Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 32: Uchū Kaubōi


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Unknown Planet
Daybreak Ridge
12日 8月 YE 46

The far distant blue sun of this world was especially old, but still rose every morning. Its affect could be seen in the light that topped the wide smattering of clouds and in the pale, icy cast of light on the dusty pink and purple grasses below. As if spurned on by daybreak, birds had started the morning vociferations, ruminating to one another with shrill chirps. A few of them swam through the sky and their black forms were dark stains against the brightening sky. All the creatures of this planet were melanistic, inky black creatures evolved to avoid soaking up the excess UV rays from their blue sun that would otherwise cause damage. The smaller birds darted out of the tree line at Hoshi and Aiko's back as they looked down at the caldera below. There was a bundle of cows down there that were their responsibility. William was waking and saddling up somewhere amongst them, though the captain and her XO were already mounted, having set off early to survey their destination.

With curious eyes the color of deep ocean, Hoshi watched a bird dart from behind her and around before her horse haphazardly. Yamatai didn't have birds—it didn't have much wildlife at all. The Kaiyō's captain had beheld the small creatures on this planet for the fortnight since arriving. The bay mare she rode didn't interest her as much as she preferred larger drafts like her yaks back on Tami. Even now in the calm of morning, she could feel underneath her seat the tumult of the horse as it took a step forward and then two back as Hoshi flicked her finger and tugged at her reins almost imperceptibly.

The Kaiyo had been sent to this previously unexplored and uncharted system after the former NMX Neko on the planet of Nebel had reported unusual activity to the North of them. In truth, the former NMX Neko had their hackles raised, worried the Mishhuvurthyar were coming to collect them after the Kaiyo had made a deal for their lives and let them live independently. It seemed, though, that the Mishhu had hastily built a secret base on a nearby planet to the Neko of Nebel instead of going to them directly. What's more, the base was deep underground and couldn't be bombarded or attacked by conventional means. Two weeks ago, the Kaiyō had sent in a team to pose as NMX long enough to gain the enemy's trust. It all culminated today. And the day was starting with a beautiful sunrise.

"No movement at the base. I believe we can move forward with the operation today," Hoshi said much later. The clouds had turned white, clumped into tightly packed puffs separated by rivers of the cornflower-colored sky. The horse under her had grown steady, perhaps dozing as its rider had kept a vigilant watch over the lifeless cauldron-like hollow far below them.

"Assuming our people are okay, "Hoshi said, her words reflecting the danger Molli, Sif, and Rio were in. "Assuming they're still alive."
OOC Notes
Title means space cowboy (because of course it does).
Daybreak Ridge

"They are good soldiers," Aiko replied, arms crossed under her bust as she looked out to survey the old volcanic crater and morning landscape that stretched out before them. "If you believe the operation can commence then you must trust in their success, so your concern is unfounded."

For her part today, the princess wore a rugged outfit of brown leather so dark it was almost black. Simple, tight five-pocket work pants fashioned of the tough material and a dark lilac colored crop top blouse with its sleeves rolled up—supported by a leather underbust harness—provided some measure of basic protection from the elements and scuffs. A similarly deep umber hip harness held an old model SiZi six-shooter at her side, and another belt with a large brass buckle stamped with Yamatai's national Kikyo flower hung loosely around her waist to host a collection of spare shells for the pistol. Matching her shadowy attire, she had a pair of brass-tipped cowboy boots at her feet and a big felt wide-brimmed hat holding a bundle of purple flowers in its band. A waxcloth poncho stained in the same dark lilac as her linen shirt hung back over her shoulders, ready to shield the princess from the sun and elements as the day wore on toward high noon.

