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RP: YSS Mikomi Mission 3: Part 2-The Caves of Bowhordia

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After Eve came into the situation and took the supposed to be "friendly AIES", Natalie just turned her glance to Eve, and followed her back to the group.
"Impressive sergeant. That was quite a way to act, leaving our captain and taking by the arm something i didn´t knew if it was friendly or not, in an area where we don´t even know what´s pointing the guns at us. I will gladly discuss my conduct later, ma´am." Natalie said to Eve.

"Way to go Natalie... piss off some random officer on your damn first mission... But really, what the hell she thinks she´s doing?..." she mumbled to herself.
"That's First Sergeant, and don't you forget it. They obviously should have kept you at boot." the young voice replied as she dropped Saiga in a heap behind the rocks with the others, having backtracked and arrived from the direction they had come in. "Bite your tongue, or we'll add more counts of insubordination to your dossier, soldier. Pray you don't endanger us again." she replied sharply. Apparently the new recruit had a mouth on her, as well as a penchant for acting without proper orders from an NCOIC, or commander. The girl keyed her AIES to keep an eye on the woman, who didn't seem to even know the SOP of missions or Kylie operational status.
"Come on people, I don't want arguments. We have only just landed. You to see me when we get back to ship." He looked at them both for a second, and turned back round to see what he was doing. "So Eve, you would like to go out... that is also a good idea as you have camoflage. Daduar are you going to go with her?" He looked at them both, and then turned round to wait for a comment. From now on he was going to keep an eye out on the landscape.
Kato had already gone about assigning Suzi more requests. "Where we hit? What type of weaponry was fired at us? If we know what was used we could speculate at to what is down there." He was rolling his eyes the Mikomi computer couldn't multitask worth a shit. Kato was now filling out something on his personal data pad as he got up from the seat in the wardroom waving off the counsel he had summoned. "If or when the ship takes damage that the hemo can't fix be sure to inform me Suzi....."
"Aye sir." she quickly keyed back to Kestral. She was hoping he wasn't going to engage it as an argument, given the divergence in rank and experience. Something told the teen she'd need to have a word with the crashed soldier when they returned some time, if not to give him some piloting advice. Her wave sensor produced more topographics. Keying her AIES to process any possible threat she waited for the go order.
Saeki stayed out of the arguments and the strife, standing still on the outskirts of the group, her rifle lowered a bit so that it had the muzzle pointed down but was ready to fire at a moment's notice. She looked like the immense Colossus of Rhodes, standing immobile as a sentry against the unknown.

Meanwhile, miles off-course, Carlos lay in a heap, groaning softly. He'd been thrown tremendously off course...falling...fallling...blinding pain. Then darkness. He was still unconscious, the only signs of life coming as groans and moans of pain every now and then.
"Come on people, I don't want arguments. We have only just landed. You to see me when we get back to ship."

"Yes, captain." Natalie said finishing the phrase with a quick nod. Then raised her rifle, and stopped the scan that she had in passive mode to start another one focusing on the temperature of the soil around the area.

"Well, we got here some annoying officer. She´s way too confident, we don´t know what the hell we are fighting against, not counting that i was just be cautious of the computer getting jammed. Uh, and that thing of moving in front a ready to fire Phalanx with full power wasn´t the best of the ideas. But it´s ok, if it´s not me what get us in danger, that picky overconfident mood will get us slaughtered for sure." she mumbled as she did a while back.
Roken was still on guard not sure what exactly to do at the moment he wanted to help the crashed pilot be he didnt know if it was safe between here and the crash, he didnt like waiting on hostile ground.

(OOC: sorry about the no show guys)
"Well Kato, we haven't been hit yet. Close to getting hit, but haven't, as I just managed to get out of the way. I would say they are like Aether Beams. We haven't been hit, so I havn't felt the force of one of these beams. I don't think we can estimate what is down there at this moment in time. Yes, I will let you know if anything happens."

Kestral nodded the replies of, and looked around the group. "Who are we missing? We only have nine of the fifteen crew on board. Henako has been sent back to the ship. Kato and Ghi are still on the ship. So that leaves.... Candide, Carlos and Doji. Has anyone seen them? They may not have left the ship, or the worst out come of all is that they have landed away from us." Kestral looked down at he sand, this wasn't good.
Soon after treating Kestral, Ghi had retreated to her quarters, believing it was to sleep. However soon after she closed the door, the voice attacked her like it had never before, with more force, telling her to do ... terrible things. She'd collapsed, and had lain there a long time, shivering and jerking, while in her head she fought against the voice. It was a loosing battle, Ghi was never under the pretence that she was stronger than it. However she had managed to win a short respite, a brief glimpse of clarity, where she had requested Megami to tell anyone asking after her that she was sick, and asked not to have visitors.

Barely managing that she had collapsed into a series of terrible dreams, as she prowled the ship, gleefully killing the crew, ripping out their throats, breaking their necks from behind with a single bite of her jaws. The voice showed what life could be like, what she could do, and despite her revulsion, their was an attraction. Life independent, the hunter, no friends, only herself, the joy of death. But she would not allow that to dominate her, and somehow, agonisingly stopped the voice from gaining full control. But it was so close, she was so close to falling.

In another moment of clarity, feeling that the voice was only moments from resuming its attack she scrambled, to her bed, and picked up her service pistol, holding it to her head, finger on the trigger.

"Stop! Stop this or I swear I'll shoot, I'll kill the both of us!" Ghi shouted in her head, the words escaping from her lips at the same time.

