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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 4 Briefing] - From This My Hand


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
I listen not to sympathy
Whilst ruler of this land
Withdraw your feeble aches and moans
Or suffer smite from this my hand

Judas Priest - Tyrant

Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall
Captain Pavone in a helmet, Echelon, and the Kuznyetski-sounding murder lady from DATASS and the IPG were waiting for the members of the superstar mercenary team, the ISC Phoenix to approach the briefing. There was still ten minutes for crew members to wrap things up and head over to the Mess Hall, as stated by Luca in his brief about fifty minutes ago.

"Two missions, then," Luca reiterated to Nostrovia as he had the folder marked '[OPERATION RIP AND TEAR]' in front of him. "So we need to have a split team."

"Da." She replied as she had '[OPERATION LASER DOLPHIN]' in front of her. "I wonder if they are used to being commanded by people other than you?"

"W3'R3 K1ND4 L4X. 1F Y0U G0T TH3 SK1LL T0 D0 1T, Y0U D0 1T." Echelon butted in, making Nostrovia lean past Luca to look at her. "N0 CH41NS H0LD1NG US F0RW4RD 0R B4CK."

"Ah, a pure meritocracy then?" Nostrovia asked, knowing how many kleptocracies and crony juntas started off as mere mertiocracies.

"The ranks here are really more for who's been around longer," Luca mumbled as he tipped his folder open and looked at the aerial photos of the facility he was supposed to go after. "I dunno when I first got started I just gave people playing cards and it stuck..."

The conversation went back and forth between the three as Melissa arrived early in camouflaged fatigues, sitting down and waiting for the meeting to commence formally. A couple of minutes later, Allison arrived, looking overdressed for how she normally was around the Kestrel.
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall

The response she had received had been unsatisfactory, this meant that all she could do was comply to the suggested course of action. Creeping into the Kestrel's mess hall on quiet feet, Tamamo gave a slight nod to Echelon, Melissa, and Luca, her gaze however slid past the last woman seeing without appearing to see. Tamamo has seen more of the woman than she liked over the course of the past month having the woman present when Tamamo was expected to sit and listen was not something she liked the idea of, unfortunately it was again a time where she couldn't complain, only comply.

Settling against the wall by the door, Tamamo fussed with the hem of her long, heavy, grey poncho an outward appearance of restlessness while she carefully sorted through her mental catalogue looking for bits of interesting data. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait too long for the briefing to start, or perhaps it was better to show up late than early?
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall

Zeta walked into the mess hall early. She wanted to be actually on time for once and know what was going on. Besides a mission being sprung on everyone so suddenly was a bit strange. Generally they all would hear that something would be going on a bit advance. That meant two things, the mission would be important and it would nor be easy. If something was going on that would suddenly pull Luca's attention it needed to be important.

All was pretty much explained when Zeta walked inside the mess hall and saw Nostrovia. The IPG agent that Luca had dealings with. Zeta frowned and them moved in, giving a look to Mell, Allisson and Tamano.

"Hey Nosy," Zeta said to the IPG agent as she took a seat. "Killed anyone interesting lately?"
Soruk strode in, using the door for once. He briefly nodded at each person in the room before settling in his own corner, fiddling with some of his equipment. The blademaster was mildly interested in the mission, especially because he might be able to do what he did best. Even better, without some of the noisier crew members messing it up.

The gartagen hoped that the other crew members didn't take their time, he didn't fancy sitting around for much longer.
"Why Nostril, I didn' knows you was a fan!" Enzo materialized behind Nostrovia in his nicest outfit. That is to say, it was his normal outfit and it had been recently laundered. "Laser Dolphin was my old jazz ensemble back in YE twenny-eight. I played the guitar and the back-up gun. We only had one album, didn' sell so well but eh-- aside from a few nice jams we was a lousy set."

The conman smiled broadly and slunk over to the edge of the table to take a seat as close to Melissa as possible.

"Dibs on Operation My Old Band." Enzo smiled, lit a cigarette and looked to the camo-laden lady sniper next to him. He threw an arm around her shoulder, expecting the inevitably choke-hold, tear-off, or wrist snap come-along despite how well they'd managed to get along as of late.
"Piat!" Redrick shouted over the din of the scullery. "Can you finish the dishes up? There's a briefing I got to go to!"

