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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 7.2] Operation Payback - Fighter Launch

Elisto glanced from one panel, to another, as he wrote up a quick program. "Hunter," the operative started as he was putting on the finishing touches. As he finished up his little project, he ran the patch through a simulation real quick to make sure that it wouldn't damage any of his fighters systems, then with a smile he looked over at Hunter.

"I've created a patch to our sensor systems, the patch should help us cut through enemy weapon and sensor jamming and help us better identify potential threats."
"2X-F21 Prepare for Launch." came from the speakers in the bay. The pallets for the Fighting Diamonds quickly started moving the squadron into the launch bay.

"Target data download commencing." appeared on each of the fighter's HUD. A stream data replaced the text as the coordinates for their bombing was loaded into the tactical systems. "Target data download complete."

The outer doors of the launch bay lowered into the hull revealing the ongoing battle.
"You're welcome, Hellcat!" Kenshin sent back to his wingmate. Then returned his attention to his fighter crafts controls and displays.

"This is 0079, reporting launch-ready status." Kenshin announced over the comms after completing his pre-launch checklist; finishing the task whilst the deck crew had repositioned his Kawarime into the launch bay. For a few heartbeats a message window sprung into life upon his heads-up-display, indicating his fighter craft was receiving the co-ordinates for mission objectives. Once that download was completed, Kenshin spoke over comms again.

"Awaiting launch clearance."

Through the canopy, Kenshin watched as the massive bay doors slid aside and revealed the faint pin-pricks of starlight that lay beyond; partially obscured by the barrier that kept the Heitan's launch bay from depressurizing.
Errowyn watched the view of space and the continuing space battle when her computer chirped confirming the bombing run that gave her mission profile.

Here precision came into play as lives were on the balance of her successful accuracy to hit a target. She scowled as she waited for the signal to launch with her squad mates.
A brilliant flash off to the port of the Heitan illuminated the darkness of space, briefly blotting out the battle. The carrier shook from the proximity of the blast. A moment later across the squadron channel Atsui's voice came through.

"2X-F21, you are cleared for launch. Good Hunting Diamonds. Be alert for packs of battlepods in the planets atmosphere."
"Go, go, go!" Yaeko called as she launched her fighter at full acceleration. Angling straight for their target she looked through her IFF information as well as their tactical information.

"Alright Diamonds, we're in for the bombing run. Let's make those test flights from Aqueous worth the Empire's dime."
Errowyn giggled at hearing Yaeko as they wasted that dime on her as she hit full thrust, being slammed back into her seat as the Kawarime shot out of the launchtube into the heavily contested section of space.

Glancing around and finding the rest of the 21st Squadron, manuevered into her slot within the formation.
Kayo gave her displays one last check, and hit the throttles for her engines to full power. The surge of acceleration pressed her into the padding of her seat. She felt her pulse quicken as she shot into the embrace of space. "0129 all systems go, moving into position." she transmitted.

She adjusted her course and fell into formation with the squadron.


Akemi was thinking of her family and clan when the launch order came through. They were the reason she was here, to defend them, and the Empire. She sent the command to her fighter with her SPINE, felt the Kawarime shudder as the engines roared to full power. A flick of her thoughts, and the fighter was released.

"0097, launching." She sent out.

She shot away from the Heitan and watched it briefly pass underneath her.
"Hold on to your butt, Spinner," Hael said as the launch order came across. Without hesitation Hael punched the acceleration to launch with the rest of his new squadron. As the black, quiet emptiness of space enveloped them, Hael's eyes widened in wonder. Though he had trained in space piloting and battle simulations, nothing had quite prepared him for the reality of the deep, unending expanse spattered against the background of frenzied combat.

Spotting his squad forming up he confirmed, "0172 Launched," before casually flying into the formation as well. Itchy fingers gripped his controls in excitement he struggled to contain as he reviewed their orders.

"Hell yeah," he said to no one in particular. "Lets blow some shit up!"
Elisto was late, but then again, he was also more focused on finishing up the sensor patch he had created. When he had noticed that most of the squad had launched he got himself into a ready position and slapped his helmet onto his head, he ran a preflight check to make sure all systems were a go.

"Zero-One-Oh-Three, all systems green, launching!" called out Elisto as he fighter rocketed down the runway and out into space, he spun it around for a moment then quickly cought up with Hunter.
As the Diamonds left the carrier and headed towards Aetherus Haven, it was obvious that the battle had shifted to a new stage. There were very few battlepods zipping out, what few remained stayed close to their ships protecting them from missiles.

