Star Army

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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [Mission V] Whole World Askin' How I Does That


Isao slowed his breathing as the fighting died down. Was it over? Was it truly over? He loosened his grip on the NMX Neko but kept hand on the prisoner's shoulder to maintain a stance of security to her given the I'ee's aggressive movements. He didn't know the language of their kind but telegraphed the notion of 'Don't' by moving the long bayonet of the SMG to rise close to the Neko's right arm, flat against her and not angled.

As he got a point to think over the prisoner's words, he felt tears well up in his eyes in his eyes behind his helmet. All this time he'd watched his comrades die, one by one, two by two, they fell to leave him all alone and on the run against them. These years of captivity, survival, and waiting to finally get that step closer to going home.


How long had he been gone? If the Power Armor's chronometer held strong, it had been nine years. Was his son even remembering him? All of this was too much for right now, they still had to make deal. He knew that he was the last of the Emperor's soldiers onboard this vessel. And it was up to these Yamataian soldiers to make his deal as he was just as alien as the NMX Neko was.

Isao spoke as he lowered his SMG but kept his hands at the ready out of emotion and habit, his voice sounding slightly strained but mostly composed despite his overflowing of emotion,

"Did we do it? Did we make it?"

The controls were strange, but Skade could tell the weapon's charge was no longer increasing. That was good.

However, other bars were filling. Several others, in fact. And now they were flashing red. That was bad.

The captured Neko began chuckling under her breath, steadily increasing into outright cackling. "We'll all die together, then!" Instead of struggling or submitting, she was now holding on to Isao's arm with both of hers, eyes wide and wild. Skade could see the strange, metal consoles lighting up with reports, unintelligible to her until the NMX devices began to happily translate the messages into standard Trade:


The soft, golden light that had been illuminating the alien ship, seemingly emitted by the walls themselves, began to pulse a green that was somehow angry and aggressive. The team could hear oddly pitched sirens of some sort begin to wail, obviously tuned for differently auditory abilities than what they possessed. The dim sounds of distant metal scraping, and something similar to the loud crashing they'd heard earlier, were almost drowned out by these alarms. And the continued cackling of the gleefully insane Neko.

Too far away to hear much of the important-seeming conversation, except for all the evil laughter, Trendsetter received a helpful notification from her ship that the batteries had received enough charge to attempt liftoff. Although she felt something was off about that. Also, it was going to take her forever to retrace her way through those ducts and hidden passages, but she didn't know any other way back, and the ground was also so far away...

The I'ee with functioning rear legs responded aggressively to the NMX neko's cackling, especially as the lighting and tone of the chamber began to change in response to the ancient battleship's impending destruction. Hissing, she leapt for Isao, single-minded in her efforts to stab the neko to death. The other, more crippled pilot, lay on the floor, watching her sister attack the neko in silence.

Isao put himself in front of the I'ee's blade before rolling his free arm to knock her down to the ground. In the same motion, he turned his Aether SMG to point to the attacker to defend him and his prisoner.

"Alright, it's high time to leave. We followed the ducts over the hallways. We are going to where we first got together and then heading for the shuttle bay!"

Isao looked to the violent I'ee, then moved the NMX Neko to his shoulder and held her tightly against it. He was going to make sure she wasn't going to die, and if they could get to his hiding spot, he could get his things on the way. His medical kit might have some things to put the Neko to sleep for ease of transportation though that would have to wait until they all got off this warship.

"Let's get ready to move!"

Skade breathed a sigh of relief, dropping her hands to her sides. Glad we aren’t going to be stuck on this thing now, she thought, relieved until she saw the flashing bars. “What? Dang it all,” she yelled, sharing the anger that one of the I’ee was expressing, “I really hate people with death wishes!”

At least the shuttle bays will work now, the Neko thought, turning and running to the hurt wasp, scooping her up before turning to her enraged sister. “Hey, we can kill her or torture her later,” she said, flying after the medic, “We need to get out of here, so don’t worry about the jerk and move.”

