Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: NSS Acadia Mission 5: Quick Save

"Ah shit, don't tell be miss tentacles is about to use this thing as a diversion," Anselm bemoaned himself, digging through the survival bag until he found the droskin and EMP pistol. Popping several pills, the Nepleslian grinned as he walked the semi-visible wave of electromagnetic force across the tank's less volatile systems. Having hopefully shorted out the controls, the marine donned a gas mask and pulled an industrial laser. The albino set to work on fusing the main cannon's breach before going to work on the hatch, pausing every few moments to finish off several items of food and some water as the droskin's side-effects started to kick in, pausing long enough for a proper military ration once the energy bars and candy were finished off.
Matteo grunted at Cedric's response to the situation; he believed that even though he was patrolling in a Hostile, he'd still be at a disadvantage. The Neko could simply phase through from any point she wanted to, and chances were, would possibly even enter when the other marine's back was turned to her. Not good. Matteo glanced about, searching for another option. There; something much more his style. The Hostile ran to the end of the engineering compartment and put his back against a corner so that he faced the general direction of the bridge. He then boosted up to the top corner. Armor clad feet jammed into the walls, synthetic muscles forcing him to stay wedged in the corner of the ceiling.

"Cedric, I'll give you overwatch from here, in case you need anything." The Hostile blended into the corner it was jammed up into, the Snakeskin camouflage making it blend into the ship's hull. The HPAR and PLA's he brought to bear lorded over most of the view.
Henry had grabbed himself a scalar pulse grenade, just in case everything went from bad to worse between him and the Neko who'd already torn some of the Engineering deck to pieces.

However, he found that he wouldn't even need to get to engineering, and could do this from the comfort of a wall-mounted computer. Henry produced a screwdriver and started removing the touch screen from the wall, eventually pulling it into his grasp and fiddling with some of the wires.

This was the stuff that required some engineering know how and an authentication code (usually a username and password, and more) to prevent the anti-tampering measures from kicking in.

Global Engineer access (requires further authentication) [X] 

Username: henry_o_morris
Password: *************

==> PROCESSING. .. ...

Enter Master Engineer's Code:
Henry sucked on his teeth for a moment before looking down at his datapad and looking at the string of numbers that changed every five minutes or so. He nodded and entered in the twenty digit long code quickly.


Welcome, Henry.

1) Read/Write Maintenance Logs
2) Software Version Control
3) Software Backup
4) Physical Lockdown
He pressed 4 without hesitation, and hoped nobody would try and kill him as he worked.
1) Main Doors Open
2) Blast Shutters Open
3) Electrical Fields Deactivated
This wasn't going to do it for him, since this Nekovalkyrja was apparently stupidly invulnerable and able to phase through walls, he backspaced and looked at the other options.
5) Fusion Generator
He smiled wickedly.
1) Core Status (Deactivated)
2) Containment Status
3) Containment Override
He pressed 3, and then made the Fusion start up slowly and steadily, without shielding. What Henry hoped would happen is that the engineering bay would slowly start to flood with helium, heat and radiation. If the radiation didn't do anything immediately, at least the helium would make their voices sound funny.

His final act was to make sure to keep the engineering bay sealed from the rest of the ship, to make sure anyone didn't wander in. He then thought it prudent to send his comrades a note about this:

"Fellows, the engineering bay will be sealed and flooded with radiation within the next few minutes. The blast doors will shut in about five minutes. I suggest staying away unless you're armoured, or suicidal."

He then logged out and clipped his wires, but then decided to tear the touch screen out of the wall, stamp on it and wrench it for good measure. He then made a note to get to the nearest shuttle and get the hell out of the Asp.

Fhion would continue her dive towards, a spray of energy bolts singing her body, the wild spray of bolts would end up landing mainly on the floor and walls behind her as she phased through the wall and then headed straight up for engineering. At the same time the black displays on the wall would slowly drain of color, turning a dull grey as the main computer finished crashing.

Harm would take a quick glance at the bodies on the floor then turn towards the door, running back out of the command center “Lets go Makari. Start searching the above levels, The other marines should have engineering locked down but we need to nail her once she gets pushed out.”

@ Anselm

The tank would go dark, only a small amount of red tented light coming in from the view slits in the vehicle’s hatch. The laser would make a faint crackling noise at it vaporized the occasional piece of particulate matter as it went to work superheating the parts of the locking mechanism, causing small drops of molten metal to fall onto Cedric. His eyes would nearly be blinded by the intense light produced by the melting hatch but eventually the mechanism would be cut through, leaving the hatch unlocked.

His wounds were still bleeding too, the dizziness in his head starting to dissipate a little as the Droskin took effect. Between the cuts, and embedded pieces of bone and metal only the drugs and clotting agents sprayed on him were holding his body together.