"Whaaaaaat?" A shrill voice shouted over the noise.


Laughter. "Yea yea I heard you old man. I got it."

He rolled his eyes good naturedly, and hung up his apron and heat-resistant deep sink gloves. He walked right out of the kitchen and into the mess hall that was literally three feet away, and posted up, opting to lean against a nearby stanchion rather than sit down properly. Unlike the rest of the crew, he was under-dressed, wearing only a ragged pair of coveralls Piat had brought over with her in their meager belongings, his hands and face pink from the steam and heat of the dishwashing process. He smelled half like food, half like bulk dishwashing soap, a cloying, supposedly-citrus smell that was as unpleasant as it was artificial.

He wasn't entirely sure why Luca had requested -everyone- to be at the briefing, especially himself, who he didn't really regard as a combat-capable crewmwmber. He was game to go on a field op, but could he really hold his own amongst all the trained killers and elite warriors that surrounded him? He remained a fat, old man with a gimp leg, while most of them could probably kill him seven ways to sunday.

Scratch that. They could -try- to kill him seven ways to sunday. No one's managed that feat yet.

Despite himself, he smiled, awaiting the full explanation of the day's events from The Boss, and the hard-nosed, killer-looking woman everyone seemed to know but him.
Shayla wasn't late, but she hadn't hurried to get there, either. She let out a disappointed grunt as soon as she spotted Nostrovia attending the meeting. Not to mention Luca looking dressed more for war than making an appearance at the nearest cartoon convention. "Oh, this is gonna be a doozy, ain't it?" She headed for a seat, actually wearing pants today, even if her feet were still bare. Black jeans and a leather jacket, probably from the space greasers she'd run into, currently open to reveal the furry top she had on under it. Black with purple stripes, this time.

Once settled, propping one foot up on another chair, she glanced over at Red standing nearby. "...are we bringing the cook? No offense, didn't figure you'd wanna go in the first place." She paused, scratching at her chin. "What about the kid, or maybe the bunny? Heh." The Neko didn't have much more to add at the moment, curious to see how this was going to play out. It seemed a bit more professional than their last excursion.
He shrugged, a laconic gesture that meant he took no offense at the Neko's words. "If you need me, I'm there. I shoot as well as anyone else. Just bear in mind, if I die, Piat has to cook, and when the Spacers built her they never implemented taste receptors on her tongue."

He let a few moments passed before his craggy face broke into a smile as a shrill voice shouted expletives at him from the kitchen.

"Kidding." He cracked his neck. "But she stays. She may be an abomination of science and an affront to organic life and sentience, but she's my daughter, and I intend for her to live a life without having to pick up a gun other than in defense of life and home."
Seiren entered. Since the announcement, he had donned some of his new equipment. First and foremost, he had X-shaped harness with little pockets across his chest. Under that, he wore a high neck tank top. Cargo pants were the order of the day downstairs. One of his hands had a strange gauntlet on it, with a glowing disc in the palm. And of course, he was wheeling a cart with a sheet over it in.

"Hora, hora! What've we got going today, Luca? Looks like you're goin' all out, ehehe!" he said, smiling. "I gotta coupla presents whenever the briefing's up. Took a while to figure out the specifics, but I got it down pat!"
Rebeka soon found her way behind Seiren, catching Luca off guard. How something... Someone so large could move so quietly and unnoticed was anybody's guess. She note the gauntlet in Seiren's hands, thumbing over the device in a bare white milky hand with two thumbs: an especially rare sight given her hatred of dust and detritus meant her digits were almost always laminated. She hadn't put the thing down since he gave it to her. She never actually looked at it directly but she was picking up the braille quite quickly: only occasionally pestering Seiren to explain something she didn't already know.