"As always, I am prepared to go on your word," Aiko said from atop her own dappled grey steed. "Shall I handle the talking or will your expertise as a rancher carry our story?"
Daybreak Ridge

“Always one to bring me back from my doubts,” Hoshi said as her dark blue eyes squinted under the strain of the smile below. "We'll see which of us they trust more. Let's get a move on." Juxtaposing Aiko’s optimism with a bit of pessimism had become a running theme when the two shared words alone, but the captain also wore a contrasting outfit. Denim blues were splashed with color, like the handkerchief tied around her neck that was white paisley pattern on red and the dusty mustard collared shirt that had been tucked into her jean vest. She of course wore the hundred gallon cowboy hat that was a staple on her ranch on Tami and some simple paddock boots of the same tawny brown leather. Lifting the reins off her saddle, Hoshi pressed the heels of those boots into the horse, squeezing with her shins as she did. The horse backed up slightly, then followed Hoshi’s lead as she steered her down the ridge and back to the bunching of cattle far below.

The Kaiyō crew had been on planet for fourteen days but had separated soon therein. The trio of fresher recruits were being dunked into the deep end by being placed in the NMX base surreptitiously. With new NMX bodies and no connection to SACN, Yamatai, or the Kaiyō, the trio had to perfectly intermingle with the NMX enemy. To Molli, Hoshi had given her a more clandestine mission to find any sympathizers or NMX whose views aligned more with those they had overheard at the Mishhuvurthyar Warlord meeting much earlier in the year. But the mission that took precedence was to destroy the subterranean base from the inside by allowing William, Aiko, and Hoshi in to the NMX compound when they arrived to deliver cattle. Since the base within the caldera was deep below and invulnerable to an airstrike, such would have to be done from within. The NMX usually got a hundred heads of cattle a month to use as fresh meat, but they had never gotten a shipment quite like the one being brought today. And though Hoshi, William, and Aiko looked enough like the locals of the planet, the safeguard that Molli, Sif, or Rio would be able to pass them through into the NMX base was the extra insurance they needed for this mission to be fully realized.
Caldera Base, Bunks

Deep below the waters of the caldera that the locals affectionately referred to as Cauldron Lake, Myga Ghorne's dark brown eyes fluttered open from the harsh lighting that burned down upon her. She was a reasonably tall nekovalkyra, with short black hair and light brown skin. At the sound of myriad booted footfalls, Myga rubbed her long, pointy ears with a groan -- she'd slept on them again -- and rolled out of her hammock. A long tail swished around her bare legs, a reflexive response to the chilly barracks the NMX had made for her and her kin. All around, various neko in identical uniforms prepared for their day-to-day duties, and Myga was quick to dress herself in the dull yellow uniform they all wore. By the time she'd fastened her hair into a bun and fastened the rank pin onto her uniform, Myga looked as professional and militaristic as her peers.

"Slow to rise again, I see. Are you trying to get in trouble?" A low and husky voice called out from behind Myga, before she felt a hand roughly slap her on the back. She stumbled forward, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled around to face a much taller woman with straight blonde hair fastened in a tight braid. Her broad smile was disarming, but the iron-grip she held -- no doubt a result of her muscular arms -- made it clear she wasn't entirely harmless.

Myga, however, was unafraid. "Come off it, Hihja," she said, slapping the other soldier's wrist until she released her grip. Hihja was one of the three soldiers under her command, and had quickly proven herself a reliable sort. "I haven't been put in stasis once," the younger neko proclaimed proudly.

"Because you make us pick up all the slack," Hihja replied with a smirk, "In all seriousness, I'm glad you're my squad leader. We're the most productive ones in this base. Doesn't matter how many thralls the others see; they never seem to think that could be them."

Both of the women's smiles seemed a little strained after that, and there was an unspoken conversation in their eyes. Despite all of the pretense of sisterhood and cooperation, every neko in the base was united by a common motivator: fear of punishment from the Mishhuvurthyar that commanded them. For Myga, she knew that this wasn't the right way to command an army, and it wasn't an army she wanted to fight for. That in itself was a tether that connected her, a newly-born soldier of the NMX army, to her old identity as Molli Byrne.

She had been a human from Nepleslia, and a new recruit aboard the Kaiyo after fleeing a home she no longer loved. Though Molli considered herself wholly inferior to her nekovalkyra comrades, she nonetheless strove to serve the Star Army to the best of her ability, which must have been why Taisho Hoshi chose her for a clandestine operation deep in the bowels of the enemy's installation. It was to be accomplished through a process that transferred one's consciousness to another body, a neko body, to be precise. Molli had jumped at the opportunity, even knowing the risks if her cover was blown, to say nothing of letting her old identity fade away. To the young Nepleslian, this was the chance she'd dreamed of -- she could finally be an equal to everyone else.

