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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

Flash: Prepare to deploy. Prepare to deploy! T-minus 4:00 minutes and counting Flashed onto all armor incoming messages, the countdown stayed synchronized with the ship, as Misaki's systems came online, and she got ready to drop, "The second we hit, we have to keep mobile to get these people out quickly." She called aloud inside the shuttle.

Gambit get ready to deploy, Kyoka, what is the status of your team? We need them ready yesterday. Misaki sent, smiling lightly inside of her helmet, "This is going to be fantastic." She thought to herself.
Kyoka took a flamethrower and clipped it to the back of her Daisy. Somebody had to be prepared for the parasites, after all.

"Alright, let's get moving! Make final checks on your equipment now! I want to see everybody on the shuttle five minutes ago! Saki, you can pilot the Tasha! Let's move out!" She barked, turning her focus solely on the mission now. This was it. The big one. Everything had to succeed, and the war would be that much closer to finally ending.

To Misaki, she sent,
We're just about ready here. Making last checks and boarding the shuttle.
Yoshiro checked his equipment to make sure that everything was working. He made sure that his weapons were functioning as well. "Well, time for this boy to become a man." he said to himself. He put on his helmet, making sure that it was secure and ran to the shuttle. Once on board he tooka seat and waited for the mission to begin.
Trowa grabbed his plasma rifle with grenade launcher, a 50mm Gauss Cannon, and leg capacitors. He was all suited up and waiting by the shuttle when ordered everyone to mount up. He stood by the door of the shuttle and ushered everyone inside. As Yoshiro moved past him to strap in, Trowa patted him on the arm and asked, “Tanaka-Hei, you ready to set the tires and light the fires?”
Higflan System

The 7th Squadron and its recruited ships streaked inwards towards the planet. Katae monitored their progress. The plan called for the ships to fly right into the edge of the hills sphere and then drop to STL and engage at full thrust. Hit the enemy hard and fast. "Eternity, as soon as we exit FTL, identify the first four primary space targets. Relay the targeting solutions for each to the various groups. I want our first volley to count."

"Working on it Ise-Taisa, all ships will have the data you requested." the MEGAMI replied.

She looked at the purple haired Neko at the helm of the Aeon. "Keiko-Juni, once Eternity gives you the solution, engage with all anti-starship weapons. Set the quad cannons to defense mode."

Gi's hands flew across the console, as she made the commands. "Primary weapon's are charged and ready to fire when we have a solution."

Katae picked up the handset and connected to Misaki, "Kurusu-Chusa, you folks better button up the Transporter now. We are 90 seconds from dropping out and if all goes well punching through the defense ships. Expect the order to launch 90 seconds after we drop to STL. Good Hunting."

Katae replaced the handset and adjusted her straps holding her in her seat. Watching the countdown, 59... 58 ... 57... 56...

"Usaga-Juni to bridge. We are hitting the fringes of the hills sphere, feedback is starting to occur in the hyperdrive. She'll hold up to the point that you need her to ma'am." came the voice of Hisa the ship's engineer.

The attack group continued pressing inward, the timer continued its inexorable count. 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0

"Defolding Ma'am" Gi as the Aeon burst into normal space followed by fifteen more ships all a fraction of second behind each other.

Katae looked ahead of the group towards the first group of NMX ships before them. There was an NMX Cruiser, eight NMX Escorts, and three NMX "Pillager" Light Cruisers.

"Firing Solution calculated." Eternity called out.

"Firing at the Cruiser Taisa," Gi called out as she unleashed the first volley of deadly energy from the Aeon. The three Urufu in her attack wing simultaneously fired as well.

The shields on the cruiser flared under the assault and failed, the cruiser returned fire as the three Urufu each fired two torpedoes each as their follow up punch.

Battlepods started swarming towards the attack group that had been flying around the NMX force. Moving like a swarm of angry hornets.
Yoshiro was a bit nervous so he didn't answer the question right away. He looked up at Trowa and nodded. "I am ready to get some!" He said with a grin behind his helmet. "Let the enemy out of their lair for I am vengance come to slake my thirst with the blood of the enemies of Yamatai!" In actuality he was scared to death but he remebered what Kurusu had said to him and he was determined all the same to do his best even if it meant that he was going to have to use his ST backup.

I just hope that I don't make any mistakes when the stuff hits the fan and it gets hectic. he said to himself and he gripped his Plasma rifle tightly. He hoped to avenge his father's death and make Yamatai more secure for his people.

