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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 9.0] Trouble in Deep Waters


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Seventh Squadron Starbase Kyoten
Location: 60 LY SE of Yamatai, West of HX-22

The ships of the 7th Squadron were parked in the Repair Dock. Various panels were open on the ships and technicians moved in and out of the ship. They were performing routine maintenance and upgrades of systems. One by one the teams completed their tasks and the ships were secured.

This was one of the rare times that the entire squadron actually got to spend time together. The facilities on Kyoten were busy to say the least, but that crew seemed pleased to be challenged.

Katae was putting the finishing touches on her uniform. She then went to the terminal in her quarters. She sent a message to the Squadron.

"Attention all Squadron Personnel. Report to your respective vessels. Mission briefing in twenty minutes. We will Conference in the other ships. Ise Katae-Taisa."
Yoshiro was already on his way to meet with the others in the briefing room. He made sure that his uniform wasn't wrinkled and made sure that everything was in order. He headed to where the briefing was being held and entered the room to wait. I wonder what is going on. This place seems as busy as it was during the war with the NMX. Yoshiro thought to himself.
Saki walked through the corridor towards the briefing room, her sword at her side. She was getting used to carrying pretty much everywhere by now. After it meant something. Sure she was not samurai, but her sword was too simple to even suggest that. Not that one would see many samurai around anyway. Ever since the war was over, there mostly silence as far as the samurai-class nekoes were related. That made Saki a bit said, but on the other hand it was probably good that those war-maidens were not needed anymore.

The blue-haired NCO walked into the briefing room, so far only Yoshiro was onside. Saki gave him a nod and sat across the table from the man.

"Greetings," she said and leaned into the chair. She removed the sword from OBI tied around the waist of her uniform and put it between her legs to not be in the way. "So what do you think? What kind of adventures await us next?"
Sheela entered the meeting room, looking like she just crawled out of a forgotten dusty maintenance crawl space within the bowels of the ship. Yet she managed to make dirt look neat and orderly upon her working uniform. Tools of various sizes and functions poked out of the many pockets on her uniform. Her tail wrapped around her waist, holding more tools of the trade.

"Squeakies!" Softly with warmth and pleasantly along with a wave of her paw/hand to those presence. "Whoze wez gonna thump this time?" She spoke as she flopped into a chair at the end of the table with a jangle of tool shifting. She was referring to Armada of ships in port and hustle of organized chaos in getting the various ships ready for departure.

Her easy manner showed her unique way of showing respect to those around her, regardless of rank or status, by treating each with her warmth of friendship and loyalty.
Upon entering the wardroom, Eiven's hair appeared to be a little damp and he smelled slightly of soap and shampoo. The doctor stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders on his way to the table, trying to work out the kinks that he did not quite get prior to his shower. It could be worse, he figured; his original body would have needed to be dragged in from what the old man had been pushing.

"Time for more trouble, I suspect?" he smirked, taking a seat.
Saki looked at Eiven and grinned. "No one really knows Doc," she replied and nodded to Sheela, to see that the reply was to both of them. "But seeing how the whole squadron got together, I think this won't be a simple exploration mission. Unless we explore somewhere real dangerous. Either way I think we should be ready for some hard times."
Misaki arrived in the wardroom with her hair in two smart buns, smelling rather fresh. She did make time to train again, and then had decided to wash up, given the briefing was something on the schedule. After taking a note of those present, she called out, "At ease." Just in case anyone tried to make a move to attention. After a few simple strides the soldier stood next to the normal chair near where their captain sat and stood behind it, deciding she would just sit after things started to get underway, with everyone else. "I'm glad to see everyone in good spirits. Hopefully you all enjoyed the opportunity for some diplomacy, I certainly am pleased nothing blew up this time." She said in a way that was warm but did not make it seem as if she were joking.
Katae stepped out of her cabin and walked briskly to the Wardroom. Her hair was braided to help manage its length. When free it reached the small of her back. She considered cutting it back to her short style, but decided to leave it. She approached the door to the wardroom and slowed only enough for the doors to open sufficient for her. She walked over to the table and put down her data pad and her cup of coffee. "Eternity, establish a conference with the other ships of our squadron." she said in a clear voice.

"Conference established Taisa, all ship's receiving." the ship's MEGAMI replied and volumetric avatars appeared above the table.

Katae took a brief look at the images, then looked at the crew members who were gathered in the room. She then settled into her seat. "Good morning. I hope everyone took the opportunity for some R&R." she started.