The claptrap makeshift body the consortium construct had been borrowing was nowhere to be seen but Aiesu was readily available over the comms: the object in Rebeka's hand listening to voices exchange words in the room, acting as Aiesu's ears and eyes for the duration. When asked earlier, she'd told Luca she was "repackaging" herself, whatever that was supposed to mean. Whatever it was, she'd taken hours doing it, though whenever even asked over any communications device, her response had been instantaneous as if she were there with them.
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall
The first thing Luca noticed when saw his team start to assemble, starting with the blue Nekovalkyrja. She was wearing a poncho of grey that was knee length for her, almost like she'd walked out of one of those ancient Nepleslian history documentaries. He was half expecting her to draw, but over the weeks Luca noticed an aversion to traditional projectile weapons during training sessions. She wouldn't be packing a revolver unless Enzo might've managed to convince her otherwise - though she could keep a Fatboy under the poncho.

Next, the one who used to keep him company. He heard they'd been out with the girls on a camping trip, and he didn't know what'd happened but they all seemed to find it a productive and enjoyable way to pass the time. Nostrovia didn't bat an eyelid at Zeta's question, "The usual. For them it's the worst day of their lives, for me it's Tuesday," she said, pretending to file her nails with an imaginary nail file, which probably would've been an iron file.

Next, the blademaster and the rogue entered. The commentary about the name 'Laser Dolphin' made Luca chuckle. Given how much Enzo used to do, it seemed plausible enough. "Sorry man, this isn't a reunion tour, but I think you'll have fun all the same," he chuckled. From the kitchen meanwhile, a father-figure and child could be heard delegating before the father came by.

The Nekovalkyrja barbarian was next through the door, wondering who else would come along. It was a requirement to be able to kick ass on the Phoenix, which is why everyone, even the cook, was invited to meetings. Next was the kid and his seven foot tall shadow. Nostrovia was looking down at her documents when Rebeka entered, raising an eyebrow when she noticed them. Aiesu meanwhile was 'on call'.

This was enough people to get started. Luca cleared his throat.

"Ladies, gentlemen, the fine folks at DATASS and Echelon have been looking down the money trail for what the hell happened on Yamatai, and looking at the data Argyle provided - all the receipts they provided have lead us to a few places," Luca said as the hologram projector in front of him showed the Freespacer Argyle's face, and all the receipts flashing by.

"This is why we encourage people to keep their receipts. It leaves trails for us to follow," Nostrovia said as she pushed the first folder to the centre of the table, the one labelled 'RIP AND TEAR'. "With our first trail of receipts, I understand you have a pair of tanks in storage, and a refurbished Hoplite," she considered aloud, noting the former when she first arrived, and the latter by recent observation.

The Lagrange production facility that was commissioned to create the D-Motiva, the stuff that'd mutated and choked Handler's Reach, aerial photographs taken by drones. "It seems perfect for some 'Loud', land-scale destruction, don't you think?" Nostrovia asked rhetorically as the Lagrange facility was outlined. There didn't seem to be any sign of people in the area walled off by a concrete fence - everything that Lagrange did was automated and computerised. There was a production office and a main production facility adjacent to it, plus two storage warehouses and three silos. The terrain around the facility was on a more solid part of Kennewes, so the tanks had several kilometres worth of movement space without having to worry about the mud and mangroves that dominated the planet.

"This facility was commissioned to make the D-Motiva. Destroy its assets and salt it. If you can grab plans and data servers, that would be a bonus. A retaliation force is sure to come, though, so be quick about it. Luca will be leading you on this one." Nostrovia said as Luca nodded, smiling at him and knowing that he'd be good for coordinating the destruction.

"Hey, Seiren, you bring that length of copper wire I asked for?" he asked.

"Who commissioned the stuff?" Melissa spoke up.

"We know where they live, and this is the 'Quiet' mission," Nostrovia said as she opened the second folder. Operation 'LASER DOLPHIN'. "They're a Yamataian senator. Yotsuyuki Kuu."

The identification photo for Yotsuyuki Kuu saw that she had a smile, an ear to ear grin that never seemed to go away, and always followed someone around. Predatory. "They are currently visiting Albini to make talks with another Senator, by the name of Winsbury and they're staying at a retreat to make talks for the Yamataian senate," Nostrovia stated as files on both of the politicians came up.

Mr. Winsbury was a bald-shaven Nepleslian who looked more annoyed than anything with having to piss in the wind in a Yamataian, Military-controlled Senate. "We're currently investigating Winsbury's connection to Yotsuyuki, as he has been shown to be very critical of Nekovalkyrja, seldom working with them publicly and usually makes statements contrary to the military grain. He is not a priority target."