The Attack group continued to close upon the NMX. The torpedoes streaked ever closer to the enemy ships. Then forty-eight warheads all detonated simultaneously. The detonated not on the capital ships, but rather in the midst of the battle pods. The view screen dimmed as the visual systems compensated for the blinding glow. The battlepods were consumed in the aether spawned hell storm.

Even as the glow was fading Katae ordered all ships to fire on their designated targets.

The enemy returned fire, the shields of the Aeon absorbed the worst of the strikes, and though reduced in strength were still operational. The second concentrated barrage from her attack group was rewarded with the Cruiser being torn apart by the destructive energies and exploded as its internals detonated from the force.

The attack group streaked past the heavily damaged enemy ships. Firing again as they passed and moved deeper into the system. Eternity was showing a number of hull hits, and decompression in two non-essential sections.

"Okay, they know we are here, and we kicked them in the teeth. They will be more cautious the next time." she said to the bridge crew.

She picked up the handset and dialed engineering. "Usaga-Heisho re-energize the shields, and get damage control teams working on the hull breaches."

She looked at the status screen they were reaching the point where the attack group would break up and go after their designated targets.

Dialing the unit channel, "Attention all ships, this is Aeon actual. we broke through their lines. Break off and head towards your designated targets. Good hunting, and watch your backs."

She punched in the channel for the Transporter.

"Ise-Taisa to assault teams, you are go for launch, repeat you are go for launch." she said as she sent the commands to open the cargo doors.
Mikael arrived after most of the the rest of the assault team. He ignored any strange looks that might have been shot in his direction. He would worry about that later. After all, he still needed to properly integrate with the rest of the crew.

Checking over his recon variany of the daisy. I need to request an 3A Mindy after this mission Mikael thought to himself. He grabbed a Ke-M6-W2921 Atmospheric/Space Plasma Rifle once he was set and boarded the shuttle.
Yoshiro gripped his weapon, only this time with a determination to smite the enemies of Yamatai to the ground. He made sure that the weapon was loaded and ready to go when he hit the ground. "Tear asunder the fortress of the enemy and tear the heart of the enemy out of his chest. Let beat the drums of war and let our enemies who hear fear our coming and let them see the warrior spirit of Yamatai." He said poetically, Mostly to bolster his courage.
Since Saki would not get to control her Tasha until they get to the surface there was no worrying about that. She quickly double-checked all her stuff and boarded the shuttle. She sat down and locked her gear to keep it from moving around.

"Arai-hei ready!" She reported and took a deep breath. Here it comes.
Cargo Bay
"Ise-Taisa to assault teams, you are go for launch, repeat you are go for launch." she said as she sent the commands to open the cargo doors.
Behind the Tenba-Class Transporter, the cargo doors opened up, the atmospheric shielding glowed across the opening.

The two TASHAs stood up and waited for the craft to move out so they could proceed to the opending as they had been instructed to.

“Roger that Ma’am,” Freyja clicked off the comms and took one last over check of the instruments and gauges.

“Welcome aboard the meteor Express, please remain seated till the seatbelt light is extinguished, and above all enjoy the flight.” Boldness not normally heard from her coated her voice. She brought the power up to the engine systems and backed the shuttle out of the cargo bay. Once she cleared the bay she spun the shuttle around and backed it up.

The TASHA walked along behind the Tenba then folded themselves up at the entrance so they could be grappled with the Graviton Beam.

Oinari’s fingers flew across the control systems, bringing the graviton beam alive and aimed it onto the TASHA. Once it made the lock she proceeded to drag the walking tank into place against the rear hull. Once the tank was secured, Freyja activated the comms to the Aeon again, “Ma’am I am loaded, proceeding on with the operations, good hunting up here.”

"Good hunting, and watch your six." Katae replied as the Aeon put on a surge of speed towards a group of NMX warships coming on a new vector.

The Tenba was five seconds out from the planet at maximum speed, the navigation system, providing data with regards to the bombing targets and the prison.

Once the Aeon powered off Freyja kicked up the music that she brought with her, the rhythmic pounding could be faintly heard in the rear cabin.

“We are a go, Please sit back and relax.” Freyja oriented the shuttle almost directly at the planet, and adjusted the forward shields to maximize the reentry protecting. With almost a giggle she pushed the throttles up to their stops and powered for the surface of the planet below. “Today’s cruising altitude will be plus or minus a bit off of the hard deck.” Her plan was to get as low as she could around a 100 klicks out from the first target, and go low and fast.