@ Everyone Else

Drei would broadcast a quick message over the power armor’s comm. systems, “The ship’s main computers have been destroyed. I’m running the ship remotely off the computers built into your armors so don’t power or let them get destroyed unless you want to get stuck in deep space.” She warned, as she tried to patch together a more powerful computing system by hijacking any computer, datapad, or drone she could form a connection with.

Fhion could feel a deep burn in her leg, a good chunk of meat had been vaporized by laser fire while she was escaping the ship’s bridge. Her body would quickly begin healing as she began floating upward, trying to reach engineering as quickly as possible. She could still feel the ship’s FTL bubble… meaning destroying the computers wasn’t enough. She would have to take out the power next and that was in one of the rooms above her. She flew through a hallway next and then finally into what she figured was the engineering section of the ship.

When she entered engineering she was greeted with intense light and heat coming from the exhaust directed into the engineering room from the ship’s engines. She instinctively brought her arms up to cover her eyes, but only to limited effect as they were phased and only blocked some of the intense light coming from the ship’s reactor. She could feel herself going blind as the radiation destroyed her eyes and began to cook her skin. With only a little time to work she began randomly lashing out with her bodies gravity control abilities randomly, pulling parts off a workbench and sending them flying through the air, then grabbing a junker drone and pulling it towards her, hoping to knock out a generator or two with her random attacks.

As the Junker drone was pulled towards her it began to yell, “SHE IS HEEEEERE!” as it flailed about.

Fhion had phased through the floor behind Cedric, a pile of hyperspace tap generators between them. Matteo, on the other hand, was perched in the upper corner of the room with a clean view of NMX agent.
Cedric had become so focused on killing Fhion that his only response to the engine room being flooded with radiation, and to Drei's message, was a very simple, "Understood."

The junker drone's alarmed announcement is what tipped off Cedric...or rather, flatly announced her arrival. Wheeling around, he saw the drone flying through the air in a rather comical manner. He could tell just by looking at her phased form that Fhion was panicking. His suit protected him from the now hostile environment of the engine room. Even phased, the light would blind her, and so it was simply a choice of how she wanted to die. Phased or unphased.

Cedric wouldn't be able to blast her, though. His shot was blocked.

Matteo on the other hand...

"Matteo: blast her!" Cedric yelled.
His legs hardly felt the strain of holding up what was roughly two tons of armor, synthtic muscles and other stuffs. The hitman turned marine watched Cedric walk about below him; this was what he liked about his old job. There was always time, that was for sure, to set up and get ready. And afterwards, a fine meal at an upscale restaurant or a home cooked one at his pad were both equally likely. And equally welcome; watching news reports or even the latest game along with some grub was just plain relaxing. And then He could repeat the process, just sit back, relax, and wait for the next mark to -

'Ah. Right on time Miss.' Matteo carefully lined up his Pulse Laser Arrays on her hips as a drone was humorously swung around like a child's toy. His lips quirked into a cheery smile from inside his Power Armor before he shot at the Neko.
Matteo’s lasers would strike Fhion in the back and shoulder, drilling down into her body in a fraction of a second. The superheated parts of her body would explode outwards, tearing her right arm off entirely and sending it flying across the room. A deep crater would be blow into her back, bits of blood, bone, and lung flying out. The bits and pieces of her body that were blown off didn’t unphase either and ended up flying through walls or falling through the floor leaving an injured, bleeding, Fhion floating in the room.

Blind, injured, and now depleted of oxygen, Fhion would fall through the floor to the deck below and then unphase, taking a deep breath as she began to bleed on the floor, trying to recover from her injuries before she was found.
Cedric watched as Matteo's lasers made contact. While his HHG had been totally ineffective, the effects of radiation and laser-based weaponry crippled the NMX infiltrator. She phased below the floor and Cedric instantly opened a comm to everybody in his unit.

"She just phased down one floor below the engine room: right underneath us!" Cedric's grin of pleasure could be heard almost, "Right underneath us." After that he added, "Now can you guys please shut this crap down so we can leave the engine room?"
Anselm heaved off the turret hatch of the K4 and climbed out, bleeding out almost as fast as the multiple doses of droskin were replenishing the lost fluid. Half-climbing and halfway just falling off of the tank, the marine wiped a bloody hand across his eyes in an attempt to rub away the flash-blindness in his organic eye and managed to partially obscure the thermal and visual filters in his bionic.

"Shit-" the albino sighed, looking up the the ceiling of the troop bay, "I think I'll get a desk job after this..."
Matteo remembered the last time he made a landing; it was a bumbling mess where he literally landed on his ass. 'Ok, just keep in mind this thing makes me big boned and I'll look cool.' The Hostile leaped off from the ceiling and flipped once before coming down into a kneeling position, one hand forward to brace, the other holding the HPAR off to the side in a dramatic manner. 'Ow. I'm really going to feel that in my knee tomorrow.'

"Sorry about that Cedric, my aim was too high and I didn't cut her in half like I intended. Still, glad she didn't try to stab you from behind, eh?" he bantered. "So, what next?"