Edtoto followed suit, giving her claws one last flick to get the blood off them. “Figures, just when we were having fun, we have to leave,” she said, shaking her head as she flew after her crewmate.

The I'ee pilot let out a wheezing squeak as she was knocked to the ground, at which her crippled sister protested with a hiss, buzzing her wings at Isao. Both of the insectoid aliens glowered at the captive neko with hatred, before finally acknowledging the need for swift escape. The wounded I'ee squeaked as Skade scooped her up, clinging on with what few legs she had left. Wishing to stay with her sister, the other pilot kept as close to Skade's side as possible.

Corgan climbed to his feet, clutching his broken arm. "Thanks, android. Takeshi, I mean. Those things were tougher than I thought."

Takeshi retracted his blades and walked over to Corgan. "Your arm is broken, Mr. Garret. I advi-" He stopped mid-sentence, seeing the golden glow turn green and start pulsating. The two men turned towards the laughing NMX Neko.

"Fuck," Corgan said.

"Fuck is a good description of my thoughts as well," Takeshi replied.

Corgan saw that the medic was running and Skade had followed. "No time to look at my arm. We need to leave, Mishhu Slayer." He said, nodding towards Skade and the others. He didn't wait for the android.

Disappointment filled Takeshi. The first clue to the mysteries of his past and it was going to be destroyed. A new, more personal hatred of Mishuuvurthyar burned inside of him. He followed Corgan, noting with relief that Skade looked unharmed.

The captured Neko tried to swing her legs towards the pouncing I'ee, kicking wildly, but it had already been deflected. Her violent protests continued as Isao tucked her over his shoulder, uselessly pounding on his back with both fists, legs kicking in front of him. The rebuffed I'ee followed along after Skade scooped up her sister, the NMX Neko hissing and snarling at the alien the entire trip. Takeshi and Corgan brought up the rear, once they had recovered their pilot from the ceiling.

Shuttle Bay

One unconscious Neko was laid out on the floor of the Freespacer's shuttle. The charged, fully mobile shuttle. Trendsetter seemed pleased, although Skade knew something wasn't quite right about that. This wasn't really the time, of course. Isao finished loading the last of his salvaged equipment inside, giving Takeshi one last, lingering look at the damaged Uesu shuttle before the door to their own sealed closed. The I'ee were cuddling, safely on the other side of the shuttle from their captive. The vessel wasn't very accommodating for unsuited individuals, but some protection was better than nothing.

Soon the door they'd entered through slowly unsealed in front of them...a brief golden glow acting like the flick of a wrist, sending shuttles bouncing off each other as they were 'encouraged' out of the rapidly emptying alien vessel. The repowered transport found itself tumbling out along with the rest, engines coming to life to pull them free from the storm of debris...
Traveller Shuttle

Trendsetter greeted everyone as they, surprisingly, filed into her shuttle. "Alright, wow, everybody! I guess we're having a party here, now. Feel free to turn on some life support systems if you can find any. The air should last a few minutes, though! And the other ships aren't too far away. Where are we going, now? I'm supposed to go meet someone, I'm a little confused about the new agenda, though."
Traveller Shuttle

The two I'ee clung to one another once they were safely inside the shuttle, examining each other's wounds with sympathetic whines. The non-crippled pilot still had her blade with her, and was keeping a close eye on both Isao and the captive. Vengeance still seemed to be on the minds of both I'ee, and it was likely that either of them would make an attempt on the NMX neko's life if Isao took his eyes off of them.
Traveler Shuttle

Isao had put his Aether SMG onto his back and kept a much smaller GSP in hand. He had put the NMX Neko under painlessly but had the weapon out for other cases, specifically the I'ee at the other end of the shuttle. The medic finally felt somewhat at peace, but felt that his comrades would never be buried where they wanted, as he felt that if he had died on that ship there would be no soul transfer awaiting him.

With a quiet sigh, the medic popped the seals on his Mindy's helmet, and removed the helmet with his left hand while still keeping the GSP at the ready. The medic's eyes seemed to stare into nothingness, as if they had not seen the world in years and had only seen the horrors of life. Simply, he had the look of survivor's guilt.