"Oh, do we get to kill 'em?" Melissa raised her hand enthusiastically, Allison meanwhile raising her brow at her as she looked between her and Nostrovia.

"No. But you must extract them alive, with Yotsuyuki first." Nostrovia said, watching Melissa's hand fall to the table with disinterest. "Winsbury is secondary, we can question him after if you do not get him. I'll be behind you for this one."

"Now, we've outlined the Loud mission first, and the Quiet mission," Luca reiterated as he scanned the room, "our goal is to split into two teams, fulfil our respective objectives, and extract. We'll get more information on the specifics of our respective missions when we're closer to our destinations." He drummed his fingers along the table. "Everyone who wants Rip and Tear, raise your right hand and move to the table on my right. Everyone for Laser Dolphin, left hand and to the table on my left."
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall

The first arrival to the called meeting aside from herself was the ubiquitous Zeta-Five. The flash of understanding across her expression of upon setting eyes on the IPG Agent said much about the present situation as well as implied some circumstances perhaps more relevant to past encounters. Watching the Nepleslian woman curiously even as Zeta scanned the room Tamamo was treated not only to her mannerisms but to a question inquiring after the IPG Agent's exploits. This query earned an overly casual response implying that the taking of a life was a rote action and not worthy of note while at the same time failing to deliver any specifics on the activity. The response seemed to have been a form Nepleslian posturing.

Next to present was the odd Gartagen Soruk who had recently become a regular fixture of the Crimson Kestrel's cargo bay. While they usually took strange trips through the ship's maintenance conduits the arrival at a door was somewhat out of place. For all of the Gartagen's odd habbits Tamamo had to admit that the interesting amount of productivity was somewhat admirable, however the reclusive nature of the individual left much to be desired.

With another allusion to noses in regard to the IPG Agent, Enzo had announced himself. Immediately after his arrival the crew's most reliable 'greasy sleezeball' as the others were fond of saying picked up on a tangent talking about a possibly fictitious career in a jazz group. The anecdote earned a somewhat humorous denial of a reunion tour from Luca, briefly tempting Tamamo to attempt to fetch data to either confirm or refute his story. After a moment of contemplation on whether she should expend the resources to do so, she decided instead to delay the investigation as it was a point that she could find verify later. Instead the small girl settled for studying the immediately interesting interaction between Enzo and Melissa, the implications of their relationship was of more value as it could potentially have an impact on the crew, or perhaps prove useful to her in the future.

Her study of the would be couple as disrupted by a burst of activity from the kitchen that signalled that the charmingly lively unit that was Piat and Redrick were nearby and active. After a brief moment of familiar discussion the surprisingly worldly and competent chef appeared among the growing group in the flesh, seemingly content to watch and listen for the moment absent of quips and comments that the other Nepleslians had offered.

Tamamo's analytical gaze was torn from the chef by the arrival of the crew's 'amazon Nekovalkyrja' who in a notably anomalous event was wearing more cloth than the traditional furs she habitually wore. There was a brief wonder as to whether or not there was some sort of special occasion meriting the additional wear, however the mysterious fashion tastes of Shayla were largely discarded instead focusing on the expressed opinions regarding the possible presence of some of the crew on the mission. This had the interesting result of procuring a casual response from Redrick mentioning that the crew would be inheriting Piat should he perish.

During the exchange Tamamo's attention was once again relocated by the arrival of the Yamataian inventor, who much like Shayla was dressed more practically than she had previously witnessed. Twitching her ears in a mild display of interest she locked her eyes on the cart that Seiren pushed. Learning nothing of interest from his cart her eyes slowly worked their way over his worn equipment wondering at the choices and devices leaving her uncertain as to what the unpredictable inventor had decided to bring along, as 'presents' could mean anything.

Rebeka's arrival on the other hand was predictable only in its 'otherness.' The question of who or what Rebeka was remained a point that Tamamo largely defined by her interactions with others, as such she was purely a 'Seiren's companion.' Tamamo supposed she should perhaps try to talk to the large anomaly, though the knowledge of the crew's uneasiness around her reminded of why she had not solicited the attentions of Rebeka previously.

