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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 3: The sound of machina

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Kai fiddled a bit, before responding to Yoroko "I always figured being in Daisy's again.. I'm too tall for anything else... I can't recall the name of the other guy... Wasn't it Takuma's brother?" He continued fidgeting and looking over his gear as Yoroko was, before asking "You ready for this? trading the memory of the hell of Fort Ready for the Hell of the true battlefield?"
Sora heard the summons from Miharu and found her mood maintaining its state of dread. Sumaru's declaration of undying devotion still echoed in her mind as she hurried to change into a green paneled bodysuit uniform. She hoped the slight change in uniform would help remind her that she needed to focus on the job at hand.

I'm on the bridge this time around, I guess I should be grateful.... I didn't really want to be in the field again. I just hope being here while my friends are out there I can keep myself focused and not dwell on other things, she thought to herself has she pulled the front zipper of the bodysuit uniform up to her neck.

She sighed softly as she pulled on her holster and double checked her service pistol to make sure it was charged and then.... she was out the door of her quarters and hurrying towards the bridge where Claymore-Taii was waiting. I can do this. When this is over, I can try to figure out what to do about my man problem...
Rin finished up on the last of the diagnostics to the Daisy she would be piloting. Her clothes, that she really didn't want to take off at least in front of these enlisted. She'd spent much of the previous time helping out with other preperations for the mission, not leaving all that much time left for her to work on the Daisy she'd be piloting.

So far, everything seemed to be working well enough. The computer couldn't detect anything wrong, and the sprite thought things were in working order.

Making her way over to the equipment, Rin picked out a LASR, with SLAG attached of course. She also loaded up with offensive augmentation pods on her legs. Rin then started to search through the rest of the equipment, wondering what else would be good for her role in the mission. The main thoughts on her mind were that this would be her first combat experience, and she really did not want to screw up the mission. If she did, she'd be liable for not only getting herself killed, but perhaps getting everyone else killed and failing the mission.
Aoiko, in short order, clonked up onto the bridge and over to Nyton. She was in her armour, her helmet under her arm, and she wasn't precisely carrying herself with her usual fluid, quiet grace. "Clonked" would be an exceedingly appropriate term to describe her movement.

"Reporting," she said simply, with a short bow.
"Oh, I'm doing fine." Tom said to Ichigo in a neutral tone. "We're all ready, thanks in a big part to you and the other sprites. Based on what little I could analyze of your assignment, you did marvelously."

The arms and legs on his Daisy shifted around as Tom tested the mobility of the unit.

"Besides, now would be a pretty bad time to have doubts. How're you holding up?"
"You mistake envy for jealousy," Yukari said calmly, hearing the door open behind them. She looked behind her and dipped her head with a smile at Miyoko, then returned to talking to Kotori. "I do not hate that good of you. I do not covet it, either. All could use the ability to see so deeply into something that seems so mundane."

The Neko was drawing up possible attack points on the Obakemono, but quickly realized it was up to Miyoko to do, not her. She instead rechecked all of her weaponry, knowing she did not have many options.
"Well, in that case, I'm fairly sure neither envy nor jealousy really match what you actually want to express," Kotori returned conversationally. "Envy is more or less frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself. Jealousy, however, is the fear of losing something that one possesses to another person."

The Taisa's fingers flew back to work as she composed another message for Nyton. "Since we're both in agreement that there's really no negative connotation to what you feel, then, using a word ascribed to more positivism might be more appropriate. Perhaps wonder, approbation or admiration might suit the context better. In your earlier phrase, I know you could have had easily replaced envy for admiration and carried your meaning through."

"We will need the fold drive to deploy an interdiction field and the communication set to provide jamming soon," Kotori momentarily broke off the conversation to advice Yukari when she saw she was idling a bit, sent her message to Nyton...

Kotori said:
Saito-Heisho is now on station. Notify me once you are all set on your side.

...and then returned to the former topic. "I wonder how much negativism in vocabulary is tied to our culture's philosophical preferences. Primacy of consciousness seems much more prevalent than objectivism... it's a bit sad, actually, when you see how much hold true envy and jealousy has on the actions of the Empire."
Back on the Hoshi's bridge Nyton received Kotori's notice when the rest of the bridge crew had finally arrived. He gave a quick bow to his crewmates. "Ketsurui-Shoi, you have the helm. Murasaki-Chui you are on the weapons console. Take your stations and get ready. We will be getting underway soon. Murasaki, configure the weapon pods for Transphasic Beam mode." he said.