"While we were exploring for the Neshaten, it seems some new problems have cropped up. A new species called the Rixxorr have been encountered. Our sister ship the Eucharis to be specific. We have been charged to investigate a troubling situation between our territory and that of our allies the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. There is an Scientific Studies Service Expedition taking place on the planet Âtoma. The Tansaku-Class ships have experienced ship's trailing behind them while in deep space. These ships have not responded to hails, and remain at long range for sensors. More troubling is that a number of merchant vessels have gone missing in that area. Most recently a pair of Ge-L4-1a Sessou-Class Freighters owned by the Tamahagane Corporation. Those ships together represent a loss of 100 Yamataian citizens. Our mission is simple; investigate the area; identify the threat; assess it; take appropriate actions."

She paused and let Eternity display the list of vessels that had vanished, their planned routes.
Yoshiro took a look at the maps and the list of vessels that had disappeared, wondering what was on them. "Do we know what these freighters were carrying? Maybe the goods on board were worth stealing for some reason. That might be a clue as to what is going on." Yoshiro said.
Sheela looked down at her working coveralls and then back up to pay attention to what was being said and displayed. She held her council till she had the full scoop on things. She accessed Eternity's Data banks to get a better understanding of the merchant ships that were the subject of piracy. Then more information the surrounding sectors of the area of attacks were being made. Having it to be displayed to the conference table console before her so that not to disturb the others with undo clutter of having too many volumetric displays up and running.

Her ears were perked and swiveling to take in the conversation going on around her as she studied the information before her.
Hard times - something the Eiven wouldn't suggest Saki had never seen them; however he could argue that each person experiences them differently. One major component being the amount of perceived control one had over the situation. Another would be the individual's personal need for that sense of control.

That was when he wondered about the control he felt he needed. How much did the doctor feel he had? In the end, the old man smirked and nodded, "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Hearing the "at ease" order from the XO told him things would be moving soon. Then the Captain appeared, and that was Eiven knew it was on.

The presentation was interesting enough: a bit of space causing ships to disappear. That another rather famous vessel was already involved was cause for additional interest. Yoshiro's question did seem to be a logical place to start; however -

"I would also wonder whom these Rixxorr are," he offered.

Hard times, indeed...
Saki rose up and bowed each time officer entered the room. Both to XO and a bit later to the captain. The neko than sat down and made sure to listen carefully. As soon as the new race was mentioned, Saki linked to Eternity using her mind and checked what data she could dig up. There was not much, but what was there she did not like much. It was fairly clear that if the Rix were behind these lost ships, there would be fighting. Still seeing what kind of race they were Saki would not feel to bad about it.

"So we are going pirate hunting ma'am," Saki simply summarized the briefing to herself. She then looked to the doctor. "From what I just checked, they are not what you would call good guys. They are some kind of insect race, intelligent to an extent. Seems they have tendency for violence."
Katae looked at Saki, "I do not want to jump to conclusions. We do not know what is happening to those ships. Pirates, Marauders, some sort of automated weapon platform. Speculation gets us no where.

With regards to the Tamahagane Corporation ships, the first ship was hauling agricultural equipment, and seeds. Part of a venture with the HSC, growing some of the various crops that the corporation has developed on one of the Clan colony worlds. The other ship was carrying a more valuable cargo, an assortment of communicators, 150 EM-J4-1a MARI, 120 EM-J2-1a Geboku Androids, which were bound for the World Station. We do not have the inventories of the other ships which have vanished.

As for the Rixxorr, no one knows where they come from. But they have been encountered on a number of places. The Star Army is obviously trying to assess them, their motivations, how are they getting into Yamatai space. So if we encounter any of them or signs of them, we will want to gather what Intel we can.

We will start our search pattern at the point where Tamahagane flight path intersects the red path. Since it is highly unlikely that we will come upon an attack in progress if that is what's going on. We will be looking for evidence of attacks. Debris fields, wreckage, even a derelict vessel can provide vital clues. Each ship will work in an expanding pattern deploying shuttles and Ke-O5-1a VCMAD-S Drones to help with the search. The Aeon will be carrying the Tenba and we will deploy that as well."

She paused and looked around and the looked at Misaki, "I want the squadron to be at Condition 3 when we start a search grid. I want Power Armor teams standing ready to deploy. Any questions?"
As the briefing continued, Sheela pulled out a few parts from her many pockets of her coveralls and began to tinker with them while paying attention with ears perked and the occasional glances up to whomever was speaking at the moment. Pieces of parts disappeared back into her pockets as she worked on the component that drew partial of her attention away from the meeting. Another broken component, same as the first appeared when the first was disassembled and secured in her coverall pockets.

She reached out to the electronic pad on the table before her and added P.A. Checks, then hit enter. The screen blanked then showed her daily schedule. She frowned a bit and looked thoughtful as the highlighted time block shifted to the next item on the list.

