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RP: YSS Celia Mission 3B: [Ohara] The Runaround

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“Begin our approach to the hospital ship,” ordered Aurore. “Celia, assemble the necessary crew for our next objective, and check on the status of Itkatsu-Shosa.”

“Aye, sir,” replied the Celia.

Her voice then beamed down from the ceiling of the wardroom. “Itkatsu-Shosa, the Taisho was wandering if you had finished your meal yet... Hello, Jasmine.”

“Hello, ma'am,” replied a visibly nervous Jasmine.

The Celia then opened a ship-wide audio channel:

“Attention, all Celia crew, the following crewmen will report to deck 9, main shuttle bay, for mission briefing:”

“Ittô Heisho Sixthree Tangozulu.”

“Ittô Hei Nishizaki Kaori.”

“Ittô Hei Nishizaki Kaede.”

“Ittô Hei Leet Kilar.”

“Ittô Hei Woot Seneschal.”

“Santô Hei Zug Leonhart.”

“Santô Hei Aoki Orie.”

“Santô Hei Joachim Demaro.”

“You have 15 minutes to finish your current tasks. No additional equipment will be necessary for this mission. Again, the rally point is deck 9. That is all. Thank you.”

In the mean time, the main planet of the Ohara system was rapidly coming into view. Two major artificial structures could be seen in its orbit: the Ohara Star Fortress, and the YSS Freya's Heart.


Joey was glad to have made some new friends aboard his new home. Aoki Orie was rather eccentric, but she was intelligent and fun to be around (and, as he noted mentally, rather attractive). He had also managed to lose his anxiety with Zug Leonhart; after talking to him for a while, he realized that the two of them came from surprisingly similar walks of life, and that understanding had helped him relax.

The young Santou Hei had just finished a bowl of ramen noodles swimming in beef broth when an announcement was broadcasted across the ship. The message called for several enlisted crewmen, himself and his new friends included, to report for briefing.

"I'd better get going now," Joey said, promptly standing up. "I doubt it'll take long to reach the shuttle bay, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll see you two up there!"

With a last glance and a wave back at Aoki and Zug, Joey walked quickly out of the mess hall and to the elevator. Stepping into the lift, he paused for a moment and looked back to see if his friends were following him; if they were keen on taking the lift with him, he didn't want to leave them behind.


Orie was pleased to notice that Zug didn't believe that the announcement had come from somebody in the ceiling this time... though, she noted in the back of her mind, she had recently been in the ceiling. Maybe he wasn't so absurd, thinking there were people up there.

As Joachim rushed off, she leapt to her feat to join him, the piece of toast she'd been slowly nibbling to death through the conversation still dangling from her mouth by a corner. She wasn't about to sit idle when there was work to be done, even if there was toast involved. Her first instinct was to leap into the nearest access tunnel and try crawling there... but then, remembering her confusion earlier, she decided to save stunts like that for when she'd gotten more familiar with the system. Besides, she had her suspicions that Zug might try following her, which could prove disastrous in the tight shafts.

Chasing after Joey down the hall, she issued a muffled shout. After she yanked the piece of toast out of her mouth, she said it again; this time, it was understandable as "Wait for me!" She ducked into the lift and stuffed the toast wrathfully in her mouth, apparently punishing it for its hindrance.


Avaldamon Thulesius sat in the transport ship waiting silently as they came into Ohara system. He had his few belongings packed neatly beside him on the bench by the airlock to the shuttle storage. He brushed and nervously replaited his white hair, taking special care to make sure that it was straight.

He was slightly embarassed about being late on his first assignment, but his KES graduation had been planned just late enough that the YSS Celia left without him. His first jump had left him feeling rather alone and far from home, but he had expected that.

Avaldamon pulled out a small picture of his family from his uniform's pocket and looked at it as he waited for the Celia to be notified of his arrival. He was glad he had been assigned to the Celia. From what he had read recently, they seemed to be slightly short on technical sentries, which he was one. He just hoped that he could fit in easily with the crew.


“Oh! Wait for Zug too!” said Zug as he shoved his spare rank pin into a pants pocket and took off after them. By the time he reached the lift, however, it was quite obvious that there was not enough room left in the lift to accommodate him. He couldn't possibly get inside without crushing Joachim and Orie. “Um, Zug will take the next lift,” he said with a resigned look on his face. The lift doors closed in front of him.

When Joachim and Orie reached the main shuttle bay, they saw that several crewmen had already arrived there before them. A silvery-haired Neko officer was quietly explaining something to a bald, muscular Yamataian red-shirt. Two other red-shirt Nekos stood at attention nearby. They appeared to be twins, and both of them had blazing red hair that matched the color of their uniforms.

Meanwhile, in an auxiliary shuttle bay, Avaldamon stepped out of the airlock and onto the deck of the ship.

“Greetings, Santô Hei Avaldamon Thulesius. Welcome aboard,” said a feminine voice emanating from the high ceiling. “Would you like directions to your room? If you hurry, you might be able to join your fellow tech sentries on a mission.”


"Sorry, Zug," Joey said, an apologetic expression on his face. "We'll be sure to fill you in when you get there. Deck nine, please, Chusa."

As the doors slid shut, the lift took off for the main shuttle bay, carrying Joey and Aoki with it. He felt bad for leaving Zug down there; for a while, he felt that he should've stepped out and allowed him access instead. He pondered over his guilt until the doors opened, and he walked out into the shuttle bay.

Most of the other requested crewmen had already arrived, and they all wore the same bright red-panel uniforms as Joey's own, save for a single Neko officer, who he assumed would be briefing them. After stepping into the room, he surveyed the others: both of the red-haired Neko twins and the enlisted Yamataian listening to the officer. Knowing that two other enlisted crewmen were not yet accounted for, he gave the twins some space, then walked to a spot that was in line with them and stood at attention, ready to receive his first orders.


“I have, Celia-Chusa; does the Taisho wish for me to return to the bridge or proceed to where the cargo transfer will be taking place?” Kiyoko replied to the ship’s disembodied voice. The Neko rose from the seat she had occupied while she ate her food and turned to the brown-haired cook.

“Thank you for the meal; I hope to enjoy your cooking again sometime soon,” Kiyoko said pleasantly. Silently she pondered to herself on the cause of Jasmine’s uneasiness, whether it was caused by Celia herself, or the infamous Taisho, or something else entirely. For now though she decided to file it away in her memory - too little solid information, and too many uncertainties meant she would get nowhere. It was only her first day aboard the Celia after all; still early days for her to be gauging the crew’s mood and feelings with any accuracy.


“Please return to the bridge, Itkatsu-Shosa. Branard-Taisho wishes to brief you personally,” said Celia.

Jasmine bowed to Kiyoko. “I'm glad you enjoyed it ma'am.”

It wasn't long before Zug hurried inside the shuttle bay, stopping next to Joachim and Orie. He looked expectantly at the Neko officer.

“Leet and Woot are running late, again,” said the silvery-haired Neko, turning slightly to look at the new arrivals. She wore a SAY uniform with silvery panels, and a Chusa rank pin.

“They'll make it on time, ma'am,” replied the bald Yamataian man. He wore a Ittô Heisho rank pin on his enlisted uniform.

“I know. Still, it is considered courteous to arrive a few minutes early,” replied the Neko officer.

Almost as if on cue, two young Yamataian men in red-paneled uniforms walked into the shuttle bay at a leisurely pace. They both leaned against one of the shuttles and looked around at the people already present.

“Ittô Hei Kilar, Ittô Hei Seneschal...” addressed the bald Yamataian man. “Stand up straight and fall into formation, damn it. You are setting a bad example for the newbies.”

“Aye, sir,” the two young men said in unison, walking up and standing at attention with the rest of the enlisted crew. “Sorry, sir,” added the brown-haired muscular one.

The bald Yamataian man scanned the small crowd of red-shirts, then turned to the Neko officer and bowed. “The crew you have ordered are assembled and ready for your inspection, ma'am.”

