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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 4: The Fame and the Fury

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Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
Kikyô Star System, in orbit of Yamatai
YSS Miharu NJ-X1-00, Wardroom

Breakfast was settling in the stomachs of Miharu's crew by the time Yukari arrived at the wardroom. She and Miyoko had quickly consumed their meals. Now it was a matter of waiting.

She'd awoken early for the interviews, and was properly outfitted in a clean skirt uniform with her Type 28B at her side and her datapad clutched in her hand. Her hair was put up in the requisite bun for such official matters, and she was pondering questions while she waiting for Miyoko to join her, so they could reach the base quickly and interview the candidates.

Miyoko was running just a few minutes late (not particularly a new occurence), and was walking a bit more quickly than usual when she arrived. She'd worn both her Alicia band and her collar for the occasion, going the rather opposite route of Yukari by taking the time off ship as a chance to relax her uniform a little. The band looked a little odd, set to match the collar's brushed metal texture, but then Miyoko had never been a fashion expert. She dipped a bow to Yukari upon arriving. "Sorry for my tardiness, Shosa."

Yukari smiled brightly upon seeing the collar and headband, rather liking them on Miyoko anyway. Yukari was even less of a fashionista. "It is fine," she said. "We will not be long at the base anyway." The two quickly made their way to the shuttle bay, and within twenty minutes were waiting inside of a particularly cramped conference room on a starbase with dim lights, a small table with perhaps six chairs, and a fuzzy, sound-killing wall. Yukari frowned at the arrangement.

Miyoko was rather less disturbed, but then, she'd spent the better part of her life being shuffled between spartan space stations. "Do you know how many we're supposed to interview today and their professions?"

"Two," Yukari said. "Both are young and mostly inexperienced. One is a sniper, the other an technical sentry."

Two jobs I know nothing about... oh well. Miyoko supposed she didn't need to be a subject matter expert just to interview somebody, but it would at least make it easier... or more interesting. "Would it be inappropriate to use examples from our recent missions in the interview without details, or would that still be breaching security?"

Yukari nodded. "Examples will be prudent. We must relieve some of the sprite crew from fighting and engineer work, so it will be good to inform them what could be ahead of them."

Miyoko nodded along with the statement. "Well then, I'm ready to begin when you are."

"Our starting depends on our first interviewee," Yukari said, experimentally trying to lean back in the chair she was sitting in. She was greeted with firm resistance. "She should arrive soon."

"What's the old saying, 90% waiting and 10% mind-numbing terror?" Miyoko was rather fond of the waiting parts, though, as she aptly demonstrated by slumping her shoulders over the back of the chair to stretch out.

Yukari tried leaning back again. "The Star Army does not always follow that rule, but I believe you are right." She nearly lost her balance, but quickly corrected and decided to just sit straight.

Nearly as soon as Yukari mentioned her imminent arrival, Tsuya stepped through the doorway, dressed in her uniform and unarmed. Though she was at attention and walked briskly, there was still a bit of nervousness in her demeanor. She bowed deeply to the two seated women. "Greetings, Shosa, Saito-heisho. My apologies for my tardiness; I got lost."

Miyoko's days of relaxation were at an end. Reluctantly, the Yamataian slid back down to a seated position and inspected the applicant. Under any other circumstances, she might try to have a little fun by harassing the Hei for tardiness... as it was, she'd look a bit stupid doing that when she'd just made a similar apology to Yukari half an hour ago. She nodded acknowledgement to the woman, hoping Yukari would do all the introductory work.

Yukari stood and bowed to the Neko with a smile. "Yamada-Hei. It is a pleasure to meet you. Please sit down, and we will start immediately." She gestured to an open seat next to her, directly across from Miyoko.

Tsuya walked quickly over to the chair and sat, rather stiffly, her hands folded in her lap. She bowed her head to the two again. "A pleasure to meet you both as well."

Another attempt to lean back in the short-backed black office chair ended in failure. She did not frown in front of the Hei, but her smile tightened. "You are a technical sentry, with an affinity for power armor. Is that correct?"

"Correct, Shosa." The sentry's eyes got a bit bigger as she saw Yukari's change of expression.

"What suits and configurations do you have experience with?" Miyoko sat up a little as she joined in the questioning, only reluctantly.

Tsuya bowed her head apologetically to he superior officer. "My only experience so far has been at Educational Facility One, where I piloted a Daisy."

Miyoko nodded. "Any noteworthy simulator experience... particularly in boarding combat scenarios?"

"I recently participated in a simulated raid on a facility with Nagamira-hei, and I was placed in a simulator to familiarize myself with the Daisy's controls before they let me actually pilot one... but no ship-to-ship combat. I am sorry, Saito-heisho."

Yukari's smile returned to normal. "You are young, Hei-san; you will improve with time." She looked down at her datapad. "Tell me, what are your feelings about the Empire?"

Tsuya blinked. "The Empire is my home. I want to protect and serve it, just as any other nekovalkyrja, and advance its goals in the galaxy."

