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RP Mission Three: Clues to a Better Tomorrow:


🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 46.4
RP Location
The Nassau System
YSS Koun - Orbit of Nassau 4

Alastair Belmont stood at attention in front of the crew who attended the meeting. After a much needed break after the prior mission the team of misfits were once again chasing down a lead. It was during their time at the beach that this news was shared. Their new friend Yasuka who was the NMX survivor they saved during the prior mission was more than happy to share.

No matter how many times Yasuka threatened or tried to kill Alastair it was never successful. She was sure this would strike fear into him saying she'd knife him in the back. Instead he'd just shrug and tell her to get in line and point behind Sacre. Other times he'd just smile and pat her on the head. He treated her as if she was just part of the crew. This also meant instead of the pink prison uniform and torture she was trained to endure this was no match for the Alastair torture. The constant yelling to make sure her outfit was perfect, the floor was clean and to smile was murder. After many months of denial, one too many cosplay outfits, she even considered for a moment she might like Alastair. While standing on the white sandy beach, in a far too revealing outfit she had reached her breaking point. When Alastair informed the crew they would be working at the local ice cream stand in a maid uniform she broke down crying.

"I give up, you win Alastair. I'll tell you anything you want to know. Please, just don't make me wear that uniform." Yasuka cried out. Alastair left her in charge of the crew and took a seat nearby. Aliset was first to approach and inform Alastair of her plea deal. He protested at first till Aliset informed him the world may hold unfound Alien woman on it. On hearing this Alastair arm jerked tossing his drink across the beach. "Then let us be off, maid play will have to wait." The crew was just as excited, having dodged that bullet.

"As many of you have been informed, we are chasing a lead which may prove valuable to the success of Star Army. Knowing the importance of this mission, the Koun was selected to perform this operation. Unlike our prior missions, this one will require stealth and intelligence gathering for us to be successful. First we will need to locate the operative contact using the information given to us by Yasuka." Alastair swiped his hand and a map of the planet popped up. "We will be docking over Morant, which is on Nassau 4." He commented as he spun the world around till it stopped over a town. "We will start here, outside the larger settlement of Port Teach on this world. Remember that we are acting as prospects for Oncari Industries. This is nothing more than a business transaction. This is why the outside markings on the ship have been hidden, for the locals would not take kindly to Star Army showing up."

You have all been given mission briefings but if there is questions you'd like to ask, feel free to do so. From my take, this output is like the wild west so proper Star Army protocol would stand out. I'd recommend a more rough and tough. This world is nothing like the white sandy beach we were at before. Violent storms are common based on the twin moon phases overhead. Keep an eye out for one another and try not to get sold off as slaves. I will personally be staying behind to learn what I can from Yasuka. Your lead on this will be Akino." He then gave a solute to the crew. "Dismissed!"
Sacre sighed, this wasn't a mission where she could just wear her uniform like she usually did. She marched down to the fabricator and started to figure out what she was taking. She started off with a black shirt with a nebula print on it, then followed up with a black pleated skirt that she felt matched. Under the shirt she wore low profile body armor. It wasn't the strongest stuff, but the thin plates of Zesuaium were better than nothing. Then she undid the braid she usually kept her hair in and picked a formless black cap that she stuffed her now wild green hair into. She looked into a mirror, and although she felt like she looked kinda stupid, like a civilian would, she felt naked. Even though a Zesuaium fighting knife hung in it's concealed space under her bra, it felt like not enough. With the short sleeves of the shirt, you could see clearly the scars on her arms. She fished a knife out of her corellians, which were nearly invisible at her wrists. However, it didn't help.

She took a steadying breath so that the other members of the crew who were at the fab wouldn't see her vulnerability. She decided she needed something more. She needed a more obvious knife, there was this one Kuvexian knife that she decided to grab off a Kuvexian Admiral during the war, it was in her room, so she would need to grab it before she left. She also didn't like walking around without a medkit of some sort, so she printed one out and strapped it around her waist. Lastly, she printed out a small slugthrower she could conceal and two additional long magazines. She untucked her shirt, and when she raised her arms, the concealed pistol wasn't visible.