“Greetings,” the Neko officer addressed the enlisted crew with an authoritative voice. “For those of you who are new here and don't know me, I am Chusa Celia Megami, avatar of this ship's AI system. If you are not familiar with the avatar system, you may think of me as the ship's face to the crew. Standing besides me is Ittô Heisho Sixthree Tangozulu. While you may or may not report to another officer while you're on duty aboard this ship, your commanding officer during away missions will almost always be Ittô Heisho Tangozulu, so I suggest you learn to get along with him.”

Celia continued, “We have called you here today for a very simple mission: The medical supplies that we have just transported here via the Odori-class freighters need to be unloaded and moved to the proper cargo bays aboard the Jihi-class hospital ship NL-X3-11, also known as the Freya's Heart. We shall soon dock with the hospital ship, as will the Odori transport ships. Once docked, you will be directed to board the Freya's Heart and assist with the cargo transfer. The dock crew will provide you with detailed instructions once you arrive. Any questions?”

Zug timidly raised his hand.

“Yes, Santô Hei Leonhart?” asked Celia.

“Are you da lady in da ceiling, ma'am?”

Celia smiled, although there was also concern in her face. “I suppose you could say that, Santô Hei Leonhart... Does anyone else have a question?”


"You haven't missed much," Joey said quietly to Zug as he walked in and stood next to him. "We're just waiting for...Oh, here they come! Look sharp!"

Joey checked his posture as the Neko officer, wearing a Chusa rank pin, approached the group, calling out the two straggling Ittou Heis for their tardiness before addressing the entire assembly. Beside her was the bald Yamataian, who wore the rank of Ittou Heisho. Young Demaro blinked as the Chusa introduced herself as Megami Celia herself, the ship's avatar.

Joey was relatively calm throughout the quick briefing session, trying hard not to crack a smile at Zug's innocent question. He could not help but flinch, however, when he heard Megami say that it would be a simple mission; a few wise words from his father sprang into his mind from the depths of his long-term memories, words about simple missions and transporting cargo. Knowing that it would be best to raise his question - and tensions with it - than to be caught off-guard, he raised his own hand, then took a breath before asking his question.

"Chusa, exactly how sensitive is our cargo? That is...would the transported materials on board Freya's Heart be tempting enough to provoke an enemy attack?"

For the first time since enlisting, Joey was glad for his father's abundant experience and sage advice. He had once instructed his son never to expect any delivery run in the Star Army to be 'simple'; to always be prepared for hostile attempts on the cargo, especially while transporting sensitive materials. That knowledge had stayed with young Demaro, and the technician was glad for it.


Orie stood rigidly at attention through the briefing, her expression and posture so serious that it almost looked comedic. A Chusa rank pin was bad enough, but this was the ship's avatar. Orie suspected that it was a good idea to stay on the ship's good side when you worked on her innards for a living.

On the other hand, she had to contain herself at Celia's prompt for questions. There was so much stuff she still wanted to know about the ship, and who better to tell her than the ship itself? Fortunately, Zug and Joey interrupted--though she did make a mental note, upon hearing Zug's question, to explain the concept of an intercom to him.

“Very well, I shall be there shortly.” With a polite bow in farewell to Jasmine, Kiyoko withdrew from the wardroom and retraced her earlier steps to the bridge. It sounded like the Taisho was ready to offer the Neko answers to the questions she had seemingly unwittingly provoked earlier.

As promised Kiyoko was shortly on the bridge, where she bowed to Branard and announced her arrival. “Reporting as ordered, Taisho.”


“Ah, good,” said Aurore when she saw Kiyoko enter the bridge. “Walk with me, Itkatsu-Shosa. Hayasaka-Chusa, you have the bridge.” Saying that, Aurore got up and walked out of the bridge.

As Kiyoko followed her, Aurore spoke casually, “I hope that you don't mind me testing you a little bit, Itkatsu-Shosa, but I want you to oversee the away team during our current mission. It's a simple cargo transfer between two ships. Well, the Jihi-class is more of a station, really, but you get the idea... Anyway, the freighters we escorted here have already docked with the hospital ship, and we will be docking soon as well. So the only job to be done is to get some anti-grav platforms and haul the cargo from point A to point B.”

Aurore went on, “Disciple among the red-shirts has gotten lax while Henry was in charge. To top that off, we have a few new tech sentries with us today. So I want you to make sure that they stay on task and don't fool around too much. Think you can handle that, Itkatsu-Shosa?”

Celia smiled at Joachim. “There is no need to worry, Santô Hei Demaro. The probability of an enemy attack at this point in time is well below the tolerance threshold. The cargoes in question are experimental medicinal drugs designed for Phods. They hold negligible value to common pirates. Besides, if someone wished to take the cargo by force, they would have attacked us while we were en route, not wait until we have arrived at our destination, for our defenses in this system can easily absorb a pirate attack. We are quite safe here. Any other questions?”

“Unless the Mishhu come for us. Then we're all screwed,” muttered Leet under his breath.

“You got something to say, Ittô Hei Kilar?!” demanded Sixthree.

“No, sir,” replied Leet, looking away.

“If there are no more questions,” continued Celia, “please head over to the nearest airlock. We will be docking with the Freya's Heart soon. The first officer will be along shortly to oversee the mission. Ittô Heisho Tangozulu will report to her, and the rest of you will report to Tangozulu. Again, the dock crew of the Freya's Heart will provide you with detailed instructions once you arrive. Dismissed!”

Joachim and Orie soon found themselves drifting along with the crowd of tech sentries. (It was hard to walk in any other direction when a giant Troll was walking right behind you.) The small crowd stopped at the nearby airlock. Several portholes allowed everyone a rare glimpse to the outside of the ship.

The tech sentries could clearly see the hospital ship as the Celia made her approach. The squid-shaped hospital ship was about four times as large as the Ayame-class cruiser. Had it been a warship, it would have easily been classified as a battleship, or maybe even a dreadnought. Its more peaceful nature was only betrayed by the distinct lack of any main cannons or missile batteries on the hull of the ship.

At first, the hospital ship was set against a black backdrop of space, which shined with the brilliance of countless stars. Suddenly, the Celia changed her orientation as she edged closer. The Freya's Heart remained visible, but now the ship was silhouetted against a blue and green planet, which loomed unbelievably large in the background. The scene was serene, cosmic, and beautiful.

“Not bad, huh?” commented one of the red-haired Nekos to Orie.


Orie's face took on an expression of awed delight at the scene outside of the windows. For somebody who had spent her whole life (even if that was a relatively short time) in space, she hadn't encountered such views very often. She couldn't tear herself away from it for long enough to do anything but nod distractedly at the other neko's comment. It didn't help that she was saving several versions of the picture to her memory--she was convinced that it would make a great painting, if her meager skills would be enough to capture it.


Avaldamon was excited to be invited on a mission this early, he had expected at least two or three days of ship-specific orders and work before he was allowed to go on a mission.

"Thank you Celia-san, I'll get there as fast as I can."
With this he pulled up the ship's map on his data pad and walked as fast as was prudent to the crew quarters, excitedly counting doors so he could remember the way later.

Once he arrived at his room, he found an empty nest and placed his duffle into it. After a quick check to make sure he had everything he needed and to make sure he looked presentable, he left to find the others.

On his way there Celia told him that she was about to start the breifing and he quickly typed a request on his data pad to have the audio patched through. He listened intently to the breifing, still finding his way through the maze of corridors.

So, transport guard. Not quite the mission I was expecting, but nearer what I thought my job would be. Avaldamon thought to himself. Just as the breifing ended he spied the group of tech sentries and sidled slowly to the back of the crowd, giving a silent bow to the computer's avatar.

As the group moved to the transport ship he easily saw a troll with a short green-haired neko nearby, and laughed inwardly at the sight. If this is representative of the crew, I'm going to have an interesting voyage. He thought as he followed everyone.


As the tech sentries watched, the Jihi-class hospital ship grew increasingly large in their field of view. Eventually they could see the docking port on the other ship, and it was not long before the the two ships were docked together. They could hear subtle hisses and sighs as air were cycled into the airlocks and the pressures on either side were balanced just right. Then the airlocks opened.

