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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 5, Part 2: The Fight For The Lost

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Taking a deep breath, Nyton braced himself for the acceleration. Listening to Kotori's requiem for Miharu he couldn't help but nod. The main ship had been a friend to them and a spirited conversationalist to him. Even in death though, she was still fighting for them. With a smile he embraced the charge as though his own heartbeat could add to the momentum.

While the ship flew forward to strike Meliss on's flagship he watched the screen in excitement. We're coming for you, mistress. We're coming to kill you.
Miharu's arrowhead-shaped prow punched through a layer of quill-shaped weapon before it crashed into the Shlarvasseroth's thick armored shell. Despite the heavy armor, the light cruiser grinded its way through.

Support frames within the SMX flagship were shattered, some bending away, others broken into dire parodies of giant forks and tridents that made banshee screams as they raked through Miharu's hull, digging furrows in some places, stripping it bare in others and sometimes even punching right through to cut long tears across as the ship moved deeper in. Due to the breach starboard side of the nose being the point of least resistance, it was most of the port side of the prow that encountered resistance at first, causing the vessel to twist a bit on the right as it made its entry.

Hull-reinforced forcefields could only maintain structural cohesion for so long, especially when the impact point was closest to the remaining capacitor banks. The resistance gave out, and so then did Miharu's momentum as the main hull crunched under the pressure, the front of the ship telescoping into the wide spaces of the large-multifunction bays into a mangled, twisted heap of wreckage.

Shlarvasseroth listed to one side, part of its IDF main array muted as its side sowed its normalized spacetime bubble with a spray of debris, shrapnel and other bits of twisted metal. The area around Miharu groaned and shuddered from the local changes in internal pressure until the black tar-like substance bleed out by the Mishhuvurthyar flagship had thickly coated around the open wound, sticking the invading 'sliver' fast.

Everything had gone dark. Wether straining for breath and cognizance on the bridge, or laying in sprawled heaps inside Hoshi's confines, or hanging on the power armor harness and experiencing the novelty of being shaken silly by a giant's hand from behind most were still shellshocked by being put through a collision of such magnitude.

What brought most to alertness and cognizance was the phantom sensation of fingers sinking into their brains, of something much greater than each of their own individual consciousness that had taken a fancy to idly rifling through the content of their brains, their memories, their Id, their Ego, what made their personalities what they were, uncovering the lies they were keeping, the lies and self-delusions that had been nestled in for so long that they felt like truths, their hopes, their dreams, their hidden demons... intimacy, privacy, self-determination, self-worth had no meaning in front of this absolute presence, whom apparently could do so much as mold these traits and rearrange them to its liking.

"Uuahaaaagh!" Sprawled on the bridge's floor, nosebleed going unnoticed, Kotori gripped the side of her head with nailless claws as she cried out in the throes of something which she barely seemed able to keep in check. Kotori's torment, though, was the saving grace of the crew as she drove away the all-pervasive presence from their minds. Freed from the puppetmaster's strings, they were themselves again.

Digital touch displays in the bridge lit up, and a moment after emergency lighting throughout the auxiliary ship followed.

Kotori uncoiled from where she writhed on the floor and turned her head toward her XO, her face drawn, black hair hanging lankly, skin so pale that it nearly was transparent, with the underside of her eyes puffy from fatigue and her eyes bloodshot a darker crimson than before . "She... started!" She growled through grit teeth.
Kyou groaned audibly, releasing her harness and immediately dropping to her knees in her armor. Her gut wasn't yet fully healed, and the impact of the hit to the ship from earlier on top of the latest ragdoll imitation would've broken ribs and left bruises everywhere on about anyone, armored or not. With the additional healing granted by her armor, she managed to get her feet back under her, and stood up, swaying a bit. "Everyone else okay?" She coughed a bit, really hoping there wasn't blood in that cough.
Despite being as prepared as Physically possible, Kai was unprepared for the severity of the crash into the Shlarvasseroth. it battered him around inside his armor, rubbing his still raw hands and forearms in a most uncomfortable manner, and breaking open the few cracks in his skin that hadn't healed for a second round of bleeding, but he ignored that, as it was difficult to think with all the air knocked out of his lungs. once the ship stopped moving, Kai took several deep breaths and waited for the HUD and display of the room in front of him to stabilize before releasing from the harness, dropping the inch or two to the floor with a bit more grace than Kyou had.