"Have you read foreign news reports about the Empire? Perhaps in your time between training and coursework? Or spoken to other Nepleslian students?" The questions seemed innocent enough if Yukari's tone was any indication.

"No, Shosa." The sentry looked increasingly confused.

Yukari took a few seconds to tap at her datapad. "What do you know of SAINT, Hei-san?"

Miyoko had to sort of restrain herself from grimacing, both from the line of questioning and the tech sentry's answer. Pulling politics in an interview situation was just <i>mean</i>.

"It is the... intelligence division... they are very skilled, and only accept the best." Tsuya's face just kept falling.

Miyoko switched to encrypted telepathy with Yukari. Well, she at least isn't very opinionated... or is very good at pretending not to be. Out loud, she contued questioning. "On your engineering experience, are there any subsystems you'd consider yourself particularly adept with?"

Tsuya brightened somewhat once the interview swung back into her areas of expertise and away from things she was almost certain would get her killed, discharged, or worse if she happened to say the wrong thing. "I am good at maintenance of power armor, and on a starship, communications systems and a bit of weaponry."

Yukari kept her face down and at her datapad while she replied telepathically. "She is so young, but it is hard to be sure. We do not know how much indoctrination occurs in the EF system. But she does not appear threatened by our telepathy, which is good." "Are there weapons you feel any affinity to? Rifles, explosives, or other categories?"

The tech sentry's face spread in a slow grin. "Explosives. ...but I am also a fairly good shot with a pistol."

More tapping at the datapad. "No such affinity is listed on your profile. Is this a recent development, or do you remain untrained?"

"A recent development, yes. I found great use for them in the simulation I was in."

"I see." Yukari's fingers danced on the lower part of the pad. "You were involved in a recent incident with a director at EF1, according to your file. He struck you and berated you for not testing the boundaries of a simulation. Can you explain your feelings about this incident?"

Tsuya's lips pressed into a thin line. "It made me extremely angry. I was not aware a simple simulation for, or what I thought was for, the purpose of testing my and Nagamira-hei's combat skills was so very important to test the boundaries of that it would warrant violence from aborderline-voyeuristic, Yamataian simulation director."

Miyoko frowned, glancing between Yukari and Tsuya. "Do you care to explain? I'm not sure I understand. He wanted you to try acting outside of the boundaries of the simulation to win?"

"To be honest, Saito-heisho, I am not sure exactly what he wanted. He did not explain himself very well. At the beginning of the simulation, we were given orders to eliminate everyone within the building. The men were armed, and they had at least one suit of power armor. I was not sure what else we could have done."

Tsuya bowed her head a bit. "I apologize for my folly. I clearly must have missed something important in the simulation."

Yukari shook her head. "I am not familiar with how the EF educational system operates. You do not need to apologize to us." "She is headstrong, it appears." Yukari noted that in her official comments of the interview.

It will give Claymere-Taii something to do... Miyoko was only partly joking. "What was your reaction to his actions?" Frankly, she was asking half out of curiosity by this point.

"I told him what my other courses of action could have been."

Yukari nodded, and the questioning switched again. "Did you get along well with your classmates, Hei-san?"

Tsuya paused for a moment. "...as well as could be expected. I am... shy."

"You felt comfortable among them?"

"As much as I feel comfortable with anyone else, Shosa."

Yukari's eyes narrowed a bit. "But you were not close with them."

"...not... particularly, no..."

Yukari nodded. "Why the Miharu?"

"I was interested in the prototype aspect of the ship and the potential for combat, and the secrecy of the missions made me very curious."

Miyoko nodded thoughtfully at that. "... I have one last question."

"I see," Yukari said. Her green eyes went to Miyoko and nodded. "Please, Heisho."

Miyoko paused before continuing, speaking a bit carefully. "A hypothetical combat situation. The Miharu is to engage a Nozomi with a strong complement of Mindy power armors outnumbering our own. It is decided that we will propel an asteroid into the ship's power armor hangar to disrupt their launch enough for detachments to take out the ship's control center and detain or destroy the power armor pilots individually. ... what would you see your role in such a situation as?"

Tsuya steepled her fingers in front of her face, thinking for a moment. "I would board the Nozomi and attempt to disable as many power armors as possible."

Miyoko nodded. "So you'd be involved with the assault on the hanger bay?"

"Yes. Unless I was needed somewhere else."

It took a few moments for Miyoko to consider that. "Are there any specific reasons you'd choose that role?"

"I enjoy combat. Danger makes me feel alive, Saito-heisho."

Miyoko let out a bit of a snort, speaking dryly in response. "Well, you'll find no shortage of it with us... I have no further questions, Shosa."

"Thank you, Heisho," Yukari said. "Hei-san, you noted we are a part of clandestine operations. What have you heard of them?"

Tsuya smiled. "Nothing. That is why I was curious."

