"Jax's inclusion on the away team is more than acceptable," Saiga replied, making note of the choice on one of his screens. "He's armored up before and would be the first person to analyze whatever alien tech we retrieve, anyway. So long as Hanako-shosho has no problem with it, he's yours."
The SAINT chusa didn't speak for a moment, not having much to say. But since Takumi was here and would be the second highest ranked member of the squad, now was as good a time as any to fill him in. He'd already communicated some with Tsuguka, the armor team's actual on-the-ground commander
according to doctrine, and hashed out most of a plan for Metal Moon Round 2.
"We'll be inserting via one of the damaged sections of the target structure," Saiga explained, bringing up a little holographic moon beside one of the work screens he had open. "No shuttle this time. We're going to try for as quiet an insertion as possible."
Clandestine infiltration was part of what SOFT groups were trained for, after all. Yesterday's foray hadn't even given them the opportunity to execute a breach like they had so many times during VR exercises over the three months they'd spent in-transit. So today, he intended to let Tsuguka lead her team and give them the opportunity to actually perform in the way they'd been taught to perform.
"You and I are going to let them do their thing," Saiga continued. "The combat team protects the rest of us and leads the excursion. They don't need a couple of officers telling them to break a charge, so try to keep any impulsive orders to yourself." He flashed Takumi a grin before asking, obviously rhetorically, "You'll know if any direction from above is needed, right?
"But that brings me to letting them know when they'll need it. Since you're specialized in the sciences, it's your job to keep an eye out for anything that'll provide us with worthwhile intelligence," the SAINT officer said. "Everything looks interesting to the layman, but you and Jax should have a better eye for it than the rest of us. So when you see something, say something and Toyoe-heisho will know to halt and protect the position of interest until you two can log it, secure it, or strip its information. Don't forget about checking out any murderbots we might bring down, either.
"Any thoughts so far, Shoi?" Saiga asked, just as much to take a breath as to solicit the junior officer's input.