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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 4: The Fame and the Fury

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Miharu revealed the content of the system adjustment file in another volumetric window for Miyoko.

The information displayed contained very condensed technical jargon referring to specific pieces of equipment on board either a Sakura-class or Nozomi-class starship.

Miyoko was hardly a mechanic or a hardware technician, so most of it went over her head. What she could gather was that several components - many relating to scalar emissions, quantum dynamics and inter-dimensional fatigue - were being adjusted, modified and recalibrated.

Even if Miyoko was better versed in sensor operations, the numbers she was seeing there made no sense to her; especially considering she did not have any insight in the reason why those adjustments needed be done. They certainly would not be optimal to normal space operations.

Perhaps an engineer like Tom Freeman would have a better chance of actually understanding the scope of the modifications required, and what would result when they would be applied. She could also look at the study of the expanse as a spatial anomaly and perhaps understand what Eve's youngling daughter - Izumi - had wanted to compensate for with those modifications.

Miyoko read over the changes... for about one paragraph. Past that, she skimmed, looking for anything that meant anything to her and finding very little. Most of the parts listed were ones that she'd never heard of or was only vaguely familiar with in theory. She could do a lot of the theoretical math behind the ship's weapons and propulsion, but slapping that onto parts was a different story entirely--like the difference between knowing about buoyancy and being able to design a boat from scratch.

After verifying that she had no idea what she was reading, Miyoko set the information aside for now. It looked like something that would be quite useful to the technicians, but she hoped that reading more about the rift would give her enough of an idea just why the changes were necessary to explain it. "Please open the Blue Rift study."
Nyton thought of something as he and Masako were walking. "Kurohoshi-Juni, let's have all the new pilots along with our current roster meet us at the simulation chamber as well. We should go over our enemy's strengths with them as well. I understand your simulation covered the basic Black Mindy opponents however we will be facing more than just those in the Blue Rift. I would also like to speak to all of them." he said. A spark of an idea hit him then.

"Miharu, ask Takuma-Hei and Miyoko-Heisho to do a search on the Aether Canceler and find any technical specs for it among the data core files. I want to know if there could be any data tha we could use to replicate their device." Nyton then suggested.
The data Miharu pulled up next for Miyoko was far more comprehensive, especially considering her favored field of expertise.

Miyoko already knew that the Blue Rift Expanse and environs were a region of unstable space, but the file significantly detailed just how - some Daughters of Eve Nozomi-class scout had already gone through the hard work or charting the area, probing and analyzing the information.

The region appeared to be under significant gravimetric flux. Because of the irregular, shifting masses of gravity, light was not transmitted regularly across it, and specific points in space were not constant, throwing a wrench in scalar field theories.

There were obvious consequences. Scalar Fields would be much harder to calculate, maintain and adjust... and that possibly would affect not only a ship's Combined Field System but also devices which were dependent on scalar radiation to release their effects; especially aether weaponry. The larger the scalar curvatures - which were tied to how much aether was unleashed - the more the returns would be diminished.

The power an aether generator would produce under normal circumstances would have a sizeable reduction, while scalar uses like the Nekovalkyrja Service Pistols might only see a one-tenth drop in effectiveness. The biggest impact seemed to be tied with Aetheric Shock Arrays, whom would have their destructive potential approximately cut by half.

The gravity eddies made transposition weaponry next to unusable unless anti-FTL fields were deployed to 'normalize' a small region of space. Hyperspace Fold Drives would be next to unuseable without significant adjustments and optimization to navigate at breakneck speed the spatial equivalent of a very stormy sea. FTL communications (including tachyon, subspace and hyperspace) wouldn't end up being very coherent one light year beyond the sending point.

Ship shielding, which relied both on scalar emissions, electromagnetics and gravimetric fields, probably wouldn't function very well. Teleportation devices being used was also unadviseable, seeing a distant enough arrival point might be... unfortunately lacking in resolution.

Miharu's voice distracted Miyoko from examining the file. "Saito-Heisho, Claymere-Juni requests that you do a search on Aether Cancelers. He is hoping that the templates needed to fabricate the device might be available for the taking."

