Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 3] Expanding Horizons II (YE 39)

Bronzi had been fighting his way out. Murdering everything in sight was untenable. But it did slow things down. Robot after robot hit after hit. It was a grind. A fight of no real importance except to Bronzi. A fight to survive. What was probably only a few minutes of fighting felt like hours to the Gartagen. Eventually however he saw his exit and engaged his boosters.

Launching him self off the massive mega station. Bronzi set a course for Eucharis. He'd be the last of the team arriving.

A subtle mix of annoyance, anger, disgust formed on Hanako's face. She stopped working on her 'theory testing' and returned her attention to the situation at hand. "Once everyone is aboard, take us into a higher orbit," Hanako ordered the bridge crew. "I do not want those robots to be able to hit the ship." Next she picked up the intercom. "Attention crew, this is Hanako: Conduct away team recovery operations. Secure your armors and get showered. There will be a debriefing in the wardroom in ten minutes, followed by dinner. Medic Pan, please give a report of casualties to the bridge." From her tone, she didn't sound very pleased with the outcome of this operation.

"Aye, prepping for higher orbit."

The quiet Kohosei went about his plotting as silent as he had been, monitoring the situation through SPINE. He kept one eye on a readout of the planet-thing, looking to see if one of them were so inclined that they would want to attack a vessel that could easily wipe them from existence with one of their weapons. It was something that Takao was prepared to do, but didn't find it necessary unless they were provoked.

His plotting would place the Eucharis on roughly the same heading, just in a much higher orbit. He made his final checks while he watched the bay with his mind, waiting on the last to return.
Power Armour Bay

Odds were Tan Ann Pan would only need to use the bandage spray and maybe one or two syringes from her crash kit, it was easier to move her patients into surgery than to conduct first aid in the armour bay. Still, even if it improved outcomes negligibly, there seemed to be some symbolic merit to doing at least one thing efficiently. "Thank you, Jackson-hei."

Once she was out of her armour, she attached the likely items to her belt, and waited for the casualties to arrive, looking through the gate to space. "Please assist me in removing their armour, if need be."
PA Bay

Candon moved into the power armor bay, gliding in easily but was unsure of the landing just a bit so that Masumi had to half-stumble to get her footing. He propped Natsumi in his arms gingerly after Masumi had disembarked and he began trying to move her armor off of her, fumbling with the blockiness of his hands in power armor.

"Doctor?" Candon said over speakers, looking up to Tan and stepping aside marginally. Masumi was undressing quickly and efficiently, glancing at Natsumi surreptitiously every now and again.
Power Armor Bay

Natsumi was drifting in and out of wakefulness. Her vision blurry and dim, but not dim enough that she did not recognize the power armor bay of the Eucharis. So close to safety at last.

"I'm still alive.." she murmured as she felt someone trying to open up her Mindy. She knew they needed to get her out of the power armor so they could get her into a hemosynth tank.

Natsumi triggered her suit opened through her SPINE connection to it's onboard computer. The battered power armor popped open, unfolding, and the wounded Natsumi collapsed forward, sliding partially out of the armor to fall against Candon, hemosynth pouring from her wounds.

"G-get me to medical"
PA Bay

Candon nodded and gently lifted Natsumi up in his own power armor and looked to Masumi and nodded his head towards the downed XO.

"I can't take her in power armor. This is on you, Masumi," Candon said, handing Natsumi to her after the pink-haired Neko nodded tersely. Masumi barely waited for Natsumi to be all of the way in her arms before getting out of the bay and making it into the Sakura-type medical lab, where she placed Natsumi on the table and waited for Tan.
Medical Bay

Natsumi was laid out on one of the examination tables, hemosynth pooling at her side, oozing from the wounds in her torso and arm. She winced, feeling very cold.