He looked down at the NMX Neko, and felt a tinge of pity. She'd been in his shoes, on the ship trapped with only focus and desperation to go on. He didn't care for the looks that this would gain him as he stretched out a leg to the medically unconscious Neko, raising her head up enough to slide something for her to use as a pillow before retracting his foot.

If he knew anything about the NMX clones, is that they reacted better with compassion than with guns and shouting. She probably wouldn't react very much beyond that but it was all Isao could do. He could try.

Outcasts Among Familiars, eh?
Traveller Shuttle

Skade sighed as she put the injured I’ee on a bare spot of the floor and then sat down next to her as the wasps got to cuddling. Well, glad this thing is working, she thought, looking around the shuttle, not that it makes sense for it to be working this quickly, but gift horse’s mouths and all that.

“Thanks for the ride, Trendsetter,” she said, taking her helmet off and shaking her sweat-laden braid from its spot, “Sounds like we’re just supposed to put as much distance between us and this ship before it blows up. Seems like a solid plan.”

The Neko took a moment to look at the mournful Android before she got up and walked over to him. “Don’t worry, Takeshi-kun,” she said, patting him on the shoulder and giving him a smile, “We’ll get another chance to look at Uesu’s stuff.”

Keeping her hand on Saba’s shoulder, the technician looked at Corgan’s obviously broken arm and then at the disconsolate medic. “Hey, Isao-hei? Can you look the Colonel over? I can take watch over the prisoner while you work.”
Traveller Shuttle

Isao looked to the blue Neko before motioning to the NMX Neko on the floor, "If she stirs, let me do what I need to. Don't try anything." He stood up, GSP still in hand, and carefully walked through the group to the Colonel, kneeling down while placing the GSP on safe out of reach of the I'ee or anyone except for those right near to him anyway.

He looked over the arm without touching it before simply looking up to him, calmly and desolately asking, "Do you want me to put it back together now or just immobilize your entire arm?" He looked back down at it, "No matter what, I do not have a large supply of pain medications so it will hurt." He looked back towards Skade and the rest of the things he had taken from his stash aboard the warship and spoke akin to a doctor giving orders to a nurse,

"Sling kit and the Hypospray injector marked 'General' if these still are some in the medical kit."
Traveller Shuttle

"'Blows up'?" Trendsetter's eyes briefly formed question marks. She quickly came to a decision, though. "I need to go to our ship, but you should all go to your ship, first! I think I know which one that is." The shuttle turned toward the Heartbreaker, sailing at its full, unimpressive speed. Though, if they were talking about an explosion, that would help a little, even if she couldn't understand why it was happening.

"They're flying away from us, can you tell them to stop? You can tell them that you need air."
Traveller Shuttle

Seeing Isao moving away from the unconscious NMX neko, the non-crippled I'ee scurried closer with a growl, raising her blade. She didn't seem to notice Skade's presence; presumably assuming that only Isao wanted the prisoner alive. It was going to be a very tense shuttle ride at this rate.
Traveller Shuttle

“Of course,” Skade said, giving Saba one last pat on the shoulder before walking over to her unconscious sister. Part of me would love to snap her neck, she thought, kneeling on the floor and going through Isao’s stuff, but then we’d lose any intel we could get from her. Now, what’s a sling kit?

“They’re moving away because of the explosion,” the Neko said, pulling the hypospray out of the kit, “We’re broadcasting now, but I guess for official sake, Heartbreaker, this is the Away Team. We’re on Trendsetter Three-Nine’s ship, need medical assistance, and have little life support, over.”

Having found the arm sling, the technician turned to give the equipment to the medic, but let it fall to the deck when she saw the I’ee’s blade. “No,” she said, lunging forward and plucking the wasp off the ground, “She’s got information we need. You can slit her throat for all I care after that.” You’ll have to fight the Captain for it, she thought, holding the alien at her eye level as she walked back to where she had put the injured pilot, but that’s not really my problem. The question of whether she understands me or not is though.