That instantly struck Miyoko as potentially over the top. The whole region seemed plagued by an effect that was almost as bad. She wasn't even sure the aether canceler, which was at its basic a scalar emission suppression device that also created a great deal of electronic interference, even functional in such circumstances.

The overview of the Blue Rift made more sense to Miyoko--much more sense than the technical details on how to survive it. It wasn't particularly encouraging, since anything that screwed with scalar fields and aether was going to seriously gum up the works of a lot of the ship's systems... but, then, that's what the adjustments were for.

Still, it was going to affect a lot beyond that. The power armor would have problems, too. Mindies had Combined Field Systems and aether weaponry to boot, both of which would be less effective. It probably warranted the attention of Nyton and Masako before they started drawing up any battle plans, and perhaps Tom could figure out how to extend the suggested changes to the ship to the armors. It was altogether quite a bit of information to distribute. First things first, though.

"Please inform Claymere-Taii that I'll take a look, but that the Rift already interferes with aether very strongly and that such a device might not work under the circumstances. He should also be aware that the Rift's anomalies will limit the effectiveness of CFSes and aether generators and weapons. I can explain in more detail whenever it's convenient."

For Tom, she switched over to telepathy. "Sorry to interrupt, Freeman-juni, but I found something you may be interested in. The Rift interferes with scalar effects, which plays havoc with ship systems based around them. The Daughters of Eve have a file suggesting how to adapt certain ship models to perform in it. They don't mention Himiko-class, of course, but it might prove useful to you." She broadcast the file alongside it, for use at his leisure.

That done, Miyoko allowed herself to relax for just a second, though she eyed the new results suspiciously. Finally, the call of work reached her. "Miharu, please add aether cancelers to the end of the search queue and pull up the S.S. Takumi manifest." Even if they wouldn't work, it couldn't hurt to do the search for Nyton.
Kyou crawled back out the other end, holstering her NSP. "Nakamura-Hei? I finished my search here. Do you need me somewhere else, or should I stand down?" She stretched. Even if it wasn't too cramped, it was still a tight space, and getting through it had left her stiff.
It was much like a pygmy walking next to a giant as the raven-haired Warrant Officer followed her superior. Listening into the reports to Kai as she made a mental checklist of how well they were working together. Unfortunately, she was so focused that she missed Nyton's first comment about about the simulators. It wasn't until the second time he spoke that she essentially glanced up from her thoughts and blushed slightly in embarrassment. Pulling her communicator out again, she connected to everyone on board the Miharu that was classified as Infantry.

"Change of plans everyone, I need all Infantry to assemble in the Port-side Recreation Room's Virtual Realty Chamber for briefing.  Please finish what you are doing and head over there as soon as possible, Kurohoshi out."

Closing her communicator once more, she held it this time instead of returning it to its carrying pouch. "Sir, I understand the Aether Canceler would be a benefit to us, but wouldn't it hinder us more than them if they're using Nekomachina?" she asked softly.
"I was wondering just how much of it we could replicate. I am always looking into new applications of technologies sometimes. Those psionic grenades we encountered on Bowhordia were something of a shock when they were initially employed. I would like to try and turn the tables on our enemies for a change." Nyton replied to Masako evenly.


After heeding the summons all personnel marked with infantry status would arrive at the simulator room. Upon opening the doors they would reveal a well lit conference room. Small but comfortable fixed chairs were arranged in a semi-circle around a circular holographic projector that was attached to the floor. The walls and floor were a dull gray color that reflected only a hint of the light. There were few features in this room so that there would be little else to distract the attendees to this meeting. A quiet din of conversation was being held by some of the first arrivals to the meeting which would shift as more people arrived.