The Yamataian surveyed his sorroundings- it was so dark that he could only see thanks to his suit's augmentations of the lack of light, the emergency lighting barely helping. The armor bay was strewn about with ammunition and weapons, but he had managed to keep his own safe. Shaking it off, Kai searched for a bag and some more missiles just so he could bring extra, and answered Kyou's question

"I am allright, Gunshin-hei. Westwood-hei? how about you? are you unharmed?" He continued about his business, collecting up a few extra supplies then slinging the bag over his shoulder, preparing his LASR for battle. "Once the Shosa and Junis arrive and get suited up, we must move out, and find whatever the hell that thing probing our minds was... then kill it."
The crash had been more jarring than Nyton expected. Then again they were colliding with the highly reinforced hull of a SMX battleship so their survival was nothing short of a miracle. During the crash he had held himself as best he could but the impact was still felt as the momentum attempted to pull him out of his harness. The straps dug in deep and bruised against him while other points of contact made impact with the console. His first instinct, and it was more inborn than conscious, was to block out the pain. Interestingly enough though there was less effort than before. The meshing between internal computer and digital mind made it feel as though he simply flipped a switch and turned the pain right off.

Before Nyton could go any further however there was a familiar and unwelcome presence invading his mind. My mistress seeks me out! he thought despite himself. Fleeting images of before came back as the memories had been preserved accurately by his recorder. Opening his eyes the man thought he could see the red haired mistress herself next to him. She appeared to be standing there, grinning her shark toothed grin while tracing her fingers through his hair. This was different from the last time though and there was no resisting her at all. Not like before when Hinoto tried to encourage him. This time there was no fight; Melisson held Nyton's mind in a vice and pored over it so quickly it was as though she knew him in an instant. Then just as suddenly as she was there the vision vanished.

The wave receded upon hearing Kotori cry out and it snapped Nyton out of the reverie. Not so much because he was given pause for concern but because of Kotori's Signaler powers resisting Melisson. Looking over to the source of the shout, Nyton made out Kotori's form in the dim lighting. "Kotori-dono!" he then called out. Undoing the harness, the man stood up upon release and moved quickly over to her.

"Shosa, the Taisa is resisting Melisson but the strain must be tremendous." Nyton said, stating the obvious regarding the situation. Reaching out with his hands, Nyton moved to help steady Kotori. The situation gave Nyton a sense of urgency regarding deployment of Armor forces.

"Nakamura-Heisho! Give me accountability and status! I want everyone ready to launch within the minute!" Nyton telepathically ordered. He knew he would have to hurry and run for the Armor bay but he had to make sure Kotori would be safe before then.


The medlab was a mess of bodies strewn about. Even with some stabilization measures taken the crash had thrown everything into disarray. Wounded had been injured further and medical staff were now among the wounded. Ayumu pulled herself out from underneath Masako's body as the two neko had been tossed about during impact. With a deep breath, mainly to recover from the earlier invasion into her mind by Melisson, the nurse put her hands on Masako to check her vitals. "Kurohoshi-Juni, are you alright? Please don't go dying on me now." she said while inspecting her.
Being as small as he was, Asher didn't like getting thrown around by something else. Eve's little pitching session taught him that one his more prime dislikes was being tossed through the air like a bratty six-year-old tosses an unwanted toy. In that, he felt a sense of dread, having to succumb to that same feeling again, but this time it felt different. His mind began to rationalize it all, telling him that he wasn't getting thrown around, Miharu was, and that he was simply along for the ride. Though, this replaced the dread of the experience, with anxiety.

Suddenly, his brain was flooded the anticipation, and the hunger for battle. The ticker running his thoughts tacked out the reasoning that when the impact happened, that's when the best part would begin. Combat on a scale and meaning far beyond even the young Hei's imagining. What was coming was going to be even bigger than what they had accomplished earlier. His heartbeat began to race, and his whole body tensed. Were it not for the helmet concealing his head, everyone could see the manic and crazed grin spread wide on his face. He began to fitter, twitter, and fidget from the nervous impulses, the urge to laugh through the sensation was suppressed heavily.

And then, it happened, the crash took him by surprise for a brief moment, before he couldn't hold it back any longer. As small small wounds on his body began to act up in pain, Asher began to laugh. It felt like his whole body tickled of bloodlust, and the reaching fingers in his mind were only dismissed as the euphoric sensation of his revelry.

