Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 32: Uchū Kaubōi

Caldera Base, Level 1

Upon entering the armory behind Myga and Hoshi with Sahty at the group's rear, Aiko strode past her captain and the NMX guard Molli was disguised as. Always keenly assessing every moment of the mission, the princess immediately saw no other Mishhu personnel inside the room she'd just entered and made some quick assumptions. But she didn't act decisively just yet.

With a smooth motion, Aiko gripped her hefty revolver out of its holster by grabbing the gun around its trigger and cylinder, and then placed it on the first armorer's bench she passed. There was no armorer present to collect the weapon, so Aiko had already decided it was safe to proceed. Not pausing for even a second, she soon began examining all of the NMX equipment that filled the area and moving from one gunrack to the next storage crate in a survey of what the team could use to get deeper into the base.

"Efficient thinking to disarm us during a shift change," Aiko said in the more proper diction her friends were accustomed to hearing from a princess of Yamatai, rifling through a uniform locker while she spoke. Popping her head back around, she held a NMX infantryneko's death mask in front of her face. "Good work. Hoshi and I can wear these to blend in from here out," she added, referring to the fatigues hung up in the cabinet behind her.

"So, which one of you is which?"

Of course, the princess had no idea if either Myga or Sahty were members of her crew or genuine NMX Neko. But she'd relinquished her gun and established herself as a rather irreverent cowboy—at least by Aiko's own standards—so figured the worst that could happen was getting punched or shot. Something caught her eye, though, and she didn't stay still to wait for an answer.

Over in the room's left corner among a heap of older Impaler rifles was a sword. Its hilt wrapped in dusty NMX mustard cloth and its sheath painted an ugly, chalky coyote brown color, Aiko recognized its shape even from the corner of her eye through which she'd first spotted it. So she'd made a beeline over to where the blade rested and quickly tossed aside the tarnished guns and other equipment that crowded its splendor to pluck it out from the pile.

Everything about the katana felt right in her hands. With its redecorated scabbard in her left palm and its haphazardly re-wrapped grip resting in her right, her left thumb forced its blade out from its sheath just enough to reveal the dark grey metal of its habaki blade collar, upon which a profusely scratched and defaced Yamataian Kikyo flower was stamped. No doubt pilfered from some Kuvexian War battlefield in the Ketsurui Military Sector by these particular NMX forces, this Type 40 guntō now belonged to Aiko.

"We should make haste," the princess said, still regarding her new prize with the dreamy appreciation only a kensei could have for a sword. "Where is your third compatriot?"
Caldera Base, Level 1
Holding Pen

At least she wasn't suffering alone, Cynea thought as Hihja was assigned to stay here with the cattle while the other half of the squad brought their guests over to be processed themselves. Cynea did a small wave as Sahty and Myga left, and sighed as they left her sight. "What was I thinking volunteering to stay. I could be breathing actual air by now," the neko groaned as she watched the cattle move. Not like there was anything else to do until they start getting rowdy.

She'll have to wait until every single one of them were in the pens, and even then she and Hihja would have to wait there until the other two ranchers returned to keep an eye on Mr. Stinks of Sex there. Though she knew things weren't going to be so simple. Was there going to be alarms blaring in a few minutes, a huge explosion, or will they just find themselves with a lot more armed nekos entering the floor without much fanfare. The situation remained that Hihja was going to be an impediment she would need to handle if it ever came down to it. A bitter pill to swallow, but one she has to. And there were more to come.

As she considered her options, a tiny shock ran down her spine, making her well-cared for tail ruffle ever so slightly as it remained clung around her waist. As if something was amiss or about to go wrong. She could feel it. But what? In an attempt to trace the feeling, her mind briefly flashed with a memory of Nari as a sense of dread washed over her.

'If they didn't get snagged on the way, they should be in the armory just about now,' Cynea thought, mentally mapping the average time it took for her to get from here to there from her various duties to that room. It was then that her eyes widened at a sudden realization only apparent to her. The reason why she felt that danger was just around the corner.