Those new to the ship would find several unfamiliar faces assembled already along with their wing commander, Masako Kurohoshi. She was standing at the front next to a large man who seemed to tower over her by more than a foot. The man was obviously Nepleslian, with a full head of gray hair in a tight military styled cut but with one small shock that traced down into his face slightly. He was well built but not overly muscled, a sharply angled face with ice blue eyes which were calmly observing everything that entered. His expression was unreadable as he merely waited for everyone to arrive with his arms crossed and his feet set slightly apart.

The new members, Yamada Tsuya and Gunshin Kyoufuu, would take seats and notice the other crew either already seated or arriving afterwards. Next to Tsuya would be a sprite in an orange paneled maintenance suit with close cropped black hair and gray eyes seated very stiffly with no hint of emotion on her face. Nakamura Kai was there seated easily enough among the small group. Intermingled would also be various other sprites who had served as Armor pilots in Masako's Mindy wing in space during the Bowhordia campaign. Two more sprites arrived, one with waist length white haired and porcelain skin and the other with shoulder length blonde hair and caucasian skin.

With the latest arrivals the tall man at front finally spoke in clear fluent Yamataian. "That should be everybody I am expecting. Thank you for coming, I know you two were busy."

"We wouldn't be late if you'd told us were supposed to be here earlier." the blonde one replied somewhat annoyed.

"You two were a last second summon due to your roles in the last mission. Now that you are here we can begin." he replied before looking over towards the assembly. "Very well. I know everyone here has had a long day, newcomers included, but we have a long way to go. I would like to welcome the new crewmembers to the Miharu. I am Taii Nyton Claymere, ship's tactical and second officer. What I am going to cover in this brief are our enemy's known combat abilities. This is not only for the sake of the new arrivals but also for those who were not present for the planetside portion of the Bowhordia mission."

The holographic projector on the floor suddenly came to life and began displaying what appeared to be a synthetic nekovalkyrja. It was obviously an android replica with metallic features that made it look soulless. The image would rotate slowly to allow the viewers a good look at it from every angle. "First off these are what the enemy has designated as Nekomachina. They are robotic versions of a Nekovalkyrja, styled after the NH-17 variant. Mainly used as laborers, these can also be employed for combat roles when properly armed."

Large windows appeared which displayed silent combat recorded footage of the battle depicting the Nekomachina. The views consisted of the earlier skirmishes when the weapons employed were anti-personnel weapons along with scenes when they had become more dangerously armed with aether saber rifles, zesuaium shields, and body armor. Another screen gave the technical specs with full capacity readouts filling the screen from speed, strength, and durability. "Although they possess no more strength than an average unarmored Nekovalkyrja, these robots are more than capable of performing adequately once properly armed. Do not underestimate them." Nyton continued while the data played out. "They are usually controlled via a central command structure and will carry out their orders with no regard to their continued function. They are canon fodder but their sheer numbers can become a serious threat. They can employ basic team based tactics and do not show up on life sign detectors. Also they are able to shut down their energy signatures low enough to hide among metallic objects to ambush."

The windows began to blink out and the hologram shifted. It was replaced by what appeared to be a Mishhuvurthyar but it too was a robotic stand in. The giant metal Mishhu had various weapons attached to it's appendages. Just like before more combat footage was displayed showing the robot's many weapon configurations along with simulated data compiled through the use of technical data obtained from Bowhordia.

"This subject has been designated the 'Mishhumachina' and it is much like the previous Nekomachina. It is an android simulation of a typical Mishhu but slightly larger. It is armed with a variety of weapons located all over it's body along with powerful defensive measures such as scalar fields and aether generated fields. Along with heavy armor plating this weapon platform is nigh difficult to destroy. Defeat of this device was only rendered possible by cutting it's ability in half with the use of an enemy system designated the 'Aether Canceler' and employed against it. The effect only made it slightly more possible to defeat. Even with it's aether abilities removed it was still a formidable opponent. It also has a sensor array located near the ear portion of it's head which can also be destroyed to reduce some of it's combat effectiveness." Nyton explained. Data fields showed the railguns and flame thrower attached to the main body in action while it floated about along with the energy claws within each pincer. After technical data for the Mishhumachina had finished displaying it would switch to a new subject.