When the Tenba slammed into the upper atmosphere, the super heated gases formed a flaming nimbus around the shields, While it was not a threat to the craft, it was rather spectacular to watch.

As the surface raced up at her she pulled the controls back to level out. She hugged the terrain at tight as she felt the shuttle could handle.
The AI adapted to the flight plan streaming data to Freya so that she could avoid obstacles. The tactical system providing a time to target indicator.

As the TOT counted down, she armed the first bomb and prepped the targeting data for where she wanted it to separate from the shuttle, the key to this trick was have it release just before she made the dive to the ground and slammed on the speed. “We are about to make the first bombing run, please remain calm and enjoy the fireworks, there might be some turbulence, so hold on tight.”

As soon as the clock reached the right moment she pulled back on the controls and shot the shuttle up high in to the air above the target. All she had to worry about was keeping the shuttle of the prescribed path, the shuttles AI would take care of releasing the bomb at the right moment.

One the shuttle jerked from the bomb release she pushed the nose back over and down and push the power up. She brought up a screen to show what happened to the target, she wanted to know where there was joy or not with the weapon.

As the Transporter streaked for altitude, a number of warnings sounded as defense systems sought the craft and to provide defense batteries with a solution. As she dropped the first bomb on the Logistics Engine, the tactical system showed a number of inbound missiles closing on her craft.

The Tenba from the Aeon's escort were following close on Freya's six, they each dropped one of their bombs a second after her's for more effectiveness. The escorts activated their

Dual Plasma Arrays to start taking out missiles coming towards them.
Freyja saw and heard the warning start to light up, she quickly activated the weapon systems and went hot. She left the AI to target the missiles as she flew the shuttle snapping it into a climb; she counted to 3 in her head and rolled it over in a barrel roll. Hoping to screw with the missile’s targeting systems. She jinxed left and right and aimed for the hard deck, She just hoped between the AI and escort’s shooting and her own flying that the missiles would be wiped out, or at least get confused.

Thirty seconds after the bomb dropped the sensor systems registed multiple massive aetheric detonations. They also warned of approaching wave and recommended more altitude and velocity.

Growling a curse at the advisements to tone down she snapped the nose of the shuttle back up and powered the engine systems to their max. She even leaned a hair forward like it was going to help. As the shuttle rocketed up, Freyja shifted the bulk of the shields to the rear to help cushion some of the impacts from the wave.

Acceleration caused the Tenba to leap, the shock wave continued to close, As the transporter reached maximum speed it began to outrun the blast wave.

"Escort three heading to our LZ, Good luck." came over the comm as one of the escorts banked away and headed towards their objective.

“Good luck Escort Three, Good Hunting, just holler if you need any back up.” Once the alarms stopped screaming at her and she knew that she had outran the shock wave she tipped back down and hugged the deck tell the next target was getting close. This time she was going to repeat her pop up and bomb plan but she made sure the AI was ready with the
Dual Plasma Arrays, in case of any anti-air missiles were fired. With the time on target clock counting down she pulled the nose up and repeated the actions she performed a few minutes ago.

The War Factor loomed ahead, the Transporter was targeted by multiple radars and multiple mission launches were detected. The Plasma arrays started streaming destructive energy to destroy the inbounds. But it looked like several were going to get through. The TTT count down approached 0.

Once the shuttle jarred from the release of the bomb, Freyja started into evasive maneuvers. Breathing normally and allowing the music’s beat to calm her, she jinxed the shuttle into a fast turn to the left and then dived for the deck. With the ground climbing up to meet her she cranked the shuttle around into a left hand turn and started corkscrewing along the ground. After a half second of this she brought it back up and heading straight for the sky. She was trying to keep a count on the missiles the AI was bringing down but she couldn’t concentrate on that and flying so erratically.

Even with the evasive moves, the shear number of inbound fired by the factory made it problematic. A number of missiles were destroyed by weapon fire coming from under the Tenba. Several of the missiles successful hit the Tenba, the shields absorbed the destructive forces, but were down to 20%. The system was recharging them but another successful volley and the transporter would take structural damage.
Another detonation was detected as the last bomb did its job. With it went the RADAR sites that were guiding the missiles.

Next stop the prison.

‘Damn’ she thought to herself. “Sorry about the close call there folks we are about to make our approach to the prison, please make sure all trays and seat backs are in their full up right and locked positions.” She brought the shuttle up 300 meters off the deck and brought the speed up. She was going to perform a high speed pass. Within a blink of an eye the prison flew past beneath them. Once far enough out she bank back around and started her final approach. She sent a quick message to Santô Juni :
 Ma'am, here is the scans from the LZ it is now your call how we proceed.