On the other side of the airlocks, at about ten yards away, stood several Nekos in enlisted uniforms. Next to them were about a dozen pallets which hovered several inches off the floor. Each pallet had a small control panel and handles that were raised to about waist height.

https://stararmy.com/starchan/images/451 ... pallet.PNG

One of the Nekos standing near the front took a step forward. She wore a Ittô Heisho rank pin. “Thank you for agreeing to help us,” she said. “If you'll come over here, we'll show you how to work these things.”


Celia's smile seemed to calm Joey down a bit; he bowed respectfully and stood back in attention until the group was prepared to leave. He stayed with the group as they collectively moved toward the airlock, and he got an amazing view of the Freya's Heart in the foreground against planet Ohara, a small silver-grey blot on the planet's massive turquoise surface. His gaze broke from the spectacle long enough to notice that they had an extra man among them: an enlisted man wearing the rank of Santou Hei, one he had not noticed until that moment. Before he could address him or ask him his name, the airlocks opened up, and the entire group shuffled onto the opposite ship.

The ranking officer on board the Freya's Heart, a Neko wearing an Ittou Heisho pin, addressed them, thanking them for their assistance, then directed them to advance towards the lift carts. Observing the hovering dollies carefully and analytically, Joey cautiously stepped forward and approached one of them. He noted that they were rather simple and efficient machines, most likely capable of carrying several hundred pounds a fair distance on a full unit of power. He assumed that such capacity would likely be more than enough to complete their transfers.

While he waited for the Neko CPO (Chief Petty Officer, another way of saying Ittou Heisho) to explain the use of the hovering hand carts, Joey looked around, studying the people around him. He made note that everyone from the Celia was accounted for, including the new Santou Hei, in case anyone would need verification. He turned his attention next to the enlisted Nekos of the Freya's Heart; they were somewhat alike in certain regards, but each one seemed to be unique in some fashion. Finally, he looked back at the floating machines, still awaiting instructions.


Kiyoko followed Branard as she walked off the bridge, silently absorbing what the Yamataian woman had to say. The Taisho’s request sounded simple enough, though just how simple it would turn out to be she would be better able to tell once she had a chance to observe these discipline-lacking crewmembers.

“I shall ensure that the task is carried out promptly and efficiently, Taisho,” Kiyoko replied.


Kiyoko and Aurore walked to the nearest lift, and took it down to deck nine. A few steps further, and they could see the airlock that linked the Celia to the Freya's Heart in the distance. Aurore stopped. “This test is for you alone, Itkatsu-Shosa. I do not wish for my presence to influence the demeanor of the away team. The Celia will be monitoring your progress remotely via the hospital ship's sensor records. Good luck.”

After the tech sentries have gathered around, the Ittô Heisho walked up to one of the hover pallets. “The orange buttons control the elevation of the pallet,” she said. “The green buttons control the elevation of the control panel and the handles, relative to the pallet itself, of course. I'll explain the giant red button later.”

“The pallets only hover. You'll have to push them yourself. Thankfully, this is a fairly easy task, since the hover pallets remove all the frictional forces for you. However, you could easily hurt yourself or someone else if you pushed it too fast. Remember that, without friction, objects in motion will stay in motion until its momentum is canceled by another force. This is where the red button comes in. If you press it, airbags will deflate around the pallet. Of course, this will make it rather hard to retrieve the crate that you had on the pallet, and someone will have to redeploy the airbags later, so try not to push it unless someone will get hurt if you don't.”

“So push it slowly. You'll need to maneuver the pallets around several corners on the way from the loading dock to the cargo bay. Take it easy and this should be as easy as a walk in the garden... And I see that the officer who's supposed to keep us red-shirts in line have arrived. Welcome aboard, ma'am! Permission to direct everyone to the loading docks?”


Joey waited for the Neko to finish her explanation before walking up to one of the hovering carts and approaching the console. He studied it carefully before touching the green button that pointed down. The console immediately dropped an inch on its support column, halting as soon as Joey's finger was lifted from it. He pushed lightly on the up-pointing green button, and it rose slowly until he let go of it. Satisfied that it was set to optimal height, he grabbed one of the handles and pulled it towards himself. Just as the Neko CPO had said, the cart continued moving and pushed lightly against Joey before finally halting itself.

Hmm...Seems simple enough to handle, he thought to himself. This shouldn't be too bad...so long as we really don't get attacked...I can't shake what Ittou Hei Kilar said before...What if the Mishhu really do come for us...?

Joey was brought back to reality from his thoughts upon the appearance of one of the Celia's officers, ranked Shosa. He let go of his cart and saluted her, noting that she was recognized by the Neko CPO as the mission supervisor. He had not seen her before, but then again, he hadn't really had a chance to get to know the crew before receiving his orders; he had been busy with Zug's lost rank pin. He remained at attention, expecting that she'd identify herself and set about issuing orders.


With a final bow to Branard-Taisho, Kiyoko left the Yamataian woman and made her way through the airlock they had approached and into the Freya’s Heart. From there she easily spotted the grouping of enlisted a few meters away gathered around the hover pallets they would be using.

“Thank you,” she replied to the Itto Heisho who welcomed her aboard. “And granted, once I make a quick introduction.” With that Kiyoko turned to address the group as a whole, acknowledging Demaro’s salute with a nod and a short “as you were” before speaking to them all. “For those who have not met me I am Itkatsu Kiyoko-Shosa, the Celia’s new First Officer. I look forward to working with you all, and hope to learn much about the Celia from you who know her best.”

Her greeting done – Kiyoko was not one to give long speeches – the Neko officer nodded to the Itto Heisho from the Freya’s Heart. “Please, continue on.”

The Ittô Heisho gave Kiyoko a slight bow. “Thank you, ma'am. Everyone, please follow me.”

The Neko NCO led the away team a short distance down the corridors. They soon encountered another airlock, and could see that many cargo crates lied on the other side of the airlock. Several Nekos in enlisted uniforms had already began the unloading process. From the ship badges on their uniforms, the away team could tell that some of these Nekos were from an Odori-class freighter, while the rest were from the hospital ship itself.

Each plastic cargo crate was a cube that was about one meter each side. They appeared to be quite heavy, as it took two Nekos to lift a single crate onto a hover pallet.

“Normally, the most strenuous part of the job is lifting the crates onto the hover pallets,” said the Neko Ittô Heisho, “but I see that your captain had the foresight to send a Troll for this job.” She gave Zug a toothy grin. “Step right up, soldier! Have I got a job for you!”

Zug gulped nervously. “Yes, ma'am!”

The Neko patted Zug on the arm. “Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt ya. Everyone, push your hover pallets close to the crates, please.”

Under the NCO's directions, the away team gathered the hover pallets around the cargo crates. Then Zug began placing the crates on top of the pallets, while the rest of the away team began carting the crates to the proper cargo hold where these crates would be stored. Ittô Heisho Tangozulu occasionally barked orders at Leet and Woot, when the two began to slack off.

Those who reached the cargo bay would find more enlisted Nekos who were happy to help them lower the hover pallets and then nudge the crates off. A Neko supply officer in a gray uniform was there as well, giving explicit instructions on exactly where each crate was to be placed. Anyone who made a mistake in placement had to seek help in getting the crate back on the hover pallet again, and then pushing the crate to the correct location.

After several minutes and a few trips to the cargo bay, the away team was making good progress. More than half of the cargo crates had already been moved. The Neko NCO walked up to Kiyoko, who had been observing the proceedings. “You must thank Branard-Taisho and Hayasaka-Chusa for me, ma'am. This would've taken us a lot longer without your help.”

Before Kiyoko could reply, a message appeared in her mind:

~ Itkatsu-Shosa, please immediately direct the away team back to the Celia. Make sure that no one becomes nervous or alarmed. This system is NOT under attack. However, an urgent matter has just come to our attention, and we must leave for our next mission immediately. We will most likely need the skills of our tech sentries quite soon, and thus cannot temporarily leave them behind. This is NOT a drill, and NOT a part of your test. ~

~ I repeat: abort mission. You must have the tech sentries make an orderly and immediate withdrawal from the Freya's Heart. I do not want to cause panic among their crew or ours. Again, this is NOT a part of your test. ~

“Ah... ma'am?” the Neko NCO whispered to Kiyoko. “My ship's MEGAMI just told me that you and your team is leaving right away... What's going on?” There was fear in her eyes.


