Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 3] - Rocking the Casbah

Reeves could swear he could hear his own heart thumping heavily in his ears as he realized that there was more than one pirate still in the bridge. If he could become more pale he probably would. To make matters worse the vision in his eye wavered for a few short moments corresponding with the malfunction of several consuls and the doors in the room.

The technician wasn't sure if he wanted the doors operational. On one hand he would have no backup from that direction for a while, but on the other there would be no more surprise pirates barreling through the door. He didn't move from his position near one of the chairs. the dot from his laser sight remaining on the pirate he had threatened earlier.

It was probably a good thing that there was something out there distracting the other men out in the hall. Hopefully another member of the Phoenix crew would be nearby if things went terribly wrong in the next few moments. Trying not to let his nerves overwhelm him he inhaled sharply and began to speak. "We... I..." He began to answer their question when the captain of the ship goaded him on trying to encourage him to take them out. He was worried that if he hesitated he wouldn't have a chance to fire at all. He doubted he possessed the social prowess to reason with these strangers. It was either attack or surrender and hope they didn't kill him. Not worrying about the rifle pointed at him the finger on the trigger squeezed down. The gun had been set to full auto so a vibrant burst of white flashed near the fatboy's muzzle after about two seconds of constant fire, directed at the man he had seen while he was in the vent, he darted for the cover of a nearby consul because he felt a little too naked just standing behind a chair for protection. He shot off in the direction of the other pirate as he ran.
"No problem kid." She grinned as the young Neko seemed to bounce back quickly from her injury, snatching the offered ration bar up and moving off to forage for supplies. "Looks like the old guy's fine, though." Shayla turned to spot him also scrounging up a better weapon. She swept her gaze over the others gathered nearby, taking stock of the situation. Seemed like the hostages were freeing each other and getting into cover fairly successfully. Looking back at her recent patient, she just snorted at the sight of Tamamo guzzling down the pirate's blood. She was probably too fresh to realize how that would look to others, or consider the moral implications of her actions. The way she talked was also suspect. "Maybe she hadn't made it to socialization training yet?" The giantess laughed.

"Not like I haven't done the same thing. I mean, it beat eatin' tree bark and-" She was cut off by the pounding at the door, her attention captured. Shayla wasn't quite sure where she would be best utilized in this situation, not having any heavy weaponry. Looking for a better position, she was sent stumbling by the sudden explosion of undergarments. "What in the...!?" Thankfully her height helped her stay on her feet, although she did break into guffaws again as soon as she realized the situation. "Alright, hangin' out with you guys is gonna be loads of fun, if this is the kinda wacky shit that happens around here."
Fruna Ruica, Outside the Bridge, Deck 3

Zeta finally reached deck 3 and followed the signs heading towards the bridge. The corridors were too tight for use of the Vulcan so exchanged it for the Fatboy on her back. With Vulcan safely atached to her pack she moved up. Then stuff started happening all of a sudden. First her armour was hit with EMP, luckily it mostly got soaked by Wesley's shields and only made her comms go offline for a bit. The armour still worked and that was important. She moved to the corner of next intersection, when she was met with hail of bullets. Not bothering to check if the guns could even hurt her in the armour, Zeta moved back, letting the bullets kill an innocent wall.

Zeta raised her fatboy and activated its targeting system. It usually worked with FatCOM, but there was nothing stopping her from linking the gun with her helmet. Thanks god for Origin and equipment compatibility. She crouched down and poked her armoured hand along with the gun at the badguys. The cam on her helmet showed her three man, two with rifle and one with some kind of launcher.

"That man appear to have explosive device launcher." Wesley chimmed in helpfully and outlined the baddie on Zeta's screen.
"It is called a Grenade Launcher Wessy," she replied, aimed at the man and pulled the trigger. Best thing about energy weapons was the lack of recoil.
A hand emerged from beneath the pile of undergarments. Then another. Finally, Enzo rose from the depths with a mischievous grin, underwear dangling from him like a clothesline. With a dog-like shake, the conman spread most of his undergarment decorations away from himself. Then, he began the one-by-one act of plucking them from his extremities before coming across a pair that stuck out to him in particular. With wide, excited eyes, the conman inspected them for cleanliness and size before smacking the earpiece with the palm of his hand.

"Say, Melissa, sweets, 's yous still size twelves?" He asked, holding the panties up to the light, "Cuz I think yous deserves some silk, lady."

Without waiting for a definite response, Enzo stuffed the classy-looking red silk panties into one of the pockets on his vest and lit a cigarette with a satisfied look on his face before suddenly asking while looking surprised, "Oh, what were we doin'? Sorry, I was thinkin' about an ass."
"Gah! Not the way I expected to die," Makari shouted joyfully, "flaming panties, whodathunk?" He brushed off the hot pants from his person and attempted to help some of the con goers to safety from the onslaught of panties.