"Squeeeaa.. Mez Lady, Ship Elder," in a very respectful tone, focusing her attention up at Katae. "Can Iz be excused to return to duty? Iz can always review this meeting for anything Iz miss. Will wez be stopping at the wreckage sites? Once again, wez gotten an useless shipment of relays that the wreckages of those ships that got hit, may have the proper relays wez can salvage from."

Katae arched an eyebrow at Sheila's request. "Eternity, kindly place the other ships on hold." at her request the volumetrics of the other crews vanished.

She turned to Hisa, "Usaga-Ittô Juni, is there something with the Aeon that I have not been made aware of."

The brown haired Neko looked at Sheila and then back to Katae, "No ma'am. The Kyoten staff serviced all systems, and even took care of some work items that were pending. Engineering will be ready to answer when you want to the Aeon to leave."

She turned to Sheila, "If you have found some defective items, then you should take them down to the Fabrication area and recycle them. After the Taisa dismisses us, I will introduce you to it." She refrained from chastising Sheila about her request to leave the meeting.

Katae turned back to Sheila, "These meetings are not just a case of displaying a list of information. I would not need a meeting for that. These meetings serve as a opportunity for all crew to participate and offer inputs, or ask questions which helps ensure that everyone understands the mission. "
Sheela nodded, "Iz understand. Iz apologize for interrupting., Mez Lady." Unfazed by her actions. Ears did wilt a bit, but seconds later sprung back up fully to full attention. She went back to fixing a broken part that she had brought with her to work on. She hated meeting of any sort. But they was necessary evils of Military Life.
"Rules of engagement, ma'am?" He asked. If the aliens were peaceful and the ships were merely lost, then maybe they were trying to help and if that were the case he didn't want to start a war by shooting someone with peaceful intentions. He had a feeling that things were the exact opposite of the way that he was thinking but he wasn't ready to start a war over something like that.
"Rules of Engagement are as follows. If fired upon, we will return fire. We will not fire first. This is true be it a situation with ships, or persons.
In the case of we come across a vessel being attacked. Then we will give a warning for the aggressor to stand down. If they do not, we will engage to disable. After all we need information. Destroying a ship will limit what we can learn, and dead assailants are not able to talk." She replied.
Misaki went over the information and telemetry again, as she had been doing since the pre-briefing packet came to her.

"Condition three." Echoed the XO when she was called on, nodding briefly, once. The squadron would run the search as close to the plan as fesible. When Sheela spoke up she felt better after the captain turned the feed to the squadron off, but reminded herself to forward a packet of protocol to her quarters later, and that she would have to have a chat with her at some point if her section did not, she would at least check in with her leader there. The fact Sheela was not a Nekovalkryja or really, any standard Imperial species only made her want to encourage the tinkerer to exceed expectations of her.

"It is my hope we will find out more about them, but our top priority is finding those who are lost." She reminded everyone, shifting in her seat. The officer was ready to rise when the briefing was over, but did not want to look impatient as it sometimes meant crewman that wanted to ask questions might feel unduly rushed. Kurusu did feel the urge to get started though, as she knew how vital of a commodity time was during a rescue, if indeed the missing ships and crew were even intact.
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Kata'nova grumbled, while she was grateful for the raise in position amongst her people, she wasn't happy about the additional paperwork that came with it; oh how she already missed it already, exploring the star ocean and finding new planets and places for her people to go to. Well, I may not be doing that, but at least now I can help forge a new beginning, the Kit thought with confidence and a nod of the head.

She'd been late, perhaps the first time ever in her career to be late for a ship function, but she was still grasping these peoples time. They were active during the day, and not so much at night; while her's were active during the night and not so much during the day, it was an odd thing really; despite being onboard a ship that would always have some kind of constant sunlight it didn't change how her body functioned, she would still begin to get tired around the typical time as 'day' for her people and be wide awake for 'night' of her people.

When she entered the briefing room, she bowed in an apologetic fashion traditional for those part of the Youth Corp - and it was only the Youth Corp that had such a bow, adult soldiers were expected to never be late while Kit soldiers it was understandable due to classes that could run over - granted - such things weren't happening here on the Aeon. Of course, that didn't mean she still wasn't getting some kind of schooling of some sort, not only was she self-teaching herself the Yamataian language and had almost grasped it in its entirety but she was still using a special program so that she could continue her people's education.

"Forgive my lateness," she spoke after the bow was completed and choose to stand near a piller, even though she hadn't been in the room, her ears had picked up on some of what had been spoken of while she approuched. It was the one thing these Yamataians probably hadn't yet realized, their walls did little to block out voices that could be picked up by someone with superior hearing, which was why her people's own ships had sound buffers inbedded in the wall to prevent those with good hearing from listening in on conversations they might overwise not be allowed to hear.