"Hemosynth t-tube" Natsumi lifted her good left arm, pointing at the collection of Hemosynth Reconstruction Tubes that lined the far wall. "Put me in" she hissed, her arm falling back to the table. She did not have time to wait for the medic to arrive.
YSS Eucharis - Galley

Since the time when the Eucharis had left home some 3 months ago, the ship's food supplies, which had once been so plentiful they had stacked some boxes in the passageways, were now starting to dwindle. Star Army Logistics only visited occasionally, and it took months for their ships to get here so fresh items were hard to come by, which meant the cooks were working with a lot preserved foods. This evening, Lime was in the kitchen with her EM-J2-3a Douryo android, cooking fish meat in taco spices and a drizzle of olive oil, while the robot assistant was shredding oversized wedges of cheese over a large metal bowl. The sizzling of cooking and a thin smoke filled the air, drifting out into the wardroom.

YSS Eucharis - Power Armor Bay

Daniel Becker showed up to see if if you could help anyone with their armor. Immediately he could tell that several of the team had been hit by some powerful weaponry.
Medical Lab

Masumi, familiar with hemosynth reconstruction tubes at least in theory, moved Natsumi into one and controlled it to start repairing Natsumi's mangled body. She placed a hand on the polarizing material that covered the tube and watched Natsumi's body floating in place with saddened, sparkling, sapphire eyes.

Why did every mission have to end with her here, she wondered. More so, Why did it have to be someone else but her this time? She would gladly have replaced the ivory-haired Neko in there just to know Natsumi-taii didn't have to feel the pain she currently was undergoing. Masumi was all too familiar with the lasting effects of injuries in the field.
Medical Bay

She was in the tube, the reconstruction system beginning its work to repair the damage to her NH-33 body. Natsumi seemed to finally relax, her body going limp. She was still in pain, but she was now, finally, out of danger, submerged in the thick reddish hemosynth.

The snowy haired neko closed her eyes, the red tinged vision of the medical bay and Masumi outside replaced by blackness as she let herself finally drift into sleep, knowing she was going to survive. She could let all the worries and stress, for a little while, as she floated in the tube.

Tears welled up from her eyes, the lighter water floating like bubbles to the top of the tank.
Bronzi was the last one into the power armor bay. The large mecha was in dire need of a new paint job and some serious maintainance. But it held up. The new mods were great, yet some damage was sustained to its pilot. Bronzi hadn't noticed but an explosion sent a metal shard through one of the gaps in the armor panel. The shard had impailed him. But as Wazu would say: don't be a baby.

Bronzi parked the exo suit and exited. He stood up on the deck and removed the metal shard that had been rocketed in by momentum and super heated plasma with a grunt. He then headed off the deck, tossing the object in the nearest trash receptacle. He moved down the corridor and came back to the place he had started this mission - the med bay.

Bronzi entered the room and saw Natsumi in the Hemosynth stub. He paused for a moment looking at the damage she had sustained. Bronzi sat down on a medical bed and sought out a first aid kit. He began doctoring him self up in silence.

Bronzi had done several missions in his time. None quite like this. Bronzi looked up and saw Natsumi seemingly crying in the tube. He rose, having cleaned his own flesh, preferring no one touch him. Bronzi tapped one of his talons onto the hemosynthe tube.

"Ay, show meh yers an ill show yer mines." He then presented his own wound. A deep hole in his upper abdomin.
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Medical Lab

Masumi gasped at Bronzi and shook her head and her sweaty bubblegum-pink hair fell down to wrap around either side of her face as she looked down. She sniffed loudly and her shoulders heaved and a big breath of air was taken in before she exhaled in a few shallow breaths.

She was crying fully as she told Bronzi, "You think I killed her."

As soon as Bronzi was in, Takao toggled the bay doors and looked into his screens and SPINE. "Away team is aboard, moving to higher orbit."

The Kohosei eased up the throttles, watching his readouts and piloting with grace. He watched the numbers rise as well as the position of the gunship on his displays. Once the Eucharis settled into her travel, he took another quick look at the Bay to make sure the doors had closed. Satisfied with his quick glance, he began pulling back on the throttles once the altitude and orbital velocities were beginning to close to the planned set. Takao cut the throttles and gently triggered the reaction-control system to make the fine adjustments before finally releasing his control.

"Eucharis now in upper orbit, velocity is clear. Systems reporting nominal."
Bronzi's smile vanished and his hand dropped away from his, comparatively minor injury. A scratch. He shut his eyes but his body was tense.

"She is still alive." He said softly.