This time the hologram became one of a Nekovalkyrja woman wearing a slight lavender sleeveless tunic with a frilled skirt. She had chin length blue hair, red eyes, average height and build, along with a zesuaium kusarigama. More windows opened up which replayed combat scenes from Bowhordia. "This is Eve. Or rather, it is one of her younglings. It could even be a clone however encountering this subject lent much more credence to the title 'Daughters of Eve.' We should expect to encounter more of these individuals, possibly in the command structure. The subject is a powerful psionic which employed telekinetic control over her kusarigama along with the ability to alter space around her. She employed this ability in order to generate protective barriers that were capable of deflecting the firepower of several missiles and SLAG rounds launched at her."

The screens then displayed the Eve youngling using her psionic powers in both aforementioned methods. One then showed her revealing herself to be an NH-25 hybrid. "This subject is highly dangerous and cunning. While her deflections were very effective she can eventually be overwhelmed. A concerted barrage will eventually tire her out but do not expect her to just sit there and take it. She is fast and will retreat to recover. These powers were the only ones she displayed that we know about. Future encounters may reveal more abilities than we are currently aware of. I suggest everyone take note and be prepared for anything."

Next after the Eve youngling came an image of a black Mindy. Once again the holographic projector displayed an image to be observed along with data screens. "These are the Mindy units typically used by the Daughters of Eve and Black Spiral operatives. They are highly dangerous with a variety of weapons and systems that can be configured for combat. They are also especially dangerous at close range for their array of zesuaium spikes fitted into them and scalar fields they can emit. Do not take any of these subjects lightly even when mortally wounded. Surrender and mercy are not options considered by the enemy and they are capable of self-destructing should the pilot give the command before killed."

The technical specs scrolled by on other windows displaying combat recordings from such battles as the Meng Po and other recorded encounters. "The Daughters of Eve have several Nekovalkyrja and Mishhurvurthyar among their ranks. These beings are highly trained and motivated in their cause. Many joined due to disillusionment with either the Yamatai or SMX empires. Their loyalty to Eve is unshakable so no quarter is to be given to any opponent despite any kind of incapacitation."

Nyton did not stay too long on this subject as there were other unencountered threats to be seen. The hologram shifted again this time to produce a new unknown type of power armor. It was shaped like a gargoyle with huge oversized clawed forearms and lower legs, large shoulderpad and head sections that gave it a hunched look, along with winglike stumps extending out from its thick-shelled dorsal section.

The chest cavity seemed designed for a nekovalkyrja to fit in and pilot it while in fetal position, leaving the head and the limbs mechanized. The armor was thick and seemed to accommodate hemosynthetic tubing similar to the ones Ketsurui Fleet Yards built to help enhance the 'self-healing' factor of Yamataium hull.

The head was mostly a sensory apparatus that had a bat-like quality to it, with what looked like a well developed suite housed in twin flaring earblades. There likely was enough equipment to rival the Daisy C's command and communication equipment.

The front of the chest, the dorsal section and the shoulders had what seemed like field generators as well as a power supply, In addition, it had extensive thruster assemblies on its main body as well as the shoulders and lower legs.

The wing stumps, forearms, the sides of the hips and the lower legs seemed designed to have weapons attached to them. The enlarged forearms and the head already seemed equipped with integrated weapons, however. The ones for the forearms seemed to involve the claws being used as the weapon's point of origin. The one on the head seemed to involve a gas supply and a nozzle.

A diagram was present with a display pertaining to the amount of heat generated by the forearm direct energy weapon, and how the heat levels and scalar radiation could interfere with the proper function of the adjoining fire control system. The curve diagrams seemed less than perfect after 71 seconds of constant operation because of the lack of heat impervious zesuaium, appropriate cooldown measures would need be programmed in the AIES.

A trio of winglet assemblies was presented: one being part of a still-to-be-perfected fold booster, another boasting teleportation modules on each wings enabling it to store four teleportation charges at once, and the last being psionic augmentation gear, with a benchmark evaluation making a comparison with how long a Mindy II and a Plumeria gunship PSC systems would hold on. Versus the Mindy, total loss of protection happened in 3 seconds. Against a Plumeria, 17 seconds. There was a note that combined units could shorten the time involved, but no mention of the range and area of effect.