So far, Myga made it a ritual to recall her past every night so that there was little risk of losing herself in this new world. It was somewhat odd to think that she wasn't exactly a real person, or that she once had difficulty speaking comprehensible sentences, to say nothing of the sheer unfamiliar power that a neko body afforded her. Thankfully, two of the Kaiyo's crew had accompanied her on this mission, and all three were meant to keep each other focused on the mission, as well as their former lives.

"We're going topside today, aren't we?" Hihja asked, her emerald-colored eyes lighting up in excitement when Myga nodded, "Finally, some fresh air! Even if all we're smelling is stinking cows."

"We're just waiting on the others," Myga said, looking around the barracks for the last two members of her squad.

Myga's mission was two-fold: assist in destroying the base from within, and keep the Kaiyo's newest recruits safe at all costs. However, Taisho Hoshi entrusted a secret task to her alone: discover how common sentiments of cease-fire were within the NMX ranks. It was easier said than done, given the constant surveillance from the squids, as well as the militaristic attitude they were all forced to take against "the enemy." So far, all Myga did was ask questions about the war, and what they could do to end it; few of the answers were encouraging.
Caldera Base, Armory

Day in, day out, the armory saw a lot of use for a secret base. Guns, batons, not to mention body armor -- everything needed to be accounted for. And almost every damned day one of them ends up missing. The head armorer -- as she was more casually referred to as on her own insistence -- was just about ripping her hair out as she was ripping into the latest pair of recruits who thought it was alright to bring out a suit to test how effect it was against a misplaced baton.

"--And another thing! You were not even using the right tool!" As if to punctuate her point, she picked up a rod with two sharp prongs at the end, and another that had a rounded tip and a telescopic body. "This one is for electrocution! You poke with it! This one is for bashing! You hit with it! If you use the electric one to bash into someone, you're going to break the circuitry inside!" The crimson-haired neko shook the telescopic rod in front of the younger nekos, angrily and with a fervor that was concerning to say the least. "That is this thing's job! This is the bashing stick! It was made for that kind of harsh treatment! But you can't poke anyone with it, otherwise it'll just collapse back! These things have their purpose, and if you don't use them as intended, they'll fail on you!"

The door to the armory was crowded as girls peeked in. This was not a rare occurrence as the head armorer had a breakdown every other day, and those who worked with her had learned to live with it. But despite the yelling and how big of a deal the smallest things become, she was never much of a burden, just... a little too invested in her work.

"Cynea! Cynea where are you?!" the armorer called out as she whipped around to face the eavesdropping crowd, who did not disperse, but pushed forward a neko with a similarly crimson head of hair that was kept short except for a bundle that was wrapped in a black band.

"Y-yes, Nari?" came the neko's reply, frozen like a deer in headlights.

Nari, the head armorer, hung her head and held out the electric rod, bent from multiple strikes. Her hand was shaking, and Cynea had her hands up, unsure how to proceed. Looking to the others at the door, they offered no help as they were just there for the show. A wail of dismay brought Cynea's attention back to Nari who threw her hands up and began to fall forward.

Cynea was able to catch her, but Nari started becoming hysterical. The two nekos who were just scolded also rushed to her side, afraid that she might hurt herself, or someone else with her flailing.

"I'm doomed! I'm going to get the stasis treatment!" Nari cried.

"Nari... you said that last time..." Cynea answered as she tried to console her superior. "Besides, it's just the rod. We have spare parts from the tens of other broken ones in the back."

Nari suddenly stood up, nearly bumping heads with the two nekos behind her. "You're a genius! Yes! We can use that!" Just as quickly as she turned around to call out for her assistant, Nari turned around and shoved the two weapons into the scolded pair's hands before grabbing them by the lapels. "You two! You're going to fix this!" she said as she dragged them to the workshop at the back, slamming the door behind them.