Shortly after the arrival of Seiren and Rebeka the briefing began in earnest starting by highlighting who, and what had come together to make the mission possible, a minor point in her opinion compared to what could possibly be revealed. Her thirst for knowledge was whetted slightly by the imagery that flashed such as the face of the Freespacer, familiar from talk of the from the Phoenix crew's brief trip to Yamatai before her encounter with them. Aside from the identity of the Freespacer there were a myriad of data clips some new others familiar from being around Echelon. Thankful for her ability to record and review the things she saw Tamamo noted that what appeared as a flash of random images would provide a wealth of information when she had the time to study them later.

As the briefing progressed Tamamo wasn't sure how much it would hold her attention, however at the mention of the Hoplite her ears twitched. Considering the implications of what was being suggested as the mission was laid out, Tamamo had to admit that while open warfare wasn't typically something that she wanted to be a part of, the opportunity to gain combat experience in the air was something that held an undeniable allure to it, after all there weren't many opportunities to fly in a combat unit so far as she was aware.

The elaboration that the primary purpose of the engagement was to assault the facility and destroy it was somewhat disappointing as it seemed overly simple something that could perhaps have been achieved by orbital bombardment, the mention of information possibly both in physical and digital formats intrigued her. The possible objective of acquiring hostile assets and information that could potentially give her valuable on her foes was to be coveted, if she was truly lucky she might even acquire something that she could use for her own research when her resources improved.

Already somewhat excited Tamamo managed to endure the knowledge that while the infiltration of an estate on Albini was intriguing and the desire to test out her capabilities in a covert operation called to her, she had already decided that her skills would be better placed in the less subtle of their operations. Reflecting on the thought for a moment she realized that it was somewhat surprising, she had never expected to want to be on the forefront of a conflict, always romanticizing more subtle operations.

When finally the call to decide where each of the crew would go came up Tamamo was quick to raise her right hand and move to stand to Luca's right. Absent of doubts she looked forward to her role providing valuable air support to help keep the mercenary group alive, as well hopefully she would be able to offer the flexibility to capture enemy assets rather than merely razing the facility.
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall

"Well as much as I would like to watch Nostrovia at work, someone has to drive the tank. " Zeta simply said, she did not bother raising a hand, but got up and walked to Tamano. She gave the tiny neko a wink and assumed a chill position, with her hands in pockets of her cargo pants. At least the tank that was catching dust in the cargo hold will finally get some use out of it. Zeta did not get to drive it very much, since there was not a reason or a place to do it. She did not know what to do with a good old Norris though. A proper sturdy machine. Though Zeta wondered who would sat in the turret of the large machine, since as far as she knew, no one on the team was a tanker.
Redrick blanched at the thought of going along on a full-scale mechanized raid. Not only did he not know a tank from his own ass, he wasn't entirely sure he'd be able to keep up with any of the likely participants - and that might cost lives. Bad enough he'd die, being the cause of someone's death as they tried to rescue his ass would be a far worse fate.

At least you didn't have to live with your mistakes if they killed you.

But the second mission? Now there was something he could provide some assistance to. His greatest limitation in comparison to the rest of the crew - being decidedly ordinary - now, that was a benefit on a covert rescue mission. Who'd suspect him? Slap on some appropriately awful tourist clothes, or a waiter's uniform, or a chef's whites, and who would look twice at him? Plus, he spoke both Yamataian and Trade. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed the best possible place for him.

He limped over to Luca's left, grabbing a folding chair that was leaning against a nearby wall and folding it open, sitting down with a relieved sigh. He'd have to mainline pain medication the entire mission - his leg was still mad at him for the Fruna Ruica.

"Put me down for the... what was it, Maser Porpoise mission? The quiet one."
"Ah, but wait! Before y'all get to moving, I have lots of goodies - right under this sheet! Oh and some odds and ends that need deliverin'"

Seiren had waited until Luca was done briefing, but got a little distracted in considering which mission to join. He pulled off the sheet with a flourish, revealing one layer of the cart holding three metal bricks with loops under. Underneath that, a row of shining red orbs. And, even underneath that, there was something that looked very much like a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher and a hand-crank radio. He tossed a watch to Enzo and a small box containing an eye to Reeves who was totally in the back of the room and not absent at all. Also, he gave Luca a strange look about the copper wire request, but threw him a knot of wire regardless.