"Oh yeah, baby!" yelled Asher as his harnessed loosened, gaining a reprieve from his self-induced battle-trip. As his boots hit the floor, his thrusters activated, shooting him in the air, spinning him around in an axis before landing hard on his feet again. The laughter began again. "This is it! fellas! You guys feelin' it? 'Cause I gotta' rush that's betta' than sex! Yeah!" he yelled holding his 50mm up in the air like a spear and shaking it. He turned off towards to where he assumed the Shlarvasseroth was and turned on the outward speakers of his armor to speak audibly to those within earshot. "We're comin' f'you, y'slimy tentacle-suckin' bitch! Yamatai's here t'kick your ass!"
Kai stared at the minor scene Asher created upon his release from the harness, before he began to talk once more. "Asher, we have to wait for the Shosa, Taii, and Juni to get here. Be ready to go within one minute."
Kai then turned his concentration on Answering Claymere-taii.

"Claymere-taii, we are all in working order here in the Armor bay. we are ready to move out the moment you are ready, though I fear Asher may leave before then and get himself killed if we do not hurry."
As the Shlarvasseroth kept looming closer and closer on the sensors, Miyoko was unable to do anything but stare at the approaching ship. Finally, when they were a mere ten seconds from impact, she squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself as well as she could in the chair. It felt like the next few seconds lasted an eternity...

And then, the Miharu impacted. Miyoko was jarred side to side as the universe seemed to crumple around her. Her eyes still clenched shut, it was hard to sort out the the flickering of the lights as they died out from the flashes behind her eyelids from the changing pressure and impacts. On one level, the crash webbing did its job, keeping Miyoko from flying out of her seat or having one of her bracing limbs snapped in half from the forces. With the entire ship shaking around her, though, she still didn't quite get out of it unharmed. Each jolt forced her against it or back against her chair, quickly adding a new layer of bruises over her already battered form.

And then, the shriek of metal on metal and the ship shuddering around her went quiet in an instant. Miyoko was left shakily gasping for air as she tried to recover... the sheer sensory overload of the crash had damn near stunned her, and it wasn't until she felt the alien presence in her mind that she realized she'd survived. Miyoko's eyes snapped open, but it didn't make much difference, with the bridge in complete darkness. Still, she glanced around frantically for her tormentor, even as it started rifling through her memories casually.

Entire years flew back at Miyoko, as vivid as if they'd just happened. Every little disgrace she'd suffered, every embarrassing mistake... at least it was dark, so nobody could see the sensor specialist's cheeks light up. She gave a wordless snarl and lashed blindly at the darkness with one hand, while the other tugged urgently at the fastener to her crash harness. Flooded with adrenaline and shame, Miyoko wasn't in any sort of rational mood--she wanted to run, and to where didn't matter.

Kotori's shriek announced the sudden end of this abuse, just as Miyoko flung her harness off. The Yamataian stumbled to her feet, but fortunately, her thoughts cleared up a little as Melisson's presence quickly retreated from her mind. The displays flickering back on gave her enough light to see, and it was enough to bring her back to her senses, though she still looked rather the worse for wear, on the verge of tears and hunched over, leaning on a console for support.
Yukari came to her own mind upon hearing Kotori's shout.

Her legs ached, possibly from the jarring she took during the crash. Her arms and neck hurt, too, but there was no time; Nyton's explanation granted her enough presence of mind to undo her harness. She drew her Type 29 NSP, put on the safety, then activated the pistol's light, sweeping it onto Kotori's body, but enough to see her face. The spill light caught the blood running down Kotori's nose.

Kotori's blood no longer worried her. The commander of the Miharu was as durable as the vessel she ran. But her eyes ...

"Saito-Juni! Armor yourself as soon as another armored personnel reaches you! Take the Taisa to medical and protect her from there!"

Yukari got to her legs and regretted it; they hurt a little more than she wanted them to, leaving her unsteady on her feet. Her pistol light pointed to the bridge exit, painting it in much clearer light than the displays and dim, dark yellow emergency lights. "Taii, Juni! Armor yourselves!"