"H-hey Nari, I need to get my gear! It's my squad's turn for door duty!" Cynea tried calling out, but from what she could see from the glass wall separating the armory and the workshop, Nari was already set on having those poor souls working for her. It reminded her of her first few days there. Accidentally knocked a gun off its rack, and she found herself doing inventory. Unfortunately, she was doing too good of a job and Cynea found herself being one of Nari's assistants. On the bright side, despite how volatile she seemed, she knew a lot about working with the equipment they were given.

A hand tapped her on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Cynea. I'll make sure your gear's logged," tired eyes greeted her, belonging to another armorer's assistant who was brought on much in the same way Cynea was, but she had to deal with Nari for much, much longer.

"Thanks, Rem... Do you think those two will be fine?" The girls looked through the glass and saw the poor souls digging through the boxes.

"... They'll survive."

Caldera Base, Bunks

Walking into the bunks, already geared up and ready to go, Cynea Cesgymr headed to her squad, pale pink face slightly flushed. "I meant to come earlier, but Nari went on one of her rants... a-again... But Rem-Rem will make sure we can just pick up our stuff as we pass by to head for topside. Well-- your stuff. I already got mine." She glanced back the way she came, to the general direction of the armory. "I'm still not sure if I should be more afraid of her antics, or be thankful that she's more violently dramatic than plain violent."
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Daybreak Ridge

William took in the morning air as he hefted his saddle onto the huge 22-hands tall black stallion. Looking more like a warhorse than a draft horse, the ID-SOL affectionately patted its neck before synching up the saddle. He wore a leather duster, jeans, and a black cowboy hat. Under the duster he had two underarm holsters, with an HHG in each. Besides that, he had his kusarigama attached to his belt. Once William was happy with the tack, he stuck his boot into a stirrup, grabbed the saddle horn, and mounted.

The large stallion huffed as William sat back in the saddle and took hold of the reins. Patting the horse's neck again, he turned toward where Hoshi and Aiko were, only to see them returning. "Come on, boy." William said, tapping his heels against the horse's flank, urging him into a canter. Snorting, the horse obliged, heading straight towards the two women.
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Caldera Base, Bunks

The harsh lighting of the barracks snapping and the surge of activity signaled the start of another day. Another morning swinging out of an uncomfortable hammock and getting dressed while mentally reminding herself that today she was Rio Yoshida. Not Sahty Rynire of the NMX . Today as with every other day since the start of the infiltration operation, she was the enemy. While she kept it to herself, that distinction was thinner for Sahty and it concerned her. She had nowhere near the same breadth of life experiences as the others to help keep her identity anchored if the operation dragged on for too long.

Still working her black hair into a bun as she weaved her way through the barracks to join the rest of her squad, Sahty just caught Cynea's words "Poor Nari is always pretty stressed. Better she be over dramatic than violent. Besides it's a pretty good show as long as it's not you!" laughed the olive skinned neko as she reached the trio. Sahty's violet eyes met the others, lingering on Myga's as she asked with a more serious tone "Are we really topside today?"
Cauldron Lake

There wasn't much for the light blue streams of the sun's new light to touch that denoted the cattle herd's destination as an NMX base. The scrub brush that had taken hold in the old crater were ruddy like dried blood. A black lizard with draconic spikes and five wide eyes blinked out from a crevice, having hidden as the thunderous herd of cattle appeared from the ridge and were herded towards the caldera.

Circled by ridges like the one on which Hoshi and Aiko had watched day break and the ring of elevation cut off Cauldron Lake from natural water runoff. The body of water from which the area derived its local-given name was edged by a dried quilt of mud cakes. Its water was still, waiting for the next rain to pit into its center rather than some mountainous run-off like most lakes. Hoshi took it all in with cursory glances as her focus remained on the wall that jutted out from the clay ground with its two circular spires flanking it, one of held an NMX guard sat. The sight reminded Hoshi of just how formidable this base was. Its components save for this were tucked away below and getting in to destroy it and give the former NMX on Nebel peace of mind would not be as simple as gunning their way through.