The battle was now being waged by the various ships in the fleet. Capital vessels exchanging fire across the empty expanse; while gunships and other small, fast and maneuverable ships made attack runs. The Yamato, flag ship of the 2XF was in the thick of things and was leading its attack group against a group of NMX warships.
Errowyn took in her surroundings taking note of the many fights between the ships in space wanted to be mixing it up with the enemy fighters. Machine and skill pitted against each other in the most deadly stakes laid out. Drifting slightly apart from the rest of the Diamond's formation as they sped towards the looming planet ahead.
Anne raised an eyebrow. This pilot was very friendly, she had to note. In interesting way too. Anne realised that 'holding on to her butt' must be some Yamataian expression. She did not hear it before though. Maybe Silic could explain it better later. In past she was told to hold on to her lunch, but that one was easy. Vomiting in the cockpit is never a good thing.

"Do not worry about me," she simply responded with a smile. She was already configuring the Wavefront module and sensors of the fighter. This one was stock so she had to do all the calibration on the fly. On the side screen she monitored health of the wing. All seemed fine, maybe with a bit of raised high-rate, but that was to be expected in battle.
Yaeko monitored her squadron as they exited the Heitan. Once the rest of the squadron was out and in formation she accelerated towards their first target.

"Diamonds, watch out for cross fire. One shot from those battle cruisers' main cannons and you're done."

As the squadron neared the first target she switched comm channels into the inter-squadron channel for the squad leaders and the Heitan bridge so she could report in.

"This is Munkata-Shoi, 21st. Approaching target coordinates. No contact yet. Out."
As the Squadron passed the orbit of the the planets moon the sensors of the fighters fluctuated briefly. The inertial navigation system showed the a shift in speed then corrected itself.

Silic's precise gut did an involuntary roll as if he had just experienced one of Yaeko's evasive maneuvers. After that nothing else unusual occurred.

On the surface of the planet brilliant flashes of light and huge plumes of dust and debris were visible even before entering the atmosphere. The bombing of other targets was going.

A moment after Yaeko status call, multiple inbound objects were streaking upwards. A fraction of a second later the IFF painted them red and clearly identified them as Battlepods. A group of ten battlepods on an intercept course that was bringing them up behind the Diamonds. They unleashed two volleys of missiles at the Diamonds while they were still well below them.
Battle instincts took over, Errowyn became the fighter pilot, letting loose deadly streaks of aether cannon fire once she had target lock on them, as she dropped her Kawarime below the plane of flight that the rest of the squadron was taking for retalitory fire spread to break up the battlepod formation. They was formible in a group, but individualy they was weak when it came to 1-on-1 combat.
Elisto glanced, looking at his sensors and right away engaging the wavefront module along with a few modifications to make the jamming more effective. He turned his fighter 'upside down' relative to the rest of the squadron and stared at the approuching craft, which he could just 'barely' notice.

"Inbound hostiles from below," announceed Elisto.
Yaeko grinned as she remembered one of the manuevers that she had read about once.

"Diamonds, cut engines and rotate. On my lead."

Cutting any acceleration from her engines, she activated side thrusters and spun the craft 180 horizontally, so she was facing backward while momentum kept her continuing forward. She waited for the battlepods to streak up in front of her fighter before unleashing her cannons.
Hael's pulse quickened as his heart leaped into his throat as the enemy registered on his scanners. A strange mix of exhilaration and uncertainty washed over him. This is what it all came down to. This is what all his training and preparation had led to. This would be where he found his true identity and emerge from the shadow of his father.

Hael jerked the fighter in a tight cork screw to avoid an incoming missile as Hunter called out her orders.

"Copy that Hunter," He responded as he copied her maneuver, pointing his fighter in the opposite direction he was facing. He held his trigger finger, waiting for the battle pods to get close enough so that he wasn't wasting ammo.
Anne was quick with her fingers, running aboard the touch-screen. She saw missiles and it was clear they were the biggest threat. She assume they would be heat-seeking missiles, as those are the most effective, but that might not be the thing. Something else might guide them.

Anne quickly looked at sensors to see by what means are the missiles using to lock on Diamonds. With that she went and made her wavefront module jamm enemy missiles. Not having to focus on flying made this much more easier then in past.