"This is a new type of Armor that the Daughters of Eve are currently developing. While the technical data has been acquired we have no actual combat data to verify it's actual performance. Due to the amassing of resources at the enemy's current site we should expect to encounter these units." Nyton coolly explained.

The images played out for a little longer before changing out into the next topic. The hologram then turned into a pair of Nekovalkyrja.

This pair of neko were both dark skinned with close cut hair and were identical twins of each other. Very little data scrolled by and even less of genuine combat data. What was mostly seen were actually theoretical simulations of abilities. "These two are Meni and Mani. They are a pair of Nekovalkyrja who have accompanied Eve for many years as her servants and bodyguards. Currently there is very little information on them besides file footage of their appearances. Combat data is unknown but expect them to possess powerful psionic abilities along with combat skill. They will likely be encountered using black Mindy Armor according to a ship manifest we have deciphered. If they are encountered then Eve may be considered within the vicinity."

The holograms continued to display until a new one appeared. This time it was of a woman with long blonde hair and nordic features wearing a snug long sleeved blouse, a skirt, and ankle length boots. Windows appeared which displayed files from Star Army records along with what little new data they had cobbled together.

Psionic Rating: A
Psionic Overview:
Upon recruitment, Amaya psionic aptitude was rated at B-. Eve personally trained her when she discovered that she had untapped potential that had apparently gone unnoticed by her previous benefactors.

(Amaya could be A+, but I've little interest in her becoming that powerful. Better I leave the tutoring at that and pretend I can teach her no more so that she will remain the underdog in case she one day chooses to become defiant. ~ Eve)

Psionic Profile:
Effective Range: Line of sight, Imago Contact, Non-Interstellar, Realtime.

Defense, Id: Major
Defense, Ego: Major
Defense, Intellect: Moderate
Defense, Prescience: Minor
Spatial Manipulation, Defensive: Moderate
Spatial Manipulation, Offensive: Minor
Spatial Manipulaton, Telekinesis: Major
Matter Agitation, Inert: Moderate
Corporeal Agitation, Pyrokinesis: Moderate
Corporeal Manipulation, Healing: Minor
Empathy: Minor
Telepathy: Major
Telepresence, Passive: Limited
Telepresence, Active: Minor
Charm: Minor
Compulsion, Passive: Limited
Compulsion, Active: Moderate
Domination, Passive: Moderate
Domination, Active: Major
Glamer: Minor
Phantasm: Minor

"This is Amaya Ashigari, formerly of Star Army many years ago. After the death of Kai Ashigari she allowed her body to be used by an alien race known as the Melumsi. She was listed as deceased as the process was supposed to have killed her but somehow she managed to revive and then allied herself with Eve. Her motive is revenge against the Empire for being allegedly involved with the death of Kenji. She is a powerful psionic near the levels of Eve in terms of strength and is also to be regarded as a technical genius. It is through her efforts that Eve's operation has managed to proceed as far as it has. Little combat data on her exists but she is also to be considered very dangerous. Currently we can only make estimations based on the enemy's deciphered notes regarding this subject. Expect her to use a customized Kylie according to data deciphered from a ship's manifest. Her personal ship is the SS Dominion, a Vale class cruiser modified to function in tandem with other vessels much like AIES. If her ship is encountered then expect her to be in command of the vessel."