The second guard said a succinct, "Meat's here. Order the lift." The NMX guard sitting at the top of the spire had swiveled a huge machine gun towards them long before and now had not spoken to them, but into her communicator. Deep within the earth, Hoshi assumed some machinations were taking place to get in place the giant lift the local cowboys had said took the herd down to the base for processing. What the cowboys had also told them was how none of them had ever been allowed down into the interior.

The prospect of the interaction ending here on this dried out divot made the Kaiyō captain reflexively lean forward and pat the bay's neck. She could feel the dirt and grime from the week's ride in accrue on her fingertips but kept brushing the horse anyway, gaining some comfort in the act.Hoshi knew not to try to engage this guard and just wait. The large cargo lift's arrival would, in the best case, bring with it her people that would be more amenable to bending the base's rules and letting the three of them down with the cattle. If not, there was no way to know how the mission would go, if at all.
Cauldron Lake

William rode at the rear of the herd, driving the cattle towards the gates. Once they had reached the entance to the base, the ID-SOL pulled his hat low and kept his eyes on the cattle, riding around to keep them all pinned in. After riding for a week straight, William and his horse had become quite the team. "Good boy." William said, patting the stallion's neck once more after catching one of the cows that tried to stray too far from the herd. Telepathically, William spoke to Hoshi and Aiko. "When this is all said and done, I am definitely bringing this guy back with us." He said, ruffling the horse's mane.

As he did, he took a quick glance up at the guards. He clocked the weapons trained on them, but didn't react. He simply waited for the lift to arrive. Once they were inside, the show would begin.
Caldera Base, Bunks

The rest of Myga's squad arrived as promptly as was expected of NMX soldiers, and she briefly gave each a once-over. Cynea was arguably the physically toughest of their number, but Myga wondered if that was her residual memories of Sif bleeding through. Hihja seemed to act as though that were true, slapping the other woman on the back with the kind of force that would floor lesser neko.

"We know how often Nari keeps you around, ya little gopher!" Hihja said, grinning widely.

Sahty, their greenest recruit, was someone Myga felt an instinctual urge to protect, given that she was the newest soldier on the Kaiyo as well. "We are," Myga said in response to Sahty's question, "It's a cattle call today, we'll have some real food for once."

Hihja pumped her fist in the air, "Finally!" she was grinning from ear to ear, "I was starting to think command was leaving us to starve thanks to those rebels!" She likely referred to the NMX turncoats that the Yamatai Star Army captured some months past.

"They'll feed on us if we don't get a move on," Myga rolled her shoulders and made for the armory, and Hihja trailed close behind. "We shouldn't need to gear up for war today, just grab some body armor and a rifle."

Thankfully for the squad of four, the attendant who promised to log their gear kept up her end of the bargain. Once their permissions were flagged for approval, Myga and Hihja suited up in simple protective vests, helmets, and radiant pistols. Myga's eyes wandered around the armory, and once she tuned out Nari's distant shouting, she could see several disorganized racks with misplaced equipment.

"Someone should really clean this place up..." Myga muttered, as she holstered her pistol.

"Maybe once we have good food in our bellies and orders that aren't just 'wait and see.'" Hihja replied, scoffing.

Shrugging, Myga waited by the armory's exit for Cynea and Sahty to finish their preparations. Once they were all geared and gathered, their next stop was the loading bay elevator that rose above Cauldron Lake and extended a ramp to the shore.
Caldera Base, Bunks

Cynea looked to Sahty and just nodded to her comment on Nari's state of mind. "You should have seen her rant just now. Looked like she was just about to murder someone one minute, then giving a lecture the next."

While Cynea's upper body lurched forward upon impact with Hihja's slap, her boots were firmly planted on the ground. Although her posture was slow to return as she was reminded of the hours she had logged being the armorer's assistant, time she could only sigh at. "I wouldn't have tried placating her so much if I knew it'd just prolong my sentence." She sighed once more as she straightened up, then turning towards Hihja and that grin of hers, she contemplated, "Though I could say I'm happy I can get some fresh air now and a break from the armory, with those stinking animals coming in, I think I might prefer staying inside if I could have helped it. I got a preview of what those things smell like when Nari sent me to the pens to swap out the defective prods, and I'm not looking forward to being bombarded with that stink again. Much less fresh from the beasts themselves. That's the sacrifice for better food I guess." All she could really do was sigh again. It was all going to be worth it.

