Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 5.0] Special Delivery

Atsui stopped while Silic entered, her facial expression making it clear that she did not appreciate his tardiness or his appearance.

"Good of you to join us Tin Man. Perhaps I should have Hiromi perform a test of your cabin's sprinkler system an hour before briefing so you can arrive on time.

Yagami-Heisho, you will be flying your own bird this mission, time to test your wings.

Hunter as for your question, of course there is a catch. There always seems to be. In this case, what should be a milk run is complicated by the fact that our flight path will cut across NMX controlled space. So there is a very real expectation that we will encounter the enemy.

We will pick up the Urufu's at Mevar which is where they are staging. Once we hook up we head south and go through the Sakura gap. Then depending on the latest intel, we'll either continue south or make our dash westward."
Briefing Room::

Errowyn heard the door opening and was heralded by the stench of something unpleasant. Being distracted, looked at Silic entering and settle.

She just wrinkled her nose and with felinish snubbiness, looked away back towards the front where Atsui was continuing the briefing. taking notes to look over later when prepping her fighter.

She smiled, emerald eyes twinkling at the thought of a brand new fighter under her control. She hoped it had a more offensive payload of armaments instead what she had last time. Speed would be her defensive measures.

Ears perked at the chance of possible encounter with the NMX again. This time she swore, she would be bringing back the fighter to the Heitan, instead of in another ship like the last encounter with them. At least she had proven she was very versatile pilot in handling different combat ships.

~~Whats next? The Heitan, herself?~~ She purrrrred as that thought skittered through her mind. Speaking up, "When we engage the NMX, Are we to engage to destroy them or just enough to get what we're escorting through, Taii?" Standing up as she spoke with a slight bow of respect and apology for interrupting her briefing.
"That will depend on the circumstances. Our priority is delivering those new warships. So we will do what ever it takes to keep them safe. Which means anything gets close, we will take it out. Remember, the Urufu's will not have soldiers on them, and their primary weapon systems will be disabled. But that does not mean they have no teeth. Bottom line, if its not one of ours and it shows hostile on your tactical. Its a valid target to engage.

That said, I will expect that proper procedures will be followed. When you get to your fighters you will receive your wingman assignments. When we launch, your wingman is the second most important thing in the universe do you understand me? The only thing more important is your fighter." Atsui replied.
Anne listened calmly to the briefing. She was accumulating information that was talked about. Seemed like simple escort mission. With some luck they will just fly through. NMX controlled space will be tricky, but chance that they will get into spot within reach of enemy forces is not so big. Anne also noticed certain stench that appeared with Tin Man's entrance. Though the man had bigger rank so she did not let anything be seen on her face. She smelled worse anyway. Smell of festering wound is much much worse then this. Nothing shower wouldn't help.

When topic of wingmen was brough up Anne remember Ken and how they got separated during the battle. Now Ken was sent off-ship. Anne won't let this happen again, she will be there for his wingman. Whoever it is. THough she hoped it will be someone who is good at shooting down stuff, since that was not her forte. Anne can point at them and blind them, while her wing can shoot them down. That should work.
Kayoko Shii slipped into the briefing room quietly, head hung slightly and cringing a little -- she knew she was late -- but trying to avoid attention. She had even gone so far as to blacken her hair with her holographic projection, to make it stand out less. Her late arrival was made more embarrassing by the fact that she had spoken with Numa Atsui not too long ago, where she had implicitly stated they would be having a briefing. Her face was almost as bright as her pink hair. Late!

Her hand went up to her right ear and gave it a little tug of annoyance. Finally seated, she let her hair slowly return to its normal bright pink color. She had heard the last bit about the wingmen, and wondered how hers would be. Hopefully more well-informed than I am, she thought with a grimace.
Yaeko nodded at the Taii's response to her question. Afterwards she listened quietly to the questions posed by her other crew mates. When Silic walked in she rolled her eyes, not entirely surprised that he would show up to the briefing late. What did catch her off guard was when the newbie arrive. Yaeko was about to stand and chastise her for interrupting a closed briefing, but then saw the 21st Squadron patch on her uniform. This simply caused Yaeko to roll her eyes again. Discipline in this squadron is going to hell.