After being acknowledged by the Shosa, Joey stood at attention as she introduced herself briefly. He followed the away team, his hovering cart in tow, to the airlock where the unloaded cargo waited for them. He waited until Zug loaded a crate onto the dolly cart, then turned around and began walking back towards the cargo hold. Once he had reached the point at which to unload his cargo, he lowered the base of the cart until it hovered less than an inch off the floor and, with the help of the Nekos nearby, moved the crate onto the floor and into its designated spot.

Joey repeated the process three more times over the course of several more minutes. Although he accidentally misplaced one of the crates, he was able to shift it into its correct position with the help of the enlisted Nekos in the cargo bay. He was on his way back to the airlock when he saw the Freya's Heart's CPO speaking to Itkatsu-Shosa. He nodded to them quickly before continuing on his way, but before he walked out of earshot, he heard the Ittou Heisho whisper something to the Shosa in a troubled voice. Though he tried to remain calm as he walked away, he couldn't help shuddering as a foreboding chill ran down his spine.

While he traversed the hallway and pushing his cart along, Joey randomly and absent-mindedly reached to the pistol holstered at his belt several times, obsessively checking to make sure that it was there. Although he had no idea what the cause of the CPO's fear was, he could only guess that it was one of two things: either the ships were expecting an enemy attack, or they had no idea what to expect. Knowing that the panic created in such instances made them vulnerable to attack, he had to be sure that he had a weapon with which he could defend himself.

As he approached the airlock, Joey lowered the elevation of the pallet so Zug could put one of the cargo crates onto it. He forced himself to keep both hands steady as he tightened his grip on the handles of his dolly cart; he didn't want his behavior to upset the rest of the crew when his anxiety was based only on assumptions and paranoia.


Orie was completely oblivious to any hints that something was out of the ordinary--she seemed to be too wrapped up in using the pallets. They hovered, they could be adjusted for her height (or lack thereof)... what more could she want from a gadget? Granted, she could already hover, but a complicated plan about fixing two of them up to function as a pair of hover skates for Zug was already forming in her mind. It would not only be cool to see the troll gliding around the halls frictionlessly, but in the event that he crashed into something... well, that would just mean more work for the tech heads! A win-win situation, as far as she was concerned--she far preferred to have her hands inside a gadget over pushing it around. Not that such a thought would ever explicitly cross her mind. She was quite happy to lend a hand, heavy lifting or not.


After the surprise of the Shosa showing up Avaldamon was happy to have the mindless work of moving crates. This would, he was sure, ease his nervousness and help him sleep better that night. The Nekos from the other crews were courteous and efficient in explaining where each crate was to be placed. Avaldamon appreciated this because a job is so much easier when organized properly.

After a few trips, Avaldamon felt a little bored though, and noticed the short green-haired Neko he had spotted earlier. He sped up a little to catch up to her and momentarily forgot the officer's warning. As he came along side her and slowed down the crate slid about an inch forward.

"Hello Miss, I noticed that you're part of Celia San's crew. My name is Avaldamon Thulesius, Santo Hei, newly assigned."

Avaldamon offered a slight head bow as he introduced himself, but noticed that she was deep in thought. He hoped it wasn't anything intensely important, and that she wouldn't be offended by his interruption.


Kiyoko followed along with the group of enlisted, quietly watching over them as they began their work. As she had expected from reading through the files of those on the mission, the only troubles came from Itto Heis Kilar and Seneschal, and they were quickly put back on track by a few sharp words from Tangozulu-Heisho. All seemed to be going well when the Neko NCO from the Freya’s Heart’s thanked her for the Celia crew’s help, that is, until Kiyoko opened her mouth to reply.

The telepathic message halted her words, the Neko closing her mouth as she read through it thoroughly and worked on her course of action. First was to calm the obviously spooked NCO; not shifting her posture, Kiyoko spoke in the same professional, level voice she had been using previously.

“Events have forced our schedule to be moved up, meaning that we must depart immediately,” Kiyoko gifted the Neko with a small, apologetic smile. “I am sorry to say that you will be moving cargo for a while longer yet.” At the same time the FO composed a telepathic message to Tangozulu; the Chief Security Officer would be best able to get the Celia’s enlisted moving both swiftly and discreetly.

”We have a situation; gather our crew and return to the Celia immediately, and in the calmest way possible. The Taisho does not wish to panic the other crews, and from the reaction I have just had they may be starting to.” Sending the message, Kiyoko casually directed her gaze over to where the Celia’s crew were working to watch over the withdrawal.

“I would not worry too much about the lack of notice about our departure; the Taisho is given to making... quick decisions, it is but our job to obey.” Kiyoko was not too happy at making a comment that was on the borderline of being disrespectful towards her superior, but she hoped that Branard’s infamy would lend its weight towards easing the Neko’s fears.


"Hello!" At the introduction, Orie looked torn--bow to her new acquaintance or keep working? She settled for a shallow bow at the waist, not relinquishing her hold on the pallet. "Santo Hei Aoki Orie; nice to meet you!" She briefly considered letting him in or her skating troll plan, but thought better of it. She looked up at him curiously, brushing a few strands of messy green hair from her face. "I haven't met many people with white hair. Is it white because you're old, or just naturally?"


"It is naturally white, part of my father's heredity." Avaldamon replied, inwardly glad that that she had not noticed his mistake of speeding. He made a mental note of her name as they rounded a corner.

"How long have you been on Celia San?" Avaldamon inquired.


The Neko NCO seemed to be at least somewhat placated by Kiyoko's words. “I see... In that case, ma'am, thank you for your help.” She bowed to Kiyoko. “I will have the dock crew finish up here. Don't worry about us.”

Sixthree Tangozulu pulled his hover pallet to a complete stop and turned to face the Celia away team. “All right! Ya grunts! Listen up! Form up in a line! We're going back to our ship!”

Leet suspended his efforts in trying to flirt with one of the Nekos in the dock crew and looked up. “Huh? What the fuck's going on? ... Sir!?”

“I wasn't told that detail, soldier,” replied Sixthree. “And you're asking a lot of questions for a fucking red-shirt. Form up next to me! Now!”

The Neko NCO walked up to the dock crew. “And the rest of you, get back to work!”

While their words were harsh, they seemed to have gotten the point across. The dock crew continued working as before, while at last some of the Celia away team had stopped working. The red-haired Neko twins were already standing at attention next to Sixthree. Leet and Woot exchanged worried glances, but they began walking slowly toward the bald Yamataian man as well.

Everyone looked to be increasingly concerned, however. Well, everyone except Zug, who seemed to be just more confused than usual.


Joey was halfway down the hallway with his cargo when the Yamataian CPO from the Celia ordered the Celia's team to drop their current tasks and form up to get back to their ship. Being as paranoid as he was, Joey nearly jumped three feet into the air at the sudden sound and tone of his voice, but once he had recovered, he maneuvered his hover cart to a stop along the corridor's hallway and joined the rest of his team as they started towards their home ship.

As he slowly followed his fellow crewmen, Joey tried to sort things out in his mind. First, he had noticed the Neko CPO from the Freya's Heart talking to Itkatsu-Shosa, her voice definitely indicating that she was frightened about something. Then, his own CPO had issued orders to, in the most blatant terms, abort their mission. He had to, of course, wonder exactly what was going on, although he didn't plan on asking; he knew, based on his reaction to Ittou Hei Kilar's frantic stream of questions, that he either didn't know the answer or wasn't going to give it up.