When they made their way to the armory, Cynea picked up an electric prod, as well as an Impaler rifle and a Radiant Pistol. Perhaps over-armed for herding cattle, but what was the point of all that training if you can't even hold the damn things. And besides, she didn't really know what to do with her hands when they'll just be standing there making sure the cattle doesn't pull guns on them.

Cynea was pretty much already outfitted to go when she left the armory the first time, so while the rest of the squad was gearing up, she and Rem were watching a more relaxed but still loud Nari instructing the two offenders on repair. "At least she's happy," Rem said before turning to Cynea to add, "They're going to make the same mistake you did."

"Good. Maybe she'll get them to do errands in the pens."

Rem chuckled as she put down the clipboard, having checked everything off of the request. "Speaking of the pens, you're going to be the one cleaning the shit off of those prods, so don't get anything on them."

Cynea's eyes drifted back to the workshop. "Not if I get volunteers."

When Rem heard the comment about the mess, she turned to Myga and gave her a word of caution. "Don't let Nari hear that kind of talk or you're going to be the one forced to clean up." The assistant crossed her arms and nodded sagely. "I can hear it now. 'Since you have such keen eyes, you're on vest maintenance duty! I better see those fabrics shine!'"

"There's a story behind that, isn't there?" Cynea asked as she rejoined the squad.

Rem didn't say anything, but her smile said that, yes, yes there was. But that was a story for another time as the group made for the loading bay.

There was a groan from Cynea as she stepped onto the lift. "I think I can already smell the cattle," she said before pulling up the black fabric around her neck to put on the half mask she wore in preparation, which had a faint floral scent dabbed into it. The neko reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a small, unmarked bottle and offered it to the others. "You're going to want to put a little bit on your mask or handkerchief, just to make the air breathable around the livestock."
Cauldron Lake

Aiko's hands were crossed over her saddle's horn, and she leaned back in her seat there while she waited with her comrades for the meat lift to arrive. The princess peered up toward the rising sun at the enemy Neko sitting in their spire watchtower, scrutinizing the machine-gunner with what she intended to be a casual glance. And then her watch shifted over toward the other guard who'd called the elevator for a second, ready to make for her pistol and drop both at a moment's notice despite her unconcerned demeanor.

When she made eye contact with that closer soldier, Aiko deliberately kept it locked for an instant too long and then winked at the enemy with a coy grin before averting her gaze with a hint of cheeky faux shame. In preparation for this mission, she'd watched at least three Nepleslian cowboy films and so tried to conduct herself with the appropriate amount of swagger for the role she played for now.

"Hoshi can keep him at her ranch, perhaps," Aiko said wirelessly in reply to William, regarding him once she was done messing with the guard a little. "At least if the Mishhu here do not insist on taking him for a meal. They eat livestock whole, you know? I am sure your stallion will seem to them a prize feast."
Caldera Base, Bunks

Sahty couldn't help but wince at Hihja's playful back slap to Cynea even as she commented on their orders, "Great Real food is great...but what I really want is to go outside for a bit. If you want to talk about stink then try having to work in the processing rooms. I'll take anything over that!" She couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at just the thought of the smell.

As the group headed for the armory Sahty couldn't help but pout slightly as she spoke to Cynea. "I missed a show huh? Tell me more later when we eat ok?" She didn't wait for an answer before splitting off to gear up. Donning her body armor and grabbing her Impaler rifle and Radiant pistol along with one of the cattle prods. Like Myga, she also noticed the state of the armory. Sahty was the last to leave the armory.