For a few more moments the images of Amaya would scroll through before being replaced by another image. This time it would be Eve herself, the original sister of Yui Ketsurui. Multiple images would be displayed, one of her original Eve persona, another of her Naraku incarnation, and then finally her latest gathered from the most up to date information they had obtained. All three had the same blue hair although the Naraku version had a single horn sticking out from her forehead and was somewhat shorter and younger looking. "This is Eve. For almost three decades now she has been both at large and a menace to the Empire and all individuals of the galaxy as a whole. She is to be considered sociopathic, along with being a genius and powerful psionic. Her power ratings go beyond those of the average Ketsurui Samurai and even Mishhuvurthyar. She was responsible for a murderous rampage on Ayenee where she consumed multiple small children while broadcasting it. Current data supports that she is still pursuing her choice of cuisine as recently as last year when children had been recovered during an operation against Black Spiral and Mishhuvurthyar forces. She can not only use manipulative psionics on both physical and mental levels but she is herself quite psychologically resilient. Her demeanor has manipulated many Star Army officers before into assisting her along with maneuvering herself to always have an ace up her sleeve that allows her to escape from capture. Operatives within the Star Army have aided her in her escape before and it is known that she has connections within the Empire."

Nyton paused for a second as he let his words sink in. He had been researching every scrap of intelligence he could get his hands on for over a year now and the latest influx was still being dissected. He then continued his not so concise brief. "Eve is currently believed to be using a NH-23 body of which are only authorized to be used by the Mistress Taisho herself or the Empress. Her power level is one we have not yet encountered and methods with dealing with it are still being conceived. We will be fighting one of the most dangerous individuals in the known galaxy."

Another pause and the hologram shrank down before being accompanied by more holograms of the previous subjects. Now there were small models of each subject floating nearby but they were small enough so that they did not obscure each other or Nyton and Masako. "At this point I would like to ask if anyone has any questions." he said, finally opening the forum up for requests.
Kyou nodded. "You mentioned an 'aether canceller' was used was used against the mishhumachina, right? Are we going to have access to that? Even if it didn't sway the odds much, any advantage would be useful." She shrugged. "And one last thing. Do we know if Eve's bodyguards are the only people serving that role? What I'm asking is if it's possible that she has other bodyguards, so that she could use them to throw us off or anything?" She frowned. "If so, what measures are we taking to ensure we are taking down the actual Eve, not another clone or youngling?"
Kai watched the presentation, remembering the fights and the damage he took. he cringed at the Mishhumachina, knowing that the only reason he hadn't died was luck, teamwork, and that Aether Saber rifle Yoroko had given him. He didn't exactly look forward to fighting those things again, but he knew that he would probably have to. The Yamataian felt glad, however, that he had experience with them, and knew that he was capable of taking one down, if outfitted properly.

He sat, and listened to others' questions.
Nyton looked over at Kyou, his cybernetic eyes zeroing in on her as she spoke out over the crowd. "We managed to acquire technical data of the Aether Canceler and are attempting to look into any possible uses for ourselves The technology however is not ours. It was one developed by the enemy for the purpose of crippling our own aether dependent forces. I cannot guarantee that we will have a method of employing that in the future. The device we used was the enemy's own." he explained.

"As for bodyguards, expect all of Eve's personnel to serve as her bodyguards. The two individuals I mentioned should be considered her elite and might only be encountered when we are close to the genuine Eve. They have worked with Eve for a long time and will be highly experienced. It is possible that Eve may use her daughters as bodydoubles but that will be hard to tell for sure. Each of her younglings have been found to be in command of ships or bases. Eve will likely be in command of her flagship or whatever orbital facility they may have established at her location. That is the best estimation we have right now." Nyton concluded.
Mara raised her hand to get the attention of the officers.

"Sir, many of our enemies are strongly psionic, but the Taisa assured us back in the briefing session of our search after the Sekkou that we possessed some form of psionic countermeasure," the sprite said. It was obvious she was cautiously wording her question.

Mara's tongue briefly stabbed out to moisten her lips before she added: "Back on Bowhordia, I understand we did not have that benefit against the NH-25 psion. Will we, this time? Will that measure be close enough for us to benefit from it? Will that put that asset at risk? How would we deal with that?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Hinoto privately sent to Mara, smiling slyly as she did so. "...but you're actually trying to be tactful. Sigurd must be rubbing off on you."

