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My New Years's Resolutions

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2015 went by fast and only hours remain. So I was thinking of the stuff that I want to accomplish on Star Army in 2016 as Setting Manager and head GM. These are basically my "to do" list and my new years resolutions. I'm posting them here for all you guys so you can hold me accountable or--even better--assist me with them where possible.

So, without further ado:
  1. I want to develop and redevelop antagonist factions to a level that's never been done before, with detailed information, art, and plot ideas available to players and GMs to use. These are going to be the long term villains for the setting who can pop up as GMs need. Specifically, I want to detail the next wave of Mishhuvurthyar raiders, the new and mysterious Kuvexians (and some of their various servitor factions), and some of the player-created new antagonist factions that are currently moving through the submissions processes.
  2. I'm going to actively start developing the older history of the SARP setting. Star Army's setting has a bloody and exciting past that is way underdeveloped and it's so fuzzy that members trying to make older characters or older factions run into problems. So I want to detail the ancient past and also I want to use those historic events to seed present SARP with artifacts and old powderkegs that roleplayers and GMs can use. This could be anything from abandoned colony sites to old rivalries.
  3. I'm going to finally nail down how aether works in the setting and give it a much better article. It's a core, iconic part of the Star Army universe and deserves better and more consistent treatment and it's not only the power source of Yamatai, but also the Mishhu and Kuvexians and various other factions good and bad.
  4. I want to start commissioning more art of characters doing stuff (e.g. showing skills) and of mood-setting scenes of stuff happening instead of art of characters just standing there.
  5. I want to get the new character creation guide finished and streamline the character making process.
  6. I want to increase Star Army's average active membership by 25%.
  7. We really got to make open RP a more happening place with more threads instead of having all the RP tucked away in the subforums.
Well, I am glad to see 2015 in the rear view mirror. Been a very turbulent year, both personally, work wise and SARP.
  1. Continue to grow and develop the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.
    1. Add some more cultural and tech stuff.
    2. Continue to develop the colony worlds.
    3. Look to recruit at least one Game Master to run another plot.
  2. Work on completing the Ryasou'temygo (Death Wraiths)
    1. Establish them via the Clan, but making them available to any who wish to use once done.
  3. Going to start up a new mission for the Aeon.
    1. The Diplomatic mission is pretty much reached a point where Roleplay is not needed. And since the plot is some what flagging, I want to start something more exciting.
    2. The Aeon will have a liaison from the Neshaten in the form of Kata'nova.
  4. Would love to do a cross over event with the Yome and the Aeon, but can't really do it because of DATA**. So I will probably do one with Sune and the YSS Genshō
  5. And Lastly, have fun on SARP, and ensure my players are as well.
Reactions: Wes
I am doing my part to help with your resolution #7, at least. Orochi Squadron is now open for business, and will remain in Open RP for its duration.
Reactions: Wes
My Resolutions

1. Make sure that as a soldier in SAOY that I act IC with honor and fight any enemy or enemies of the Empire with fervor.

2. Try to stay in character.

3. Have fun. (Which I have been doing since my joining.)

4. Try to develop my character through non-combat rp and activities such as going to arcades and playing video games or interacting with my family.

Those are the only ones that I can think of for SA though I will post more if I can think of more.
Reactions: Wes
I don't have resolutions, So much as Goals
1: Bring humor and a little touch of crazy to the threads I'm in.
2: Must. Read. Moar of the Wiki. (Srsly... that things a beast.)
3: Take a crack at the open RP forum eventually...
Reactions: Wes
I'm kind of like Ashlinn in that I'm going to set goals rather than resolutions. Anyway, without further ado:

1. Continue to develop my character - a flat character is generally a dull one, after all!
2. Make sure I keep up my posting rate!
3. If I can find the spare time, maybe try to get back into the Nepleslian stuff. It was after all where I first started, and I've still got a soft spot for it.
4. Maybe poke my head into the chat room a few times. Everyone's really friendly, and I miss talking.

Perhaps it's not the most impressive list, but I hope to be able to achieve them all!
Reactions: Wes
I've been building hype for a metaplot for years now. I'd say maybe we can do something with it but I like having creative and story control over them. They'd be an enemy you'd come to terms with, not defeat.

Even at our level, we couldn't ever hope to beat them and we've never even met them. You'd have victories, but you'd be part of a shrinking universe if you started an all out war, rather than an isolated conflict.

Wanting an enemy to can defeat isn't the same thing as wanting an enemy you can vanquish.
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