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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 5.0] Special Delivery


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Location: Chiharu Star Fortress
Time: 8 days after the battle of the North Gate

Atsui stood in the repair bay observation port looking out at the Heitan. All of the battle damage had been repaired and the crews were finishing the paint job. Even with as good as job as the technicians had performed, if you knew where to look you could see signs of the scars the ship carried.

She looked at the paperwork in her hands, when they were delivered she had to read them twice before she believed what they showed her.
Atsui walked over to the nearest terminal. She inserted her datapad and uploaded a number of orders to be delivered.

To: All Fighting Diamonds
Subject: Duty Assignment
All personnel should report to the Squadron briefing room at 0900 hours. Briefing will commence.
Numa Atsui-Taii

After the computer acknowledged the transmission, Atsui withdrew her datapad, picked up her bags and left the Observation room. She looked at her chronograph, 0800 hrs. "Another day in the Service of the Empire." she said as she walked down the corridor.
Elisto strolled calmly toward the Heitan, taking in the new coat of painting and the repairs done on her. "Looks like she was never in a battle," he told himself.

As he entered the ship, he reviewed the message to assemble in the briefing room. He knew heading there now wasn't really needed, though he would go there thirty minutes before the assigned time.

Instead, he decided to just review the last mission, including how he fought and what he could've done better.
Temporary lodging
Chiharu Star Fortress

Yaeko awoke after a good night's sleep. Quickly hopping out of bed, she stretched out her body, starting with her legs and back and then moving to her arms and neck. After she was done she quickly shook her body, just to make sure she had worked out the kinks and that everything had woken up properly. It was then that she noticed that she heard her communicator beeping. She glanced at the table that she would normally have put the communicator on, but didn't see it. She glanced around, slowly moving towards the source of the beeping until she came to a pile of clothes that was her uniform.

"Must have drank too much last night," Yaeko said to herself as she shook her head. She dug through the clothes until she found her comm and read the message from the Taii. After flipping to the clock, she rolled her eyes a little as she realized that it was already 0815. "45 minutes is never enough time," she grumbled. She hopped into the shower for quick wash before making her way back to her room.

Yaeko grabbed a pink duffel bag that was placed in the corner and brought it over to her bed. She then began packing up the 6 or 7 stuffed animals that lay near her frilly pink pillow. She then packed her pillow away and folded up the pink comforter that she had brought and packed it into her duffel bag.

"30 minutes, damn!" Yaeko said as she glanced at her comm and saw that the time was already 0830. She grabbed her uniform and hastily ironed it before throwing it on and shivering with glee at the warmth of the freshly ironed clothing. There is no better feeling then putting on warm clothing. She then bragged her duffel bag, double checked that she had packed everything away, and jogged off toward the Heitan.

YSS Heitan
Time: 0845

Yaeko jogged into her quarters on the Heitan and began unpacking her things. After removing her bedding from the duffel she made her bed and then carefully laid out her stuffed animals at the head of the bed next to her pillow. Satisfied that everything look right she spritsed herself with perfume and walked off towards the briefing room, walking in about 5 minutes before the briefing was to start.
YSS Heitan
Time: 0830 hrs

Errowyn stood in the shower, letting water cascade down over her in a soft drizzling spray, running caressing gently down her skin to beifly pool at her feet before draining away.

-= 21rst Squardon Personel in the briefing room at 0900 hrs =- Came the soft voice cutting off the soft music she had playing to make the announcement

"Please alert Stand-by Squardon Commander that I've a squadron Brief to attend to," Errowyn spoke abit loudly over the water hitting the showers floor and running water.

-= Complying =- The voice replied

Errowyn shut the water off, sighing softly as she stepped from the cubicle, grabbing her towel and began to dry off as she padded bare foot over to her locker to put on the day's duty uniform.

Soon she was scampering through the corridors of the YSS Heitan
with her hair still damp from the shower and loose down her back and resting on her shoulders.

Smiling faintly, green eyes twinkling in the ambient light as she made her way through the busy ship as crew return to man the ship. She was in top form and still had the euphora of a very successful simulator run from the previous day. ~~Maybe I should relax more often and not worry about things, but learn from them ~~ She thought as she rounded the final corridor towards the assigned briefing room
Seion slipped into her uniform and stared at herself in the mirror, admiring the way it hugged her curves and still maintained a high degree of military form and function. She pulled her raven locks up into a tight bun and smoothed out her uniform once more in front of the mirror, nodding to herself, pleased with her overall appearance, before buckling on her utility belt. She left her pistol secured safely in her foot locker, she didn't think she would need a firearm for a briefing.