In addition to all of this, Joey was curious why the crew of the Freya's Heart hadn't stopped what they were doing as well; why would his team be ordered to abandon their tasks while the home crew continued working? At the moment, he could only come up with two possible explanations: either the Celia was being targeted for an enemy strike, or their attention was required regarding a more urgent matter. He tried to compose himself while he walked into the cargo bay, but anyone would be able to clearly see him trembling in fear, if they paid him any mind at all.


Avaldamon's conversation was interrupted right in the middle by Tangozulu's shout. Not sure what was going on he carefully parked his crate at the side of the corridor, and waited for Orie to do the same before leaving. In his mind it was better to waste a little time and have allies at hand than to rush and leave both parties on their own, safety in numbers.

Something in this situation seemed a little strange to him, "why aren't we finishing up the job at hand?" He thought as he walked slowly towards where the others were gathering.

After thinking for a few moments Avaldamon decided on one fact "Whatever it is must not be too bad or else we'd hear some alarms and be moving a lot faster."

He turned to Orie and asked quietly "what do you thinks going on?"

Orie continued to be oblivious to the tense mood exuding from the others, chatting amiably to Avaldamon as she finished up her last load. "I've been on the Celia for..." she trailed off, eyes unfocused in the air as if she were concentrating on the question, "about two and a half hours, I think." She seemed unhurried as she had the final crate unloaded--insisting on helping the other nekos unload her pallet, as she had every other trip--and then returned the pallet to the handlers, leaving her as one of the final Celia crewmembers to fall into line.

As far as Orie was concerned, nothing was out of the ordinary. She'd long since given up second-guessing orders from command. After all, she reasoned, there was a good reason that they were in charge and she wasn't. As such, Avaldamon's question drew little but a skeptical grin from her. "I bet they just decided they have more important work for us to get done, or we're going to be leaving ahead of schedule. I'm sure they'll let us know what's going on when we're back on the Celia."


As soon as Sixthree was reasonably sure that everyone had heard his orders, and were forming a line behind him, he turned and began walking back to the Celia, with his soldiers in tow.

Woot walked up next to Joachim as they returned to the Celia. “Calm down, man. You look like you're about to piss your pants.”

As the away team wandered back into the ship, they found Celia herself waiting for them. “Where is Itkatsu-Shosa?” she asked.

“She was right behind me, ma'am,” answered Sixthree. “She must be in the back, making sure that no one gets left behind... Orders, ma'am?”

Celia nodded. “Have all tech sentries report to the medical bay for ST backup procedures. Then have everyone report to the armory in Deck 25.”

Sixthree's eyes lit up. “We expecting contact, ma'am?”

“Now you're the one who's asking too many questions for a red-shirt,” retorted Celia with a friendly smile. “Just carry out your orders, Ittô Heisho.”

Sixthree bowed to Celia. “Yes, ma'am... All right! You grunts heard the Chusa! Move out to the sickbay! That's Deck 8 for you newbies! Move it! Move it! Move it!”

Celia could see Kiyoko walking up from behind them. She sent Kiyoko a telepathic message:

~ Please hurry up, Shosa. The Taisho has called us for an important meeting in her office. ~


Avaldamon was relieved by Orie's confidence. "We'll find out eventually." he thought. He was surprised to find that she had only been on the ship a little longer than he had. So they were basically in the same boat, new recruits on a ship they had little knowledge of. He looked at Celia's walls and thought about the complexity of the code she had been programmed with, particularly the AI/cognition code which had always interested him.

Sixthree's shouting directions startled him from his short reverie and he took up a quick jog to floor eight and the med bay. He was still next to Orie when a thought entered his head.

"Have you ever played Whist?" he asked her.


Joey flinched when Woot addressed him. He looked down, noticing that he really was shaking visibly, although the Ittou Hei seemed to be the only one who had noticed. He let out a nervous sigh and released his tightly-wound, white-knuckled fists as he kept walking, mindlessly following the rest of his party onto the Celia.

"Oh, yeah...I just can't get over what Ittou Hei Kilar said earlier, about the Mishhu...I've heard some stories about what they can do, and I'm honestly not sure what to believe...You...you don't think theyre the ones who've targeted the Celia, do you, sir?"

Joey tried to relax as they rode the elevator lift up to the next deck level and walked to the medical bay, but the level of adrenaline in his blood stream was too high, and neither his breathing nor his heartbeat would slow down at all; in fact, both began to accelerate.

First we abort our mission, abandoning the Freya's Heart, then we head to the med bay for ST backup, and we're going to the armory next...It's obvious what's going on now...!! Either we've been targeted by the enemy, or we're the ones targeting them...!! It figures that this would happen on my first day on duty...!!


"Whist? Hm. I don't know what that is." The green-haired neko scrunched her face up in thought, continuing on absesntly. "I really haven't played many games. I bet I could get the rules for it from MEGAMI if you wanted to play, though!" Orie seemed quite enthusiastic at the implied invitation. Games as a whole were an almost entirely unfamiliar area to her, and she was never one to pass up a chance at trying something new, particularly if friends were involved.

Her enthusiasm faded quickly, though, as she heard the announcement about the ST backups. She frowned, a concerned look on her face as she turned to look at Avaldamon. "Have you ever had a backup before? Mine hurt pretty bad. I know they're supposed to get worse as you get older, and, er... you're probably about forty times my age."


Avaldamon thought for a second before answering her.
"Civilians don't often get ST backups, so I didn't have any before I enlisted. I haven't had one yet in the army either. I heard somwhere though that they have anesthetics, so it doesn't hurt as much if you're worried about it."

Avaldamon saw the worry on her face. He new it was standard procedure in most fleets to have ST backups made, and since it looked like many of the tech senty crew were new it made plenty of sense to him. The trip to the armory was also pretty standard in his mind at this point. He figured that the "newbie" tech sentries (including himself) needed to know how well the ship was armed and such in case any major action needed to be taken down the road.

He was glad to hear that Orie was interested in whist. Now all he had to do was to find two other willing players and they could play during break time. It was one of his favorite games and he didn't want to get out of practice while on duty or his brother would never let him hear the end of it.


Keeping an eye on the general mood of those around her as the Celia crew formed up and moved back onto their ship, Kiyoko was less than satisfied with how apprehensive most of them seemed to be. More attempts at placating them would probably just serve to make them more suspicious, so for now the Neko officer made sure that everyone was accounted for and in line as she brought up the rear of the group.

“I shall be there right away,” Kiyoko responded to Celia-Chusa; breaking away from the enlisted she made her way to the Taisho’s office in a prompt manner.


Woot rolled his eyes. “Ugh. Don't they teach you newbies anything in Basic anymore? I think there would be alarms going off if we were under attack right now.”

As the tech sentries began to arrive at the medical bay in small groups (some of whom have been delayed due to the limited capacity of the lift system), they found three medics already waiting for them.

A slim, short Yamataian girl with black hair stepped forward. She wore a SAY uniform with green panels, and a Shosa rank pin. “Hello everyone,” she greeted the tech sentries with a slight bow. “If you haven't met me before, I'm Meemeel Yuan, the chief medical officer of this ship. My staff and I will be updating everyone's ST backup data. Please form an orderly line. We'll get everyone processed as quickly as possible.”

“You heard the Shosa!” Yelled Sixthree. “Form a line!”

“Who will go first, Ittô Heisho Tanglozulu?” asked Meemeel with a smile.

“I will,” answered Sixthree. “Some of the newbies probably don't even know what to do. I can show them.”

Meemeel nodded. “Then I'm counting on you, Ittô Heisho.”

She gestured at an examination bed, and Sixthree lied down on it. Meemeel then walked over to the adjacent computer terminal. After a few keystrokes, a mechanical arm raised up from under the bed and placed a thick, opaque visor over Sixthree's eyes.

“Do you need any painkillers, Ittô Heisho?” asked Meemeel.

“You ask me that every time I come here, Yuan-Shosa,” replied Sixthree. “The answer is always no. The pain is not that bad, and an experienced soldier like me can take much worse.”

Meemeel nodded. “It's your call, Ittô Heisho... Please lie still.” She tapped a key.

As the scanner over Sixthree's eyes began the backup procedure, Sixthree did not appear to be in any kind of pain. Of course, this should not be taken as evidence that he was not feeling anything.