"We hunt sisters, Hei-san." Yukari let that sink in. "We hunt sisters who have betrayed us."

The tech sentry's brow furrowed. "...betrayed? How?"

Yukari paused, but committed to an open telepathic communication for Miyoko and Tsuya's benefit. "IES System, please blackout this room. Do not record this room in any way for the next 10 minutes. Authorization as follows." The rest of the transmission was encrypted. Yukari then spoke. "Do you know who Eve is, Hei?"

Tsuya shook her head.

"One of our original mothers," Yukari said. "One of the first Nekovalkyrja. But she is a criminal, a conspirator and murderer. She plots the demise of the Empire, and helps reveal all of its ugliness and flaws as she does so. We hunt her and her traitorous sisters and offspring."

"... That sounds like quite a noble pursuit to me, Shosa. Why is this so secret?"

"Because our methods are not always in the interest of the Empire, and because we are not on the IES network. We are a lone butterfly in the vastness of space, and we have no moral compass but our own." Yukari spoke almost matter-of-factly. "Many of our crew have seen and felt much in our time. We know the Empire is not perfect, and at times we see the logic of what Eve plans."

The tech sentry nodded slowly. "I am still young, but I am always interested in... expanding my horizons. I would enjoy the new perspective Miharu would give me."

"We are not interested in perspective." Yukari leaned forward some. "We are a family aboard Miharu, Hei-san. We have to be, in order to survive. If you are not willing to join our family, and see our mission to the end, then this interview must end now."

"I am interested, Shosa. Did something I said make you think otherwise?"

Yukari was taken aback. The Neko was headstrong. She pivoted. "Being shy makes it very difficult to be part of a family, Hei-san. And you are young still. I want you to fully understand what we must do — no one wants to kill a sister, especially in the lukewarm blood of a mission, but we do so, and afterward, we lean upon each other to cope."

Tsuya looked slightly hurt. "...I am shy now, Shosa, but that does not mean I wish to stay that way. I want to be part of a family." She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.

Miyoko remained silent through this, curiously--analytically--watching the enlistee's reactions. She wasn't always the biggest believer in Yukari's family theory, particularly when she was feeling cynical, so it seemed more productive than making sarcastic comments.

"You are willing then, to do things that are not so simple as killing Mishhuvurthyar. Or pushing our borders out into the stars." Yukari leaned back. "You might question our motives at times, and question your own. That is normal, but you must be aware it could happen. And that it will not be easy to do."

"Yes. I understand."

Yukari looked at Tsuya closely. "Your director recommended we not bring you onto our vessel. He stated you are not always accepting of authority, though his use of it is questionable. If you are ready to join us, then I welcome you to the YSS Miharu. Yamada Tsuya-Hei." Yukari stood, and gave the Hei a small bow.

Tsuya stood as well, bowing deeply to Yukari and Miyoko. "Thank you, Shosa. I am ready to join you, and I am grateful for your acceptance."

Miyoko rose along with Yukari, though she was uncertain whether to bow or not. In the end, it elicited a shallow one from her. "... though I'd warn you that problems with authority do lead to difficulties, so some practice in holding your tongue might be a good thing. Whether or not you're right." Perhaps not the most welcoming statement, but she'd seen enough interactions between Leutre and Nyton to know it would help her in the long run.

The tech sentry closed her eyes for a moment. "...my apologies to both of you if I was rude or hostile during this interview."

Yukari rose from her bow, jaw firm as she spoke. "Apologies are not necessary, Hei-san. Only improvement. You will be under the command of Kurohoshi Masako-Juni and her Black Knights armor wing, once you have proven yourself worthy of midnight panels. Until that time you will remain a tech sentry wearing red panels." She paused. "But you appear eager for a battle. That is good. We need that perspective aboard the Miharu."

"Yes, Shosa. I will do my best to prove myself, and I will rise to whatever occasion is presented to me."

"You are free to leave, Hei-san. Gather your things; instructions will be transmitted to your communicator on where we are docked. Thank you for your time." Yukari smiled an easy, pleased smile.

Miyoko added, "When you report to the medbay for your backup, there are usually several books on the desk that you should feel free to peruse while you wait. Some of the medical stuff have been neglecting to point that out recently."

"I will be sure to do so, then. Thank you for interviewing me, Shosa, Saito-heisho. I hope to see the both of you again soon." Miharu's newest recruit bowed deeply once more to the two nekos, then turned on her heel and walked briskly out, looking slightly more confident than she had when she walked in.

Yukari sighed slightly, after the door closed, then looked to Miyoko. "Your thoughts?"

Miyoko shrugged. "As you pointed out, headstrong and individualistic. She could show a strong ability to think independently in battle and be very valuable... or she could butt heads with a superior officer for a few weeks like Veressis-hei. I'd be rather interested in knowing just what happened with this instructor who struck her. Other than that, she seems inexperienced but eager, which I'd expect in a Nekovalkyrja on her first assignment."