Seion exited her quarters and made her way towards the conference room, a shiver of excitement running down her spine as the thought of her first mission danced before her. This would be her chance to prove her value to both her commander and her squad mates, many of whom she had met and liked very much so far. Her thoughts drifted back over her training, going over every scenario she had been put through, every situation she had been taught to deal with. She knew very soon she would be putting that training to the test.
Atsui had gone to the bridge after dropping her stuff off in her cabin. She was getting an update from the XO as to the status of the carrier and crew.

"Numa-San, the ship will be ready for departure at 0915hrs. You will have command until such time as you are needed with your squadron. This is per Odel-Taii's instructions. He will be remaining behind here to oversee the repair of the Shōkaku. As you know her damage was more severe, and most of her command staff was killed." Martia, green haired Nekovalkyrja said checking the status board with the crew status on it.

"Martia-San, I have the utmost confidence in your abilities. If I am not on the bridge by 0915hrs, take her out. You have more than enough experience. I will get back here as soon as I can." Atsui replied. She looked around the bridge, while all the major damage had been repaired, she could still see some of the signs, consoles that did not quite match the ones next to it. Paint on some of the bulkheads that while the same color did not blend together.

She left the bridge and took the nearest vertical shaft down. She made her way with practiced ease to arrive at the squadron briefing room.


Atsui arrived at the door to the briefing room and waited. As with other areas if she looked at the correct place she could see the repairs.
Anne walked into the briefin room having fresh unifrorm on her. She spent whole week training in simulator and keeping busy. Smile was on her face and she made sure to bow Atsui-san who came in just before her. She even noticed Seion-san who was in the briefing room. She smiled in her way and sat on one of the chairs.
Elisto jogged casually to the briefing room, his ICP tucked under his arms as he did so. He had spent a bit more time than he had intended looking over the previous mission than he had wanted.

As he arrived at the room, he slowed to a walk and then bowed respectfully toward Atsui. "Good Morning Taii," he said in a curtious manner before walking past her and into the briefing room, when he saw Seion and Anne, he smiled and said. "Good morning Anne-Hei, Seion-Hei," he said and turned to each in turn before finding himself a place to sit.

Waiting for a brief moment, he then placed his ICP on the table and lefti t alone for the time being.
YSS Heitan
0837 Hrs

Kenshin downed the last of his coffee, finishing his breakfast. Satisfied, he then returned his dirty dishes to the counter within the Heitan's dining hall, before making his way through the interior of the massive carrier, towards the squadron's briefing room. It was nearly the time Atsui had instructed they arrive by, and the yamataian definitely didn't want to be late. As he made his way, the young fighter pilot considered the possible tasks that the squadron might be assigned, how that the Heitan was back in fighting condition.

21st Squadron Briefing Room
0853 Hrs

The dark-haired yamataian entered the chamber, noting that pretty-much all the rest of the squadron had already arrived -- including Atsui. He briefly nodded towards the CAG in greeting and said respectfully, "Good morning, Numa-Taii." Before taking a seat within the room, waiting for the officer to give the assembled pilots their instructions.
Atsui stepped into the briefing room and walked up to the podium in the front. She looked around at the room it seemed spartan, all the furniture was replaced, but there was no artwork in it presently.

"Good Morning Diamonds, as you can see they repaired our room. But they have yet to decorate it. This will be changed.

Before commencing with the briefing I have a few announcements. After looking at the logs for the last mission, I have come to the conclusion that a few people have earned their call signs.

Tereane-Hei, your call sign is now Scrapyard given your propensity for collecting junk in space. Anne-Hei, for your zero-g dancing with your Kawarime, your callsign is now Spinner. Yumeoibito-Hei, for your feral attack style, you are now Hellcat.

The rest of you new folks, don't worry you'll earn yours soon enough."
Anne could not help herself but smile as she heard of her codename. It was not so bad, and it was name Atsui chose for her. She could to complain anyway because of that. If Atsui want her to be spinner, she will be spinner.

Anne rose to her feet and bowed slightly. "Thank you ma'am" she said and sat down again. It was nice having codename, she was feeling much more part of the team now.
Lynn had slipped in a bit earlier, and in her normal fashion taken to her seat quietly. She smiled politely at the callsigns given to the others -- Spinner seemed to be the most interesting of the three -- but otherwise remained silent. She waited for the briefing to be given.
"My thanks ma'am," replied Elisto as he got up and gave a bow, then sat back down and continued to listen. Scrapyard? I guess I'll try and live up to my callsign, see what I can bring home.
Kenshin released a sigh of relief once Atsui had finished dispensing call-signs and seemed ready to proceed with the briefing. Whilst the young pilot did want a call-sign of his own, he was also somewhat worried that the nickname he might be given would be an embarrassing one.

Though it didn't seem the case in within the Fighting Diamonds, in many of squadrons it was traditional for veteran pilots give their rookies humiliating call-signs until they proved themselves worthy of a better name.
"Okay now with that bit of housekeeping done, I can commence with the mission briefing.

