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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 7.1] At War - Battle of Nataria

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Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Upon hearing the Taii's order to deploy; Sune activated the Mindy's drive system and followed her out the door. Once past the barrier of portal the only sound he heard was his breathing and the occasional soft click and whir of the suits subsystems. This was his first time in a Mindy since training, and he found the experience interesting. He received the destination coordinates, and navigated his way there. He glanced about to take in the view, all these ships, all this space, and history. Under other circumstances he would have enjoyed looking at the names and registrations to learn about them, but there was no time for that. As he closed on the Taii's position he decelerated and took a position 1 meter from her. He rotated so that he could see her, and keep an eye out. It felt weird to not be using more than visual sensors, but activating the active sensors would only serve to alert the enemy.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Ramiro watched as Blueberry expertly made an illusion to disguise the ships disappearance. "Well done Blueberry-Juni." He said with astonishment. He started steering the ship away from the illusion so any misfires or missed shots wouldn't find its way into the Eucharis's hull. He then looked back at the Taisa for orders.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

As Tasuku followed Pineapple and the others out of the airlock he engaged some of his suits stealth functions, though still somewhat visible to the naked eye much of his armors signature would be hopefully absent from Mishhu sensors, especially among all of the nearby ships.

I hope this thing holds up... Tasuku thought to himself; he had tested and trained with the armor thoroughly on HX-12, and was fairly confident that it was capable machine, but he hadn't been able to actually test it in space until that moment.

Tasuku kept lookout with his passive sensors, he focused mostly in the directions the team wasn't heading, trying to spot any 'unwelcome guests' that might try to sneak up on the party.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

With Pineapple's precise piloting, the shuttle slipped into the Irim-class gunship's launch bay on Deck 8. Since Hanako had activated the ships, the Irim's lights were on and the environmental systems operational...although the ship was seemingly empty so far.

Upon arrival, Pineapple quickly exited the shuttle to join the rest of the armor team.

- - -

The NMX ships bought it, for now, but in moments the volumetric projection would be out of range or on the other side of some ship...the clock was ticking.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Ramiro started running diagnostics on random systems, as there wasn't much else to do. After he was done he started scanning the surrounding area of space for suspicious movements or anything that looked fishy. He thought to himself that things were too quiet for the middle of a battlefield, something was fishy and he didn't trust it. He glanced around the bridge as the feeling started to set in and his mind went from suspicious and concerned to extremely paranoid and afraid. Something definitely wasn't right.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Sune watched the shuttle fly into launch bay. Why did we not just fly in the shuttle? Best not to ask questions, just proceed with the mission. he thought. He activated his suit's propulsion and flew into the bay himself. Sune touched down lightly in the bay, and disengaged the propulsion. He looked around surveying the bay. Enviromental is online. Think I will keep my suit sealed, we still have no idea what this biological weapon is all about. he thought.

Shortly after he arrived he saw Pineapple exit the shuttle. He checked the data supplied on the Irim Gun ship layout. There was no direct mention of where the computer would be. Not willing to risk using the suit radio to talk to the others he thought, Following Star Army standard design the computer should be near the bridge or on it. He crossed the bay to the leading into the ship. He would wait there for the others to arrive in the bay before he open it.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Junko watched the status indicators for the electronics arrays and volumetric projectors quite carefully. There really was little chance that they would fail, but she was bound and determined to insure that no fault could be ascribed to her in measuring their operation. Aside from the somewhat unnecessary occupation with current system demands, Junko found herself checking in on the now idle weapons and propulsion systems. The Eucharis had seemed to skate just ahead of the action so far, and as such the weapons all appeared to be in good order; but the STL engines had been pushed quite hard. The demands hadn’t quite reached the point of redlining the system, but Junko was quite pleased, as she watched various systems checks flow in from the resting systems, that the tempo of the engagement allowed for this pause.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Tasuku touched down in the bay just after Pineapple landed in the shuttle, ...need that if we need to get out of here quick... he thought eying the tiny Fox class shuttle, the flight over went well, but that Fox would move much faster in a pinch. He quickly hustled over to the other enlisted soldier, and waited for the Taii to give the next order.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Aboard the Tivurthrinth...

It frowned, so much as it could.

And then It waited.

The scans came back. There were sensor jamming technologies all over the place now. In the edge of Its consciousness, It heard these things humming their absurd little tunes. Radio frequencies. Fake ships. Real ships. Like the melting of a glacier, gradually It pursued, through many avenues, Its next course of action.