Aboard the elevator lift, Sahty made a face at the smell while pulling up her own face mask. Shaking her head at the offered bottle Sahty reach in one of her own pockets to produce a similar bottle. "I got one from one of the others in the processing area. Smells like oranges." she commented. Once everyone was safely on the lift, she'd hit the button to begin their ascent to the surface of the caldera.
Cauldron Lake

The NMX squad's entrance to the world outside of their base was slow and daunting. Water bubbled and gurgled at first, then slowly the metal slab came into murky view just a few inches from where the water met the dry desert air. Then, it had begun to open outward, revealing an inner chamber where the cattle were to be delivered. The lone NMX squad of figures were wholly unrecognizable to the three cowboys atop their steeds but did look small and somewhat out of place on the huge platform meant whatever large shipments the base would take in. Geared up for today's hundred cows with impaler rifles and radiant pistols, body armor and face masks, they could be anybody. Tension grew amongst the mounted riders as they hoped the geared up combatants approaching them now were simply friendlies with perfectly believable facades and not simply the enemy which they played the part of.

The sight sent a chill down the captain's back. The entrance was much more secretive than she had dreamed and Hoshi wondered just what the Mishhuvurthyar were hiding behind such a well hidden cargo lift. She let herself fully absorb the moment of unease and her bay stamped a foot and brought its head towards its neck in a subtle show of its rider's agitation.

The large metal cargo lift shuddered momentarily as it reached its apex, now in line with the shore to which it extended out a ramp. The mechanical whirring of such was low but the act was quick and soon an overpass had been nestled between each guard tower on the shore to connect it with the cargo ramp. It was wide enough to send a small starship through and the cows would move through quickly, no doubt. What they needed, though, was for William, Aiko, and Hoshi to be allowed through with them and they were counting on the Kaiyō crewmen in disguise to help make that happen.
Cauldron Lake

Once the squad were on the lift and away from the watchful eyes of the base's surveillance cameras, Myga let her rifle dangle by its strap and tapped its chassis while they steadily rose to the surface. Her tail, thin and wiry, swished back and forth, occasionally twitching at the tip. Though she was known for her aloof and withdrawn demeanor, Myga's squad mates could tell that something was on her mind. Something that had her on edge.

Today was the day that the Kaiyo's best were meant to enter the base at Myga's behest; an act of subterfuge so treasonous, the NMX loyalist within her struggled to comprehend it. The three of them were all on the same page, but Hihja was the only one locked out of the loop, and was the only potential problem in the future. She was the reason that Myga dared not communicate wirelessly with the others, because even a wayward thought sent Hihja's way could doom the entire operation. Worse, Myga had grown attached to her as a valued member of the squad, and she couldn't imagine turning against her.

Myga felt a hand slap her tail, "If you hit me with that thing one more time, I'm gonna shave it when you're asleep," Hihja, who had been standing right beside Myga, narrowed her eyes with a bemused smile.

After willing her tail to hang limp, Myga shrugged, "Sorry," she said, "Nerves."

"Worried the cows'll bite it again?"

"A little bit," Myga smiled sheepishly to sell the lie.

"I'll punch the toughest one to show 'em we mean business."

"That's a stupid idea."

"Not as stupid as letting 'em bite your tail."

As the bulkhead doors above them opened, letting the lake's still waters fall around them in a torrent, the blue sunlight beamed down at the women who had undoubtedly grown too used to the artificial lighting of the base. They could see a herd of cows off in the distance, guided by two women and a man in rancher attire. Hoisting her rifle up in a relaxed stance, Myga marched down the extending ramp to the shore at the fore of the group, taking care to give the cows a wide berth as she approached that had herded them.

"You're coming inside with us," she said in a voice of calm authority, "All of you. We have to verify the number of cattle, as well as the paperwork concerning their upbringing."

Hihja, who was patting a nearby cow on the head, faced Myga with a raised eyebrow, before eyeing the ranchers that went beneath her notice compared to their more adorable herd. Her eyes lingered on the only man in the group for a few seconds longer than the rest, before settling on Myga. "You think they could be undercutting us?"

"Anything's possible."

"Nobody's that stupid."

Myga's lips curled into a slight smile at Hoshi, "Guess we'll find out, won't we?"
Cauldron Lake

"On whose orders?" The guard shot a disapproving glance to Myga. "Never needed to do admin inside before." The NMX Neko was readily grabbing the communicator at her clavicle to speak into it once more as she waited open-mouthed for a reply.