"Mm ... " Yukari brought up the report in a volumetric window for Miyoko to read. "His report suggests she did not live up to the true challenge, which was to question her orders and attempt to 'beat the scenario her own way.' He had sensed her individualism and attempted to test it, but one can not expect a soldier to go beyond their orders without some hint or clue, at the least." Yukari brought up the instructor's image, frowning. "And previous students have alleged he is a lecherous man. I am not surprised by her reactions, even if they suggest a lack of respect for authority."

Miyoko slid the window over to inspect the contents. "Well, that, and questioning one's orders in a simulation and doing so in reality seem to me to be two entirely different situations. ... so she followed her orders to the letter despite them being questionable? I suppose that could be a positive trait in this line of work."

"Yes," Yukari said. "Though Kurohoshi-Juni is not deeply experienced with that kind of personnel, save for herself. The Hei could be a test of her ability to lead when we cannot afford it." Yukari sighed much more heavily, rubbing her right upper arm. "But we need soldiers. Our sprites are most focused on engineering, being birthed from the ship."

"Given the situation of the one record we have of her acting up, I'd recommend to wait and see what actions she takes on the ship. With no full record of what happened with the instructor and what you've said about his students' comments on him, I'm not particularly inclined to take his opinion of anything at face value." Miyoko gave a dismissive shrug and closed the window. "I'm sure my records prior to the Miharu aren't pretty."

"Yes," Yukari said. "The director's report is tainted, despite matching assumptions about the Hei. Perhaps she will become better aboard Miharu." She rubbed her arm again, then looked to Miyoko. "The next one I wish to interview alone, Heisho-san. As a sniper, I want to inquire specifically about her skills."

"Ah." Miyoko didn't see the particular need to interview the next candidate alone, but then, she didn't know much about sniping. Perhaps duels to the death were involved with the initiation or something. "I'll wait outside of the conference room, then."

"Actually ... I wanted to ask you something else." Yukari brought up a small map. "Contact the director at EF1 and ask him about both candidates."

A chance to go out and about planetside, even if it was on official business--Miyoko was starting to like the sound of this. "Is there any particular information you'd like?"

"What you can find about their combat expertise." Yukari put the datapad on the table. "We must be certain both are capable soldiers, especially in planet-based combat. I believe he will speak on their personalities as well, which will be beneficial, but we must know about their combat prowess."

Miyoko nodded and took the map. "It may take a while to get there... are you sure that the interview will take that long?"

Yukari shook her head. "Going there face-to-face will not be beneficial, and could expose you to elements of PANTHEON that are hostile. Go through the starbase's communication system, using this code — " Yukari showed it to her on her datapad " — and interview him from a distance."

"... ah." Miyoko couldn't allow herself to slump outwardly, so she did it in her mind. Dirt's overrated anyway... "Hai, Shosa. How would you like the results?"

"Keep them on a datapad that is secured. Do not connect to PANTHEON with it. We must remain cautious." Yukari smiled. "Do not let him leer at you, however."

"I got my recommended monthly allowance of leering from the medical officer we contacted earlier. I'll be sure to inform him that I'm near my limit." Miyoko bowed to the XO again. "I'll try to have the results for you after the second interview. Hopefully, it proves fruitful."

"Mm. Good luck, Heisho-san."

Yukari was sitting in the small chair provided in the tiny, six-person conference room on Kyoto Base. As they could not find her reservation, she was relegated to the tiny room, waiting for the candidate. She had moved the chairs so the two would simply face each other without a table in the middle. She tapped her data pad as she waited.

Kaida was nervous. Of course, this was an important interview. She had to make a decent impression on her superior here... And to that end, she endlessly fussed with her uniform and hair despite spending nearly 2 hours beforehand doing so. She almost bumped into the door as she realized she had already arrived. She made one last fuss over her appearance before clearing her throat, "Shosa? Santo-Hei, Nagamira... Reporting." She didn't want to barge in rudely.

Yukari looked up from the pad and smiled as she stood. She gave a small bow. "Nagamira-Hei. Thank you for coming here on such short notice. I apologize for the size of the room." She gestured for the Hei to sit.

Kaida bowed a bit lower in return, figuring it was only proper. Her eyes flicked to the chair offered and then at Yukari. She'd heard that she was rather pretty, and she saw it was an understatement. This realization made Kaida a bit more nervous as she tried her best to keep her eyes on what she was doing long enough to sit. "It's no problem, Shosa... I..." She tried to think of something else to add, but suddenly found that she couldn't.

Biting her tongue rather bitterly, she took the offered seat.

Yukari's smile was warm when it fell upon Kaida, and she took immediate notice of the Neko's lovely, creamy-colored hair and vibrant eyes. She made a mental note to compliment them later. The Shosa took her seat as well, her data pad in her lap and her legs uncrossed and closed. She wore the skirt uniform. "Let us not waste time; your file suggests you are a soul who appreciates action. Your scores as a sniper are quite impressive."