"I didn't check her prod!" she'd quietly exclaimed to herself. It was more of a half-whisper but audible enough for the other two sentients in the room. Her gaze went over to Hihja, now looking more sympathetic than when she was initially. "If Sahty got any crap on that prod, Nari's going to get ballistic again."
Caldera Base, Level 1
Holding Pen

Hihja was more than happy to let Cynea and William do most of the actual work with the cows, standing off to the side to oversee them with her rifle resting lazily at waist level. "Somethin' is off about Myga," she said aloud once the boredom of the assignment got to her. "She ain't this much of a stick in the mud -- usually." She'd known her squad leader to be aloof and unusually forgiving of mistakes compared to most elites. It was the reason the two hit it off so quickly.

Those musings ceased once Cynea's panicked whispers reached her, and Hihja looked thoroughly unsympathetic. "Y'know she yells so much to make us remember that stuff, right?" The brawny neko guffawed with a wide grin on her face shortly after, "If Nari's on another tirade, I'm gonna be there to see it!"

"Your boss probably yells at you if stuff gets too dirty, right, guy?" Hihja asked, having little cause to remember William's name, if he'd ever spoken it in the first place.


Myga led Sahty and their duo of ranchers toward the armory to deposit their weapons, but upon seeing the overseer depart with the attending staff, the neko's long ears twitched and a small shiver ran down her spine. Even with the remoteness of the base, their relatively close proximity to a planet liberated by Yamatai meant that security had become a serious concern. More specifically, the armory wasn't meant to be left unattended under any circumstances. It was the reason why Nari had become so militant about protocol and procedure. Alarms were ringing in Myga's mind, telling her that something wasn't right.

That heightened concern reached its peak when she saw Aiko's nonchalant approach to the open lockers that were in the process of being organized. Out of pure instinct, Myga's rifle leveled up at the rancher's back, and her lips almost mouthed an order, before memories of who this rancher was brought Myga back to her senses. She lowered her gun in haste, praying that nobody would acknowledge what had nearly happened. "Molli," the neko whispered, out of fear that someone would overhear her. "Something is wrong. They never leave the armory unattended. And they'll be expecting two ranchers, as well."

Privately, Myga also questioned if Aiko could keep her pride in check under disguise, given all she knew about the princess's tendency to be quick with an insult toward the NMX. For obvious reasons, she wasn't going to let that opinion slip.
Caldera Base, Level 1
Holding Pen

William snickered as Aiko tied her horse to his. At her remark about her horse, the captain replied, "Now that is just wrong, and you know it." He barked out a laugh. Nodding to Hoshi as she tied her horse off as well, he added, "Don't worry, she'll be fine." He said, taking hold of the leads. He tapped his horse's flank, and they began moving again.

Turning to Cynea, he said, "If you think she likes me, I'd suggest not reading so many romance novels." He replied with an eye roll. It was a fair statement, but it also served as a test to see if he was speaking to who he thought he was talking to. "Now, let's get these cattle to processing so I can get out of this hell hole. I don't think the horses like being underground all the much." At that statement, his stallion snorted and tossed his head back. "See, he hates it down here."

The ID-SOL pushed the cattle onward toward their final destination. As they started getting processed, he turned to Hihja as she addressed him. "Depends on what's getting dirty. The boss only cares that the job gets done." He replied with a shrug, his hand resting at his side.
Caldera Base, Level 1

Sahty didn't reply to Myga's answer. There wasn't really a need to do so as she fell in at the rear while switching off her prod. She gave it a few good shakes as they traveled towards the armory. Despite her careful efforts, Sahty had gotten her prod dirty and wanted to shake off as much as possible before hitting the armory.

Much like for Myga, a red flag went up for Sahty at the sight of Nari and her staff leaving the armory with the Overseer. As far as she knew, Nari practically never left the armory willingly. In fact, she had heard Nari supposedly had a folding cot *in* her back office.

Having seen Aiko making a straight line for the pile of discarded weapons through the standing racks Sahty came around one of the standing racks to see just what the princess was after, quietly answering Aiko as she did so "Rio. With your third." She rounded the corner just in time to catch a glimpse of Myga lowering her rifle. Without missing a beat she interposed herself between the two of them, glaring daggers at Myga the entire time. Even with half of her face still covered, the message was clear "What the hell?" Hopefully Hoshi hadn't seen the exchange.