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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 4: The Fame and the Fury

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"Hai, Nakamura-Hei." Kyou finished desuiting, and belted on her NSP. Thought she doubted an intruder would have gotten past the AI, better safe then sorry. Stepping into the secondary area, she paused. "Miharu, where exactly do you need me to look down here? I know you can see a fair bit, so if you can direct me to the closest crawlspace, I would appreciate it."

After the capacitor was down, and Gunshin had left, Yuzuki regarded the single other person in the room. Well, what were they supposed to do, then?

"Well," Yuzuki decided, "We're going to have to fabricate some more couplings for the power relays. Right now, it's just the emergency power cables, and we're going to have to replace them. Okaa-san? Can you give Rin some of the consoles?"

A swarm of translucent windows materialized around the Hei in question. Yuzuki came to stand beside her, and the two circles of windows merged into an oval around the two of them.

"What do you already know how to do?"

"Etto," Rin started as her eyes scanned through the mass of windows. It was a bit overwhelming as she looked from window to window and started to panic. "Etto... etto... I... uh... I don't know!" she finally blurted out, a clear distressed tone present in her voice. Yuzuki managed a soft smile, trying to be calming. The Heisho placed a hand upon one of the windows and dragged it to the twelve-o-clock view. It was a list.

"Step one is choosing what to make. This is a list of schematics. The fabricator, as I said, uses premade schematics. You don't ever have to build something up completely from scratch, because that takes a lot of time. We'll start with replacement emergency power busses, since we're going to have to throw the ones we used out anyway. Scroll through and find them."

Rin nodded as she reached out reluctantly to the window and put a finger to it. A flick and the window began scrolling. She paused it a few times when she thought she saw it, but continued on. "Etto, is this it? Nee-chan?" she asked pointing to a point on the list.

Yuzuki nodded, already reaching for a panel on her left and dragging it forward. "Don't know. Select it."

The flustered lavender-haired sprite gave a small nod as she poked at the entry for the busses, her hand quickly recoiling back, afraid of messing anything up if her hand stayed nearby. The panel that Yuzuki had selected and moved changed views, showing the structural skeleton of a fourteen-foot-long cable, with two couplings at the end, one 'male' and one 'female'. Several other panels also flickered and changed, and some of the panels that had been blank now sported a plethora of statistics and drawings. Yuzuki's hand moved through the chaos, selecting three windows and dragging them close, replacing the original list.

"Good," said Yuzuki, "Now, there are several things you can do from here. You could change the materials, which is this screen..." Yuzuki indicated another list. "You could modify certain things about the size of the thing, which is here, and then you can of course change minor things like color and paint and so on, but that's not quite as important."

She pointed to a star beside the name of the power bus, on the window where it was displayed, and said, "This indicates there are associated parts, that also need to be fabricated with it, for it to be fully operational. We'll get to that later. For now, we need eight of these things."

"Eight of which?" Rin asked. There were too many windows! Yuzuki narrowed the search by flicking some of them away, until only the image of the power bus cable was left. "Oh." Rin pushed the associated button to 'order' eight of the cables. There was a blurring, as if the very air were burning, in the middle of the room near the restored capacitor. Except this time, when it ceased, there were eight of the cables lined up neatly beside each other. Yuzuki pulled one of the windows back into view, glancing to the side with another smile.

"Cool, right?"

"Y- yeah." Rin still seemed very nervous about this whole thing.

"Loosen up some," Yuzuki chided, teasingly elbowing the younger sprite in the side. She didn't expect it to do much through the power armor, but it was almost a reflex. "You're treating it like it's Aetheric Science. It can't be that bad, hu?"

The other sprite let out a quiet 'mrp' at the sudden elbow. "I guess it's not that bad... but it's still..." Rin trailed off.

"That's alright, you'll get the hang of it after a while," Yuzuki concluded, placing the initial list back in front of Rin. "Find the wires that go inside. Part number twenty-two, zero-zero, under electrical."

"Hai...." Rin reached out and switched down to the electrical tab and scanned down the list. A few moments of searching and she found the wires. She selected said wires, and set the window to have eight sets of wires made. However, her inexperience and reluctance made her hold back from just having it created and, instead, waited to see if Yuzuki would give the go ahead or not.

Miyoko gave a bit of an awkward laugh at Takuma's question--she wasn't quite sure how she'd describe her mental state at the moment, but tired would work for now. "Like being interrogated, only less gentle. It also left me with more questions than I entered with. We're going to act on our findings, of course... now we have to milk the datacore for all the information that we can get to make sure that we go in prepared."

The Yamataian interlaced her fingers, stretching her hands in front of herself as she continued. "So, I have some more queries to run through the datacore. If we have to be hard at work getting ready for the battle to come, the MEGAMI will just have to share our misery."
Takuma's imagination spun an exaggerated scene in his head. A large room with only one light in the center appears, the light shining directly on Miyoko who is telling their findings. All the officers sit in the dark out of sight on desks that seem to tower over the lone speaker. Only the officers' eyes grow out of the darkness, but only when the light decides to reflect off of them. Occasionally, the quickly-silenced scream of a sprite rips from behind the desk directly in front of Miyoko, where their leader sits.

"Scary business," Takuma responded with a nod. "Well, I guess it's a good kind of tear-you-to-pieces attack. If that makes any sense..."

"Either way, the most recent search will probably finish soon so we can look that over while starting the next search. Unless you want to take a break before coming back? I can decrypt some more if you want to rest."
Miyoko shook her head at the question. "I've had my fair share of breaks for a while, I think." It wasn't something she liked admitting, but there it was. "I've go ahead and queue up my other searches while the current one runs."