Kaida nodded briskly, "Yes, ma'am. I've been specializing in sharpshooting, particularly without external aiming devices. Although I'll admit I prefer to be on foot rather than in a Power Armor for it." She briefly wondered if her file mentioned her somewhat mediocre results in other weapons. (Her melee abilities were improving though.) She braced herself for that embarrassment if it came...

The Shosa nodded, not looking at her pad. Her focus was clearly all on Kaida. "I am very similar, Hei-san. Do not worry over it. All of us must specialize in something. Perhaps, if you are accepted, we will have a sniper competition?" Her smile grew light and happy.

Kaida held a mild look of surprise, "A-a sniper competition? If... you wish, Shosa." Despite her somewhat nervous demeanor, she was actually sort of excited to test her aim against another Neko who had a similar skill. Though she hoped it to be on foot. She smiled faintly in return. "I... um... I'm not as good with other weapons... like automatics or pistols. I'm improving with my knife though." She hoped that would take care of most situations, as if the one in charge were good, she wouldn't be in close quarters in the first place.

"Mm. You passed your qualifications; that is sufficient." Yukari moved on. "You lost your birth mother early in your life. How has that affected you?"

Kaida felt her stomach tighten as the subject was brought up. "It... It's discouraging, to say the least. But I'm moving past it." She wasn't ready to admit her fear of AI's quite yet, it seemed. Though it would likely become apparent quickly.

"Your training officers suggested you have trouble with computers. That is still an issue for you?" Yukari by now was leaning forward some.

'Damn' Kaida cursed inwardly. "I... prefer to not have to work with them if I don't have to... I know how, certainly. But I wouldn't entrust my life with them too readily."

Yukari leaned in a little farther. "I pursue this only because our sprites and ship are very self-aware. They are treated as equals among the crew. This is not a problem for you?"

"Huh? Oh, no no no... I don't think of them as lesser or anything such as that, Shosa. I just prefer to rely on myself rather than a machine..." Kaida swallowed heavily. She knew this might be a problem with her superiors. She needed to get past it, but... she just wasn't quite ready just yet.

Yukari smiled. Right answer, it appeared. "Duly noted. Why is it you are pursuing a place on the Miharu?"

Kaida paused for a moment, making sure she was asking why the Miharu and not 'why the hell are you a soldier if you're scared of machines?' "It... just looked to be the most appealing of my options, ma'am. You've all quite the reputation... and compared to where else I could go... I felt I could find my place here more likely than the others. They also say you're a close-knit group... almost like a family?" Her face reddened slightly and her eyes averted. Regardless if the rumors are true or not, she felt ashamed to have that as one of her reasons. It just seemed so silly.

Yukari's smile rose again, warm and inviting. She leaned forward more. "We are very much a family, Hei-san. We are, in many ways, all that each other has. Especially among the Neko. Do not be shamed by your desire for that feeling again. Most Neko never know it at all."

Kaida's eyes rose back up to meet Yukari's. "I-I... Thank you, Shosa. I hope to be of great use to you all..." The thought that many Neko never had the feeling of 'family' was truly disheartening. It made her wilt a little on the inside just because the thought was so sad to her.

Yukari's green irises seemed to shine with a bright glow. "I believe you will, Hei-san. But know what being in a family means? We must protect each other from those things that threaten us. You will be among the many 'spears' we carry into battle. You must be prepared to kill your sisters, for they could kill us." By sisters, she meant other Neko, not those on the Miharu.

Kaida sighed inwardly, she was aware of that she would be forced to fight against her own kind eventually. It wasn't a pleasant thought, but one she would have to get used to. "I understand, Shosa. May my rifle keep all who would harm us from drawing close." She had to admit... it felt like she had a bit of a purpose now. Sure, she hadn't gotten to know the rest of the crew yet... but defending a family, even a hypothetical one, was something she could be willing to fight for.

Yukari leaned back again, seemingly satisfied as her arms went back to her sides. "That is the dedication we require on the Miharu. I am glad to see you have it. Your preferred position is technical sentry, correct?"

Kaida nodded, "Yes, Shosa. I'm willing to be the first line of defense, and if done well, hopefully the only one used." She felt kind of excited now. She was actually going to do this... She was one step closer to realizing her dream of outperforming the AI. First step would be to outperform her enemies, though.

"You will not be the only one, Hei-san. When we go to battle, all will be on the front. It is our way." She paused, and her eyes seemed to have a glint. "I have good feelings about you, Hei-san. I believe Chiharu-sama shines on you."

Kaida had a flattered and hopeful smile on her face. "Truly, Shosa? That makes me happy to hear. I will do all I can to not betray your expectations." She slowly stood up. "For the Miharu and it's crew, my rifle and I are at your command."

Yukari stood too and smiled. "Ketsurui Kotori-Taisa will be pleased to hear that. You will be underneath Kurohoshi Masako-Juni on our Armor Wing, I believe, though likely you will not be a mainline pilot."