She was shouting in Yamataian. Her head spun, forcing her to lift her feet a few centimeters from the ground to avoid falling. "Westwood! Nakamura! Gunshin! Secure our entrance onto the enemy ship! Remaining armored personnel, defensive positions for Hoshi!"

Her mind moved faster than her body, which she leaned against her seat. Everything was sore, was begging to not move. Her head wanted to pop off of her neck, which felt stretched. She turned off her pistol's small light and holstered it. She drew her revolver, holding it at the cylinder, then the spare cylinder. "HURRY! MOVE, NOW!" She floated forward.
Rin had seriously underestimated the intensity of the crash when she had chosen her location, as the rumbling about threw her against the wall. What was most disheartening about this, though, were the sounds that had come forth from the collision. It was like the last cry of pain as the body of the sprite's mother was essentially destroyed.

She let out a groan, having come to rest in the corner, and her whole body ached. There was sure to be some bruising later. At least nothing was broken, as far as she could tell.

Pushing herself to her feet, Rin groaned again as she held back more tears. Here she was, being tossed around like a toy, as the crew was about to fight their biggest and most important battle to date. Turning to the nearby Daisy, the sprite quickly stripped and tossed her clothes to the side, not caring for the moment if anyone saw. After all, there were more important things. She removed the helmet, waited for the armor to open up, and then clambered in.
The doors opened. The doors closed.

A charred and battered AMES-clad technician, propelled by the arm of a Daisy-armored technician, stumbled into the armor bay.

Yuzuki pulled her AMES helmet off and tossed it off into a corner, the frustration of the past dozen seconds giving her aim the extra 'umph' it needed to crack the faceplate. Very briefly, the memory of the first time she had ever broken one of those helmets popped into her mind, but it wasn't the foremost thing, and so it was pushed to the side. She stripped, fumbling with the suit as she chose an armor from the rack, attempting to do everything at once. It didn't quite work. A pause and a deep breath later, and she was stark naked, kicking the suit - uniform, boots and all - to the side with the helmet.

The armor opened. The armor closed.

With murder in her eyes, Yuzuki stepped away from the armor rack and grabbed a 50mm Gauss Bazooka from the weapon closet, along with one of the prepped magazine packs that were hanging around the area and began to fumble with the hard-points on her armor. In the end she succeeded with the Bazooka, but the pack just went over her shoulder.

She reached again, and found an APR.

Then, she turned to regard the rest of the crew through the armor helmet. If anyone had been in the poetic mood, it could have been said that her gaze was burning a hole through it from the inside. It was something that very rarely happened anymore, watered-down as the race had been from its original purpose - but the original purpose was still there. Those eyes were the eyes of a killer. As human as Yuzuki had become, as peaceful as she had been while turning her wrenches in the warm, comforting darkness of the underdecks, she was still bred for war, and like all Nekovalkyrja, at the end of the line, with her tail against the wall, she had found that inbred kernel of madness. A sprite without a ship had nothing left to live for.

Very briefly, some part of her remembered the fun times. The times the ship had spoken to her, or the times that Tom had smiled at her, or the other sprites had laughed. The captain looking guilty, making sure they knew they mattered. Kai. She saw Nakamura Kai. But it was hard to reconcile the difference, now, or much care. The death of Miharu had triggered an almost berserker-like rage, boiling up from somewhere deep within her stomach. The desperate fire of the CFS, and the screams of the engines as they had torn themselves to peices on that last death-run had lit that final, hellish pilot-light. Something had snapped.

She would never forgive them, for this.

She wanted to kill them.

All of them.
Doshii Jun said:
"Saito-Juni! Armor yourself as soon as another armored personnel reaches you! Take the Taisa to medical and protect her from there!"

Yukari's voice helped bring Miyoko out of her funk. She looked back over her shoulder at the woman and nodded, then pushed herself back to her feet wearily. "Right. Yes." Even if Yukari's team did manage to secure a victory somehow, it wouldn't matter a bit if they didn't have a ship to come back to... or, at least, it wouldn't to Miyoko. The rest of the galaxy could worry about itself.