She set off past Takuma before pausing and turning back to address him. "... if you could bring some coffee or something back, though, I'd appreciate it. I get the feeling I'll be wanting more caffeine before this is over."
"I can do that," Takuma said, flashing a quick smile. He waved shortly as Miyoko turned away and briskly walked away himself. Coffee sounded like a good treat at the moment. It would probably also be what pulls them through to the finish. Takuma quickly made his way to the wardroom to procure some of the liquid stimulant.
Tom bowed once more then left the Taisa to her business. He made his way back to the subdeck, stopping to change into his enviornmental suit before getting there.
"Well, first, you need to reach the Main Passageway - you've been there before - get to the upper deck and then go toward the ship's nose... meaning if you end up in the big wardroom, you have to go the other way," Miharu helpfully sent back to Kyou. "You'll reach three doorways. Both the rightmost and leftmost ones lead into the sensor dome. Right after entering the sensor dome you'll see on the outer walls the hatches to the crawlways you need to go in. It's a tight fit, so no power armor can get in there."

"Those crawlways are connected in a horseshoe-like shape going around some of the more delicate inner workings of the ship's sensor and communication arrays," the ship's AI added. "Just go through, look around carefully, and once you reach the other hatch, you're done!"
Kai made his way through the upper deck's crawlways, wondering why they had to be so darn small, and he had to be so darn not-small. His flashlight shone around, and he made sure to scan every crossway and go down any that seemed to have branches.

When Tsuya called stating she was finished, incredibly quickly, as if she had gone through maybe one, he replied "Make sure you go through all the crawlways on that deck, and be thorough, this is a security issue, not a 'we just decided to stick Hei's inside the crawlways for fun' issue." He informed her, continuing his work, and subconsciously making his way towards the side that he needed to be on to meet with the officers, anyway.
Once she was done talking to Takuma, Miyoko continued until she was once again seated in front of the datacore. "Have there been any new search results since I was last here, Miharu?"
"...I looked thoroughly, Nakamura-hei. I was under the impression you wanted us to get it done quickly. But I will look again, and this time I will do a better job." Tsuya got back on her hands and knees with a quiet grunt and made her way back into the crawlspace.
"I'm just about to finish up with the results of Takuma-Hei's last search," Miharu answered Miyoko. "There you go."

Volumetric window said:
Blue Rift Expanse ("Blue Rift Expanse") [3 entries]
  • Spacial Anomaly: Blue Rift Expanse, Study
  • Logistics Report: Blue Rift Expanse, system adjustments
  • Logistics Report: Concerns over the YE 32 operations in the Blue Rift Expanse
"Thank you, Miharu." Kyou quickly made her way to the entrance Miharu had mentioned, and got herself inside, drawing her pistol beforehand. I really hope it won't be necessary, but... She then proceeded to make her way through, checking every few feet to make sure she wasn't missing any little alcoves in the passage, or some such thing. "Miharu, couldn't we use scanners to do this check as well? At least as a supplement, if not on their own? So long as everything was managed and calibrated correctly, it should be possible to do a short-range scan of certain areas, shouldn't it?"
"Please open the YE 32 operations report, Miharu. I'd also like to start additional independent queries for the following keywords: deployment, manifest, Dominion, and Takumi. Assign them a lower priority than any that are still running, and please run them in that order of importance." Miyoko was intent on being thorough about this, and with most of the obvious targets out of the way, she was running some guesses now.
While the others were searching Nyton continued running ideas through his mind. "Kurohoshi-Juni I need to go over some preparations. It would help if we have some holographics to get a better idea. Could we go to the simulation chamber? I just need some visuals, mainly to give a good idea on certain key individuals and threats we may encounter."
"You should ask Suzuka-Shosa. She is the one in charge of ship's logistics and who is handed out what equipment," Miharu answered Kyou. "It sounds like a good idea - she will likely approve."

* * *

Tsuya's search inside the crawlspaces was tight, uncomfortable, noisy, but fortunately also uneventful.

* * *

Miharu opened the file for Miyoko, while leaving another window displaying the progress of the other searches.

Her more in-depth search completed, Tsuya crawled out of a crawlspace entrance in the other cargo bay. She stood up, her back cracking noisily, and did a few stretches to calm herself down, both physically and mentally.

He thinks I cannot do my job, she silently fumed. Just because I am new does not mean that I am a complete idiot! I can search a crawlspace! The young neko bobbed up and down, touching her toes a few times, then stood straight and took a few deep, calming breaths before contacting Kai again.

"I have completed my search, Nakamura-hei. This time, there was still not anything there. Further orders?"
"Thank you, Yamada-Hei. Sorry if I seem demanding, I just wanted to make sure we didn't miss anything. Meet in the Port side Armor bay, we are supposed to be meeting Kurohoshi-juni there." Kai radioed to the Neko, clumsily tumbling out of an entrance to the crawlways. The Yamataian stood up quickly and brushed himself off, checking to be sure he had everything he needed, and then proceeded towards the way down to the Port Armor bay.
Tsuya blinked in surprise at the unexpected praise. "You are welcome, Nakamura-hei. I am sorry I snapped at you." That done, she tried to dust herself off as best she could before heading off to the port armor bay, where she had met Rei.
Miyoko read over her chosen file curiously, though she couldn't extract much meaning from it. It did, though, hint at the potentially useful finding of a guide to adapting a ship to the expanse... although the fact that their timeframe was tight enough now that things measured in hours were starting to matter frightened her. "The file on systems adjustments next, please."
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