He the. Turned to her. "No I dunt think ya killed her. She's strong. I've seen neko die from far less then this."

Bronzi was now looking at the crying Masumi. "I ain't gonna shit ya. When ya disobey her command an said you done it. It undermined her authoriteh. When your officers authority is taken away, they ain't officers no mo." He turned back to the girl in the hemosynth tube. "They become like the rest of us. When The others realize dat tha officer's authoriteh is In question they put it to that test. That's why she is in hea."

" You didn't kill her tho. We let her down. Muh self included."
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Medical Lab

Masumi's tears wouldn't let up and her exhales became ragged and rough after Bronzi said, "That's why she is in hea." Her deep, dark skin was shiny where her tears had rolled past her cheeks and down her chin and she inhaled sharply before letting her shoulder slump further as she let go of her breath, only to raise as she tried to inhale again.

Candon walked in to the medical lab and his brows shot up as he caught the sight of Masumi, who stepped forward quickly and wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest.

His hands moved up and away from her naked body as his mouth went agape before a moment later when his mouth closed and his eyes grew more gentle. He put his hands on Masumi's back and shoulder softly, closing his eyes to avoid looking at Bronzi or Natsumi in the tank.
Bronzi sighed. The emotions were running high. "It's. gonna be okay. Just takes tiem. Yer a good crew. Just had a rough one. "
Power Armor Bay > Wardroom

With his weapons stowed and his Mindy lined up in its rack's framework, Saiga anchored the armor at its collar and began the quick task of removing it. First his helmet came off and then the suit's chest cavity opened to let him climb out. He didn't need Becker's help as much as others must, so didn't call for the engineer's attention. The spot on the Geshrin chusa's right calf where he'd been shot burned as it slipped up and though the Mindy's hemosynthetic insert, but the fact he could feel so much was a good sign. At least he still had a leg.

When Saiga was fully free of his battle kit, he looked down to examine the wound. It was raw and red and bright ring of damaged tissue surrounded the plasma burn underneath his skin, but it seemed otherwise contained—if there were any positives involved in being shot by hot energy, it was that flesh damage tended to cauterize when the shot passed through—and he could still walk, too, albeit with a touch of pain in every step. So he'd hold off going to medical until after the briefing. Tan and Taharial definitely had more pressing casualties to attend to and another scar didn't really faze him at this point.

The SAINT commando remained silent while he took a quick rinse in the forward decontamination area and then donned his black-paneled uniform. Those pensive minutes allowed him to organize his thoughts on the tragic mission that'd just occurred, though he'd been keeping track of the action—and the team's missteps—in real time. That's why he'd accompanied them, after all: to assess the infantry Neko and their first sortie as a Special Operations Fire Team. And why he'd allowed the fiasco to continue for so long without his direct intervention.

Moving to the wardroom next, Saiga was first bombarded with the scents and sounds Lime's ace cooking pouring out from the galley. Welcome sensations, definitely, and enough to lift anybody's spirit once the meal was served. Tons of tacos would really hit the spot after fighting and helplessly scrambling around for the better part of an hour. But that'd come later. The grim prospect of a debriefing and the dissection of failure continued to consume Saiga's thoughts for now.
Power Armour Bay

When Natsumi arrived, Tan Ann Pan waited just long enough to see that her armour could still be removed easily before she stepped forward with her bandage spray in hand, and began sealing the wounds that were still bleeding hemosynth. It took only a matter of seconds, and Tan held her up for it, until the officers carried Natsumi away without her instruction.

Well, alright, Tan Ann Pan thought. She caught herself and turned back to the others who were returning to the armour bay, choosing not to think further about what had just happened, yet. "Are there any other major injuries?" She had plenty of data arriving from their suits already, but double-checking was helpful for safety's sake. She considered attempting to give Candon and Masumi an order, but decided against it.

Bronzi and his injury slipped past her unnoticed, but she turned her head Saiga's way while he left the bay, when his limp caught her attention.
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Bronzi's blood encrusted forefinger talon tapped on the hemosynth glass once again. His armor on his left side was encrusted with his blood, but it had stopped flowing.

He then with his free hand presented a spare (just in case one was needed) grenade pin to Natsumi "Have ya seen muh Grenade?"