Meanwhile, the two other medics began the backup procedure on the other tech sentries. The brunette Neko medic was treating one of the red-haired Neko twins. The black-haired Neko walked up to Zug, and looked him up and down.

“You'll have to lie down on the ground for this, soldier,” she said. “The bed is not going to fit you.”

“Yes, ma'am,” replied the Troll, seemingly quite resigned to the fact that he was a giant living in a human-sized world.

After Zug had lied down on the floor, the Neko medic knelt down next to him, and manually placed the visor over his eyes.

“May I be sedated for this, ma'am?” asked Zug.

The Neko medic sighed. “Do you know how much sedatives I'll need to put out someone your size? ... No wait, don't try to answer that. I'll take care of it, soldier.”

While everyone else waited for their turns, Celia walked with Kiyoko to the Taisho's office.


Joey thought for a moment before responding, "Well, there is that...but if we're not being attacked, then why are we getting ST backups and arming ourselves? Besides, just because we're not hearing alarms doesn't mean we're not being targeted; I'd think that the alarms would only go off if we were actually being approached or fired upon by hostiles...It's not like I'm saying you're wrong about the alarms, sir, but couldn't we still be in danger even if we're not under direct attack?"

Joey snapped out of his conversation with the Ittou Hei as the chief medical officer, a Yamataian Shosa, introduced herself to the enlisted team. Before the Ittou Heisho had to tell him, young Demaro had already maneuvered into place directly behind him, hoping to watch him go through the ST backup process to see exactly how it was done. He flinched when the Chief Petty Officer mentioned some pain, but he knew that he would have to deal with it; after all, just a little pain now would ensure that his soma could be carried into another body if he perished.

Joey stood in line patiently as Ittou Heisho Tangozulu subjected himself to the Soul Transfer backup process, watching as a visor lowered down over his eyes. As the machine encoded his personal data, the Santou Hei didn't see the high-ranked Yamataian move in the slightest; he guessed that he knew greater pain from doing battle, or that he was used to the pain he was forced to endure during the backup process, or perhaps a bit of both. He had to ponder over his option for a moment before deciding that he would refuse the Shosa's offer to use painkillers, if she asked; he figured that he would need to build up tolerance to the procedure in case painkillers were not at hand, by some odd chance. His father had drilled this idea of conservationism into his head thoroughly and roughly during his preparations for the Army, and, although he hadn't much enjoyed the experience, he understood just how right his father had been.

When he was gestured to by the Shosa, he would climb into the examination table where the Chief Petty Officer had been, lie flat on his back and wait for the process to start. If and when she would him about the painkillers, he would politely refuse and do everything in his power to keep himself completely still while his soma was being encoded by the ST machination.


Joachim found the experience to be painful, but not agonizing. It felt more like a migraine headache than anything else. Multi-colored patterns of light played over the visor as it performed its work, and Joachim discovered that it took his mind off the pain if he concentrated on the patterns.

Meemeel helped Joachim sit up after the procedure was over. She seemed to be fairly impressed with him. “Okay, we're done, soldier,” she said with a smile. “You did very well.”

Sixthree was quietly talking to Leet, and briefly turned to give Joachim a nod. “At ease, soldier. We'll take a break here and move to the armory when everyone's finished.”

As Kiyoko entered the Taisho's office, she found Aurore and Yuri standing and talking next to the desk. A large display screen / data pad had been laid down on the desk. The screen currently displayed a section of the star map:


“Yuri, care to fill in Itkatsu-Shosa on what's happening?” asked Aurore.

“Yes, sir. About 10 minutes ago, one of our remote sensors detected a distress signal from a civilian freighter en route from Gashmere to Ohara. It appears that they were being attacked by pirates.”

Aurore looked annoyed. “I still don't understand why we can't just let one of the other battle groups handle it! We are already in the middle of a mission. It's just some stupid pirates, for goodness sake!”

Yuri shook her head. “Anisa HQ already sent four Arashi escorts in response to the distress call, sir. They report that they have the enemy ships immobilized, but that some of the freighter crew were taken hostage inside their own ship... The pirates are demanding to see you, sir.”

Aurore snorted in disgust. “Have the navigator work with the pilots to prepare for a combat hyperspace jump,” she said. “At least I'll get to see how this ship performs in combat.”

“I hope to resolve this situation peacefully, sir,” answered Yuri as she furrowed her brow. “Perhaps the pirates could be made to see reason. We have them trapped, after all.”

“Ha! You're pretty soft for a former SAINT agent. How long before we're ready to jump?” asked Aurore.

Yuri blushed and seemed to be embarrassed. “It will... It'll take a few minutes at least, Taisho.”

Aurore nodded. “Come with me, Itkatsu-Shosa. We'll get ourselves backed up in the mean time. Yuri, please go to the bridge and begin preparations for jump. You'll get a chance to visit the sick bay once Itkasu and I come back.”

“Yes, sir,” replied Yuri with a bow.

Huh, Joey thought as the machine did its work, so this is the pain he mentioned...It doesn't hurt as badly as I thought it would; instead of a sudden, piercing feeling, it's more of a steady, dull feeling...and it's not as intense as I thought it'd be...Watching the light display helps; sort of takes my mind off it...

Before he knew it, young Demaro's ST backup was complete, and Meemeel directed the machine to return to its default position. Joey had a little trouble sitting up, but the Shosa helped him up, and after taking a few seconds to recover, he stood up from the examination bed. He bowed to her respectfully, thanking her for her help and for her kind words, and approached Sixthree and Leet, who had already completed their own backups. Following the Ittou Heisho's directions, he stood to one side and waited for the others to finish up. As his mind wandered back to his paranoia, certain things began to add up in his mind.

Wait a second...Ittou Hei Seneschal was right; if the Celia were even within scanning range of a hostlie target, we'd be hearing and seeing the alarms, so...so we're not under attack after all...!! That's a relief in itself...But if we're not under attack...then why are we taking up arms...? Are we within range of a Star Army target...? Or are we going to aid another ship...? Man, now that I think of all this, it makes me feel stupid for getting all anxious earlier...Ah, why am I even thinking about all this...?! I should just focus on the task at hand and worry about the details later...!!


Avaldamon decided not to take the sedatives for his first soul transfer. Most of the other red shirts weren't and he wanted to see how bad it really was. He found that the pain wasn't all that bad but there was a lot in his left leg. The strange patterns on the inside of the visor weirded him out a little and he tried to discern whether they were universal or unique, it helped with the pain slightly.

He moved away from the bed a little disoriented but overall alright. He went over to Tangozulu and came to attention "Sir. Santo Hei Avaldamon Thulesius ready for duty. When time allows I will file my transfer papers as required."

He waited patiently for Tangozulu's comments, if any, and was glad that he finally had a chance to present himself officially. After training it felt strange not to have someone in charge know he was there and who he was. Since they began working earlier in the day he had felt almost as if he was without an identity, a thing. Now he had reclaimed his position and felt much better about things.


Sixthree nodded at Avaldamon. “Noted, Santô Hei. As for the transfer papers, take it up with Sasaki-Shosa. They don't pay me enough to do paperwork.”

In the mean time, Yuri was on the bridge, giving out orders and making preparations.

The Neko navigator plotted out a course to the source of the distress signal, throwing the Celia's unimaginable computational strength against the absurdly hard mathematical problem of moving an object an astronomical distance at the precision of a few hundred meters. The slightest mistake could result in the Celia jumping into the middle of a debris field, or even worse, into another ship.

Two Neko pilots in blue-paneled SAY uniforms ran into the bridge, excited at the rare chance to put their skills to good use. They stripped off their uniforms, revealing skin-tight bodysuits underneath, before jumping into the pilot's pit at the center of the bridge. As Yuri worked the controls, spherical lids slid over the pit until the entire pilot's pit was encased in a dome. The dome began to fill up with a clear liquid, and the pilots strapped breather masks to their mouths, and attached various sensors that either plugged into their bodysuits or magnetically attached to their spine. They closed their eyes as the liquid washed over them.

