Machine Planet Labyrinth - Room #28
Junko's scans did not reveal anything more of interest in the room with the remains of the acid-shooting fire beetles.
Machine Planet Labyrinth - Room #60
Junko's scans did not reveal anything more of interest in the room with the remains of the acid-shooting fire beetles.
Machine Planet Labyrinth - Room #60
Hanako briefly looked around the empty room before returning to the bulk of the away team by way of the moldy passageway. "Away team, this is the captain. It looks like there are enemy ships arriving in the system and they probably are looking for a fight. If we do fight them, the Eucharis will need all hands to fight them, so we should return to the ship immediately." She paused a little. "Optionally, we could leave a very small team behind to keep exploring, but if the Eucharis has to leave the system to survive it means you could be here for months, maybe even a year, in this very hostile environment, before we can come back and get you," she added."Shosho, this is Eucharis actual, ten enemy vessels have just entered the system. I am going to evade them as long as I can, but I suggest the away mission be scrubbed and that all hands return to the ship asap"