Under the strain of Its heavy thought, several of Its crewmembers began making disgusting, high-pitched whining sounds, from pain. With an undefyable will, It silenced them. It tore into their minds, rooting around, digging up their past experiances fighting the Empire and each other. It opened doors mostly sealed.

And then It Understood.

The destruction that It had ordered had been delayed. There had been a ship, clearly moving away from the combat zone. The target ship had taken hits. It had been damaged, but it was not destroyed. There were no victorious explosions. No suspiciously Nadeshiko-colored debris were littering the space in front of Its vessel. The ship had just flown off. And that, frankly, was not correct. It was not logical. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It made It angry.

It knew the extent of Its own ship, better than that.


Several of the crew collapsed, kreening and flailing their limbs, but the ones that survived the onslaught immediately moved to obey. The Tivurthrinth came to a hault. Its sister ship, the Yzonvl, pulled alongside it.

Closing Its eyes, It prepared itself for the search. It ignored the sensor drivel; disregarded the mechanical chaff that buzzed by Its subconscious. There was but one thing it could use against this clever enemy, with any reasonable certainty.

The enemy itself.

It reached out, and to Its delight, found something that It felt that It could work with...


On the Irim-Class...

Taii Hamada checked over each of the people who had come along with her. She paused when the shuttle pulled into the bay and stared at it for a few moments, uncomprehending, before swearing under her breath. The sound of it was muffled by the helmet and the suit's natural reaction to her language, which was to block it from being transmitted over any communications network, anywhere.

It probably had something to do with the 'bleep'. There were a lot of bleeps.

But the Taii, regardless of whether or not her own personal plan had been followed, nevertheless moved to the door to the ship's main passageways and addressed the away team.

"Here's what is going to happen," the Taii began, "There are seven decks above the one we are standing in, now. Our goal is the main deck - the bridge. Once there, if possible, we will take control of this vessel and activate the self-destruct procedures for the rest of the fleet in stasis around Nataria. Jalen-Hei, you-"

All hands man your battlestations - this is not a drill, repeat...

The general quarters alarm began to sound and the hangar doors slammed closed.

The great, impenetrable metal shields were impassive. Aside from the alarm, which died away quickly, nothing else so much as sneezed. Theoretically, mice would probably have also fallen silent, if mice were aboard Star Army Vessels. They weren't, but it would have been a nice touch.

When the Taii tried the main vertical passage door, she swore. There were more low, muttery fuzzed out words over the communciations channel.

"Someone," she said, stepping back away from the door, "See if you can cut this..."

The channel fuzzed.

"...open. Otherwise, we're going to have to find another way up."


And in the engineering space of the Eucharis...

There was one of those little red lights come on.

You know the sort; the ones that mean something's just a little off kilter. It wasn't a big light. In fact, it just seemed to be a loss of coolant pressure in the portside shield array, and a sudden decrease in current resistance along the power run. Neither of which were terribly deadly or dangerous on their own. All it meant was, the shields were beginning to overheat.

There had also been a problem closing the door in the Shuttle Bay automatically, after the away team had deployed. It was a yellow light. It clearly said 'Open'. It should have said closed.

Every engineer in the Star Army knew that they worked in the Jungle. It might not be anything like a dangerous foreign planet, and it might not be in a particularly adventurous way, but ships killed people.

Most of the people ships killed were engineers.


Over the communications channel...

There was silence.

It was not the sort of silence that indicates a lack of activity. PANTHEON was always active. She, if such a system may be given a gender, was always actively watching over things. She was very diligent in that regard, connecting to all the ships in the fleet, making sure that everything was running smoothly.

But there was now something else.

It was a whisper on the edge of existance.

Hanako, connected into the system, would be aware of a particular whisper. This was a resonance. It was a tickle in the body that traveled up the spine and felt around all the extremities in-between, before leaving a little message in the very top of the brain.

You, It said, quietly and secretly, a voice weak and very far away, but present and searching, Are Going To Be Mine, Oh Darling. I Know You Are There. I Know You Are Listening. Believe My Word. For I Will Find You. I Will Have You, Run As You May. Run As You May.

And then the voice was gone. It had passed. Distinctly, it seemed as if it had moved on, but that was probably not entirely true. The presence, at least, was gone.