"Well Taii, since it seems to be slowing down in here, I have one last question. What are we waiting for?"
Elisto listened to the answers before giving his question, based off one of Atsui's answers. "Actually, ma'am, what is the latest intelligence that we have?" he asked.
Atsui looked at Yaeko, "Who said we are waiting?" she replied. At that moment the interior lights dimmed slightly, as the ship made its entry into fold.

"At this moment we are traveling to Mevar.

As for latest intel. We have received reports that Nataria space has been reclaimed, and the Fifth Standard Fleet is preparing to take the planet itself.

More disturbing is that our intelligence is showing a significant number of NMX vessels are unaccounted for. We have no data on where they are or where they are heading."

Atsui paused, and then looked around and fixed her gaze on Shii, "Kayoko-Hei, its only because you just got aboard prior to our departure that I am overlooking your tardiness.

Next meeting anyone who fails to show up on time, is going to find themselves cooling their heels in the brig on charges of missing a movement.

Report to the flight deck, I will join you there shortly. Dismissed." she said.
Kayoko flattened her ears when Atsui rebuked her for being late. The resolution to have anyone late the next meeting be thrown in the brig frightened her, and Kayoko stiffened. The brig, of all places, was the least she wanted to visit.

Once dismissed, Kayoko made it a point to hurry on. She queried the Heitan to find out which fighter was hers, and once she established that she wouldn't be boarding the wrong one quickly suited up and hopped into the cockpit. She began running a diagnostic on her systems.
Elisto stood and watched the newbie, but his attention was more focused on the concern of a large number of NMX ships just 'disappearing' and that bothered him greatly.

He walked out of the door, but didn't go far before turning and leaning up against the wall in deep thought. Where could those ships have gone? Back to their own occupied worlds maybe? Or perhaps they went on to attack another one of our worlds, or maybe an old UOC colony? Nep perhaps as well? Is there a pattern.

Shaking his head in a mild confused state, he sent in a request to Hiromi.

Hiromi? Do you have any intelligence reports related to recent NMX fleet movements? Anything you can give me that I can use to establish a pattern, having ships suddenly disappear and with no trace leaves me very worried about 'where' those ships may be. Can you please get that information to me as soon as possible?
"How the hell do you lose several million tons of metal?" Yaeko asked to no one in particular. She shook her head a bit before standing up and going over to her locker. After a quick suit-up she casually made her way to the flight deck. Once she arrived there she smiled at the sight of her fighter. "Oh look!" Yaeko exclaimed towards the newbie in order to tease and worry her. "My fighter has a cockpit canopy again! I must say the technicians did a good job putting on the new one after my old one got shot off during combat."
From the other side of the fighter the raven haired Hibiyashi Sekai crew chief came around. "Figured she's kept you alive so far Hunter. So I made sure that she was as good as new. I've checked and repaired all the systems, including some unauthorized splicing that I found. She's better than the day she rolled off the assembly line. Also figured you would be wanting to know, but the 21st are the first squadron to get a retrofit, they added an extra wing mount on each side.

Solitaire told us to load up a Ke-Z1 on the outer mounts and Ke-T8-W3103, Ke-T8-W3101 on the inner ones. She would not say why though."
Elisto was right behind Yaeko and couldn't help but stiffle a snicker, when he turned to look towardh is fighter he gestured toward it. "Glad you removed the missile from the wing, now I don't have to worry about becoming an additional firecracker out there."

He said as he walked toward his assigned fighter and placed his hand up against the hull.
Silic had spent the rest of the briefing largely inanimate, mere threats of brigging were nothing to him. As he'd gone over to get changed into his flight suit in the ready room he'd skimmed the mission notes while blindly following the customary pink volumetric arrows Hiromi put up for him. For a computer she almost seemed to be minding him in her own little way.

By the time he reached the hangar his face was set in a stony expression, eyebrows flat, forehead creased looking ten years older than his young twenty-six. He paid the others no heed as he walked past, instead going straight up to Yaeko and his assigned fighter and hopping up in the back seat.

It took him a moment to realise what was missing “My upgrades.” he said blankly, pausing for a few seconds before realising the magnitude of this event.