Between the dim lighting on the bridge, the mess that had been made of it from repeated impacts and a few concussions, and the fact that her legs felt like they'd been ran over a few times, Miyoko couldn't move too quickly. But, she picked her way over to Kotori and hesitantly offered the Taisa a hand up. With the haggard, harried look on Kotori's face, she was just about afraid to approach her... the expression made her look like she was just as likely to bite the hand as grab it. But if she was taking the full onslaught of that thing Miyoko had felt earlier, Miyoko was impressed that she looked that calm. "Can you walk?" she asked uncertainly. "I can support you if not..."
As the bridge hustled Nyton's mind raced over his options and how best to implement. First he made contact with the medical center.

"Medical, we have an emergency. The Taisa needs to be transferred down there but we need Armored personnel for escort, immediately!" he broadcast. With that alert for urgency to the medical lab made the man then reached out and took hold of Miyoko's wrist.

"Saito, come here and take hold of the Taisa." Nyton said, gently but firmly pulling her down to position herself to support Kotori's body. When she was close he then moved to pass Kotori over to Miyoko. His face looked urgent but composed. "I'm trusting you to take care of the princess, Saito. Do so with your life. She is the only one keeping Melisson from taking us over right now." he calmly stated before handing her his own NSP. Once Miyoko took it he stood up.

"Kotori-dono is our beloved princess. We will do everything to win. Banzai, Kotori-dono." Nyton stated before bowing stiffly. As he stood up he then ran out of the bridge to follow Yukari. After taking several strong strides he then recalled that his body allowed him to fly. Upon that realization he kicked it in, almost the same as though he were in a Power Armor. It felt familiar so he flowed with it, allowing himself to accelerate as fast as he could through the debris strewn halls of the ship.

"Nakamura, we're on our way right now. Like the Shosa said, move out and secure the entrance. Get any external scan and situation data to give you an idea of what it looks like outside. Establish a perimeter accordingly and aggressively hold the line until the rest of the crew arrives. Use every mean at your disposal!" Nyton telepathically messaged as he pushed himself to move faster. There was a PHALANX pad waiting for him.


Meanwhile in the medical center, Ayumu heaved a breath as she determined Masako's status. The message from the bridge put her on edge. "Doctor! The Taisa needs to be brought here!" she called out, hoping Sanjuro would react. As for Armored personnel, there was barely anybody left to perform work, let alone spare to perform escort.

Finally stirring from her injuries, Shizuka let out a groan. Her head ached and her skin tingled from where it had been burned but she was conscious and slightly confused. Akiko was laying on her protectively but barely moving. "Akiko-chan?"

With a few blinks of her eyes Akiko looked up at her older sister. "Onee-chan? You're okay!?"

"Yes, but what happened?" the elder neko asked, confused.

"You got hurt and we've crashed into an enemy ship and so many people died and I was barely able to keep you safe while you were asleep and then, then, then-!" Akiko rattled on until Shizuka reached up and touched her face.

"Akiko-chan, you kept me safe." she replied, a pang of guilt hitting her. "Thank you. But we've been selfish. We haven't been as helpful as we should have been."

Shizuka moved Akiko off her and began to sit up from the floorspace of the medlab they were occupying. It was then that she noticed something wet next to her. Looking over to the source she saw it was blood from a dead sprite laying not one foot away. Apparently she had not survived the crash. Her head was twisted at an odd angle and she remained still. Looking over Shizuka then spotted Masako and Ayumu.

"Look, Masako is over there. Let's start by helping her." Shizuka said and began making her way through the dead and discarded supplies.

"Masa-chaaaaan!" Akiko called out excitedly.
"Heh heh heh!" Asher laughed as he heard Yukari's orders to secure the breach. No more waiting! No more sitting! No more whiplash! It was time to get a move on and kill something! The Malifarian was all for it, as he had been jittery and exciteable every since he came out of the harness. "C'mon guys! Less' go stir this shit up!" said Asher, leading the way from the hangar bay, hopping up in the air to clank his armored heels and zip on forth. Like an excited child he turned around, hopping on his feet to keep a forward pace waving his shield hand forth despite the pain it caused him, "C'mon, c'mon!"
The concussive force of the impact dazed Tom, nearly knocking him out. He also felt the pulling of Melisson's fingers in his mind, but the sensation was too short to piece anything together. Stars were in his eyes, and it was hard enough just staying awake.

He wasn't sure what was being yelled out, but he knew that he had to get to an armor, and fast. He shook his head as he fumbled for the straps to his chair and unbuckled himself. His chest wound was clearly bleeding now, scraped raw and oozing, but it was just a painful distraction.