Soon, the ship's piloting controls were no longer at the hands of a lone Neko at a command console, but in the minds of two Nekos who floated in a bubble. Both of them were telepathically linked with the Celia. They saw only what the ship saw, heard only what the ship heard, felt only what the ship felt, and in turn, the ship's vast powers now belonged to them. Their intuition would complement the ship's raw reflexes, while the ship's cunning would temper their wrath.

Yuri smiled as she watched the control transfer process complete itself. She knew that the bubble before her was one of the reasons why, despite decades of war, Yamatai remained the dominant faction among the human-colonized worlds.
Joey turned his head as he saw the unannounced addition to their crew approach Ittou Heisho Tangozulu and introduce himself. Once the two were done speaking, Joey approached the new Santou Hei and addressed him politely.

"Hey, you just got here, right? I'm new too, so I guess we're in the same boat...I'm Joachim Demaro, but you can just call me Joey; all of my friends do."
Orie lingered near the back of the group, thoroughly determined to delay her backup as long as possible. She didn't deal well with pain, and the prospect of facing it so abruptly was making her nervous. As more and more crew members were attended to, though, she found herself with progressively fewer people to hide behind. Finally, spurred into action by the realization that she was almost the last person left, she volunteered for her turn.

Unlike the others, Orie enthusiastically embraced the idea of sedation, nervously reminding Meemeel that she wanted it several times in the brief period before the visor was lowered. Even though she was unconscious and inable to feel any pain through the process, when it was finished, she quickly sprang from the seat as if she expected the visor to snap down and hurt her... and then scurried to the back of the group again just to be safe.
All of a sudden, Aurore burst into the medical bay, with Kiyoko following close behind her. “Taisho on deck!” yelled Sixthree, seemingly as surprised as anyone.

Aurore nodded at Sixthree. “Progress report,” she demanded.

Sixthree snapped to attention. “We're almost done here, sir.”

“Good,” Aurore replied. “Move out for the armory as soon as possible.” She then hopped onto one of the empty examination beds, ignoring everyone else. “Hey, Meemeel,” she greeted the medical officer with a toothy grin as Meemeel walked over.

“Any sedatives for today, Taisho?” asked Meemeel.

“Nah,” replied Aurore, in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “I enjoy the pain.”

Woot, who was the last who to have the backup, climbed down from his examination bed, and returned to the group of tech sentries that had gathered at the entrance of the medical bay. He took the long way around to avoid passing by Aurore's bed.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Sixthree gestured for the group to leave. “Alright... Deck 25. Let's move out,” he ordered. “You can chat on the way.”
When Aurore walked into the med bay, Joey recognized her white-paneled uniform almost immediately and snapped to attention, saluting her at the exact moment that Ittou Heisho Tangozulu acknowledged her. He had been apprehensive about meeting the Celia's commander, and he now had good reason for it; the Taisho was headstrong and fierce, with an intimidating persona that she wasn't afraid to throw around. She also knew how to unnerve the people around her, as she demonstrated when speaking to Meemeel. Wasting no time, he immediately followed Tangozulu's orders and left the sick bay, wanting not to stick around when the ranking officer emerged from the ST backup machination.

Once he was out of the medical bay, Joey pulled his datapad from his pocket and searched for the nearest elevator lifts to take. He noted that there was one directly in front of him, but he was searching for an alternative lift to take to the armory. Once he had determined the next closest lift, he turned to Tangozulu and addressed him, saluting him briefly before asking his question.

"Sir, if it's not much trouble, I'd like to escort Santou Hei Leonhart to another nearby lift to make our way to the armory. It'd be rather difficult for him to fit into the lifts with our entire group, so he and I could take a separate lift to save us all some time and stress."
Avaldamon was about to answer the Santo Hei he now knew was "Joey" and had proceeded to give a polite bow when the ship's captain barged into the med bay. This seemed to have caught everyone off guard. Avaldamon came to a quick attention and followed Demaro out at Tangozulus' order.

The captain seemed a little . . . he tried to think of the right word . . . tilted? The thought crossed his mind that she could be of Nepleslian descent. That would explain a lot of the rumors he had heard about her.

He continued to the nearest lift following Tangozulu's instructions and trying to remember what floor the armory would be on. After a minute he remembered that it was on the 11th floor so they had to go "up" three. Well, as much as there is an up in space.
At the Taisho's entrance, Orie saluted hard enough to almost raise a bump on her forehead, not daring to even blink until the group was instructed to move out. Wow, she thought, hearing Aurore announce her disdain for sedatives, she must be really tough. Her mind refused to acknowledge that alternatives were that the Taisho could be concerned about appearances, masochistic, or just plain dumb.

Tagging along with the others, still toward the rear of the group, the green-haired neko pondered their next assignment. Going to the armory meant a probably chance of combat, which meant... bad stuff. She didn't like it, any way she looked at it. She stuck close to Avaldamon, allaying some of her anxiety by sticking near somebody she'd at least spoken to once.
Sixthree nodded at Joey. “Good thinking, soldier. Remember, we're rallying on deck 25.”

Zug smiled in approval. “Thanks, Joey! I get lonely riding the lift by myself.”

While the rest of the tech sentries took the lift down to deck 25, Joey and Zug made their way to the next closest lift.

“We should both fit in here... Ah... I think...” Zug observed after the lift door opened. He politely gestured for Joey to enter the lift first. Zug had such an innocent and happy expression on his face that Joey found the invitation hard to refuse.

As it turned out, it was a tight fit, but Joey managed to survive the trip without getting crushed by Zug.

As the two exited the lift and stepped onto the deck, they found themselves in a large, expansive room with a fairly tall ceiling. The room was industrial, metallic, and spartan. It felt like standing in an aircraft hangar.

Nearby, a group of about two dozen small NH-12 Nekos marched by in formation. The one leading the group waved at Joey and Zug before marching past them. Although they were too small for their rank pins to be readable, Joey could see that the small Nekos all wore blue-paneled SAY uniforms.

Further away in the distance, they could see that the rest of the tech sentries had gathered themselves around a bald Yamataian man, presumably Sixthree. One of the red-haired Nekos in the group was waving at them, trying to get their attention.

Meanwhile, Sixthree gestured for everyone to crowd around him, and then took out a data pad. “Alright, you grunts! I want everyone to give me their heights. And no lying! If you end up not fitting into your armor, I'll see to it that you spend the rest of the mission in the brig!”
It was confusing to Avaldamon when everyone had piled into the lift and Tangozulu pressed the sequence for floor 25. Then when the doors opened he saw the power armor and all was made clear. This was the power armor armory, not the personnel armory. He felt rather silly at his mistake but since he had only been on the ship a couple of hours he didn't feel too bad.

When Tangozulu came to him he gave out his height "six feet two inches sir." He spotted Santo hei Demaro and the still unidentified troll coming towards them. He thought for a second, the name Demaro sounded familiar to him. He had probably seen it in a ship roster years ago. His father had collected them for some odd reason, something about "keeping up with who's still here."

he looked around the armory enjoying its spaciousness in a place that was mostly corridors and small rooms. He could see the power armor sitting in neat rows and columns. Avaldamon wondered if each armor had a name like a ship or if they were more like shoes, you go through so many of them you don't personify them.
"Aye, sir. We'll meet you down there. C'mon, Zug, I already located the next closest lift on my datapad; it's not far."

Joey saluted his superior officer and walked with Zug down a few hallways until arriving at the elevator lift he had mentioned. He accepted Zug's offer and walked in first, seating himself and trying to make himself as small as possible. To his relief, Zug fit into the elevator just fine, and after requesting transportation to Deck 25's armory, they were on their way.

After a minute or so, the doors to the lift opened, and Joey waited for Zug to exit before standing up and disembarking himself. The two found that it was an even shorter walk from their lift to the armory than it had been from the med bay to the lift in the first place; the armory was much more expansive, and it apparently stretched farther towards their position than the med bay.