The resonance remained.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Ramiro paused, as there was nothing to do, and started leaning back in his chair You know what this ship needs is some foot stools for the bridge crew, he thought to himself. Just then a flat line on the side of his screen wiggled a bit. At first he didn't notice it, but when it did it a second time he saw it out of the corner of his eye. He looked over at the line, now flat again, thinking he was going crazy when it slowly wiggled again, indicating that there was noise coming through the communication channel. This confused him as communications should be relayed through the speakers on his console. Checking the measurements on the sounds he quickly discovered the sound was basically inaudible. He picked up a pair of headphones, place them against his ear, and started amplifying the sound. Once it was audible enough to hear he noticed it didn't sound friendly. "Taisa, you might want to listen to this," he called behind him as he had the system start recording the communication.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

"Melisson, is that you?" Hanako wondered aloud. Melisson was not one to be trifled with. Taisa Hanako had repeatedly met the Mishhuvurthyar woman many times in battle, loosing three gunships to Melisson...and Melisson was responsible for the destruction of Taiie and had almost destroyed Lor as well.

Hanako hastily unhooked her harness and began pacing about the back of the confined red-carpeted circular command center, followed around by a small clump of volumetric display windows. Although every second made her position more costly and more risky, she had little choice but to have the ship sit still and wait for Hamada and her team.

After a bit of pacing, she placed her hands on Ramiro's shoulders. "Do not worry, they are only talking because they are frustrated. Under normal circumstances, they just fire on us," she smiled.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

As the warfare suite came active, Nika watched in awe as the explosions around them stopped. However, its not the end yet as the enemy will start searching for them very soon.

Leaving the sensors to Blueberry and the silent piloting to Ramiro, the neko resumed her duty watching the warfare suite's system closely, noting any changes that might affect the ships somewhat...

A beep came up within the ship's system diagnostic, indicating a 'problem' down at the shield generators. Nika gradually dispersed the power to other portions of the ship's system, which to her dismay, the 'problem' did not go away.

Another 'problem' surfaced in the form of the shuttle bay door indicator. The pressure within the bay was normal, however the 'Open' status got the neko worried as well.

"Bridge to Engineering. Could you check on the shield generator on some minor issue? Also, the shuttle bay door seemed to have encountered a glitch..."
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

The sudden blaring of the klaxon sounded even louder after the silence of the ship. What is going on? These ships are supposed to be mothballed inactive. So who is triggering the alarm. Sune thought, the ominous sound of the bay door closing added to his adrenaline. This is so not good..

Upon hearing the Taii's order, Sune actived his Mindy's Ke-M2-W2902 in blade mode. "Working on the hatch ma'am." He said as he turned to face the blast door. He chose a point a eye level, and using the strength of the armor to plunge the blade into the door. Once the blade melted its way through the door, Sune started the process of forcing the blade downward. Even with the power of the Ke-M2-W2902 it would take several minutes to safely cut through the blast door, which obviously was meant to prevent the very action he was taking. Sune made a quick mental calculation, "Barring any suprises Hamada-Taii, I should have the hatch clear in three minutes." He said over the comm unit.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

"Thank you crewman." Misaki looked to Nika, keying into the transmission as she moved away from Blueberry's station. "Engineering, worry about the shields first. We're not in water, the doors can come second. If you need assistance request it. Kurusu out."

The mission was taking too long again. "Blueberry, ensure you're ready to keep continuity based on conditions in the bay, and the movements of the doors."

And Hanako...what was she up to? "It can't be, Taisa. Don't let them get to you. They're probably trying to bait us into giving someplace to triangulate." It could be, you know. She thought to herself, but wasn't going to say it to the pacing Taisa. The Chusa adjusted that helmet under her arms, and paused, ascertaining what could be gnawing at the slightly shorter woman.

The Mishhu didn't take normal prisoners. Slipping through her body, a bit of a thrill that someone as experienced with them was in command hit the flower-haired XO. They weren't going to die if she and Hanako could help it. The crew was paying close attention in the tense, quiet situation.

"So, we'll wait it out then?" Misaki soothingly queried, a glint of concern in her purple eyes. Obviously, the Taisa didn't want to be connected to the ship actively, or she was deep in thought about something. After a while, she knew it was the latter more than anything.

"I hope they are successful soon. The only reason we're not being fired upon is because they seem to be using our ships, and I would surmise it's a strategic loss if they blow up too many to get to us." The Chusa stated the obvious, but it was more for the others benefit than hers, and to bring Hanako's mind to the fight away from whatever memories she might have with the being that briefings cited as 'Melisson' and nothing more. The intel was disturbing, at best.

