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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 5, Part 2: The Fight For The Lost

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Yukari's pupils shrunk to dots the moment she saw the hulking mass of the Ripper armor. Though the return fire covered them until they retreated, it was not going to significantly damage their new opponent.

She again felt the pressure of time compressing every action, every flicker of thought. The boom of the autocannon took out a chunk of the corner above where they hid, showering everyone with debris. She reflexively ducked to shield Melisson, taking a heavy piece of something to her back. She grunted.

”Taii, I volunteer. I think I can hold it, and give you time.”
Yukari was about to say something, but the Taii cut in — a wash of words and images he used to lay out his plan.

She looked at him as another burst of debris rocked near them. She did not blame him — she felt desperate, too.

"We will be dead by the time we complete half of that," she replied, only to him. She felt bad enough for how she treated him. "Yuzuki-san, please focus on living instead of dying and get the EMP grenade from my thigh pouch! Stealth yourself and hurl it at him from cover!"
"Better me than you, Shosa-san," Yuzuki returned as she moved to obey the Shosa, crossing the short distance between them in a rapid burst of energy. The situation was urgent, and Yuzuki didn't waste time. It took her only a moment to fish the grenade out of the pouch, and then she was back at the edge.

Her stealth became active, and with the grenade in her hand, Yuzuki set the timer.

One, two...

Her shoulder to the wall, her hand only a rippling image of empty nothing, Yuzuki leaned out just enough that her skin-vision could catch a glimpse of her enemy before throwing it side-arm.

Asher looked back towards the way they came, Rin probably swinging helpless on the axis. The Malifarian tapped his arm mounted Gauss Cannon, the number 12 flashing widely above it with DU/NAR splayed below that number. Next to the number opened a small open that loaded the feed from his helmet during the chaotic battle with Melisson. In it was a soundless recording of a first-person view from Asher's helmet showing him breaking one of the supports with two shots from his shoulder mounted cannon, and then hitting the same spot with a Frangible round.
Yuzuki flung the EMP grenade around the corner and in a crackling burst of electricity it engulfed the Ripper.

The machine stalled, sparks dancing over its armored shell, before it stomped of its armored hooves as it once again lumbered toward the corner they hid around.

"So much trouble for a mere brainslave," Melisson noted quietly.
Yukari cursed, then wondered if Nyton's plan would take so long to implement after all. "Can you do something, demon? Westwood, I am not dispatching you without a breastplate!"

Her CIES informed her Hoshi was underway, but only by virtue of having disconnected from the remains of Miharu. "Hinoto-san! We are pinned down! Where are you!"
Nyton thought for a split second that perhaps all it took was just a little EMP to knock it down. Fuck me if THAT is all it takes! was the thought that crossed his mind before the Ripper continued to move.

Dammit! This place never quits!

"Orders Shosa? If we do not do anything it will just continue to advance. That EMP blast HAD to have degraded something!"
Yukari recoiled from the wall it started to shake too much. They were so close to the elevator, but the Ripper would kill too many of them. She hoped the EMP grenade was enough.

"Fall back to a better defensive position! We will have to find another way out! Westwood and Freeman, cover fire!" Yukari was airborne again. "Hoshi, please acknowledge!"
Their goal was so close but now they had to withdraw from it. They had lost any chance of holding this ground now. As he initiated his retreat Nyton then had an idea.

"Shosa wait! Melisson can still phase right? Let her phase through and kill the brain slave inside the Ripper! Since she can't move herself you can THROW her at it. If she phases the entire time then she should be safe from attack all the way until she passes through!" Nyton stated, and quite seriously despite how ridiculous it seemed.

If this plan was rejected then he already figured out a means to ambush the Ripper from a point further back where they were retreating to.

The giant shove left by Hoshi's departure was a godsend to Mara, as it gave her the breathing room to duck away and dedicate some generator power to recharging her depleted capacitors while her long list of enemies were amusingly bowled back like a massive pile of dominos.

Her fixation on the enemies outside was her downfall. She did not notice the ghostly tentacle swiftly snake out of the floor to reach her middle until four broodlings were inserted into her body.

Letting out a wordless cry in surprise, Mara reeled forward and leaned on a bent girder for support as the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar emerged behind her. Within her, the broodlings began tossing and writhing.

"Ugh!!" Her insides bulging, Mara grit her teeth and just managed to turn and face her newest opponent. She had to last long enough to achieve her role!


Hoshi spun around and sped off toward the opposite side of the Shlarvasseroth to make to the rendez-vous point, her turn around the vessel so tight that the smaller auxiliary craft had to nimbly weave to a forest of glistening weapon quills.