"At last some spine. You wouldn't you know, you don't have the strength, weak as you are. But you have earned a breathing space. I'll be back." The voice answered, and the voice also came out of her voice, deeper than her own, mocking. The voice showed that it could control her, and then disappeared, its presence gone.

Ghi collapsed onto her knees, tired beyond belief, mentally and physically exhausted, and terrified. She reached for another shot of Calm, but then remembered, she'd already been on a triple dose. The voice had managed to penetrate her only defence.

Tears poured down her face, sticking in her fur as she pulled herself onto the bed and slept, surprisingly well, but then the Calm would help her sleep. She certainly hoped so, she didn't want to wake.


Quite a while later.


Ghi woke up with a start, still in her uniformed, eyes bleared and painfull from crying, and tail sore from lying on it. The voice still wasn't there, thank god. Just to make sure it didn't come back as easily, she grabbed another Calm and injected herself with it. Soon the calming sensation spread through her and she calmed down, her breathing rate and heart rate slowing. She took a deep breath, and stood up.

"Megami-sama, how long have I been in my room, and what has happaned while I have been in here?" She said in a calm voice.
Suzi appeared next to Ghi's bed. "Well, you have been out for a long while. So far, we have landed on Bowhordia, well near enough and we are now orbiting it again. We left the planet, due to being fired at. At the moment the Captain is down there with the men. Candide, Daji and Kato are also still on ship. These of course was a small period when we where on our way to Bowhordia, but that was not long." Suzi smiled at her, tilting her head slightly to the right. "Everything ok?"
"Yes. Everythings fine, thankyou Megami-sama. However I am still puzzled, what is Bowhordia? I've forgotten if I've ever known. And the Captain's awake, good good. My treatment must have gotten through. Who was shooting at us? Do we know how they're armed? Come on Megami-sama, I'm curious, tell me the tale, I'm intrested in what I missed." Ghi sat down on her bed and looked expectantly at Suzi.

(OCC: My way of catching up, I'm a little lost)
Finally making her way to the group, Masako arrived just in time to hear about a few of the crew being missing. "Vega-san is missing," she mumbled to herself as she used her AIES system to identify who was who in each armor.

Keeping an eye on her surroundings, she bit her lip nervously. What if something had happened to her comrade from the Confidence? She felt the familiar feeling of dread she had felt trying to rescue her comrades on the damaged Confidence a while back.

She wanted to suggest forming a search party to find their missing crew, but the way things were going...staying together would be the best option for survival.
"Bowhordia is the planet, whichy may I add, Kestral named. We are orbiting it now. Yes the Captain is wide awake, and down on Bowhordia. If he where asleep now I would be a little worried. Well i do not know who was shooting at us. All I can tell is that they are shooting aether beams at us. So yes they are armed. Although, it seemed as though it was comming from only one cannon. So I don't know how many are down there, as they have some shield, that i can not penetrate." She smiled again.

Kestral looked around. "I suggest we split in to two groups. This way we are not so grouped and if shot at, we won't all be hurt. We will keep in eye contact though. I will take one group, Daduar, you take the other. Masako, I would like you to go with Eve, you are wearing a Kylie, are you not? This was you can both camoflage." He looked over to another rock. "Right split equally, I don't care which group you are in, just get there." He dived across the open gap and landed behind or in front of another boulder. "Move it."
"This is Dawning. Synchronizing SLICS systems with Captain Kestral protocols and following..." Natalie said while stopping the scan she was running and storing the data logs in the suit´s memory. "This is just a pile of junk, but it might get handy later"

Leaving her LOTUS drones outside, she jumped near Kestral, running diferent protocols now

://Syncronizing SLICS with objective => (Cap. Bowman ((Leader))) ... Done.
://Syncronizing SS-4 with pilot´s brain waveforms ............................. Done.
://Arming Blackout Suite ................................................................. Done.
://Warning - EM-9 SIAR safe lock is off.

"I am ready to go, sir."
Sypher said:
"Masako, I would like you to go with Eve, you are wearing a Kylie, are you not? This was you can both camoflage."

The young neko blinked in confusion as she look at her suit. "No sir, I'm in a Mindy," she replied politely. "But a Mindy has the same ability to become nearly invisible as a Kylie sir, so I'll gladly go with First Sergeant Yamazaki," the neko stated as she bowed her head slightly.

Identifying the Kylie belonging to Eve, she moved beside her while synchronizing her systems. "Ready to go, Yamazaki-san," she stated as she held her GM-06 in a resting position pointed towards the ground.
Kestral looked at Masako. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know why...anyway. Thank you. Do not go to far, make sure you watch each others backs. we will be around here." He looked at them both and nodded slightly. "Good luck." Kestral looked at Masako again, Why on earth did I think she was wearing a Kylie. Dam it. Way to make yourself look stupid Kestral. He shock his head slightly, and looked up at Natalie, who had switched sides and was right next to him. He bowed slightly at her, and looked back over to the group, waiting for at least three more of them.
"Clever name, coinciding and his second name and all. Right. I'll be in the medbay, call me if anyone needs me." Ghi unlocked the door, and walked to the medbay and began checking over the equitment just to make sure it was all in order.
"Copy sir. Let's go, sergeant." she double checked to make certain her wave sensors were correctly identifying into her AIES. Flipping forward and up, she began following an erratic path towards their objective, ready to respond with her own aether included arsenal if possible. At least they're not Mishhu. she thought as the sensor data came in.
"Sgt. Major Aya, falling in on you, sir." She said quietly, her voice thin and toneless. She manuvered calmly over to Kestral and kept her rifle at the ready, looking almost bored with the entire situation. However, she was really feeling incredibly alert.
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