The gunner shot out, "Meat's meat, sure, but..." She was taking a long look at the cowboys and sizing them up, deciding they were paltry in comparison to the stocky cattle already making their way through the ingress at William's urging. Apparently she had misheard Myga and assumed her dark brown NMX sister was rounding up the human cow herders to eat them, too. "Who's going to bring the next hundred heads if we skin and sausage them, anyway? If they're undercutting us it would make up the difference, I suppose."
Cauldron Lake

William kept his gaze down, but responded to Aiko once more telepathically. "If the mishu try, they're gonna take a mass driver round through the eye. But keeping him at Hoshi's ranch sounds like a good idea, as long as she's cool with it." He replied. Once the bridge was raised, William let out a long whistle, and tapped his heels against his horse's sides. Riding up and down the line as he urged the herd of cows towards the base.

At the NMX's banter, William played the part of the busy cowboy. His voice came out in a deep country drawl. "Y'all know we'd not jip you, lest we had a death wish! All the cattle's here like usual. If'n you want ta bring us out the sun ta count 'em all , then let's get on wit it! " He called from the rear of the herd, as he rode back and forth. William's horse neighed loudly, making its own annoyance known as if to emphasize its rider's point.
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Cauldron Lake

Cynea kept a firm grip on her rifle as she tucked the bottle of scent back into her pocket. "Oranges, huh?" was her reply to Sahty before she momentarily pulled down her own mask to sniff at Sahty's before remasking. "Smells just like the mints Rem-Rem keeps nibbling on in the workshop. She still won't tell me where she gets them, but I've narrowed it down to be someone from triage. I caught a whiff of medicine when she pulled out a fresh batch three days ago." Even though half her face was covered, the corner of her eyes let on that she was smiling.

Once on the surface, the herd of cows could be seen, and Cynea was already bracing herself as they went across the bridge to get the cattle moving. At first her attention was focused on the herd, but as they got closer, she shifted to scan the three ranchers who looked all too familiar. Her crimson tail reflexively wrapped around her waist as her color-matched eyes lingered on the smallest of the three before turning towards the guard as she walked past on her way to take her position boxing in the cattle, slowing down her pace to say, "Too bad Nari's not in charge of collecting cattle. I'd have loved to see her give these three a dressing-down if the livestock was subpar."

As she made her way by the rear, she was making visual inspections on the cattle. Though seemingly healthy, she was looking for any sign of injuries or discoloration. "None of these better be lame or infected," she said in response to the non-neko. "We might not get sick, but bad meat is bad meat all the same." The neko teetered slightly to the side, trying to get a better look at the cattle deeper in the herd before turning towards the guard that was speaking to Myga. "And I think I see one that's trying not to put weight on one of its back foot. If I'm seeing right, we can't call that a healthy piece of livestock, huh?"
Cauldron Lake

With one hand still loosely holding her rifle as it hung across her front from it's sling, Sahty returned her own bottle to its pocket with her off hand. "Yeah? I bet they come from the same source," she said before giving a little chuckle. Making an overly dramatic hand motion towards the surface Sahty playfully joked "Maybe one day we'll get to meet this mystery savior of our poor noses!" It seemed Sahty had picked up some notes on being dramatic from her favorite pastime, watching Nari's fits.

When the squad reached the surface and crossed the bridge, Sahty's attitude became much more serious. It was go time not just cow herding, but the squad's real mission. The only real problem Sahty could see was Hihja. She hoped Myga could convince her to follow along with them and turn on the NMX once things got going. The thought of having to shoot a friend didn't sit well with her.

As she moved into her position on the opposite side of the box and herd from Cynea, she copied the other neko and wrapped her own tail around her waist. No way was she having her tail bitten. While inspection and attempting to help herd the cows she kept glancing back to Myga, one ear cocked at an angle to better listen in on the back and forth. Right after she heard Cynea's call out she raised her own voice while squatting to get a closer look at the legs of the cows. "I'm pretty sure I see the same cow from my side. There could be others like it hidden in the middle of the herd."
Cauldron Lake

"I agree with her," Aiko said from atop her horse, knocking her head sideways toward the topside guard who kept talking into their radio. "No reason to drag us into your stink-pit. The complete order is here before you, so count them and free us to wrangle another herd for delivery."