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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 8.2C] Charlie Team / Blueprints

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"Charlie team, you heard the Taisa we are continuing with the plan. Moving out now. Endo-Hei you are with me. Takeda and Valencia wait one minute and then follow us. We will regroup on the other side of customs." Sune walked down the ramp holding himself straight in the expected fashion of the Caelisolans. It had the added benefit of helping to minimize the pain in his side.

Once at the bottom of the ramp he set out towards the corridor that lead to customs. Curious that no alarms in the station went off with that weapons discharge. No security response at all. As he crossed the area he casually scanned the area visually he could not shake the feeling that they were being watched.
Kumiko hurried after Sune, shaking her now ruffled robes out, and straightening her wings. "Yes sir." As she walked she looked around. Deciding that it would be better to voice these things out loud, she spoke up, not looking at Sune though. "Sir, shouldn't there be alarms going off, or if not alarms, then people around? I mean, gunfire with no response doesn't seem feasible in a race as advanced as the Elysians."
"Yes, a discharge of an automatic weapon in the bay should have triggered a number of alarms. And those in turn should have brought some sort of a security response. The fact that neither appears to have occurred, leaves us with only one conclusion. Our assailant must have one or more accomplices. Further it is logical to assume that they were expecting a Star Army vessel to arrive and somehow penetrated our ship disguise. There is no telling how badly compromised our situation here is.”

As he approached the corridor that left the bay, Sune noticed a discarded weapon next to the forklift. With a nod of his head in the direction of the weapon, “It looks like our attacker tossed his weapon before entering the station.” Sune entered corridor and saw that the pressure door at the end was closed. There were also two maintenance hatches along the wall. As he walked down to the door he looked at the hatches. Both had a significant amount of dust and debris which made it clear they had not been opened in a while. He reached under his robe and put a hand on his NSP. “Best be ready to draw your weapon, last time we opened a door someone shot at us.” He said as he reached for the door control.
Ramiro nodded towards Sune once orders were issued. He knelt down and drew his weapon in order to provide the other two with cover fire. He glanced down at his comm in order to check the time. He looked up at Takeda and suggested, "We'll give them 120 and then go." He started running through possibilities of the assault in his head of how their assailant got there. "I'm thinking that guy that attacked us might have help. He would have to have known we were coming not to mention the fact that we've been landed for quite a while. The chances of no one in security seeing a man heavily armed pointing a gun at a ship is unlikely. Plus someone should be curious to why shots were randomly fired."
Kumiko reached inside of her robes, and put her hand on her NSP, fingering the latch on her holster off. "I can agree with that, sir," she said, moving slightly off to the side. "You might not want to stand right in front of that door, sir. Center of attention and all." She pondered what he had said. "I agree as well. Even low grade sensors should have the capability to register a discharge, if not what type, and the Elysians are far from low grade technology."
Sune chuckled, "Believe me Endoh I have no attention of being in the center of the door. When it opens." He stood to the side of the passageway and activated the door control.

There were no mysterious gunmen standing ready to open fire at them. In fact everything beyond the doorway appeared perfectly normal. The Customs station was operating like nothing had occurred. There were other visitors waiting in lines from the other entrances to the station. How curious. The assailant must have closed the pressure door when he entered the bay otherwise these people would not be just standing here as if it were a normal day. He looked at Kumiko and raised an eyebrow, then entered the area. As they entered one of the Customs Officer motioned for them to come over.

As Sune walked up to the station, another person walked up and spoke with the Customs Officer. The discussion was a bit heated but finally the new person prevailed and Sune approached. "Sorry for the inconvenience. We seem to be experiencing some difficulties with the lifts today. Are you here for business or pleasure?" the person said looking at Sune's papers.