Makari motioned to Shayla, "yep, exploding mutant 'gators, flaming panties, you name it and we roll with it." He pulled out his two Lorath Handcannons and proceeded kick his way through the refuse in an attempt to make a path for the con goers and his fellow shipmates.
Seiren's LEAF finally arrived at the main convention floor, with Rebeka in tow and Aiesu still onboard. He promptly dumped the L'manel the moment they were there, closing the hatch fully while he was at it.

"Alright, time to. . . wait, are those. . ." he said, noticing that the place was littered with undergarments. It didn't take long for him to put two-and-two together, and the inventor didn't even bother looking at Rebeka to say something. Better to not draw attention, after all.

"So, Luca! Which way should I point?" He asked, looking about at the various access points throughout the large room.
Fruna Ruica, Main Convention Floor, Mezannine
"Knock knock..." Luca mumbled to himself as he put his HHG away and cracked his knuckles beneath the Grapple Stunner. "Who's there..." he answered himself as he tried to do what he'd usually do to start charging a Phoenix Punch, bracing himself, pressing the right button, letting the neural input amplify it - but instead, he started opening his palm from a balled fist, and a ball of lightning was crackling in the palm of his right hand.

The door was smashed into matchwood and Luca found himself face to face with the visor of a seven and a half foot tall powered armour wielding a very large hammer, and continuing to charge straight through the pirate-erected barricade, tossing chairs, tables and would-be heroes of the Convention trying to hold the barricade down like salad.

A stray piece of phallic-shaped rubbish from the tables smashed into a jukebox that was resting against a pillar. Struck it right in the buttons, activating and the machine started playing a song completely inappropriate for the rising blood and tempers that were about to get to boiling point.

The Mask - Cuban Pete

"I'M GOING TO MAKE IT RAIN YOU TONIGHT!" A loudspeaker on the power armour that'd been abused so much it'd become crackly on those high notes yelled out loud to Luca, brandishing the hammer and swinging the business end of it to her shoulder, then dashing towards him. "PREPARE YOUR ASS! I WILL FUCKIN' BREAK YOU!"

"It'll definitely be clear with a chance of ass kicking," Luca retorted as he noted that this person, unable to tell what gender they were thanks to how worn out the speaker on their armour had been, was so mad that their text was red. He heard the sound of jet thrusters and realised he might not have as much time as he'd anticipated, and reflexively flung the ball of lightning that was coalescing in his hand at the charging power armour.

It didn't stop her from charging, but it did spoil her technique, forcing her to swing a moment too early, and instead shoulder tackle Luca through the balcony and into the air. They both smashed into the middle pillar that was keeping the Tongue Slide up, and they kept going on jet propulsion. . Luca and the Breaker found themselves on the other side of the balcony when she stopped. Luca went flipping and tumbling backwards on the ground, but found his feet and stood up as he came to a stop.

"WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO HURT, FLYBOY?" Breaker yelled at him as she brandished the hammer for another swing.

At the same time down below, one of the doors exploded open and sent another wave of panties and pants rippling through the arena floor before they all started flowing out of the newly created exit, and standing there in an improvised heavy body armour made from scrounged pieces of power armour and explosive ordnance disposal gear and wielding a light machine gun with a series of box magazines in a rack just waiting for use, ready to be dropped into the well when the current box was spent.

"I'MMA DROP ON YOU SSSHITHEADSSS LIKE A FUCKIN' PIANOOOOUGH!" He opened fire wanton and crazy through the air. That gatling shotgun had an enormous rate of fire, and with its lack of accuracy it was intended to be a weapon of intimidation - if it wasn't so stable to fire and keep the cone of bullets in a relatively straight direction, he wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a Plumeria.

With the introductions made of Breaker and Mr. Lizard Man, hot on their heels the last fighting force of the GAO Pirates, numbering twenty four strong started storming in, yelling. Armed with all a manner of rifles and weapons. On the ground floor, there were twelve soldiers. The closest to the attacking group was Enzo and Redrick who could slip into the risque cinema for cover and perhaps lose pursuers in the other amusements that the pirates couldn't take down and use for cover - Enzo remembered seeing a room full of red ropes that made sounds when you pulled them.