Mara hunched her shoulders, seething silently, but she refrained from answering Hinoto's barbed question with her usual protested exclamation. Hinoto raised her eyebrows, impressed at the other sprite's restraint. The subject Mara was bringing up had to be pretty serious.

* * *

Miharu turned up the data for the Takumi's manifest to Miyoko.

After some time poring over the data, Miyoko couldn't really learn much more about what she already knew. It turned out that some of the crew living spaces had been converted to contain more cargo - which made sense seeing how the cargo holds had been converted into fusion reactors.

Another thing that came to her attention was how the Takumi's former Star Army crew had been replaced mostly by sprites since the Battle of Taiie.

Nyton looked directly at Mara as she raised her hand and spoke up. He nodded once she had finished asking her question. "The countermeasures you speak of will be available on this mission however it's deployment will be up to the Taisa's discretion. This is due to the delicate nature of our countermeasure so as to prevent unnecessary risk." he replied calmly.

Then again the thought of having Kotori flying with them in hopefully a Mindy suit was both reassuring and worrisome at the same time regardless of how powerful her Signaler abilities could be. Nyton made a mental note to discuss other matters with her later in regards to the mission especially in light of some of the data he had been analyzing.
Miyoko read over the new findings carefully--despite the fact that they didn't seem to contain anything significant that she hadn't already seen, it still seemed a good idea to make sure that she wasn't missing anything that could provide a vital clue. After a while, she finally accepted that there was nothing new and idly closed the file. "The Takumi maintenance logs next, please."
Tsuya was slightly out of breath when she jogged in - she'd had to run all the way up from the armor bay, and she was just glad she didn't arrive late. She slumped down into a nearby chair, glancing only briefly at the sprite next to her and offering her a brief nod. When she noticed her superiors at the front of the room, though, she sat bolt upright at speeds normally associated with spacecraft.

She listened patiently to the briefing, nodding at the hologram of the nekomachina - she had faced them in the simulation she had run with her new crewmates, and was familiar with their capabilities, though she was glad for the extra information and filed it patiently away inside her head.

When the mishhumachina appeared, though, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. The young neko had studied the mishhuvurthyar, of course, and faced them often in her simulations at EF1. But the sight of the metal monstrosity made her knees feel weak, and as her eyes flickered over the scrolling combat statistics a knot grew in her stomach. The thing was positively laden with weaponry, and its combat cloak was just unfair. Regular mishhu were bad enough - defeatable, but deadly in close combat - but this made cold, aching fear bubble up in Tsuya for the first time she could remember.

The soldier wasn't even looking at the next hologram when it appeared - she'd bowed her head and scrunched her face, rubbing at the bridge of her nose for a moment. When Nyton began to speak again, though, she glanced up, her oversized ears perking. Telepathy... cunning, but she can be overwhelmed? She has advantages over us, but... my comrades are cunning, too. She can be beaten. The tiniest buoy of hope began to lift her from the depths the mishhumachina had thrown her into, and she felt even more encouraged when she saw the Black Mindy appear. They were frightening, to be sure, but Masako had used them to good effect in the sim and Tsuya herself had managed to take a few down. In truth she had wanted to pilot one of her own - she liked close combat, and the spikes covering the armor looked quite effective.

The next hologram was another enemy she was unfamiliar with. Another armor, still under development - again, it was a rival to their own technology and abilities, with psionics as an added bonus, but even if they improved its capabilities she could see its weaknesses. Same with the twins that appeared next, though Tsuya was apprehensive at the warning that Eve might be nearby if they were sighted.