"Actually a bit of both if I have time for it." Sune replied. The Customs person person then stamped the papers and handed them to Sune, "Everything appears to be in order, enjoy your stay sir." Glancing down Sune saw the paper had two stamps, the normal Elysian one, and one in the shape of the SAINT logo which prompted faded out. Sune then moved forward and waited for Kumiko to clear customs.
Ramiro looked over at Junko and said, "All right, time's up." He stood, holstered his weapon, and slowly began to slowly walk down the hallway. He made sure to peer around corners before turning and when he reached the now open door Ramiro stopped, having seen the Kumiko and Sune were still passing through. He stood off to the sides where he couldn't be seen through the door and waited for Junko to catch up.
"I guess not, sir." Kumiko smiled slightly. She still flinched slightly when Sune opened the door, but breathed a sigh of relief when no gunfire poured through. She shrugged in return to his eyebrow, and followed, pulling out her papers as she did so. She stepped up after Sune, and handed over her papers. "More or less the same thing here." She smiled slightly at the customs agent.
Ramiro paused for another minute or two after he watched Kumiko go through customs before continuing. He went through the customs process smoothly, answered any questions, got his papers stamped, and then walked over to the others. "Everything go smoothly for you two?"
"Well no has been shooting at us so far. But the SAINT operative was delayed he almost did not get to the Customs Station before we attempted to pass. He commented about there being problems with the lifts." Sune replied "It might be best if we avoid using them if at all possible." Sune then quickly sent a text message to the other teams to ensure that they knew about potential issues with the lifts.

Charlie Team said:
Be advised our SAINT operative almost did not make it to meet us. Stated that the Station appears to be having problems with the lifts. Suspect lifts are being monitored, and may be used to ambush teams.
Junko came to a halt near her teammates, quietly scanning their surroundings for threats. Valencia's comments before had set her a bit on edge and she fully expected to be surrounded by angry Elysians at any moment – whether NMX controlled or not. The apparent normality outside of the docking back did nothing to relieve her nerves; quite the contrary, she could feel her left hand, tightly gripped around the handle of the reinforced case, begin to sweat. “Perhaps we ought not mention SAINT in a public area, particularly if enemy forces are monitoring for infiltration,” she said quietly.
Nodding at Junko, "Time being of the essence we have no choice to but take the lifts for now. However, being forewarned we can take precautions such as standing to the sides in the lift and caution when we exit." Sune turned and made his way to the lifts, and pressed the call button. When the door opened he stepped in and held the door for the others.
Kumiko followed him in, taking up position in one of the back corners of the lift, placing her hand inside her robes on her holster, but not drawing her NSP. "I have to agree, sir. Especially in confined, easily monitored areas such as the lifts, we might want to keep that subjuect quiet."
Ramiro followed the others into the lift. He stood next to Kumiko, but closer to the door. He looked around the ceiling for any signs of cameras, forced entry, possible sabotage, and those such things. Once he was finished scanning his surroundings he placed his hand next to his sidearm in case something went wrong.
Once all of his team was in the elevator Sune selected the floor where the designers worked. The doors to the lift closed silently. The fact that the fate of the people in the elevator were in his hands was not lost on Sune. Once the lift was moving he took a moment to survey the interior. A maintenance hatch was visible above them. The rear wall was a shiny brushed aluminum. Soft instrumental Elysian music played from speakers concealed in the light panels. He watched the indicator and mentally tracked the distance. From the bay to where the designers worked were twenty-seven levels. That was how many chances there were for them to be intercepted. With each passing level they were that much closer to their objective.