The Heitan and its escort of Chiaki-class are going to be providing protection for 30 brand new Urufu-Class Light Cruisers. These ships have just been constructed by Geshrinari Shipyards at Yamatai. They will have civilian crews piloting them for delivery, and won't have their main weapons and torpedoes. We will be jumping ahead of them ensure that the region is secure, they will drop out, and we will recharge and jump.

The Fighting Diamonds have the third waypoint. So after the briefing you can suit up and report to your fighters. There is no reason to get into them until we arrive at the second waypoint. The 21st will be backup should the Blood Rubies encounter hostiles. If all is clear them they will come on board, and we will deploy around the Heitan for fold. Munkata-Heisho, unless things change you will be on my wing. I will have the wing man assignments up before we group with the civilians. Any questions?"
Throughout the briefing Yaeko had a anxious look, as if she were waiting for something to happen. When the Taii finished talking Yaeko's expression turned from anxious to confused. "That seems fairly simple. Is there some sort of catch? At the peak of the war I would have assumed that a unit with as much battle experience and as many citations as us would have something a little...more."
Briefing Room
0900 hrs

Errowyn gave her respects to Atsui and taken her seat, looking forward towards the mission. She glanced at the others assembling in the room in ther respected seats. Soon Atsui moved to the front of the room and began speaking...

"Good Morning Diamonds, as you can see they repaired our room. But they have yet to decorate it. This will be changed.

Before commencing with the briefing I have a few announcements. After looking at the logs for the last mission, I have come to the conclusion that a few people have earned their call signs.

Tereane-Hei, your call sign is now Scrapyard given your propensity for collecting junk in space. Anne-Hei, for your zero-g dancing with your Kawarime, your callsign is now Spinner. Yumeoibito-Hei, for your feral attack style, you are now Hellcat....."

Errowyn blinked as her mind just narrowed it focus to the the word "Hellcat!" Echoed in her mind. At least she wasn't in disgrace otherwise she would never had gotten a callsign.

Then she focued when Numi-Taii speaking of the up coming mission. It sounded very simple. She put in a request for more simulator time during the flight out there. She was about to speak, when Yeako spoke up with her question, while busy rearranging her schedule to include work on her personal fighter. A totaly brand new Kawarime to get to know.

Errowyn just purred softly, emerald eyes glittering in the ambient light as she looked around the room at the others. It was a new day of many things and all worthy of a fighter pilot, having survived her third combat sortie within a month leaving her training facilities.

~~third times charm, survived the worse, what's the fourth... for the show?~~ Errowyn sat there lost in thought, yet paying attention at the same time.
"Will I be acting as EWO for you again, Numa-Taii, or for the XO, or... On my own?" The last came out a bit more hopeful than Lynn had intended to let on. She hadn't been able to fly at all on her own since coming to the 21st Squadron, and oddly enough, lacked any combat experience in a flightcraft of any kind outside of the EWO seat. It would make sense if Atsui made her stick to being EWO, but a chance at flying wouldn't go amiss with Lynn if she could take it.

She didn't look at the Taii when she asked the question. Instead she looked around at her squadron. Trying to locate Silic.
[Silic five minutes ago]

“Oooh, my head.” Silic cringed as his hangover throbbed away merrily, he checked the clock next to his bed. “Crap, I have, like, two minutes.” he groaned as he leaned forward the finish up his shoelaces.

“Vas-hei," said Hiromi, voice coming from everywhere as usual "I regret to inform you that in your current state you may be obnoxious to others olfactor-”

“Nepleslian, please.” cut in Silic, in no state to interpret words long than five letters.

Hiromi to a few seconds to respond, as though sighing in annoyance. “You smell bad.”

“I'll chew some gum.” Replied Silic, grabbed a packet of said gum. In his groggy state he dropped on the floor almost immediately prompting the man to utter a loud profanity. A passing neko jumped in shock outside his door before hurrying of again.

Finally he was ready to go. He strode towards the door, ready to tackle the day.

“Glasses.” interrupted Hiromi quietly.

Silic turned around, eyed his way through the mess on his desk before picking out his glasses and hurrying off again.

[Just outside the briefing room]

Silic didn't quite so much stride as hurriedly shamble towards briefing, muttering to himself quietly. “Okay, Silic, breathe normally. Breathe normally. You're just going to walk in there like you own the place. Take your time, maybe get some coffee...

He reached the doorway to the briefing room and quietly opened it. “Oh God, they can see me now.” he though as he looked upon the rest of the squadron. He slunk quietly to the nearest chair.
As Elisto listened, he caught the movement out of the cornor of eye. Someone not of SAINT probably wouldn't have seen it, but his training did. He watched the pilot out of the cornor of his eye but didn't say or do anything to make it seem like he had noticed.

He's rather late, but why? he pondered quietly to himself while he watched the soldiers body language and actions, while also keeping his attention on Atsui as well.
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