"First up, we have~" he said, grabbing one of the metal bricks and looping it around his arm. "A shield!"

It didn't fold out at first, but with a thump, the whole thing slid out into a round buckler. "Sorry about that, they're a little finicky to activate. Aaaanyways, this thing is Durandium! It's lightweight and it'll handle at least one laser until it melts into a mess! Next up, we got those shiny red things! They're spice grenades, and trust me, you do not want to be next to these things when they go off. You know that 'cinnamon dare'? It's like that only a thousand times worse and it'll clog up vent intakes. Neeeeeeext~"

He picked up the hand crank radio looking object. "This is a fuse exploder. Contrary to popular belief, it does not explode fuses. It just forces them to push too much power through until it blows all the lights and plugged in electronics on the circuit. Just connect the little retractible wire and turn the crank! Easy as that! And fiiiiiinally, we have the Big. . ."

He grabbed at the definitely-not-a-rocket-launcher device.

"Explodey. . ."

He seemed to struggled at picking up the thing.

"Weapon. . ."

After another minute of struggling, he finally hefted the weapon onto his shoulder, grinning.

"Mark 1! Or, as I like to call it, BEWM! It takes any and all types of grenades and launches them at high speed at enemies! Basically, it's a grenade shotgun. YOU'RE WELCOME! Now R-rebeka help me with this thing it's really heavy please."

The pudding person easily lifted the device off Seiren with one hand and put in on the table, the escorted him to the Loud side of the room.
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Soruk listened carefully to each mission, though any person on the ship already knew which one he would be taking. The Blademaster was fully capable of running through a battlefield, swinging swords left and right, but that just wasn't his thing. He paid much more attention to the 'quiet' mission, called 'Laser Dolphin' for whatever reason. A simple target extraction op, a bit trickier than an assassination, but he'd manage.

Regrettably, he wasn't the only one opting for the quiet mission. The conman, which Soruk tried to stay as far as possible from, was also going. The chef that he had spent little time with had also volunteered, though he didn't seem mission material. The gartagen shrugged, If he survived Fruna Ruica, he could manage by himself at least to a degree. At least the chef could disguise himself relatively well and Enzo could do the same. Soruk usually stuck out because he never wore anything but his outlandish garb. At least he knew how to stay out of sight.

He slowly walked over, hovering around Luca's left, though he did not raise his hand or say a word, just nodding a little.
Shayla hadn't been around a tank in years, so she didn't pay much attention to the first mission suggested. Her skills were more suited to personal scale combat. And, it wasn't as likely anyone would need medical attention while riding in a tank, really. She put her feet firmly back on the ground and leaned forward to try to focus on the other assignment. A frown appeared as Melissa seemed so enthusiastic about killing Yamataian Senators. Her expression didn't improve much when it was clarified that they'd only be grabbing them.

She raised her left hand as the moved towards the indicated table, but kept it up for a moment longer, like she was getting the teacher's attention. "I can pack something to knock out our targets for transport, but if they're Yamataian Senators, they're gonna have Yamataian guards, Neko maybe. Just doin' their jobs. What about them? And what'd these guys do that was so bad it caught your attention?" She looked between Luca and the spy. "I musta not been here for that." Settling into her new seat, she eyed the cook after noticing his limp, leaning a bit closer to peer at that bum leg. "You want me to take a look at that, old timer? This place doesn't have all the fanciest options, but I'm sure we can get that mostly fixed up."
Crimson Kestrel, Mess Hall
Nostrovia looked towards Shayla and nodded solemnly. "We leave it to your discretion as to what to do to any sentries or guards, and how to infiltrate the facility. Preferably, we'd like a non-lethal, quiet, under the radar approach." Nostrovia nodded as she bought up a picture of the place the targets were staying at. The building looked like a sail, a series of sails. Luca meanwhile grabbed the piece of wire from Seiren. "Avoid enemy contact with misdirection and stealth - but if you must kill," she leaned in, trying to offer the friendliest advice a woman who always smelt like dead blood could, "please don't hesitate."