Nyton then texted over to Kotori:
Everyone is present. We are ready to begin here.

Nyton then sat down on the command chair which was a little tricky given he was in a DAISY. The addition of the VAW option did not leave him with a left hand to work with and until the helmet was worn he could not have it generate one for him.


At the Armor Bay, the efforts of Rin to arm herself did not go unnoticed as Mara walked up next to her. "Hey I thought everyone was all done getting ready. Are you still fidgeting over something or are you just trying to stuff an extra mag in your pocket?" she asked. Mara looked fairly weighed down herself as she was carrying a Gauss Bazooka on her back. Even in it's collapsed state the weapon was taller than the the sprite and it poked up above from behind her head. Her loadout was much like Takuma's since she had been designated the Support Team's heavy weapon specialist.


Ichigo nodded back to Tom slightly with a little smile at the praise. "As nervous as can be expected. Th-this will be my first time outside the ship in a DAISY so I have a few jitters." she replied, trying to keep her own voice steady. Looking at Tom though she hoped to draw some strength from him and his appearance of calm helped. Her fingers had begun to tap against each other without her noticing though.
Sora nodded to Nyton, returning his bow before she slid onto the chair at the helm. She smiled despite how nervous she was feeling and stared at the various monitors at the console. She took a deep breath, I can do this. The matter of being called "Chui" did seem to press on her mind but she didn't question it, perhaps it was the stress everyone was under this mission that gave her the mental promotion.
"We speak mostly Nepleslian, so it is hard to say. We did not grow up over decades hearing Yamataian spoken and used along side action. Perhaps if we had, envy and jealousy would be less prominent. After all, our true parent is the Empire, and it is her actions we are regularly presented with."

Yukari relayed a message to Tom, to appear before him in an image panel, asking if the fold drive was ready and able to provide the interdiction field they needed. Communications was her place, but as she scrolled through the stock programming Miharu had to offer in terms of jamming setups, she frowned. Nearly all were suited to Mishhuvurthyar vessels, and the jamming done to the Ming Po had been all-encompassing, leaving only short-wave radios for communication. She could not have that again; if they were expected to communicate with the ground force, she had to find a better link.

Telepathic signals, radio frequencies, and directed-beam transmissions were her options. Subspace and hyperspace would most certainly have to be blocked completely, as it would be only a matter of time before an enemy vessel found that signal and exploited it, forcing her to shuffle those frequencies again and disrupt vital communication.

She considered telepathic signals fired from Miharu down to Hoshi, then fired from that vessel to the armors. That kind of communication would reveal Hoshi's position, not to mention Miharu's. Radio would need to be blocked, and though frequencies could be randomized, piercing through the white-noise jamming of Miharu was time-consuming for her to do. She wanted as much attention as possible to be put to flying and shooting.

Directed beams gave away Hoshi's position as well, depending on how they were broadcast. Yukari examined Miharu's library for an alternate solution, combing different communication systems she could replicate. A promising one was using serial tachyons fired from the ship's CFS — if the field went down, the ship would likely be in a poor position to communicate anyway. The tachyon stream could be two tachyons thick, providing enough bandwidth for audible messages. She began putting that system into place, relying on the Daisy 1C models to relay transmissions from Hoshi to the squads.

The transmission chain would go —
Miharu > Hoshi > Daisy 1C > All armors
— with armors starting with the 1C models and going up. It was slow and imperfect, but it allowed for near-perfect comm jamming. It would have to do.

"Taisa," Yukari said. "Should we be in armor ourselves?"
"We don't really have any to spare," Kotori smiled ruefully and read over Nyton's text message. She gave a little sigh and then said aloud: "Miharu, raise the ship's combat readiness to level 3. Sound battlestations."

"Yes, Taisa," the ship's computer replied and then, alarm tones began echoing through the empty halls of the ship. Lighting muted a bit and volumetric display edges gained a reddish tint. "All hands to battlestations. This is not a drill. I repeat, all hands to battlestations. This is-"

"Miharu, they spent eight hours preparing for a fight. They know damn well it's not a drill," Kotori complained.