Tamamo, Shayla and Makari were closer to the Tongue Slide, able to use it as cover - though the structural integrity of it was beginning to diminish as Luca and Breaker had just been through it. Melissa was standing on shaky ground and realised that the thing wasn't going to stay up much longer if it took any more damage. "Enzo I'll 'ave t' take a raincheck on those panties - er, surprise me 'er something, got plenty 'a choice!" She radioed back to him as she tried to keep her footing. "But I can't stay 'ere much longer 'er this thing's gonna break!"

"Y34H TH1S TH1NG 41N'T G0T L0NG T0 BR34K." Echelon affirmed from her position with Melissa.

To combat the combined threats, though, there was a quick headcheck of TWO mechs, the first of which flanked by an indescribable alien Life Form and the other bringing up the rear and able to get down to ground level via another set of stairs or just jump right down from the balcony. Two experienced combatants on the ground covering the recovering Nekovalkyrja. Closest to the action and the incoming fire were the conmen and the chef under siege.

"SEIREN SEIREN POINT THIS WAY!" Luca yelled as he tried to dodge the incoming hail of gunfire from behind Breaker and running like a bowledgged loon, ducking behind a pillar. "NEED SOME COVERING FIRE - AND CHANGE THE JUKEBOX IF YOU CAN, GET AIESU TO DO IT!"

Though, the jukebox being turned on seemed to irritate her while she was striding forward covered by gunfire and brandishing her hammer - once he slunk behind a pillar she went for it, concealing herself from Seiren's line of sight.

Fruna Ruica, Outside the Bridge
Zeta switched to a sidearm and in one swift motion and coupling with her suit, her shots fired true at the man with the launcher. As they fell backwards, they pulled the trigger on the launcher and hit the wall a metre to the left of Zeta and made the shields on her armour rattle and shake - the sudden explosion made everyone's ears ring - but Zeta was, for the most part, unharmed by the explosion, though her shields had absorbed the brunt of the impact.

Soruk's ears would ringing for at least the next couple of minutes, unfortunately - and so would the Pirate's. The explosion definitely wasn't expected by anyone. Everyone without ear protection was staggered for the moment, giving Zeta an opportunity to move up and finish them off with her fists if she felt like getting feisty.

Fruna Ruica, Inside the Bridge
Finger squeezed down, the Origin Fatboy had a three hundred pulse magazine which went at eight hundred pulses per minute - it took only twenty seconds to run the whole thing down. The felt recoil from an energy weapon was the air in front of the barrel of the gun cooking the air and making it expand, pushing the gun back ever so slighty and making the air hiss - kind of like having a drill in your hands and putting it against something soft and drilling through it at eight hundred of those a minute.

So in all, reasonably soft if you were a good shooter. At the distance Reeves was standing, he his target ended up being burnt by multiple blasts of laser, approximately twenty six or twenty seven pulses worth that cooked his target's armour and recoiled upwards and a bit to the left. While one fell down, the other levelled his rifle at Reeves and fired, but Reeves was swift enough to dive for a console, and the pirate fired and hit the wall behind him, leading some of his shots where Reeves was going, but striking the console.

The captain of the Fruna Ruica covered their ears as the shots rang out and they stayed on the floor, trying to cover their ears. "Holy crap you got one!" They yelled out.
"SHUT UP" The pirate moved over to them and kicked them in the head to make them shut up, then charged Reeves' position, gun up. Reeves had to retaliate fast or be riddled with lead.
Makari sighed irritably to no one in particular, "Dammit, all I wanted to do was try out the new Lorath Handcannons. But nooooo, first the bad guys won't cooperate and now they're in power armor. Bastards are ruining my fun. I hate when people ruin my fun." He holstered his dual pistols snugly beneath his coat and pulled out his SiZi Model 30, chuckling to himself "at least if if miss, pray and spray over there will clog up the hole in the hull."

Makari jumped out from behind the tongue slide and grasped his SiZi 30 tightly in his hands. This is going to suck, he thought to himself as he squeezed the trigger, just waiting for the recoil to knock him back a few steps. He steadied himself and fired again before lunging back into cover. No need to take a stray bullet or hail of shot.
It might be a galaxy-wide rule that when your boss starts screaming at the top of their lungs, bad shit (pardon her language) was about to happen. Turning to look at whatever Luca was screaming at, her hands were already on the controls and pulling the trigger.

You DID wish for a change of pace from shooting runaway drones, Cass bitterly noted to herself as the heavily customized LEAF's cannons seemed to shake the world apart as they began a cacophony of ripple fire into the crowd of angry pirates, hoping the subsonic riot gels would spare them from the other LEAF's effects. It was a vain hope, but it would keep the nausea away for now... or at least put a dent big enough into the armor they'd been packing for Seiren to mop up, arming a missile just in case.
From where they were, they could not hold. Redrick didn't want to admit it, but there were a lot of things he didn't want to admit. He was getting fatter. He was beginning to show his first gray hairs. Sometimes, he just couldn't get it it up like he used to. Oh, also, if he and Enzo stayed in their current position, they'd certainly be overrun and killed.