Kaida bowed in respect. "Understood. Is there anything that you need me to do right now?"

Yukari thought for a moment, then smiled. "Tell me why you are a sniper."

Kaida felt her spirits falter a little bit. "Because... well... Mostly because of how my mother died. She died when her targeting failed... and I... I want to prove that Neko's don't need that to be accurate. I feel using a rifle is the best way to prove it."

"Mm." The Shosa's smile grew wide. "What weapon do you prefer? Any specific rifle?"

"I like to use my Styrling Longbolt. It hits decently hard, modded enough to pierce weak or thin objects... and is as accurate as my arm is steady." Kaida nodded to herself.

Yukari nodded as well. "I have read about the Longbolt. It appears to be a very capable weapon. You own one?"

Kaida nodded again, "I bought it after I passed my training as a sort of reward. I've had some time to practice with it, and I can say I do not regret my purchase."

"That is a pity," Yukari said with a smile, but did not explain further. "You must show it to me when we arrive on the Miharu."

Kaida's face looked confused. "What is a pity, Shosa?" She didn't understand what that was supposed to mean, especially when she had just praised the weapon she got.

" ... Perhaps it is not." Yukari thought some. "Hei-san, we have extra time before we must return to the ship. Would you like to go shopping with me?"

Kaida blinked, somewhat taken aback and very confused. "Shopping... Shosa? I... Um... I have no problem, it's just... sorry. Kind of out of the blue. Do you mean to shop for a weapon?"

Yukari nodded. "I have been on a ship and unable to make purchases. I would enjoy having another ... enthusiast, with me."

Kaida seemed a little unsure about something, but saw no harm in it. "Sure... As you wish, Shosa. It'll be my pleasure." She bowed her head briskly.

"Lovely." The Shosa slipped her datapad into her skirt's lap pouch. "Come with me. There is a place you can browse, while I contact the third candidate."

In the short time since her interview with Yukari and Miyoko had ended, Tsuya had done enough worrying for ten neko. The feeling of freedom she'd briefly experienced from being free of the Academy (and her awful director, though the memory of the administrator dressing him down still made her smile) had been washed away by the sudden realization that she was now in real life, and if her leg was clipped by shots from any power armor she would probably be making a hasty trip to the medic. Now she was standing at the shuttleport with bags in hand, her other equipment stuck on her body wherever it could be kept without causing too much agonizing pain.

When the shuttle arrived, she nearly missed it; she'd been lost in thought about her first 'mission.' The thrill of combat in an unexpected situation was unlike anything she'd experienced in training, even though it wasn't strictly real. The sounds of gunfire, the explosion of the fuel tank... she sighed dreamily, remembering the delicious rush she'd felt, then realized the shuttle pilot was staring at her. She boarded the vehicle with several apologetic bows to the exasperated Yamataian before taking a seat, her bags still clasped to herself.

The shuttle ride passed uneventfully, Tsuya fidgeting in her seat and knocking her heels together while the shuttle pilot occasionally glanced back to make sure she hadn't made her escape yet. The transport pulled into Miharu's shuttle bay and the tech sentry debarked, after another bow to the pilot, who returned it as best he could in his sitting position. She stood in the bay, marveling at the ship... totally unready for her new life.
Well, Masako knew the XO had gone down to Yamatai to recruit more crew members, but she hadn't expected to see one so soon. The small Warrant Officer had busied herself in the Multifunction Bay with reading up on the basic designs of Squad Assist Weaponry on her Wrist Computer. Wearing her typical midnight blue-paneled Duty Uniform, the raven-haired neko was leaning upon the bulkhead with her space-black eyes running along the screen with curious intent. The arrival of the shuttle broke her concentration and allowed her enough time to stand up straight and pull any creases straight before moving towards the disembarking passenger.

Masako's eyes glanced over the new recruit as she closed in on her. She wasn't really that tall for the most part, probably only a few centimeters difference over all, but what stood out for Masako was how young the new arrival seemed. Maybe it was just a biased opinion, but the Warrant Officer had always thought herself as young. Though that was in comparison to Nepleslian standards, since she was pretty old for many Nekovalkyrja in Star Army. "Welcome to the Miharu," she spoke softly as she stopped in front of the green-eyed Santo Hei. "I'm Kurohoshi Masako-itto juni, Armor Wing Leader and Chief of Security," she introduced herself with a cute smile.
Tsuya nearly dropped her baggage in surprise as the officer approached - she hadn't expected to be greeted so soon, or at all, really. She dipped a deep bow, her hair drooping and her bags clunking briefly against the floor.

