YSS Kaiyo II
PA Bay
Despite his enhanced reflexes, Walter wasn't all there until Sacre nailed his forehead with a peanut. He didn't really appreciate the snakewoman lightening the mood, not when there's Imperials involved.
Now where was he... Right, of course, him and his surplus of weapons. Absolute overkill. This was the only way to beat another of his own kind, so they won't think twice to stay away from this dimension. Yet, in hindsight, what does this actually do for him? What is he trying to answer with his way of fighting, that sheer domination through military might is the only way, that guns and weapons are among the many symbols of hope?
Walter looked at the Aether Gatling Rifles, each suspended mid-air with the help of his custom floating gauntlets, and then his grenade launcher; the technician gave this some thought, whille looking at those around him. Not everyone is bound to take this as serious as he was, even in the context of this mission. Yes, he had a vendetta against the Mirrorverse as a whole, but how long as it been since he last seen them? Why would anyone care about some moody, musclebound engineer, if all he amounted to was just some meathead with six guns of massive destruction? The only loss would just be a broken promise to himself that he'd be different, for himself and others around him. No secrets, no succumbing to overwhelming violence, and priotizing fixing what has been broken over all else. He can't stray from that promise he made last mission.
The weird look that Arete gave him only pushed him to go back on what he was doing.
Yare yare daze... Walter had his eight floating gauntlets put away rifles as he also set aside his two grenade launchers. Following that, he also replaced the fusion generator with his good ol' Fabricator. He resolved to not go that conventional route. No guns, no blades. His NSBs,
his comet-themed gauntlets, his Blacksmith toolkit, and his Fabricator module are everything he will be using for this mission. Perhaps even every other mission afterwards, although this Minkan isn't getting his hopes up just yet; this is only his fourth mission, fifth mission? His loadout is still prone to change, after all.
Naturally, he gravitated to Arete, now lacking a considerable majority of his firepower.
"So we'll be visiting my old place after all; you excited?" His tone was positive and calm, as if he was looking forward to this mission.