Flicking the safety of his rifle off, Redrick pointed his purloined firearm at the gunmen he could see and burned the whole magazine, the LSDF weapon emptying itself in a scant 4 seconds. The stock-less gun kicked and bucked in his hands, spraying 5.56mm rounds in a wide, imprecise cone.

He cursed, and with that, began to give ground. He flicked the empty magazine out of his rifle with a fresh one, and rammed it home, hitting the bolt release and chambering another round. He stopped, and fired again, dumping another magazine into the teeming mass of pirates.

He reloaded again, feet kicking up gouts of underwear as he moved backed to mouth of the theater. His instincts were screaming at him to turn and run, but like all good advice, he stubbornly ignored it.

"Hey! Space dandy!" Redrick shouted at Enzo. "Get your sleazy, greasy, wanted-on-three-planets ass to the theater! It's the only chance we got!"
Fruna Ruica, Deck 3, Main Convention Floor

"Like a housecat killin' a mouse really..."

"Maybe she hadn't made it to socialization training yet?"

The comments were caught as she had fed herself, and despite the positive turn of her circumstances Tamamo made special note of them as she worked to evaluate the situation and decide what course of action she should take next in her present state.

The first detail that caught her attention was the actions of the Old Nepleslian Man that had helped her escape from the control of the pirates. He seemed to have scavenged a firearm of similar make to her own at some point and was at present engaging in a violent outburst kicking up clumps of garments as he strolled about. For the moment he seemed self sufficient.

The next note worthy event to draw her attention was from Shoi McBelle. The first thought was a brief review of the thankfulness for the administered medical aid moments earlier, however the laughter and comment of some sort relating to the clothing situation followed by the explosion left Tamamo somewhat confused. She couldn't be sure if she was properly interpreting the response to the events correctly and made special note to review it later when she had access to additional resources.

The one she had identified as the Nepleslian Companion now listed as Vincienzo Bortelli by the data that Shoi McBelle had provided drew Tamamo's attention next. He had been a little slower to make his way out of the fallout of cloth and seemed to be asking one of the other crew something about whether they desired a piece of clothing that they had discovered. Tamamo couldn't tell what purpose the line of conversation had at present however the man seemed to be in a positive mood and Tamamo was content to consider him non-threatening for the moment.

A third Nepleslian fell under her gaze, notably defined by a pair of large pistols and a long coat as well as a name helpfully provided by the data she had received, Makari Aeron. She briefly wondered why the man had made a comment that suggested he thought he was going to die, however she was quickly distracted from the line of thought by his reply to Shoi McBelle mentioning something about a thing that had exploded and the present burning undergarments before hefting his pistols and starting to kick his way through the clothes. Perhaps the kicking of clothing was a Nepleslian tradition?

The sound of heavy footsteps drew Tamamo's attention in the opposite direction her eyes fixing on a small Origin produced frame that appeared on the elevated second level of the room. It was accompanied by a tall woman and a smaller figure riding on it, the latter of which was promptly removed from their position on the frame's chassis. Tamamo had time to catch sight of the frame's pilot before the hatch closed getting the name Seiren Isbala and a brief sight of a small effeminate form that appeared to be either a Yamatain or Minkan with blue eyes and grey hair.

The tall woman drew Tamamo's attention next, the pale-grey flesh and silver-white hair along with features that Tamamo couldn't easily place left her wondering if they were some variety of Nepleslian if not some other species she did not know. The only information provided by the data she had been gifted was simply the name Rebeka.

The third of the arrivals was small, estimated to be shorter than Tamamo herself, with nearly white hair and cerise eyes. This figure was identified by a single name as well, Aiesu. Curious about the tiny size Tamamo wondered if this figure was at all like herself and wondered how they fit into the rescuing crew.

The quick survey of the room also highlighted that the non-combatant prisoners had mostly handled themselves, something which she was glad that she didn't have to deal with.

With the time to do so, Tamamo tried briefly to slip into introspective to analyze recent events. Immediately she determined that it would not be relevant to mention to the others that she had only completed her socialization training due to her behaviour being technically correct rather than due to any real confidence from her instructors. Secondly she had no immediate way to properly address the comments made to her actions to ensure that she was no longer starving.

Deeming the initial foray unproductive Tamamo instead decided that she should ask for access to the crew's information and communications network. Unfortunately however the situation rapidly changed from post combat clean-up into a fresh hostile engagement.

