Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 8.0] Whispers in the dark

"Sound's like you made a bad business decision," remarked the operative. Elisto was enjoying this, more than he thought he had, although he was speaking not from personal experience but from the experiences told to him by others. "Might I suggest that in the future, you find more stable and honest work, then you won't run into my collegues and I again.. hmm?" the operative turned his head slightly to one side, as if the emphasis the 'hmm' part.
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"Bad business decision... that's one way to put it. But if those cats come in here, its game over... we need to get the hell out of here." the man replied.
"On my way," Anne replied in her comm to Elisto. She knelt down. "Carefully ma'am," said as she help the pregnant lady sit up a bit. Anne put the girls arm around her own neck and then grabbed her, lifting her gently in her arms. "I am gonna get you out of here and then we will be get a beautiful baby on this world right?"

Anne decided to ignore Elisto's previous offer on delivering children. Anne might not be a kind of doctor that delivers babies, but she was still surgeon and had theoretical knowledge on what to do. Hopefully she won't though, because getting the baby out in this place would be very, very unhealthy. Besides she wanted to have machines and nurses around in case, there would be bleeding of any sort.

"Let's go, my comrade found us a transport." Anne said to the other two.
Akemi made her way back to where she had left the other two. She saw plenty of bays but none of them had any vehicles present. She saw Anne coming out of the doorway ahead and moved up. It was clear that she was carrying the pregnant one, Akemi was not sure if that was best or not. She chose instead to leave that matter to the medically trained person.

She keyed her mic to the others, "Once we get you folks on the shuttle, I'll head back to my fighter. I'll slave your birds to bring them back safe.

Scrapyard do you anticipate any problem from the others when you get underway? I'll let securing them and the vehicle in your capable hands.

Spinner, obviously the medical situation is in your hands. I heard once that alcohol can be used to help slow the onset of pregnancy. Not sure if it is true, but figured I would share that."
Meanwhile, in the cold dark bosom of space, with a small space skirmish kicking off behind them Silic sat awkwardly. No one had actually answered him. Instead they were talking about strange things that clearly made no sense.

"Someone? Hello?" he asked awkwardly in the comms in his loneliness.

"Am I hearing the last few minutes correctly? Are you guys actually trying to help pirates escape? What's going on?" His voice slowly getting more desperate.

"Wait, who's pregnant? Is it Anne? Oh God, I don't know if I'm ready for that. I thought Helashio and nepleslians couldn't do...that, you know?" Silic said as he shrunk into his seat.
Elisto had to stop himself from commenting on what Silic said, the operator could only mentally shake his head. He took his knee off the mans body and then stood up, his NSP still on his hand though his knife he put back into its sheath. "Then lets help get that shuttle ready, the sooner it is done, the sooner we can leave," he said and eyed the doorway into the bay that the man had come in from moments earlier.

Thinking on what Akemi had said, the man rubbed his chin and opened up a private comm so only Akemi and the others on the team would hear. "Nay, I don't think these guys will be a problem, although just to be safe I would keep a lock on the shuttle in case our... guests... try and make a run for it. By the way, I would advice against giving any alcohol to that pregnant lady, small amounts could cause problems for the baby and result in problems after birth."
Akemi thought about the situation, they would have the upper hand on the shuttle. But part of her was reluctant to leave Anne alone with persons of possible questionable morals. "I will defer to your opinion. You are there in their presence so you are in the best position to make the judgement."

She followed behind the two other prisoners and spoke to Silic. "Tin Man. We are affecting the rescue of three prisoners, one of whom is pregnant, most likely going into labor. The others are apparently technicians hired by the folks who owned this station. Scrapyard is going to ensure that they are unarmed, and advise them to follow the flight path we provide."
`Tin man I am afraid my biology does not alow me to carry your progeny.` Anne responded over the comms. If she would ever get pregnant, it would be because she wanted to get pregnant or her master would told her to. She did not have any master at the moment and she did not exactly wanted to tie herself to children and family at the moment.

`I am fairly sure, that giving alcohol to pregnant woman is a bad idea either way,` Anne added as she moved to Scrapyards location. `Even though the baby is now grown and would probably not be in too much danger, if there would be any bleeding, I don't want mothers blood to have troubles with clogging.` Anne made sure to have this discussion with speakers on her helmet turned off, to not scare the mother any more then she was.
The facility shook as weapon fire struck the hull. A sensation familiar to anyone who had served on a ship during battle. Dust and debris shook loose from the ceiling and other places. The internal gravity fluctuated a bit causing stuff on the floor to shift to the left. The folks following Anne were able to avoid being tripped.
Elisto stopped briefly and glanced toward the room where there was atmosphere leaking out into space. "Spinner, best get them to us quickly... this base is going to come apart soon," Elisto said via telepathy to Anne. "Come on," he said to the man and made his way into the room where the others were currently working.
The technician offered no resistance, and once they entered the room he spoke up. "Hey guys, seems the Star Army has showed up. Guess they are going to escort us safely away from those cats. Meanwhile they have some folks needing assistance."

The two other guys stood for a moment surprised. Elisto could have just appeared out of a puff of smoke for how taken aback they were. "No problem, we're ready to launch." the one closest to the shuttle said.
"Good," remarked Elisto as he reopened his comm. to the rest of his team. "How long before you get here Spinner? I think these hired hands wanna get out of here as soon as possible," remarked the operative as he glanced over at the techs and the man he had 'almost' killed earlier.
The techs look at Elisto. "We can leave as soon as your people are on board and secure. Provided the door controls still work."