"It is good to meet you, Kurohoshi-juni! I am Yamada Tsuya-santo hei... I was told that once I prove myself to be competent, I may be assigned to your armor wing? That would be a great honor..." She straighened up again, followed immediately by one of her bags unzipping with the motion and dumping out several uniforms onto the floor. Tsuya looked like she was about to die as she bent to pick them up.
Tsyua's anxiety was a little overwhelming for the young Warrant Officer, or was it excitement? Either way, it was hard not to chuckle at the poor enlisted woman. But Masako kept her smile on as she bent down and helped Tsuya gather the uniforms on the ground. The raven-haired neko didn't want to embarrass the poor woman any more and laughing when she was trying her best to make a good first impression would have been extremely rude.

"I'm sure you will do your best," she replied to Tsuya as she handed the other neko one of the uniforms. "Currently, all we are doing is escorting a VIP back to Nepleslia, so it will mostly be training exercises to start off." Masako explained softly.
Tsuya's cheeks burned as she stuffed the uniforms back into her duffel, then zipped it up extra-firmly, with another tug for good measure. She didn't meet Masako's eyes.

"I will be looking forward to whatever assignment I am given," she mumbled, eyes downcast. "Where are we holding the Nepleslian, so I can avoid accidentally running across him?"
Maybe it was a bad idea for Masako to meet the new recruit this early. It was easy to tell Tsuya seemed a bit intimidated by the smaller Neko. Or at least, that was one theory of what was going on. "Mr. Wazu is located in the Second Passenger Suite," the raven-haired Warrant Officer replied with a worried frown. "We're keeping him in his quarters to keep him from entering restricted areas, so you won't be running across him unless he's being escorted around," she explained.

"I do have a question though," the Warrant Officer began as she pursed her lips. "Do you have a problem with Nepleslians?" It was a valid question to ask in Masako's opinion. After all, the Miharu's Second Officer and her direct superior was a Nepleslian.
Tsuya shook her head, blushing more intensely - now her superior officer thought she was racist. Her day was just getting better and better.

"No, no, I have no problem with Nepleslians at all, Kurohoshi-juni... my administrator at EF-1 was a Nepleslian and he was wonderful. I just... we were taught... most of them do not like us. I would not want to cause a problem if he disliked me."
"Ah, that's an understandable assumption, but Mr. Wazu is rather," Masako paused for a moment as she seemed to be searching for the right words to use. "Well, let's just say he doesn't seem to care about Nekovalkyrja one way or the other," she explained calmly. "Or at least, that's what I've heard. I haven't really met the man face to face," she stated before a smile returned to her lips.

"Anyway, why don't we find a room for you to stash your gear in." she suggested in a friendly manner. "And if we run into anyone on the way, I'll introduce you."
Tsuya nodded in understanding.

"...then I have no problem with him, and if we come across him I will be as courteous as I would with anyone else." This revelation relaxed her somewhat, and she managed to give Masako a small smile. "Thank you for being so kind to me... I am... nervous." She put her duffel down to scratch behind one oversized ear, which subsequently flicked a few times. "...do you think we will run across Suzuka-shosa or Saito-heisho? I would like to greet them... they are the reason I am here, after all."
"Don't believe either of them have returned to the ship," she answered the question first before bringing up quarter assignments on her Wrist Computer. "And don't be too nervous. Many of the Miharu crew are veterans, but we were all recruits once." she explained as her right ear twitched a bit. "You'll be assigned to the Portside Enlisted Quarters Nine. The neighboring quarters beside it are empty and it's also the least populated side," the raven-haired Neko stated before glancing back with those space-black eyes. "But I believe it would be to your liking. I hope sleeping alone won't be too much of a problem for you," Masako said as she began to walk.

"I know I had problems sleeping alone my first few nights out of EF1," she commented lightly as the Warrant Officer tried to help Tsuya relax more with small talk.
"Would it be acceptable for me to find them when they do come back?" The new recruit followed dutifully behind Masako, dragging her bags along with her. "...I think I will enjoy the quiet, at least while I get used to things here. Do you know where Nagamira-hei will be staying?" She smiled again, for slightly longer. "I enjoyed training with her... and no, sleeping alone will not be a problem. The other nekos I shared my room with frequently... went to others' quarters." Her cheeks tinged pink again.
"Somethings never seem to change," Masako mumbled knowingly before clearing her throat. "Yes, it will be acceptable for you to go find them when they return." she replied clearly as they reached the Main Passageway. Stopping at the line, Masako stepped aside to allow Tsuya to view the large vertical facility. "And I didn't even know Nagamira-hei is one of our new recruits, but she is not on board yet." Masako stated as she looked up and pointed towards a lip in the Main Passageway.

"Top Deck is where the living spaces are located," she explained before motioning to the deck they were on. "Main Deck is where our storage spaces, bays for armor and aerospace craft, and bridge is located. The area behind you leads to our drop ship section, the YSS Hoshi, while traveling up, down, or across is Miharu proper."

Pointing to a lip below them, Masako went on, "The Bottom Deck is where our technical facilities are located. If you're working with Freeman-juni, our Chief Engineer, you would most likely be working there." the raven-haired neko explained before patting Tsuya on the back.