The prison was a squat hexagonal structure. It appeared to be three stories tall, and each side was about 300 meters long. In front of the entrance to the prison, the following NMX forces were visible. Two Flayer Tankettes, several NMX Battle Buggies, and a number of NMX Type 31A Light Infantry, and one NMX Prisoner Handling Vehicle. There were also several cargo trucks parked near the structure.

Open up the back doors, Oinari-Hei. We're gonna jump. Make sure  to take out anything heading our way without putting yourself in danger.

"Alright everybody, this is it! We're dropping from midair, so make sure to soften your landing with boosters. Shoot at anything even remotely squidlike. I want to see fried calamari by the time we land!" the Juni laid out, loading an incendiary round into her launcher. "Let's move it!"

The doors opened. The neko jumped.

That whole flight, Kyoka did not feel any apprehension about the group. Any anxiety. Any worry. She trusted her teammate to do their parts, and to do them damn well. Any unease about her own leadership was dispelled the previous chat with the Taisa. Now was the time to go for it. Now it was time to make Yamatai proud.

The incendiary round was lobbed at the enemy infantry with a satisfying "oomph." The rifle's barrel turned to face the Flayers, unloading bolts of plasma into the armor.
Higaflan - Edge of system

There was a bright brillant electrical flash as a small craft resemblying a Neshaten scout appeared on the systems edge where it floated aimlessly in space, accompanied by one of the Kingdom's FTL probes.

In the cockpit, Kata'nova awoke to the sound of her instrument panel beeping at her alerting her to her arrival. She stretched her arms wide and brought them down with a loud 'slap' on her knees. "Ughs, I will never get used to this," she muttered and pulled a ration pack from under her seat, ripped it open, and began to nibble on some food while she brought up a display showing where she was.

When she saw her galactic coordinates appear, she coughed on her food and spit some of it out and began to beat her chest to clear her throat. When she looked her location on her map she scowled and let out a deep sigh. "I know this is wrong because these coords were supposed to take be to the galactic 'north' ... but I'm far 'west' of where I was..." she said curiously and started up a diagnostic of her scouts navigational computer, the diagnostic didn't last long as it came back with a critical error in the system.

"Damn it, this is going to be a problem, I'll need to set her down somewhere to perform some repairs. Looks like I'm near a star system so I'll head there, I'll send the probe back to inform command of my problems and that I'll be late returning." Kata'nova watched as the probe that had been accompanying her came about and, within a few seconds, disappeared into FTL.

After the probe left, Kata'nova switched off the auto-pilot and switched to manual and set a course for the nearby system. Can't rely on auto-navigation, but manual is even more dangerous... but right now it's the only course of action I can take, with the navigation computer on the fritz, staying on auto-nav could get me killed.
Saki tried not to pay attention too much to the rocking of the ship as Freyja was evading enemy fire. The blue haired neko had other stuff to worry about. She linker her AIES with one of the Tasha's below. The cuter one of course.

Hello Tasha-chan, we need you to respond fast to me hai? So I am going to give you nickname..... Hmmm Ichigo! Respond to Ichigo now."

Saki smiled as she communicated with Tasha's AI. Saki knew that Tasha was not the smarted of AI's, but naming her was something Saki just had to do. Or really wanted to do. On her AIES a small icon of strawberry appeared showing her position of Ichigo.

By then they reached the destination and the door open. Saki looked out. That is one big prison! She thought and blinked few times. She then took a deep breath and jumped after Kyoka.

"Ichigo!" Saki shouted at her Tasha, while she started targeting the center mass where most enemy soldier are. "Single 105mm round to the coordinates I am showing you! Open fire with heavy machineguns upon landing!"
Yoshiro took the cue and jumped out targeting the battle buggies and a Flayer with Gauss and plasma fire. "Take that, you cheeky bastards!" He said and launched an explosive from his grenade launcher. He linked his AIES with the remaining TASHA and made sure that it was listening.

All right TASHA. Let's get down to business. You with me?
He sent and fired at the Battle buggies again with his missiles
The subtle shifts in pressure and shuddering movements of a shuttle slicing through atmosphere en route to a planetary target felt like some wonderful homecoming to Kurusu-chusa.