Hinoto kicked in inertial dampeners to have her drift to a stop in view of the shuttlebay that was the assigned pick-up point.

"I'm right outside!" Hinoto announced in answer to Yukari's pleas as Hoshi's twin nose turrets swiveled to get a fix on the shuttlebay door. "Stay clear of the shuttlebay and the corridor beyond - I'll be blasting your way out!"

@black Knights:

The Ripper started to round the corner, its quartet of eyes gleaming as it spied the Black Knights.

Melisson did not voice what she could or could not do. She merely looked at Yukari, her crimson eyes finding Yukari's emerald ones despite the helmet cover, and quickly said: "Drive it back out into the corridor, and it will be your victory. You have all the tools you need."
Yukari felt her soul cool by the demon's eyes looking so directly at her.

She steeled herself and swung about. "EVERYONE, MOVEMENT! Barriers up! Westwood, Freeman, keep the enemy in the corridor from the ramp!"

The Shosa and her charge flew backward toward the ramp they just had come down, shield up in front of Melisson as she tried to clear the area. The desired direction was a bright blue on the Knights' HUDs.

"Hoshi, link to Freeman's SAS unit for enemy location!"
They had this! Hinoto had arrived just in time and Yukari had guided her in. But they needed a bit more. Just a bit more! Nyton thought.

"Yuzuki, back them up with your gauss too since Westwood is carrying Rin! Freeman unload with your missiles AND SLAG! Push it back just like the Shosa ordered!" Nyton prompted telepathically.
Asher turned, his shoulder-mounted weapon folding open to ready itself for fire. The weapon adjusted in coordination with his AIES, the barrel staring down the way at the last known position of his enemy. His Gauss Cannon fired a few armor-piercing DU/NAR rounds down way at the targeted armor.
Kai nearly followed The Taii's orders, but they had taken so long that by the time he had finished even Kai's sluggish mind seemed to reject it. He could hold Kyou and fire at the same time.

Kai's barrier module charged up, enveloping both him and his charge, and began firing with whatever he had available, whenever he had the chance to do so.
Not for the first time, Yuzuki filtered the orders through the sieve of reality until sense came out the other end.

She didn't have the Gauss bazooka - had discarded it. Even if she'd had it, there was no more ammunition to utilize. Instead, she tilted the APR back, and let loose with what was left of her SLAG rounds. It wasn't much, but short of barreling into the thing - which she wasn't going to do, so long as both the officers opposed it - it was all there was.
Knowledge that it was Mara out there made the hurt in Tom deepen. Was the rift that bloodthirsty to take every last remnant of Miharu with her?

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the Ripper, and the flurry of gunfire and orders that followed. Tom felt the desperation in the words.

Oddly, the engineer remained rather calm under the deadly hail of bullets. Was not Mara dying for them? Knowing her fate, wasn't she scared as the rest of them? And she continued on despite that fear, knowing that she probably would never see those she cared about again.

Were they going to let that sacrifice come to waste because of one Ripper?

Not an option.

He linked his suite up as ordered by Yukari and assessed the situation.

Weakened as they were, they did have superior numbers. And the enemy did not know their offensive payload. Yuzuki, Kai and Asher were opening fire, which would draw attention to them.

The Ripper was incredibly deadly for an armor. It's offensive output was astronomical, which is what made it so terrifying. It was on par with the Akumas they battled earlier.

Defensively, however, there was only so much bulking you could do to a single armor. If they got the thing's barrier down, his newly acquired missiles would put a pretty big dent in the thing.

It was just a matter of timing. They had to get their hits in before it obliterated them.

Coordinated fire! I need its shields down to maximize missile payload!

Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he waited for the perfect moment to unload his missiles at the Ripper. Hopefully, he would blindside the thing before following up with more fire from his LASR's slags.
@Black Knights:

Energy attacks rippled over the Ripper's armor as it inched around the corner, not slowing it down. The sharp whine of Asher's own should autocannon then came into play, sending deep ripples coursing over the enemy mecha's form.

Before the firepower put to bear on it could collapse its shielding, the war machine raised its blazing aether lance and opened its leg missile packs, ready to strike at the group. Tom had run out of time and seeing that, he preemptively fired his missiles at his target.

The missiles arrowed into their target, sometimes striking the shield, other times intercepting the Ripper's launched missiles in mid-flight. Explosions thundered and some of his missiles finally made it past the Ripper's protection to strike directly at it.