The sound of splintering wood quickly transitioned into many small impacts as the debris impacted the surfaces around the raised second level of the convention floor. At about the same time strange music began to play, perhaps some form of psychological effect was intended to be derived from it.

Of note to Tamamo, there seemed to be a strange amount of conversation exchanged between the hostile force and the voice that she recognized as the one listed as Luca. She had no idea why it was being done and rapidly had her attention grabbed by the unnerving whine of thrusters that implied a powered armour.

The chaos that immediately followed caused damage to the tongue slide, and appeared to have left the one known as Luca with a dislocated shoulder. Further unsettled by the injury, Tamamo knew that there was nothing that she could do about it at present.

Along with the initial exchange between the powered armour and the Luca individual, the delsaurian had returned accompanied by a platoon of hostiles making the situation she found herself in even more dire.

Her decision made, Tamamo quickly slipped through the door that had been guarded by the man she had raided for supplies. Looking about the hall beyond thoroughly, her ears twitching to pick up any local sound, Tamamo cautiously scanned her surroundings before deeming them satisfactory for the moment. With her relatively safe haven for the moment Tamamo took a steadying breath before poking back into the main convention hall using the doorway for cover as she once again tried to asses the situation.

Immediately she was met with the sight of Makari unloading a pistol of some sort while heavy weapons fire rained down from out of sight on the elevated level, perhaps Seiren's frame. Elsewhere in the room the Old Nepleslian also seemed to be firing on the crowd of pirates as he made a retreat toward another of the doorways.

Uncertain as to how to proceed, and without any targets to address without wasting ammunition or risking friendly fire, Tamamo decided instead to content herself with the observation that for the most part the hostiles seemed under control suppressed by multiple sources of fire.

Checking her rifle over again to give herself something to keep busy, Tamamo swallowed the last of the ration bar she had been savouring as she settled content for the moment to stick to her doorway and bide her time. Perhaps patience would reward her with a target or at the very least the opportunity to prevent the hostiles from firing with impunity on her allies.
"Yo, Fatman!" Enzo called after Redrick, stomping his way across the field of garments to keep up with the older Nepleslian. "Keep runnin' even through the theatre, cuz' I'm suddenly remembering there's a room over on the other side what's full o' dese red ropes what makes noise when yous tugs on 'em, see?"

Enzo kept stomping a path until he caught up with Redrick and moved on, adding a long, rambling, "Also, unless yous counts pahking tickets, I ain't wanted nowheres right now except a bedroom near you... Well, also there's an extree-judicial hold on all my bank-accounts, but those is mostly fakes anyhow... Well, also there's the whole business wif that guy I dusted on Drift, like, four years ago an' now his family wants some money 'r somethin'? Iunno, point is, workin' for Cap'n Pavone just about everythin' I do these days I gets away with Scott-free."
The acrid scent of cooking clothing and flesh stung in Reeves' nose. Had he killed him? Was he some sort of murderer now? Was it self defense? He had warned the pirate not to move... But just because you called out a warning didn't mean that it was okay. It was terrifying how easy it was.

He clamped his left hand over his mouth keeping his body pressed close to the consule. His little moral dilemma was interrupted by the pirate yelling at the other person in the room to shut up. Reeves flinched slightly as he heard the sickening thud of the captive being hit in the head. He panicked as he heard a fast series of footsteps rounding on his location, he scrambled back in the opposite direction. His legs a bit shaky , he nearly tripped over his own feet.
As soon as he saw a flash of movement come around the far edge of his hiding place he fired. Having less chance to aim because of his unstable posture he might not escape this barrage of bullets as easily as the first. He kept circling his hiding place like he was playing a deadly game of ring around the expensive piece of equipment.
Soruk spent little time removing the bloodied blade from the pirate's neck, pushing the body over, letting it fall to the floor. The call-out by one of the other's made it somewhat obvious that he wasn't entirely undetected. It would be a few mere seconds before the silence turned into bullets. The blademaster's cloak was deceptively well-armored, though bullets would still hurt quite a bit. He reached to his side to throw a blade through the smoke, already knowing where the other pirate was crouching by his voice and where he was previously standing.

His plan was thrown awry with a loud explosion, one that set his ears ringing and sent the knife off-course, the blade harmlessly dinging off a wall. He figured in his dazed state that the pirate would probably just starting shooting everywhere. He hit the deck, shaking his head, waiting for a new opportunity.

This is why I work alone...
"Sorry Aiesu!" Seiren said, turning his frame around and kicking the construct out. She landed squarely behind some convenient overturned tables. The stout machine wheeled about and drove to the edge of the lookout, aiming down at. . . nothing.

