Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP (non-canon) Monsters on the ship


Inactive Member
A nervous sigh left Lawrence as he got on the ship, all he wanted was to get away from Neplesia, he was leaving this place behind. Truthfully, he didn't pay attention to what the ship was or it's real destination. He just wanted off the planet before...another episode happened. Keeping track of all his items after a chance was hard, that apartment room Hopefully he left enough money behind to cover it all; or just put a dent into the actual bill. He hated doing that to those people, they were very nice but what else could he do? He didn't want people to learn, he didn't want others to know. It would be better that way, right?

Looking at his ticket, he found the ship and took a deep breathe. Going into a ship was a bad idea, if it happened then...well very bad things could happen. Worse in a ship since, you would be flying through space and all.

"Stop, stop it!" Lawrence muttered. "Negative thoughts won't help, it'll just make it worse. Think positive Lawrence, just...try to at least.."

Getting onto the ship, he showed them the ticket and was able to board. The first place he went to would be his quarters, getting there revealed it to be a rather band room. Not strongly reinforced however. That would be a problem. Putting his bag down, he left the room with it locking behind him. Looking around before take off wouldn't be a bad idea. Although he noticed quite a few people that were more scientifically dressed. Scientists and Researchers...wait, oh no.

"Excuse me," Lawrence asked the first person that was going by him. "This ship, there's quite a bit of scientists and Researchers, do you know why that is?"

The last thing he needed was to be forced into someone else's project and made to work for someone. Though with his luck, that might just be the case.
Jenna was walking around making sure everything was ready before taking off, she was on her way back to her quarters after finishing when she was stopped by someone who looked familiar to her.

"Well, along with being a ship that civilians could buy the remaining tickets for the empty spots on board, the ship is primarily a research vessel. No need to worry though, everything should be perfectly fine," She said, trying to be reassuring as well as telling the truth.
Lawrence couldn't help but stare, there was something familiar about this girl. Her hair, her eyes, face, and that face, that voice rang so many familiar things to him. It was overpowering as he found himself trying to recall it. So many things had been through his head lately, so there was nothing that he could fully recall in terms of past things. So it was just a hard thing to recall stuff since life went down the toliet for him.

" many...other people..." Lawrence questioned, his face paling as he realized that this was a worse idea.

However there was the sound of the docking producer having been completed and the ship was beginning to take off. There was no way off now. He was stuck here.
Jenna paused to think about the question, "Well the actual crew isn't too big but I'm not sure how many other people are on board. Are you okay?"

She looked at him with worry as the ship took off, she wanted to make sure everything was okay, she didn't want to just pass it off as nothing when he actually needed help.
Oh no....oh no.... Lawrence thought, his skin further paling as he tried to relax.

How could he relax? The ship was full of civilians!! Leaning against the wall, he slid down and ended up taking a few deep breathes. A hand was placed against his face, trying not to lose it. He really should've just looked at the ticket to have made sure where this thing was going.

"Fuck..." Lawrence muttered, slowly standing up.

Managing to calm himself as he took a few more deep breathes. Relax...his heart beated harder, but not too fast. Currently.
Jenna knelt beside him, "Is there any way I can help you calm down?"

She still looked at him curiously, knowing she knew him from somewhere but not quite placing him. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name? I swear you look familiar but I can't place where I could have known you from."
"I just...need a moment." Lawrence replied, taking a deep shaky breathe.

At the question of familiarity, Lawrence found himself forgetting his fear. His gaze looked up and stared at her.

" look familiar too but I'm Lawrence. Lawrence Harbinger." Lawrence answered finally. "Well, it's Dr. Lawrence now but Lawrence is just fine."
Jenna blinked for a moment then started laughing in surprise.

"I'm sorry to laugh Laurence, I just never thought I'd see you again. I'm Jenna, Jenna Rose, remember me?" She asked with a kind smile.
Lawrence's eyes went wide, the man was now no longer worrying on his other form. He could hardly believe it though! Jenna, she was here?! She was here?! His heart soared as he saw the one bright thing he had during college life. It was so good to see a friendly face.

"Jenna! Oh it's so great to see you again!" Lawrence said happily, reaching out to hug her.

If he succeded, he would do his best to be gentle but his strength always came at weird times. This time it wouldn't be bad, but the poor girl would no doubt notice it. It might be a little hard to breathe so speaking up would need to be used.