They couldn't fail. Countless, countless people were counting on them and didn't even know it.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

"A comforting thought Taisa," Ramiro said. "Since we're not dead they must not want us dead." He sighed deeply as he thought for a second. "So the question is what happens if they decide they want us dead? With the ship on half staff and the other half sitting ducks on some godforsaken hunk of metal, that may not even be functional." He slowly slouched back in his chair and looked up at the Taisa with a grin. "Either way, they won't be getting me without a fight, I can promise you that."
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

Sune focused on the task of cutting through the blast door trapping them in the Irim's shutle bay. After completing the first vertical cut, he repeated the process on the other side. He kept a mental check on how long it was taking, and kept coaxing the energy blade to move just a bit faster, by his estimate he would complete the task fifteen seconds faster than his original estimate. Still strange that the ship would seal itself up like that. As Sune completed the final cut across the top of the hatch, he placed his foot against it applying pressure so that the hatch would not fall towards him. As the blast door and hatch fell away he moved to the side, "Hatch clear ma'am"
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

The warnings had barely appeared on Junko's screens before the calls came down from the bridge. As such, it took her a few moments to run through the diagnostics' results. The loss of coolant pressure and resistance in the power runs were both relatively minor, to be sure, but there combined prescence set off a warning of sorts in the back of Junko's thoughts. She refocused the diagnostics, attempting to get a clearer picture of whatever local failure was occuring, but the information returned was much the same. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than a system wide fluctuation. She walked over to the damage control locker again, activating the intercom as she walked. "Bridge, Engineering. The problems with the shields do indeed appear rather minor from what the sensors report, but I'd like to take a look at it myself. Permission to leave my station?" she asked, already stripping off her uniform to pull on an AMES.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

"As long as someone can watch engineering," Hanako answered. It was regulation to make sure the bridge and engineering were always manned. "Blueberry, please take over the engineering space while she works."

"Aye, Taisa," Blueberry answered, on the way.

"Junko, after this battle, we need to do some serious inspecting on the ship. There are entirely too many random technology failures going on this mission. This ship has always been extremely durable and if it is suddenly having a rash problems not caused by damage, it makes me wonder what is going on. Coolant leaks? Refrigerator circuit boards? I am not going to settle for my ship's condition being anything less than excellent," Hanako warned.

Blueberry entered engineering wearing EPJs. "Good luck," she told Junko sympathetically.
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

"Understood, ma'am," replied Junko as the communication ended. There certainly had been an unusual number of failures, but now was not the time to think about such things. She finished sealing the suit before grabbing up, once again, the trusty repair kit pack and a CASTER dispenser. Turning, she made her way to the port bulkhead, pausing to say, "Thanks," as Blueberry entered to take over. As she climbed up the ladder and settled the pack down on the catwalk, Junko couldn't help but remark how similar to the rather disasterous training exercise her current situation was. Cognizant that this time there might be real damage and hazardous environments ahead of her, she doubled checked the suit seals and environmental conditions before opening the maintenance conduit hatch and crawling in.

It didn't take long to get far enough into the conduits for the situation to get a little alarming. Even with the AMES internal coolant systems functioning, the temperature in the surrounding atmosphere was getting noticeably higher. "Engineering, Takeda. Are we losing efficiency in any subsystems? It's getting pretty hot in here and I'm beginning to worry that the coolant leak might be more critical than the sensors are showing."
Re: [Mission 7.1] Universe at War - Battle of Nataria

In Blueberry's absence, Misaki sat down at her station, to maintain system status while they waited for the armour team and their hopeful success. She felt...off not being with them, but in the meantime she began to calculate, and forward several different paths to withdraw on when the ships started going for the remaining vessels of the squadron, as well as contingencies to recover the Aurora with if they could do it on their own, and get her back to the second Squadron Starbase.

There must have been something else you could have done to help that crew. One pang hit her, Review it later. The Chusa thought to herself, she always did, but that time it felt important to spare one of a multitude of streaming thoughts through her mind to that, just to reassure herself. The NH-27 wasn't the type that needed it constantly, or often, or even had to speak to herself. The dead time in the battle had brought it out.

"Just what is wrong with the ship today? I hope we have enough time for a full diagnostic after this. I doubt it, but if we're all docked at the station I can oversee the recovery of our other crews and systems at least." The XO noted to the Taisa, monitoring the progress with the systems of the Eucharis herself.

And you didn't talk about the potential of immediate death. No need to scare the new crew if they don't have it figured out already. The soldier thought to herself absently, re-checking the settings of the electronic warfare suite.

One of the plans would have to please Hanako, as they included the other ships, and gave them the best (as she saw it) ability to fire upon enemies chasing them out. In the universe, there was something oddly beautiful to her about the twinkling sight of battle in the distance, or all around. Her heart was still beating a little quickly, just at the knowledge, deep, that it was out there somewhere.

Fight on.
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