Wincing, he stood up and almost fell out of his chair, stumbling a few steps before finally getting his bearings.

It didn't matter how dazed he was. He had to walk, and he had to do it now. They were in enemy territory, and the sooner he got into an armor, the quicker he would be able to protect both himself and his companions. Surely the Mishu would be swarming their position in short time.

As he staggered into the area where the armors were kept, he saw both Rin and Yuzuki. One of them had fire in her eyes...

...which one was it? Oh, yeah... the Heisho...

"Daisy! I need a Daisy!"

He zig-zaged to the nearest open armor he could find.
"Hai," Miyoko responded to Nyton weakly as she hefted most of Kotori's weight onto her for support. She steadied the Taisa with one hand, while her other held onto the pistols... it was times like this that she missed the superhuman strength of her nekovalkyrja body. Unfortunately, she couldn't hold her in both arms and have any hope of moving the pistol, so she'd just have to hope that Kotori could move a bit under her own weight.

She outright kicked some of the minor detritus the impact had knocked free out of her path to keep it from being a problem for Kotori, then stepped into the hallway. Fortunately, the medlab was a very short walk away.
Kyou nodded, taking her LASR out from where she'd strapped it down. She grumbled only slightly, forcing her bruised body up to a trot to catch up with Asher as he got moving. She ran one last check on her armor's systems as she went, definitely not liking the idea of one of her systems failing in the middle of combat. "Think you can handle this, Asher? Or do you need some help?"
Yukari tried to stay out of the way of the other armored personnel, who were many and moving. She saw Asher, jubilant at the opportunity to wreak havoc on any unsuspecting (or fully aware) enemy combatants. Tom ran ahead of her, calling for a Daisy. Nyton flew up above her as she moved along the wall. Everyone was rushing, rushing. The Mishhu could be on top of them at any moment.

Another armored crewmember dashed past her, nicking her shoulder with one of the dull, roundish shoulder spikes. She winced, but kept floating forward until she reached the armor bay.

Her eyes swept across the chaos. Munitions scattered across the polished floors, some loaded into magazines, others belonging to weapons or vessels they no longer had. She saw Rin — poor Rin — sealed into her armor. Tom, too. Everyone was preparing for war.

Yuzuki already was there.

She saw the Neko inside her Daisy armor, clutching an APR so tightly in her hands the armored fingers looked like they might crunch the rifle into scrap.

Yukari remembered that urge. From not too long ago.

She gathered herself as she floated in front of Yuzuki. She brought her free hand up and grasped the armored Nekovalkyrja by the helmet, staring right into the spot where Yuzuki's eyes were behind the helmet. She did not speak, but she steeled her face.

"Miharu-san's death means nothing if we do not succeed," she sent. "Harness the lust, but do not let it consume you! We no longer are mere weapons who serve at the pleasure of our human masters! Do you understand? We are the future of Yamatai, and we must live to see it!"

She smacked the side of the Neko's helmet. "Wakarimashitaka?!"

Yukari stared down Yuzuki for a few seconds more, eyes burning green, before stiffly nodding and turning away from her. She went to the armor racks.

She started to strip before the one she imagined was for her. She remembered the Harpy had a similar package, though without the sensor unit on the back. M6-1C SAS ... Yukari got out of her clothes and ordered the armor to open. It did.

Her body welcomed the slimy feel for once, especially when the massaging started. She locked the helmet over her head and let the sensors come online. The tachyon unit she kept off; no sense in telling the entire enemy force where they were. Brief blips would do if needed.

Her helmet screen came up and she inspected her surroundings. "All armored personnel, status!" She began linking up with each one, too, acting as a hub for their AIES to use her armor's better sensors. She unharnessed herself and easily floated off the ground. There was no time to worry about the thinner armor of her sensor pack; she would have to be good about protecting herself.

She had capacitors on her legs. Her shield, when raised, was vertical with her body. The longer LASR mags, two of them, were attached to the back of the shield. She snapped up a LASR Mk. II and hooked it to her back.

She scanned for other weapons and landed on just the thing. She picked up the pistol for her primary weapon. Extra magazines she stuffed in her right-side thigh chamber. A little tape and her revolver, and its extra load of rounds, was placed where a butt pack normally would go. Hand-held grenades already were loaded into the left thigh compartment.

Yukari was ready.