"Well, that's what the recorded message in my operating system tells me to say," Miharu replied innocently. Kotori snorted.
Miyoko plugged away at the windows in front of her, pulling up weapon readouts, ammunition displays... getting all of the tactical console's not-entirely-familiar tools up and ready for her use as early as possible. Her previously absent nervousness was returning quickly now that the real signs of the battle were upon them. Miharu's announcement, well, that wasn't helping, nor was the fact that she was at an unfamiliar and rather important station.

After a few moments of double-, triple-, and quadruple-checking everything, she hesitantly raised her voice over the ship's din. "What torpedo loadout would you like for our entry, Taisa?"
"Eh? Ah, Nee-san," Rin replied to her fellow sprite. "I was just helping out and completely forgot about getting myself ready."

The technical sentry loaded her LASR with standard rounds, along with two extra standard magazines, and two armor piercing magazines placed into the magazine holder on her right thigh. Into the SLAG she loaded standard fragmentation rounds, with an extra of the same plus an incendiary round magazine. The extra SLAG magazines were placed in their appropriate holders. Rin also took an atmospheric/space plasma rifle, as a back-up for her LASR.

She was about to leave the equipment, when she remembered something. There was more storage space under the shield. Hey, it couldn't hurt to have some extra ammo, could it? Not that she had any experience to be able to estimate, much to her dismay. Rin stuck a HE LASR magazine, a couple more standard magazines, along with another fragmentation SLAG magazine under the shield. That should do quite nicely. If she didn't need it, maybe someone else might. Though, the sprite did slightly worry that someone might think the amount of ammo she was carrying was a ridiculous amount of overkill.

Stowing away both rifles onto the back of the Daisy, Rin turned away from the equipment to face Mara. The sentry took a deep breath, before she said "I'm ready now." Well, at least as ready as she was going to be. Not much could have calmed down the butterflies in her stomache.
"Load two front-firing transphasic aether AS-7 warheads," Kotori replied, her voice a bit more tense. She opened up intercom audio to the main bridge so those there would be able to hear as well. "I want to take out the shuttle traffic first with transphasic aether warheads to minimize the threat they'll pose to Hoshi later. Their blast radius will have to be calculated so that they cause minimal damage to the planet while doing enough to clear the cloud cover for Hoshi's entry."

The ships on the positional displays had the Obakemono earn the target designation Epsilon 1, with its four Yuis having Mu 1 through 4 and the Ketsuekis Nu 1 through 4. The shuttle traffic, 7 Lion shuttles, became recognized as Alpha 1 through 7.

"After having launched the first torpedo volley, I want you to reload the tubes with one AS-7 Anti-matter warhead and another transphasic one, facing rear," Kotori continued. "Don't deploy weapon pods - I suspect they'll just get quickly destroyed by how I want to attack. You'll be using mounted direct-fire weaponry for most of this fight."

She took a breath, exhaled and then explained: "Once we kick our systems back to military power, we will fire both torpedoes and close in at max distorsion speed to get within 10 light seconds from Epsilon 1. Black 1, our Cougar shuttle, will be ready to launch by then and is to deliver its subspace detonating missile payload against Epsilon 1's shields. Miharu will force itself into the shield bubble and blast through Epsilon 1, going so far as to ram through to finish it off."

"As we fly through, we will use the third transphasic warhead to strike at what remains of Epsilon 1 with the hope of entirely destroying its armor complement and use the anti-matter warhead on the surviving docked escorts. Once we have fired rear torpedoes, Hoshi and all other craft will be released to do their mission while Miharu will come about; with two AS-7 anti-matter warheads loaded facing front and an offensive array of weapon pods to engage and finish off any hostiles left."
Tom sent a reply to Yukari confirming that all systems were green on the ship.

"We'll be fine, Ichigo. You just keep your head up and listen to your orders. We'll get out of this in one piece if we trust the plan."

The alarm went off, making him twitch in his armor.