That growingly zealous feeling of confidence in herself and her teammates burgeoned further when the next graphic was again of a neko. The sensation was quickly stomped on, though, by the hobnailed boot of Nyton's briefing. With the addition of Eve herself the armor pilot began to despair that their single ship could ever prevail against such overwhelming odds. She eats babies! Tsuya's brain screamed, but she managed to keep her face as calm as she could. Even so, her lips were pressed into a thin line and her face pale as Nyton finished speaking. Her hands clutched the arms of her chair so hard the grey skin of her knuckles was turning white. She simply sat and tried to let everyone else's questions filter into her head.
Kyou frowned. "So what you're saying then is that the only way to be really sure the one we're facing is Eve is if she actually enters the fight? If the entire group is able to serve as bodyguards, I doubt she would have any qualms about throwing away her troops, even her best, if she thought it would kill us and preserve her own life. I don't see her as an overly emotional opponent." And that's exactly what makes her so dangerous... She's completely willing to do whatever she thinks is necessary to win.
After a few moments of deliberation and hearing the worries of the other soldiers, Kai remembered a question of his own. "Claymere Taii, Will we have access to weaponry such as the Aether Saber rifles we stole from the Nekomachina on Bowhordia? I remember that the weapon was one of the biggest reasons we were able to defeat the Mishhumachina, and the information you provided makes me think we should at the very least have those weapons available, if not stronger. I know the LASR is far too weak to fight anything much stronger than a Nekomachina if they have the resources your data claims they do."

The Yamataian waited for a response, worried that they might have to rely on the underpowered rifles for such an apparently overpowered enemy.
"That will be up to whatever our fabrication systems can handle along with your assignment. Every pilot will need to establish their payload to match their mission. You will all have your assignments before we arrive at our destination." Nyton replied. Unfortunately he did not even have a plan for them just yet. It would be a few days yet so he hoped he would have a plan by then.
The maintenance logs Miyoko pulled out for the Takumi proved to be out of date. They addressed the ship as Y.S.S. Takumi, which likely meant it was information that dated shortly after the capture of the vessel.

From what Miyoko could tell, the Takumi had been taken over during the operation Melisson's mishhuvurthyar taskforce had pulled off to oust the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet out of the Bard Cluster - It was hard to forget, seeing she had been present at the Battle of Taiie.

The file spoke of how the vessel had been salvaged after the damage the Mishhuvurthyar had caused while capturing it. There were some grisly details involved, such as how the previous surviving crew had been disposed of (life support turned off with all ship sections sealed off, then clean up of the corpses).

The previous MEGAMI suite had not been taken over so much as destroyed and replaced; seeing the command cruiser had a much less secure auxiliary control computer to maintain basic operating and functionality, Eve's people had found more ease in simply using it as a template for reprogramming a new MEGAMI-IES.

At the end of the file's read-through, Miyoko noticed that new entries for ship manifests appeared... only that there were about seventy of them, with timestamps that on some dated back to YE 28, with them mostly being Nozomi, Sakura or Yui-class vessels. Some she recognized as being in the more active vessel roster for the Daughters of Eve... some weren't as much and might have been Black Spiral vessels that defected back to SAINT. She would have to do a lot of cross-reference checks to make sure.

The deployment search was still ongoing. Miharu didn't seem to be having much luck there.

* * *

Hinoto raised her hand to get Nyton's attention. Once the Nepleslian gave her the floor the sprite, a pretty thing with a pale snow-like countenance, spoke up.

"I would like to report that I've refined the Psionic signaler defense against the recorded effect of the psion grenades we've faced back on Bowhordia. There is an existing NIWS design variant that was made with a much better psionic signal control device in order to act as a anti-psionic weapon, and I've tried to redesign the PSC devices of our power armor based on that. That NH-28 variant was not wholly successful so I cannot give much in the way of assurances, but I believe our people should have a greater resilience against their effects if caught in their blast radius. It is my hope that the effect be mitigated to dazing and stunning instead of outright knocking people unconscious."

She smiled self-consciously. "Of course, the best defense is to stay clear of those grenades when they are tossed at us. It is also important to remember that physical matter does not blunt the effect of these weapons, so, hiding behind a wall can still result in being stunned. Cover should still be valuable if we can't avoid being stunned, though, since it may save us from being easily picked off by the enemy during this moment of weakness."
Kyou grimaced. She'd already had some fun with one of those, and it hadn't been a good result. "Based off of that, is there any way aside from distance to avoid the effects of one of those grenades? They're a huge potential risk, so I want all the information I can get on the possibly defending against them."
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