"Damnit! Why didn't I get something with a sensor suite!?" He complained off-comms, trying to figure out how to provide cover fire when there's nobody there. "Err, ah. . . Luca! Try using your grapple line!"

Since he couldn't aim for one head honcho, his sights bore down on the horde of pirates. He swapped hands for his HIPR, allowing for the mancannon-hand to aim freely. Atop, his electrolaser went onto the light setting. "I'm goin' all out!" Seiren declaired, raining a cascade of varied fire on the numerous vagabonds.

Of course, in all of this, he forgot to change of the jukebox.
Shayla lifted herself free from the flood of undies, floating above it as that pounding intensified. She darted about for cover, winding up hiding behind the jukebox's pillar as it began blaring that catchy tune. She smirked to herself as their fearless leader asked for someone to deal with the inappropriate music, obviously more worried about the disruption to his fight scene than the hammer-wielding armor chasing after him. "I got the tunes covered, boss!"

The giantess popped out of cover with the still-blaring machine raised over her head, launching the bulky object across the panty-strewn area like it was a toy. The upbeat music continued even as the machine sailed through the air, finally cutting off as the jukebox crashed into the reinforcements, sending sparks flying along with glass, metal and other debris. Lacking any heavy weaponry or armor, Shayla decided it might be best to depart before anyone fired back at her. Seeing most of the others pairing off, she decided to stick to the buddy system herself, zipping through the door and around the corner Tamamo had claimed, seeking cover and a moment to plan her next move.
Redrick stopped his retreat past the theater just long enough to give Enzo his choicest, "I-regret-that-you-happen-to-be-breathing-the-same-air-as-me" look.

"Y'know, you are truly a regrettable individual." Redrick said, after the man's rap sheet was disclosed to him, "But judging from the bullet holes in these pirate's head, you shoot alright. Far as I'm concerned you're my best friend in the galaxy right now."

He continued his retreat with his erstwhile ally into the rope-room, having said his piece.

"And what was that shit about bein' in a bed near me!?" he shouted, after finally processing everything Enzo said.
Fruna Ruica, Outside the Bridge

Zeta braced herself as the grenade launcher fired. The inertial dampener and her shields took most of the force, while her helmet turned the sound from outside for a fraction of second that grenade exploded. She was not deaf and she was not shaken up. The same could not be told about the pirates. There was a lot of smoke and bad stuff, so Zeta changed her vision mode to thermal, showing the shapes in the hallway. She saw few pirates and strange shape in the back, laying on the ground. The armours IFF system took knowledge and identified the shape as Soruk. That explained a lot that happened before Zeta assaulted the GL pirate and his buddies.

Now was time to use the opportunity and mop up. Zeta ran forward, firing her Fat boy on the man on the right, aiming for his legs. She would prefer to not kill all of them. The other she wanted to just grab and throw at the wall to knock him out. Hopefully his body armour won't protect him from that.
Fruna Ruica, Bridge Area
Reeves was scrambling on his feet to avoid the guard, and under his hands and beneath boot he could feel the grit on the floor that the pirates had bought with them to tarnish this otherwise shiny and happy crew. He didn't know that the Captain of this ship had a vested interest in making sure she enjoyed herself as much as her guests. Perhaps it was better for them to be knocked out than to continue to see more gritty reality collide against their ship.

Reeves was caught up in it all, but some of the 'grit' of the other beings on the Phoenix. This included the alien beyond time and space, the blue blademaster, the bounty hunter, the muscular Nekovalkyrja, the other white haired waif, that strange snaggle toothed Lmanel woman, the greasy conman, the big game hunter, the engineer dancing on the edges of perversion, the robot who was everywhere...

And himself, a silvery haired mechanic who was firing in self defence and acting on the orders of a captain who was over the edge with a parachute. Reeves could feel the energy firing out of the barrel of the Fatboy so close that he could feel a sensation like bright Friday noon sunlight against his legs and his face. Perhaps sunglasses were in order.

When the spots faded from his eyes and the sound of gunshots ceased, he found a man slumped against the ground and cooked inside their armour - the chestplate burnt apart, their soft centre exposed haphazardly. Their gun, meanwhile had traced a line of bullets on the floor. The first few bullets landed between Reeves legs, and then pulled sharply to the dead pirate's right, continuing bullets hitting the floor, then the consoles, and the gun's magazine running dry and the gun clicking.

A sharp pain begun to register as the fleeting adrenaline left his system and shot up his left leg, just below the knee. He could see a pair of bullet holes - one in the front of his knee, and one behind it. He was bleeding, but it didn't seem severe - an artery was avoided as the bullet hit the left of his shin close to the knee. It was still hurting him, but he had some comfort knowing that there were no more enemies near him.