"That's pretty loud..." he grumbled to himself as he grabbed his assigned weaponry from a rack.
As the alarm sounded Kai flinched slightly in mild surprise, but that went unnoticed as he was fidgety anyway. Though outwardly he tried to act as if he were only bored and waiting for the mission, he was a bit nervous about this mission... it was the real thing.. Not that those few Mishhu at Fort Ready weren't real, but the recruits had the numbers on them. Here, Kai didn't know what to expect, what kind of numbers, how they would attack, what it was exactly he was supposed to do other than kill enemies and keep his friends and crew mates alive.

Internally it at ate him slowly, and the longer he would have to wait the worse it would get if something didn't distract him. What he needed was to be down there, full of the surge of adrenaline to clear his head, the rush of combat. He'd tasted a small amount of it back at home with his friends, and a bit more at the Fort. But this was real. He could die. He wasn't ready for that. He wanted to have a life, to be famous, to start a family, build a legacy. And that all hinged on this mission, His trial by fire.
Sanjuro was deathly quiet the entire time he was loading himself into his designated Daisy. As the rest of the crew hustled around him doing the same, Sanjuro's thoughts were rested solely on the mission at was not as though he could forget what they were getting into, even as much as he wished he could.

The doctor didn't have much time to configure his Daisy, what with his superior officer ordering him a few hours of rest prior to the mission. It was not as if he would have done anything even if he *had* the time to do so; Sanjuro's vast quantities of knowledge were vested in areas far away from infantry combat. Sure, he knew what his military trainers had taught him...but that did little good when he was far too shaken to even begin thinking about how he should prepare for outright combat. The numbers for the plain-vanilla Daisy model before him looked good enough...he required little more than the basics for his intended job.

'It's just like all of the simulations...' Sanjuro thought to himself as the folds of the Daisy enveloped him. 'My job is to support the prisoners that we might find...not to fight. I probably won't even have to fight...' he assured himself as the Daisy initialized itself, lending itself to Sanjuro's senses as the Miharu sounded out for battlestations. However, no amount of self-reassurance would be enough to alleviate just how Sanjuro felt.

'Nervous' couldn't even begin to describe just what was icing its way through Sanjuro's veins. He just hoped for the was all he could do as he waited for the inevitable.
When the alarm went off Yoroko felt her stomach drop. No turning back now. This is the real deal. Yoroko thought before looking back over to Kai. At least we're not alone. The Hei thought as she surveyed the room and other DAISY units around her. "This'll be just like that second sim back at Fort Ready, you know...the one with class 2. Except for real, and not in a forest." Yoroko sent to Kai before priming her LASR for combat. "Ganbare..." the Hei muttered under her breath.
There was little time to question the plan to attack now. But as she heard it, Yukari was not the biggest fan of it. Ramming was never fun. What could be torn off was anyone's guess.

Still, she was as ready as she could be. "Yes Taisa," she said simply.
The sound of the alarm, the high anxieties all around, the battle was ahead and when most were praying for safety-- the samurai was praying for strife. "O-honorable Yuumi and ancestors who have walked my path before me, forgive me for my eagerness and forsake me not because of my ardent devotion. I beseech you to guide my blade and lead me to victory, as I do this for the Princess of this glorious empire."

With his prayer complete, and his faith placed in the souls of the old, the Mindy armored warrior opened his eyes and glanced around the armor bay. Most of the members that were standing-by seemed so fidgety after the sound of the pre-combat alarm, with such shakey nerves Sumaru could only wonder how many were facing their first live combat-- and if they would be lucky enough to make it to their second.

He checked his weapons, and his armor attachments. Everything was green, and he was ready to go. Light steps lead him to Sanjuro, and with a white metalic hand, the pilot placed a firm grip on his shoulder. "Steady breaths." That was the only advice he could offer the doctor at that moment in time, but those words and simple thought had gotten the ace pilot through more then one battle.

Then the male Neko continued on his way past the Daisy group and found himself a seat towards the front of the compartment, waiting by the door to deploy. A few seconds of thought, then he leaned forward and concentrated on getting one last thing to Sora. "No matter what happens, I will see to it that your desires are accomplished and your soul still flickers life."

Then that was that, what was to come ahead would come and he would only rise to meet it. He was a knight now-- and his Princess was watching. No longer would he tilt his head at windmills, instead he was to fight the real monsters lurking in the dark.
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