Finally feeling more comfortable, she turned to the other members of the crew who were getting dressed. Ioamai had gone for a bright floral dress that looked like it belonged on a pleasure world, not a undercover mission. The Elysian tossed Sacre a hoverboard. Sacre caught it and looked at her weirdly. "What's this?" She asked her second in command.

"A quicker way to get around." Ioamai said.

"Do you know what we call flying soldiers on the battlefield?" Sacre asked.

"Air support?" Ioamai said with a knowing grin.

"Skeet. No, I'm not taking this." Sacre said trying to hand the hoverboard back to Ioamai who danced away with a flap of her wings.

"Think about it like this, when was the last time you saw special forces trying to be undercover on a hoverboard?" She asked.

Sacre sighed, her friend was right. "Fine, I'll take the hoverboard."

OOC: The description of equipment was a part of the dress yourself from the wiki contest.
Ancilla stood silently, her digital consciousness integrated into the Kaimon Colleague body, a sleek humanoid form designed for versatile functionality. Her captain, Alastair Belmont, paced before the gathered crew, his presence commanding attention as he began outlining the details of their next mission. The briefing unsettled her circuits slightly; undercover assignments always posed unique challenges, particularly for an AI accustomed to operating within the formidable Revanant Power Armor MK3 alongside her partner, Spark.

"Captain..." Ancilla's voice emerged tentatively from the Kaimon Colleague's speakers, her gaze briefly shifting towards Sacre, the Separa'shan crewmate whose species' natural grace intrigued her. She refocused on Belmont, her digital avatar displaying concern through subtle adjustments in her holographic expression. "Does this mean I will be utilizing this body for the mission, as per usual during downtime, or should I remain on board the starship?"

Her query hung in the air, the hum of the ship's systems momentarily filling the silence that followed.
"Yeah, sir, you need me on mission ops for once or are you having me pull another Gashmere?" Aliset was again among the first to speak up, her voice carrying a small smirk and sting of sarcasm. Or was that just her accent showing as a creature with twin sets of vocal cords. With a throat that complex, who knew?

"I feel like a Senti would be pretty conspicuous. About as much as a six three human. I'll take the back seat with Ancilla this run," Spark had, for her part, raised her hand. "But. If we have a Geist nerorelay in one of the spare parts kits, I can rig up the comms to be Ali's battle buddy. After all, she can pass for human or gesherin with some makeup."
Alastair waited for all questions to come in before he started to answer them. Most were about gear and outfits so was simple enough to give a general feel for what this type of mission would need. One came from Ancilla, asking about her role in this mission.

"Ancilla, if you are open to the idea, you are welcome to join the team as you currently are. I am sure there are crew who can give a hand to help assist on outfit if needed." He called out to her.
"Aliset, you do what you feel works best. Personally ship side is going to be boring, more so for the start given that we are not going in guns hot. Might do you some good to learn how to mingle and gather intelligence."

YSS Koun - Oncari Industries Shipyard

From the Wardroom Alastair made his way to the exit door of the Koun leading into the large shipyard. It had been arranged for the crew to hop a ride on a cargo ship which moved between the station and the world. "Alright team, we are guest of Oncari Industries so do try and not break anything. I had to call in a few family favors to get this setup to get us planet side. Also feel free to hit up the shops. There is no doubt you will find gear and other items normally not for sale within Star Army. You will notice extra funds in your accounts. Use this to buy said extra gear and to setup shop planet side. Your XO is tasked with finding a run down shed to call home for the time being." Alastair walked over and hit the door open switch. It slowly then quickly slide open. The smell of oil and last weeks laundry filled the hallway. Alastair reached up and covered his nose, doing his best not to throw up in his mouth. "Ahh, gawd one just can not get use to that smell of a heavy industry shipyard. Welp, be off and enjoy your time on the mission. Once base is setup I will see if my presence is needed."

Alastair then stepped out of the doorway and stood at attention. He then gave a solute as the team stepped forward into the shipyard hanger bay.