He could try and attend to his wounds himself, call for help, or check up on the Captain.

Fruna Ruica, Outside Bridge
Soruk was gathering his senses as he could feel Zeta's footsteps crashing through the deck, sending a tremor capable of kicking up the dust around her as she charged forward with the Fatboy. Her shots to the lower regions, away from the centre of mass tended to hit the groin in addition to striking the thighs if she didn't hit the wall near Soruk or pulses of energy whizzed just over his head.

The last pirate fell over, and Zeta felt something clatter against one of her feet - it was Soruk's throwing dagger, which'd been redirected from the force of the explosion in close quarters.

For now, things were clear but they had to hurry to get the bridge under control. The Freespacer called 'Wire Head' roused from their EMP was trying to shift one of the dead bodies off of them, and his gaze met Soruk's, and then he tried to scramble to get the corpse of one of those useless men put under his command off of him - his struggle renewed when he locked gazes with the blademaster who'd disoriented him and his men, and got them killed by the one in the armour.

Fruna Ruica, Ropey Room
In their running, blazing, tactical retreat, Enzo and Redrick had gotten some attention, but Red was happy to oblige with returning fire. His imprecise spray of fire had gunned one of them down, but the rest either struck body armour or flew overhead.

Every time the two men greasy enough in different professions to skin and make candles with brushed past one the strange red ropes, a moan emanating from the two points in the ceiling and the floor the ropes were anchored would wave through the room. They were mostly vertically aligned, stretching from the floor to the ceiling on slightly off angles each.

Sometimes, they could spot tangles of rope between one and another which'd been cut apart and left to hang there, making some parts of the room let out a low, constant 'mmm' as the weight of the leftover rope pulled the main one stretching from floor to ceiling down.

When Red passed by this place, he'd see some of them tie each other up between them, making cocoons or hammocks in intricate woven patterns together. Say what you would about their deviancy, their superb skill in tying knots was seldom seen anywhere else in the galaxy. Most of the time, you could just clip stuff together, and it'd adhere. The only other people who knew how to tie a rope properly were the old sailors who enjoy an ocean more than space.

...or Yamataian Neko Scouts.

The walls that were keeping this room and its delights together and intact were giving the two men a measure of concealment as a hailstorm of shot started ripping through them as Mr. Lizard Man's Deviance started clearing the brush, making a sweep starting from the Ropey Room, all the way across in a one hundred and twenty degree arc across the room. Sections of the wall went missing as it was pelted apart by multiple shot tearing through the plasterboard.

Fruna Ruica, Main Convention Floor
Space Channel 5 Part 2 - Invasion!

"MOVE ASSSIDE!" Mr. Lizard Man roared as his arc was halfway across the room, now smashing into the pillar that was keeping the Tongue Slide supported. Shayla's massive hands grasped the jukebox, and she lifted it and tossed it right into the furball that was rearing to go hot on Mr. Lizard Man's heels when his assault died down. Three of the twelve men dove out of the way and found themselves on the ground, but two men were just schooled by the power of music as the Jukebox bowled them over, the machine smashing into pieces as it went.

Makari could feel the sheer pressure of the SiZi Plasma Revolver's discharge blowing against his face and the gun threatening to slip out of his hands. His crack shot struck Mr. Lizard Man in the visor - and a fist sized hole the half inch of durandium plate melted away - the remaining charge heating the metal plate and searing Mr. Lizard Man's face for a brief moment. His arc now paused and focussed solely on the Tongue Slide so he could get him.

"THISSS... WON'T END WELL FOR YOU, COWBOY!" Makari could've swore he saw the whites of the Delsaurian's eye through the hole he'd made in that plate. He started stomping forward now, getting closer. Makari could hear hundreds of shot either tearing the Tongue Slide's pillar apart, shredding through the playground grade plastic that the slide itself was built from, or bouncing off of the walls and floor. "NOW YOU GOT MY ATTENTION, SSSUCKER! BIIIG MISSSTAKE!"

Upstairs on the Balconies...
The barrages of the two LEAF mechs, Cass' mech aiming down at the convention floor down below while Seiren's was aiming at the advancing furball lead by the armoured Lorath woman with the hammer. They both begun opening fire. Seiren's lethal shots were putting holes into the men near the Fyunnen first, one of them copping a shot to the face and their head going completely missing. One hell of a haircut that still had enough juice to burn the guy behind him, getting a two for one.