"But for now, we'll head up top," she said before pushing off the lip and into zero gravity. Instead of using her inertial flight like many Neko would use, Masako used the force of her push to lazily float up before catching the frame of the entryway and pulling herself into it.
Tsuya nodded at the officer's response, a smile spreading across her face. She tilted her head back to gaze up the long passage. Her mind, already partially cleared of its anxiety by Masako's pleasant and engaging smalltalk, began to buzz with delighted excitement once more, in anticipation of living and working onboard the marvel she was standing in.

"...this is a beautiful ship, Kurohoshi-juni. I am honored to be allowed inside it." She turned to dip another bow to Masako, this time without spilling any of her belongings, then used her own flight - not confident in her ability to actually make the push to the ledge - to follow her superior officer.
As Tsuya and Masako emerged from the Main Passage into the top deck, a lone figure could be seen traversing the same hallway slowly treading towards the two nekos. The figure, a tall, thin Yamataian man, had his eyes glued to a datapad he held in front of him as his other hand tapped away furiously at the screen. Sanjuro Ashitaka, his clean and meticulously-pressed teal-paneled Star Army uniform clearly giving away his role aboard the Miharu, was apparently always on the job, even during something as simple as a walk between work areas.

The Medical Officer's expression was, as always, serious, silent and focused as he worked at his datapad, taking only a moment to brush at his bangs lightly while continuing onwards.
Masako was about to respond to Tsuya, but the appearance of Sanjuro interrupted her. "Ah, excellent," she stated with a smile, though she inwardly cringed a bit. She was hoping to introduce the new recruit to Sanjuro at a later date. Probably after Tsuya had been thoroughly warned. "Ashitaka-heisho," Masako called out to the Medical Officer as she began walking up to the Medical Officer with her cute smile upon her face.

"Yamada-hei, I would like to introduce you to one of our Doctors on board, Ashitaka Sanjuro-nito heisho," she introduced the doctor to the enlisted woman. "Ashitaka-heisho, this is Yamada Tsuya-santo hei. She's just been assigned to the Miharu as a Technical Sentry, though it's quite possible she will become a dedicated Armor Pilot instead. I assume you would like to see her after she drops her gear off at her quarters, yes?"
Tsuya approached the doctor shyly, bowing to him, again without incident - she was being quite a bit more careful, it seemed. "It is an honor to meet you, Ashitaka-heisho! I hope I will not have cause to visit you very often." She gave him a small, weak, still-nervous smile.
Sanjuro slowed his steps to a halt as he heard Masako call out to him. When the two nekos had reached him, the medical officer quickly looked up (or rather, down) from his datapad and gave Masako a short bow of recognition before instantly returning to the flashing screen.
Masako said:
"Yamada-hei, I would like to introduce you to one of our Doctors on board, Ashitaka Sanjuro-nito heisho," she introduced the doctor to the enlisted woman. "Ashitaka-heisho, this is Yamada Tsuya-santo hei. She's just been assigned to the Miharu as a Technical Sentry, though it's quite possible she will become a dedicated Armor Pilot instead. I assume you would like to see her after she drops her gear off at her quarters, yes?"
Sanjuro remained absolutely silent through her explanation, nodding once or twice on particular notes but otherwise not giving any input whatsoever as his eyes darted from side to side of the small, illuminated screen.

Tsuya said:
Tsuya approached the doctor shyly, bowing to him, again without incident - she was being quite a bit more careful, it seemed. "It is an honor to meet you, Ashitaka-heisho! I hope I will not have cause to visit you very often." She gave him a small, weak, still-nervous smile.

Midway through Tsuya's respectful introduction, Sanjuro's expression suddenly became much more intense as he stared hard at the screen of his datapad. Lifting his free hand away from the buttons on the pad, he held it up in front of him, presenting Tsuya with only his index finger extended...a gesture of silence, perhaps, while he used the thumb of his other hand to continue on with the meticulous tapping.

He held this position for what seemed like ages, saying nary a word or even so much as looking at the new recruit as a dead silence permeated the air between them. Then, suddenly, Sanjuro lowered the datapad and fixated his stone-faced gaze onto Tsuya.

"Yamada-hei. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance."

He didn't sound very pleased.

"And I welcome you aboard the Miharu."

He didn't sound very welcoming.

"And, yes...as Kurohoshi-juni has stated, you are to report to the medical bay as soon as your things are settled in. You will most likely reach the Medical Bay before me, however; if that's the case, feel free to have a seat in front of my desk. I should be there shortly," Sanjuro resisted the urge to look back at his datapad as he glared down at Tsuya, awaiting her reply.
The whole time Sanjuro barely acknowledged her existence, Tsuya's ears steadily drooped and her face fell until she looked rather like a kicked kitten. Her eyes slid downward from where they were expecting to meet the medical officer's until they were locked on her own shoes.

"...thank you for your kind welcome, Ashitaka-heisho. I will put my belongings away quickly so as to not keep you waiting." She spoke in a very, very small voice.
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