“MY AETHERSPERM!!” He cried loudly in shock, lamenting the lose of his music, hands spread in mourning. It was only now that he looked around. “Oh hey, two torpedoes, mini missiles and a counter measure pod, lucky day.” At least the engineer recovered quickly.
Kayo walked nervously over to where the squadron planes were, she spotted 0129. I can not believe this is actually happening, that I am going to get to fly. she thought as she tugged briefly at the neck of her AFS.

"Good day for flying Munkata-Heisho. Do you think there will be much of a chance for combat this time out. It is my first time flying with the squadron, I want to do good." the dark haired Neko said.


At that moment over the speakers through out the Heitan Atsui's voice came through.

"Attention All Personnel, Attention All Personnel
This is acting-Captain Numa-Taii speaking.

We have just received word that a massive NMX fleet has invaded the Yamatai system.

On my authority I am changing our mission orders. When we arrive in Mevar we will rendezvous with the Light-Cruisers, and transfer Star Army Personnel to take charge of them. It is my intention to take them the Heitan and our 10 Chiaki-class Escort Destroyers from there to Yamatai. We will only remain in Mevar long enough to recharge the fold and get the personnel on those ships.

All Fighter craft need to start preparation. Load teams are to equip all fighters for torpedo mission, with two KE-Z1 on each.

It is my intention when we get there to strike at the enemy fleets rear, where if fortune is with us we'll be able to tear into their Capital ships.

Numa-Taii out."

With that announcement the hangar became a flurry of activity as the crew chiefs scrambled to prepare their various fighters for combat.

On the Squadron comm channel,

"Diamonds, I can not leave the bridge given what I plan to do. Hunter you are Honcho. Wingman assignments are up. Wingman assignments are up. Hunter bring them home safe and sound.

Kayo looked at all the activity and then back to Yaeko. Kayo's face reflected the young pilot's nervous mood, "Well, I guess that answers that. Banzai Hunter" She said with a bow turned and ran for her fighter.
"I was about to say the same thing," Yaeko responded hurriedly as she pulled up the Wingman assignments on her personal comm. "Diamonds, you heard the Taii! Our timetable just sped up, I want our squadron to be the first one ready for engagement and I want everything in 100% order. We are the example of the Heitan so let's show the other squadrons how the Fighting Diamonds fly. Wingmen are as follows: Hoshi , you're with me; Ayumu, you're on Hellcat; Shii, you're on Scrapyard; Spinner, you're on Murasaki; Kayo, you're on Tamahagane! Whoever I listed seconds is the lead wing, whoever I listed first is the support wing. Let's mount up Diamonds."

Yaeko quickly hopped into the cockpit and turned towards Silic. Very quietly she muttered, "Tin Man, you think you can get those upgrades back in before we deploy?"

"Of all the.." started Elisto before he ran into the flight room and changed into his flight suit. He then quickly ran back out and back toward his fighter, where he ascended the ladder and jumped into the cockpit and began to run a pre-flight check.
"Why? You want to listen to Aethersperm as well?" Silic asked, settling into a melancholy. His right hand lifted and lazily pointed over edge of the cockpit to the raven haired maintenance chief “Ask her majesty, that is, if she hasn't destroyed the parts already.”

While Elisto was doing his work he pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper and held it up against the inside of his cockpit and stuck it between two pieces of the console to keep it up.

A slight grin appeared on his face as he glanced in Vas's direction, before he went back to work on the preflight. "Engines... good... shields..... operational.... flight controls are functional..." he said to himself while he vaguely paid attention to the flight crews as they placed the required ordinance on his wings.
After changing in her suit in ready room, her tail tucked inside the suit and hel ears under the helmet, Anne jogged to her fighter. She listened to Hunter giving them assignments. So she got in with Murasaki-hei. Interesting. She did not really got to talk to him yet.

Anne quickly climbed into her Teisatsu. She noticed slight damage it received from debris was gone now. She made a mental note to tahnk tech crews later and ran system check. Engines, shields, scanners, wavefront, coutnermeasures, weapon systems. All was green. She noticed that even her ship had now two torpedoes. Well they could get handy, shoudl they meet those bombers again or something heavier.

"THis is Spinner," She radioed to others, using her codename officialy for first time. It was pretty nice. "All systems green, I am ready."