Two floors short of their destination the elevator chime sounded and the car came to a stop. Sune had his NSP unholstered under his robe; he thumbed the weapon to pulse. After the incident in the cargo bay he was not going to worry about trying to stun people shooting at them. “Weapons ready people.” He said, and as the doors started opening the sound of automatic weapons filled the air. The wall in the back of the elevator car was peppered with holes. Glancing at the wall, Sune could discern four muzzle flashes coming from above a counter. When the doors opened fully the control panel and the elevator lights went out. So far it appeared that none of the team was hit. “I make four shooters. Firing from behind some sort of counter. I am taking the one of the far left.” He said as he withdrew his NSP from under his robes and sighted down the weapon pointing the laser at his target and using the door frame for stability and cover. He fired three quick shots and ducked back hearing the sound of a body hitting the floor.
Ramiro waited with the rest of he group, watching carefully for anything suspicious. When the elevator stopped Ramiro had his NSP out before Sune even mentioned them. He kept the weapon concealed, but had his finger on the trigger, ready to fire. When the doors opened and the firing started he immediately dropped to the ground, pulling Kumiko down with him, and yelled, "Take cover!" He rolled to the door and placed his back against the wall that was next to the door. When Ramiro heard Sune yell about the gunmen he dropped to one knee, poked his head and gun aroind the corner, fired a quick two shots at each of the middle two assailants, and then ducked back for cover without even checking to see if he hit.
Kumiko, being slightly more trusting and cautious then the others, chose to keep her NSP holstered, even once the lift had stopped. After all, it might just be someone else who needed to use the elevator, right? When the shots began flying, and Ramiro pulled her down to the floor, she de-holstered her gun as she went down staying low and close to the wall even after Ramiro let her up. She leveled her NSP, and fired two quick shots off after steadying her aim a bit, looking to hit the farthest right assailant, or at least scare him back into cover. "I'll take care of the one on the right then."
Junko did nothing so controlled as actually aim at a target; rather she simply pulled the trigger of her NSP as fast as she could, wildly attempting to suppress the remaining shooters. Sucking in deep breaths as she exchanged magazines – scarcely cognizant of already emptying a 50 shot battery and totally unaware of whether or not she had actually hit anyone – she waited a beat before opening fire again, at first simply stretching her arm around from behind cover and firing totally un-aimed rounds. The stupidity of their situation struck her rather quickly, mid shot. “What if they have a grenade?” she half-yelled over the din of fire. “We need to get out of this elevator!”
The only sound coming from outside the elevator was some moaning from the attackers, and the snap and crackle of the electronics in the counter they had been using for cover.

"Highly unlikely." Sune said. "The attacker back at the Eucharis did not use a grenade. It would have been far safer to use one inside a starship. We are inside a structure in space. Indiscriminate use of explosives by the parties working against us would compromise the integrity of the station causing a hull breach or worse." Cautiously looking around the corner, he saw none of the attackers in a position to fight. "Clear." Sune said stepping out holstering his NSP to keep his hand from shaking. "The attack at the Eucharis was probably meant to scare us off. Whoever did this probably hoped to wound and capture us to learn about our mission."

Sune took a moment to look at the other members of his team. He did not see any obvious signs of injury. "Everyone okay?"

Looking to the left and right the passageway was closed by emergency bulkheads about thirty feet each way. "Besides if they had grenades they would have thrown them first." He said with a wink. "We still have a job to do." He glanced at Ramiro, "Valencia search our attackers take anything useful. If any are still alive, restrain them."

Turning to Kumiko next, "Endoh check out this corridor see if you can find a way to open either of those bulkheads or better yet find us a maintenance conduit we can use to get up two more decks." Crossing over to the doorway behind the counter he forced it open the controls for it hopeless fried by the onslaught of Junko clip emptying barrage.

He saw a terminal on a desk. "Takeda there is a terminal here, see if you can access the station systems. We will need a way to return to the Eucharis, with the designers. The elevators are definitely no longer an option."
"Yes, sir." Kumiko trotted down into the corridor, checking the doors, and upon discovering that they were effectively sealed, checking the maintenance panels she found as well. She ran her hands over the edges of the maintenance panels, and shook her head. Looking back up, she called back to the group. "Sir, looks like we're not going this way any time soon. The maintenance panels are sealed with a card access, and the door controls have been blasted. I can try to rewire the controls, but..." She shrugged hopelessly. "Our only other option is to blow the maintenance panels open, and try to unlock the doors from there. The choice is yours."
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