Cass's spray of incapacitating gel shot rained down from her superior position up on the balcony, hitting four of the men in the back with a torrent of riot gel

The Lorath woman's thrusters could be heard spinning to life suddenly and she avoided Seiren's gunfire, and ended up pushing two of the men under her command into the pint-sized Inventor's line of fire and vaporising them.
"GET. OUT. OF. THE. WAY." The Breaker roared as she grabbed the hammer with both hands and made a lateral swing at the pillar. Seiren could see Luca pointing his right arm at the ceiling and the sound of the Grapple Stunner firing, piton hitting the ceiling.

Seiren saw the pillar get completely demolished, and in its wake was a shower of sparks and dust as the jet powered hammer smashed the marble veneer off of the pillar followed by the Durandium beams beneath it. She then paused, looking confused when she saw her target disappear. Where was he? He was there a moment ago. "STOP HIDING. FIGHT LIKE A FYUNNEN!"

"'kay," Luca grinned as he leapt down from the ceiling and landed on her back with his arms wrapped around her neck. She tried to grab him from behind and seemed to be unable to shake his grip off until she activated her thrusters and put the afterburner on - gout of red hot flame buffeting Luca's chestplate and forcing him to let go and get some distance before he was cooked. The Stone thread composition of his jacket was remarkably resilient to the heat - as were the composite plates that made up his breastplate - but he'd have to get it replaced when this was over.

He could smell some of his skin cooking under it all too, but he didn't have time to savour how delicious a challenge he could be for this Fyunnen. "You're one hot piece of metal," he panted as the Fyunnen turned around and crouched with their foot, knee and hand touching the ground at once while their massive hammer was held in one hand like a toy. "Maybe I should be the one wielding that hammer."

"OH I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU, I'M GOING TO NAIL YOU TO THE FUCKING FLOOR." The Fyunnen woman roared back at him, becoming increasingly agitated at this man's survivability, agility and the music that was still playing even though the jukebox had been smashed.

"Ooh, coming on a bit strong there. I usually buy the woman dinner first if they're Lorath." He then flexed his right arm, and tried to see what Seiren had wanted him to do with it - there were other goodies in this thing that he didn't quite have the time to learn in gear. The piton fired out - but stopped five feet in front of him. The cord was now incredibly dense, overlaying and weaving through itself and tapering into a razor shrp spearhead at the end.

"Looks like I'm gonna joust you, and get medieval on your arse." He retracted the spear back into his gauntlet and cricked his fists. "Sra'ka ya vul, baby!" A Lorath exclamation roughly analogous to 'have at you'.

Of course, that sounded cool, but he had no idea how to use the thing just yet, but he'd figure it out sooner rather than later. She roared back at him and charged.

Downstairs on the Floor...
With Mr. Lizard Man focussing fire on the Tongue Slide pillar, its structural integrity was only getting worse. Melissa's radio chatter seemed to consist of her cursing because it was getting to unstable to line up a proper shot. The three soldiers to Mr. Lizard Man's left started dashing into the ropeful room, but their gear was getting snared and tangled on the ropes that filled the room as they rushed in rather than the head start that Red and Enzo had on the way in, allowing them to take their time.

The other two on his left charged ahead while the one who dodged the jukebox and Cass' fire were scrambling to their feet to follow them. Bullets rung out and zipped through the air at Tamamo and Shayla's position while they advanced slowly, ignoring Makari since Lizard Man had him pinned down with gouts of shotgun splatter.

Back upstairs on the Balcony...
To summarise, there were two men chasing Tamamo, Shayla and Makari plus Mr. Lizard Man, three soldiers going chasing after Red and Enzo in their ropey abode down below. Up above, the remaining eight soldiers broke into two groups - one group of two to assist The Breaker, and the other six charging for Seiren and Rebeka, guns blazing and peppering Seiren's shields with 5.56, using what little cover was available and fighting smart.

One of them had a rocket launcher and fired between Seiren and Cass and hoping to knock out their shields by brushing the warhead past them, both of them deemed an equal threat in their eyes.

It was difficult to keep a track of numbers in a hectic, multi-layered fight - and it was probably worth counting totals when the fight was over.
The Bridge

The smoke was finally clearing. Zeta kicked the weapons away from men, she just shot. She slipped empty energy cell from her Fatboy and grabbed a new one. "Wesley, keep me up to date on shield," Zeta said to her on board AI.
"Of course madam," Wesley said. "Shall I play some music?"
"Sure, the usual."
"Very well," and so he did. The guitars started pounding and Zeta smiled. She slapped the new energy cell into her gun and activated her assault pack.

"Soruk, the wirehead is all yours! I am stepping this up!" Zeta shouted at the gartagen. By then her backpack module was all fired up, she aimed herself at the doorway to the bridge and charged at it, ready to burst through and kill all the motherfraggers inside.