"Gambit, I want you to reinforce our escape route and protect the tenba. As many POWs go into the sky as possible. Let's get them on the ground." She called to both squad leaders. "I will provide fire support to either team as needed, and relay commands when we go further inside. Aeon we are engaging." She called up to the gunship, the only thing all of the troops heard before she exited the tenba was one calm sentence.

"For the grand empire of the stars."

The officer pushed out one side, and swung her rifle up as she began to feed targeting information to the tenba, to augment what it was already sending to their mothership. With her weapons hot, she immediately began to prioritize the most imminent threats she could, a brilliant show of light crackling through the planet's atmosphere when the XO started to fire, an absolutely warming feeling running through her body. It was something of a religious experience to her, to be in battle, only making her wish she could crush the NMX with her bare hands more, she shuddered happily as more and more targeting solutions spread out around her.

"Get us inside." The Chusa sent out to Kyoka, though, she was in a rather dangerous free fall at that point, putting her in a dizzying, random dive that brought her armor sliding into lateral slides while bringing her main weapons out to fire, purposefully scouring their intended touch down point with fire from the air just in case, before she moved back to her rifle and prepared to touch down.

The veteran put her trust in both squads to follow down and complete their missions, as a green indicator flashed to the tenba's hud, announcing her meteoric descent's end to the ground. Though, the battle hadn't even started as far as she was concerned, it was certainly getting there. Updated vectors for descent began to stream into the other units from her leadership support module, while she in turn prepared to deploy her pods while shooting anything that moved and didn't register as some kind of POW.

Home again.
Murasaki Emiko got ready as the shuttle approached their target, freeing herself from her seated position and moving to a place beside the exit hatch. Following the others leads, Emiko jumped herself clear of the shuttle and entered right smack into the middle of a fresh warzone.

With her rifle raised, the neko technician set down a couple meters behind Kyoka and added her own weapons fire to that of her superior, sending forth a stream of coherent energy that lanced towards yama-dura armor of NMX Flayer.
Jumping out of the Transporter at better than Mach 2 at 300 feet made for a dizzying experience, with the surface beneath a complete blur. Stepping the Daisy clad soldiers fell for a fraction of a second before hitting the supersonic shock of the Transporter. The AIES fired the thrusters to reorient the unit, as multiple warning flashed across the HUD. The soldiers found themselves slam into the interior of their armor, as the thrusters fired in earnest to slow the armor down. Four seconds after stepping out of the craft they were on the ground.

Weapons that were fired, may or may not have hit their targets, visual confirmation would be needed. But first the teams would need to regroup, as they were strewn across about 12 miles.

The only soldier whose descent was relatively uneventful was Misaki since her Mindy 1H depended upon CFS for propulsion, she was easily able to correct and land at her designated point.

Jacob the leader of Gambit squad bit back the urge to curse, "Well, that was fun." He said after doing a brief check of himself and his armor. "Now that is how to start a day in the Star Army. Okay youc Cats, you heard the Officer, form back up on me and let's get the job done." He said across the comm. There were multiple Hai's across the comm as the other members of his Squad leaped from their landing sites to his position. Then as a unit they surged forward to Misaki's position. Once there they took up a position twenty-five meters ahead of her. "I make out position about 12 miles out ma'am. You want us to proceed on foot, so surge forward on thrusters and kick the squids in the teeth?"
Yoshiro decided to scan for targets with the TASHA and made sure to do so himself just in case. While he did so he moved to regroup with th others. It did not hurt to be watchful while he regrouped.

TASHA scan for targets within lz and relay the data to my AIES.
he sent to the TASHA and proceeded with his scan in case the TASHA missed something.

Yoshiro scanned the area with AIES and the TASHA did the same looking for more live targets. Yoshiro wanted to hunt the enemy down and then crush them for his father's sake. He continued to scan, keeping focused on his mission rather than his rage.
Saki used the thrusters and her own inertia dampening, but it was still one hell of a landing. Her insides moved all around as she slowed to not slam into the ground. The young neko shook her head and got on her feet, checking her surroundings quickly with her rifle in her hands. It seemed clear.

First think she searched for with her AIES was Ichigo, which did not land too far. Saki decided she needs to get to her tasha asap and hit her thrusthers, flying to her machine at low altitude. When she arrived she landed next to the large walking/hovering crab-tank.

"I regrouped with my Tasha, Tsubei-juni." Saki reported. It was weird calling Kyoka like that, but in field it would look bad, if Saki called her superior by her first name. "We can regroup on my position, if locating me would be troublesome I can fire a flare. If there are other location where we regroup, please send me the coordinates."
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