conversation went on between Jax and the other ship.

She got up and moved beside Hanako, "If this doesnt work, we're going to need an alternate plan pretty quick" she whispered in her Shosho's ear. She then lesned over Umeshu's shoulder and whispered to the operator, "Get ready to go evasive if this doesn't work"
Captured Shuttle,

Wazu would make his way over towards the front of the shuttle, watching from a distance and keeping his voice down so it wouldn't be overheard by the Kuvexians on the radio,

"If we are going to have the ship make a distraction now would be the time."
"Alright then, Hanako." Came the transmission. "In the mean time, if you need other help. I've got starship experience. Alright so that Marcus does. You get the point. I'll grab a few trinkets to prepare. And Marcus..." The copy paused. "Un homme mort n'a ni relations ni amis."

Marcus nodded, knowing the other couldn't see him. "I know."

"Then be careful with removing that alpha block."

"I will."

With that, Marcus sat back down and looked at Candon. He realized the tactician didn't know he was wearing one of the jumpsuits underneath his clothing. At this point Marcus wasn't overly concerned. He nodded in response. "Thank you, Candon."

Now, all that was left to do, was wait for his moment.

Meanwhile, the Marcus aboard the Eucharis began preparing in much the same way as his progenitor had before leaving the lighthouse, only with much greater access to real weapons. Both would be prepared...both would fight with everything they had. And hopefully, both would survive the experience.
Shuttle Interior

It wasn't working, they needed to make it more convincing. Candon's mind went into overdrive as he began thinking of how to pass off the deception.
He got it, what better way to convince someone an item was damaged than to present the damaged item?

The Kuvexian they were talking to was most likely just a paper pusher who just followed the manual to make things work. If an alarm sounded a person like that wouldn't know why it was going off, they would just know that something was wrong. He ran to the closed ramp and grabbed the handle on the service panel, breaking clips as he ripped the flimsy panel off the wall.

'Hello, hydraulic hoses. Who needs ailerons in space?' he thought as he drew his revolver and fired a hollow point round into one of the hydraulic manifolds. Fluid burst from the manifold in a sticky stream which quickly lost pressure, a condition that the avionics in the cockpit would quickly register.

"Use the explosion and alarm to sell it, Jax-san," he called up telepathically, "He's not an engineer, he can't ignore an alarm."
Captured Shuttle

If there was one thing in the universe that could make Tsuguka wish she had remained deafened, they had found it. Even shutting off the external microphones on her space suit didn't seem to diminish the incredibly reprehensible cacophony. It was bad enough having an enemy that wouldn't even clash with them in a straight fight, everything about these creatures was just... unspeakably, hatefully grotesque...

"-...Fair point ma'am. I respect that thought pattern.-" The response to Hanako came a little late, her irritation made clear to the adept observer by the fact Tsuguka had stopped blinking again. "-I just hope we get far enough for my skills to actually be of use, in that case. I will prioritize personal defense...-"

A few more moments of uncomfortable silence, whilst Howard-Hei's own display of incredible repugnance was broadcast outwards. It wasn't a conscious effort, but the crimson nekovalkyrja glared at him the entire time, actually calculating and discerning the chances that he may have been overly exposed to moral contamination in the midst of all this. The act was just too, for lack of a better word, skillful... Perhaps she could borrow a kendo training sword from Mao, and have some seriously cultural papercraft or classical music training at a later date.

No time to plan it out now. Bigger fish to fry.

"-That cloud formation looks dense, Taii...-" A renewed sense of self control, whilst she leaned up against Umeshu. Open telepathy was used to ensure nobody but those within the shuttle could hear her, of course. If the soldier was aware of the loss of pressure, she ignored it. "-You think we could act like we are crash landing, then change course at the last minute, and get lost in the bustle of other ships?...-"
Shuttle Interior

Jax glanced back at Candon quickly, his cheeks still burning, and nodded. He was feeling just a bit more confident in his efforts, but no doubt this was one of those things he would receive a "stern talking-to" about later.

He cleared his mind and fell back into his false persona.

"Sheeeeeeit mayne," he shouted over the alarm, which no doubt the squid on the other side could hear. He continued begging. "Fuck! It's goin' down cuz!! Ju gotta let us land dude please!"
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Shuttle Interior

There was a pause that took a while, presumably while the Kuvexians were discussing the shuttle. Finally, they replied. "Shuttle RX-38719, this is KRNS Maisepona. You are cleared to proceed to the Graxlat salvage depot. This transmission ends now." And so it did.

A guidance line appeared on the shuttle's HUD display, showing the course to the starport on the surface. As the shuttle descended, it was buffeted by the forces of the descent, throwing around everyone who wasn't strapped in. In the distance they could see mountains of scrap and trash piled in pyramids, and hangar bays large enough to fit a Plumeria-class gunship.