Kotori slapped one free hand on the bridge's doorway as Miyoko was about to lead her into the corridor, halting their progress. "I am not going to the medlab," Kotori panted.

As a Daisy power armor came to meet them, Kotori feverishly snapped at it: "Defend the ship!" The person inside seemed to flinch and recoil for a moment before backpedaling and leaving.

The Taisa felt uncomfortably warm to Miyoko, as if she was burning from inside. She even felt the heat of Kotori's breath when she exhaled.

@Armor bay:

Nyton came upon the PHALANX pad and a volumetric window opened up for him, giving him three choices:

"Telemachus", Super PHALANX
  • Power supply ineffectual. Will not be able to function as powered armor.
  • Combat AI "Telemachus" (male, existing experience profile)
"Telemachus", pirated custom Super PHALANX
  • Power supply changed to a micro-fusion cell.
  • Plasma projectors replaced by M10 Dragoon Core Plasma Torch.
  • Superluminal propulsion removed to expand power distribution grid.
  • Making a bootleg solid-copy of this armor will greatly decrease its self-repair capabilities. The nanomachines won't be as adaptable due to custom modifications and the failed hacking attempt.
  • Combat AI "Telemachus" (male, existing experience profile)
"Arethusa", M8 Nodal Adaptive Defensive Infantry Armor
  • Aether power supply changed to micro-fusion, for a total of 3 micro-fusion cells. This renders regeneration and barrier shielding recovery very high.
  • Nodal composition of armor very resistant to bio-synthetic assimilation processes. Limbs integrate VAW-style close-range morphic weaponry. Nodal Recycling/Fabrication (see NIWS) disabled.
  • Light, streamlined composition does not include inbuilt ranged weapons or weapon stowage hardpoints.
  • Teleporter disabled. Psionic Signal Controler uninstalled.
  • Combat AI "Arethusa" (female, based on Meng Po/Bowhordia Daisy combat data)
  • Experimental. Use with caution.
@Hoshi's rear hatch:

Through the opened rear hatch of the auxiliary ship - which lead into the connection junction that usually had attached the lighter ship to the main hull - lay a tangle of twisted metal that obstructed the way out and into the guts of the Shlarvasseroth.

Plasma bolts discharged repeatedly as a Daisy started doggedly blasting its way through. Eventually the way was clear and the M6 trod trod forward into opening ahead.

Jagged spurs of twisted metal stretched overhead as the only remains of the large port and starboard multifunction bays - there was nothing else that was recognizable of the main hull, save the starboard wingpod and gravimetric fin which had miraculously seemed to survive what had savaged the rest of the ship beyond recognition.

Through the almost skeletal-like ribbing of the wreckage, steady rivulets of the sticky black tar-like substance that passed for the Mishhuvurthyar vessel's hemosynthetic fluids drooped down the rents and seams the main hull's hollow, broken shell. Miharu's wreckage opened beyond into a cavernous fleshy chamber that seemed much like the insides of a pulmonary alveola, with three tunnels that branched away, two that split away near the bottom and another one which climbed diagonally overhead.

Mishhuvurthyar levitaged and floated. They were no longer humanoid enough for the most part to require human trappings such as walkways and stairs.

The flesh in this chamber was charred, with some parts of it roasting as small fires still burned all around. The lone Daisy armor was joined by a few others whom also inspected the area, and then came Yukari's request for a situation update. The lead one answered.

"This is Mara-Shoi. The way into the enemy vessel has been opened. I have Yoroko, Takuma and Tsuya with me presently guarding what looks like a defensible bottleneck to Hoshi's rear hatch. Given some time, I think we could fortify this position. No enemy is present for the moment."
Kai watched the sudden flurry of activity for a moment, averting his eyes in respect to the women aboard, as they changed into their armos, and somewhat worried about Asher: he was not drooling or Fawning over them. However, they had Orders. "Let's go, Gunshin-hei, Westwood-hei. You come too, Yuzuki-Heisho" he said, after Yukari had given her a bit of a talk. Kai shot ahead of Asher, up to Mara's position, and looked out upon the strange passageways. the whole fleshiness of the ship was disconcerting, but Kai kept that to himself.

"Suzuka-Shosa, Which path is the most direct route to Melisson?" Kai radio'd, looking for the way they would need to go in order to achieve their goal.
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