"I'll fill you in on the way," Melissa said, looking over to Shayla, "I wos in the thick of it with the others. Like the noice killer lady said, they'll tell us more." Nostrovia seemed to rankle at the moniker much to Melissa's ambivalence. "There was a bloody great croc you'd probably like to see mounted on yer wall too!"

Luca made head notes for who was going where. "Let's see, Seiren, Rebeka, Zeta, and Tamamo are on the Loud operation," he reiterated to himself after counting them on his fingers. "On Quiet we have Shayla, Soruk, Enzo, Red," he paused and mumbled the name again. "Red. Hm," he stumbled verbally before continuing, "Melissa..." he watched her shuffle to the left side with Shayla. He looked over to his right. "Echelon, which team are you going in?"

"C4N 1 S4Y B0TH? 1 C4N D0 B0TH. 1'LL B3 C0MMS. C0NTR0L," she replied. "1'LL M4K3 SUR3 W3 K33P TH3 L1N3S CL34R 4ND 3NCRYPT3D." Luca raised an eyebrow as he stood up. Nostrovia shuffled aside to let him get out as he held up his Grapple Stunner and opened one of the plates on it with a click. As he circled around the table, standing near Seiren and Rebeka, he was tying it somewhere with his other hand - unshielded and live as the sound of crackling electricity could be heard, and Luca smiled as he closed the hatch, the whole Grapple Stunner now alive, but not in a configuration familiar to the inventor.

"I'll go with the quiet team too," John said as he shuffled to the left and crossed his arms to stand with Shayla. "I'll be your getaway vehicle," he said without any boast in his voice - just quiet and firm confidence. He and Enzo had taught Tamamo how to fly after all. There were five people on the quiet operation, and Nostrovia - still sitting with her legs crossed on her side of the bench to guide them through wetwork.

Allison looked towards the right and marched over, the sound of all of her gear clattering. "I figure you'll need an engineer for your vehicles, so yeah," she nodded and smiled "I have been examining the tanks in my spare time, so I've got a good idea of how they work - always wanted to take one for a joyride!" There were six people on the loud operation, and Luca to coordinate them.

However, there was someone missing. Maybe they'd show up, the briefing had progressed quite quickly now that the roles were figured out.
Makari strode in from behind the rest, he had gotten caught up in cleaning his arsenal and had (embarassingly) missed the start of the meeting. He had understood by hearing people say "quiet team" and walk over to the spy that he should most definitely go stand by Luca. Hat in hand, he strode over to the group near Loca and gave a curt nod. Makari clinked and clanked as he walked, weapons strapped on every part of him beneath his duster. An assault rifle, an auto shotgun, and a plethora of pistols as well as a gratuitous amount of ammunition for all weapons.

"Hope I didn't miss too much, got caught up cleaning my weaponry," he grimaced, "I was kinda hoping we'd get some old E-series power armor, but tanks will do. So how loud is loud? Nuke, salt, and burn or just poke full of holes? I might need to leave some of my arsenal behind if we're going quieter than an aether cannon." He chuckled at his own (poorly crafted) joke.

He didn't want to admit it, but he missed his time in the power armor and had actually been paging through some documents on how to acquire an old "EARTH" suit the night before. Though he really wished he could get his hands on an "Aggressor" or preferably a "Devastator". He considered bringing it up with Luca after the mission concluded.
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"Right. . . Ah, Makari, we're talking blowin' up stuff that's owned by those lagrange jerks. Like a factory's worth. So if you want, I got my grenade-launchin'-shotgun-extraordinaire, BEWM, just ready. No, it's not pronounced 'boom', it's BEWM!"

Seiren directed Makari's attention with a laser pointer he fished out of one of his pockets to the large tubular device with handles that Rebeka currently held.

"Otherwise, we got target-chocking spice grenades, a power-circuit-exploder, and collapsable durandium shields you can fit on your arm! Guys, dig in. S' handy stuff!"

The inventor turned his attention to Luca, his expression twisting. "Uh. . . Luca. . . You're going to electrocute yourself like that! The heck did you do?"
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