As Joey entered at Zug's side, he noticed certain things about the armory as a room. It was different from most of the other rooms he had visited, but not just by size; the feel of the room contrasted greatly with the rest of the rooms. Less effort had been made to make it look nice (which Joey understood entirely); every surface seemed to radiate a metallic gleam from the lights suspended from the ceiling some twenty or twenty-five feet above. Lining the walls were various weaons, mostly firearms, and an entire section was dedicated to the power armors themselves.

As Joey and Zug proceeded towards their group, they passed a group of Nekos marching in a staggered formation. There were three ranks of five units each, with another rank of four units between each of them, and one head unit at the lead position, who Joey presumed to be the ranking warrant officer, based on the blue panels of her uniform. As she waved to them, he stopped and bowed to her, then hurried onwards to join the rest of his team.

Joey arrived just in time to hear Tangozulu's instructions: to give him their exact height to be fit into armor. At first, he wondered if he was talking about power armor, but he decided that it was irrelevant at the moment; he would determine exactly what kind of armor he meant soon enough. Once the Ittou Heisho had finished with the Santou Hei he had greeted before, whose name he had not heard, he stepped forward and addressed his superior.

"Height is six feet and one inch, sir," Joey said calmly, having settled down somewhat after being so paranoid before. He had finally convinced himself that, if they were in serious trouble, his superior officers would not have entrusted the mission to newbies like himself; they would've seen to the problem themselves, or asked assistance from another Star Army vessel. With this knowledge in mind, he stepped to the side and joined the unknown Santou Hei while the others read their heights to Tangozulu.

"Say," Joey said to him, "I didn't catch your name before; we left in a bit of a hurry."
Orie couldn't help but shoot a few jealous glances toward the NH-12s parading the room--she was just too used to being the shortest person around, and she could think of places in the engineering tunnels that they could get into that even she couldn't. On the other hand, they were probably all stuck as Lamia pilots for the rest of their lives, so she didn't envy them that much.

The young neko was finally starting to get nervous, despite her earlier assurances that all was well. Abrupt ST backups followed by reporting to the armory... even Orie had to admit that this rather strongly hinted that they'd be seeing action shortly. Still, this wasn't enough to keep her from zoning out while the other sentries announced their heights, her mind carrying her away on a whirlwind daydream as it began regrettably trying to figure out just what horrors lay ahead. It took several prompts to snap her out of it enough to reply, and she almost jumped in shock when she came to. After nervously stammering out, "145 centimeters!" she receded to the back of the group again, glancing around curiously as she waited for the others to finish.
Sixthree jotted everyone's heights down on his data pad with a few button presses with his thumbs. Then he scratched his head, as though he was working something out in his head. After a few more button presses, finally, he looked up.

“Okay, I just sent a list of power armors that we'll need to the Taisho for approval. I'm not really expecting any problems with the list. However, I am a little worried that some of you grunts are a little rusty on power armor operations. Heck, the newbies here might even put some of you to shame! At least they just completed some power armor training in basic! So... I want everyone to take out their data pads, and read up on the power armors that they will be using. Here's the list...”

Ittô Heisho Sixthree Tangozulu – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Ittô Hei Nishizaki Kaori – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Ittô Hei Nishizaki Kaede – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Ittô Hei Leet Kilar – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Ittô Hei Woot Seneschal – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Santô Hei Zug Leonhart – NONE

Santô Hei Aoki Orie – Mindy Ke-M2-2A

Santô Hei Joachim Demaro – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

Santô Hei Avaldamon Thulesius – Daisy Ke-M6-1A

“Basically, I've tried to give everyone Daisies. Santô Hei Aoki, I'm afraid you're too short to fit into a Daisy, so you'll have to make do with a Mindy... Santô Hei Leonhart, I have no idea what I'm gonna do with you. Um, how long can you hold your breath?”

“I dunno, sah,” replied Zug. He shrugged. “Maybe a minute?”

Sixthree shook his head. “We'll work something out for you, soldier.”

“Oh, thank you sah!”
Joey looked away from his fellow crewman as Ittou Heisho Tangozulu instructed them to study the model specifications for the power armors they were going to use. He took his datapad from his pocket and made an inquiry into the power armor's specs while still awaiting the other Santou Hei's response.

Right, let's see, he thought inwardly. I've operated this model before, while I was in training...But that was just a simulation; this is the real deal. I hope that sim was as realistic as my instructors said it was...OK, its main weapon is a plasma rifle, an anti-armor weapon, and it receives power from the armor itself...Looks like the armor generates the plasma that the weapon fires...The pulse cannon turrets in the forearms act as a secondary weapon, and some of the models have augmented missile pods in the lower legs...It has an energy shield that projects from the right shoulder pad, and carries a manual shield on the right arm.

Three types of communication: radio, laser, and external speaker...Homing beacon to act as a locator...Full visibility and radar functionality...I doubt I'll get used to the feeling of being squeezed into place by the armor's core anytime soon...Looks like it's just the same as the armors I trained with...I just wish I had one to call my own, rather than using a different armor every time...
After Tangozulu's asignment of the power armors Avaldamon turned to Demaro. "My name is Avaldamon Thulesius, I'm a specialist in coding for the Kessaku OS. I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I was a little anxious to know what type of armor I would get."

He gave a slight bow as he said this and looked cautiously over Demaro's shoulder at the specs for the daisy. He had trained with these but it had been a while since, and he felt he might have gotten a litlle out of practice. He was sorry that he had left his datapad in his room in the rush to join the away team, too bad he didn't carry a spare.
"Oh, it's no big deal," Joey replied, still reading the datapad while talking to Avaldamon. "I'm nervous too; I was shaking in my boots back when we were disembarking from the Freya's Heart. Then again, I was more restless about what was going on; that's a newbie for you, right?"

Young Demaro let Avaldamon stare at the datapad from over his shoulder as he began to wonder about his name. His father had served on several ships and made acquaintances with dozens of other officers and crewmen; Joey would have sworn that he'd heard the surname "Thulesius" thrown around on occasion.

"I wonder how long it takes to get the Taisho's permission to use the power armors," the Santou Hei wondered aloud. "I mean, if you think about it, the process would have to be fairly quick, in case of an enemy ambush...Still, I've got no idea exactly how long it takes..."
Aurore marched out of the medical bay, with Kiyoko in tow. She stretched. “Ah... I always feel much better after a ST backup,” she commented.

“Taisho,” chimed in Celia from the ceiling. “Ittô Heisho Tangozulu has sent you a request for power armors. It's in your data pad.”

“Thank you, Celia,” replied Aurore. As she kept walking, she took out one of her data pads and read Sixthree's message. She had began to type out a reply when her communicator beeped. Sighing, Aurore took out her communicator and snapped, “What is it?!”

Yuri's voice answered, “Taisho Branard, we are ready to perform the combat jump, sir.”

“Okay, I'm almost at the bridge,” said Aurore. “You can head to the med bay for a backup once I arrive... Um, well done, Yuri.”

“Thank you, sir. Hayasaka out.”

With that out of the way, Aurore return to composing her message:

63TZ, power armor use is go. No heavy weapons. Hostage rescue op. Expect soft targets and civilians. Your unit get defensive duties. Allowed weapons: GP-5, GP-12B, Type 28 SMG, all side-arms. EOM.

Sixthree glanced at his data pad when it bleeped. He shook his head after reading the message. “Soft targets? Why that's no fun... Oh, don't bother reading up on your weapons specs, people. This will be a light arms only mission.”

He looked up, “Celia, ma'am, could you get me the armors on my list, with their weapon systems disabled? My men and I will be at the weapons racks.”

“Will do, Ittô Heisho Tangozulu. I will have some Sprites bring them over to you.”

“Thank you, ma'am.” Sixthree then turned to the tech sentries. “All right, grunts. Let's move over to those weapons racks over there...” He continued speaking as the group began walking. “During this mission, you will be primarily using one of these three types of weapons: the GP-5, the GP-12B, and the Type 28 SMG. You all should have had at least some minor training with these weapons during basic, but I'll go over the basics once we're there, just to be safe. You can also look up the specs for these weapons on your data pad, if you want more information.”
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