The ponderous machine's momentum halted and reversed some, its armor flaking away ablatively. Asher's gauss shoulder cannon and Yuzuki's SLAG grenades hammered into the Ripper and then it really did totter back with more shards of broken armor raining about.

...and then it felt like the Shlarvasseroth itself shuddered as a resounding boom had those standing on the floor unsteady - the same for the unbalanced Ripper whom had to brace itself down. Moments later, a thunderbolt flashing the distinctive cobalt of the Himiko-class' particle cannons burst through the armored doorway that had blocked them off from the shuttlebay, sending it flying to pieces as it then plowed into the Ripper and even further past it.

The Ripper hadn't had a chance to survive that shieldless. After the crackling flash of destruction, all that was left of it were the blackened, smelted remains of its extremities. The heat was so that it stung both Nimura and Melisson, despite both having been shielded by their bearers.

Further beyond, Hoshi spun around itself to present its rear to the shuttlebay it had shattered open before it reversed thrust, easing into the hull breach and jamming its rear inside while deploying atmospheric retention fields to secure the area for those without the benefit of a power armor's life support systems.

Once the gravimetric drives became quiescent and that it was safe to approach, Hoshi's rear hatch snapped open. "Get in! Hurry!"


Mara finally couldn't help it. With the things bulging into her torso, she began retching out the meal Tom had made for the crew just before the start of all the fighting that day.

She had tried fighting the Ghost Mishhuvurthyar, despite the broodlings in her, but the thing hovered like a taunting specter: just out of reach of her weapons thanks to its phasing and entirely capable of outmaneuvering her in the cramped confines of the wrecked wingpod. It appeared, misted away, threatened to phase out from behind, made it only a feint and then when she got distracted by the things inside her appeared at her flank and attacked.

That's how she lost her helmet - she had to surrender it before it wrapped its coils around her entirely and snapped her neck like another of its kin had done to Miyoko.

Now, she was hunched, spitting bile, her quavering arms barely able to swing her weapons - let alone deal a well-timed fatal strike on her enemy.

She saw it phase in from the corner of the eye. She tried to whirl around and chop at it with her left forearm weapon, but got distracting by an horrid swelling feeling in her lungs. Spontaneously hacking out blood, she couldn't avoid the next clubbing tentacle strikes and crumpled against a bulkhead further away.

Mara tried rising, only to end up collapsing again as an agonizingly painful choking impression filled her upper torso. She froze, no longer even being able to breath, and then laboriously 'regurgitated' out one of the broodlings, bony head leading and its thin almost-filament-like tentacles trailing.

She saw it, she saw the puddle of blood she had vomited out along with it, and whimpered - the horror was not lost on her despite her willingness to save her crew at the price of her life. Practically at the mercy of her opponent, with its offsprings wreaking havoc in her insides, helpless tears trickled down her cheeks. Letting out soggy pants, Mara painstakingly forced herself to her feet.

The Ghost Mishhuvurthyar was out of her sight, hidden in the shadows, and it would dare strike again soon. The aether generator was still unattended and as long as Hoshi wasn't clear after having rescued the Black Knights, Mara had to find some way of hanging on until then and still be able to perform her job.
Nyton did not have to be told twice. Doing his best to shelter Nimura he flew in with the others into the rear opening of the Hoshi. With the number of injured they carried with them AIES sent notifications to the medical center.
Asher's feet left the ground, following the order to get inside and escape. His gravimetric drive carried him towards the Hoshi, speeding to enter before slowing down not too far way from the entrance. Shikamaru turned to look back into the hellish ship they had just fought through at the whim of it's pilot. For a moment, Asher stayed still, and stationary in the air. It almost seemed like he was going to miss the place, and it's battles. Though, his helmet seemed to angle in what direction their sacrificial armor pilot was positioned.

His head turned straight again, rising gently as if to speak. Yet, his chin fell back down just as gently, as if losing the words, or the ability to speak at all. With a shake of his head, he turned, and entered into the Hoshi, putting his flamethrower on his back, and carrying Rin in both arms now.
Yukari gave a sweeping glance at the destruction Hoshi had wrought, then at the Knights.

She almost did not believe her senses. They were going to make it back to the ship, at least.

"HURRY, NOW!" she shouted into the radio in Yamataian, already leaving the ground and heading that way, too.

When she reached the aft hatch, she landed on it and looked back, waiting for everyone to get on while she cradled Melisson.
Tom covered the evacuation and then entered Hoshi, wasting no time in wanting to get away from their current location.
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