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[NAM] Cerebral Chip


Inactive Member

About the Medtech - Cerebral Chip

Nepleslian Arms and Munitions, building upon the progress made by their initial life-saving device, the Emergency Cryofreezer, began research on the Cerebral Chip in YE 29. The Emergency Cryofreezer, although an effective means of preservation, was deemed both too gruesome and impractical for widespread use. Limitation to select NAMs power armors also made the Emergency Cryofreezer an impossible option for soldiers who chose to do without NAMs power armors, or those outside power armors altogether. Therefore, as an alternative to the Star Army of Yamatai's ST Backup (which NAMs considered not an option, given its secrecy and ties to Yamatai), the Cerebral Chip (CC) was invented.

Statistical Information:

Government: Nepleslian Empire (Greens)
Organization: NAMs, Star Army of Nepleslia
Designer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
Manufacturer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions

Appearance / Operation

The CC is a microscopic computer cased within a black ball. A network of tiny receptors runs out from the center of the chip throughout the ball.

Insertion is performed via injection via syringe either through the eyes or the underside of the back of the neck. The ball itself is contained within a solution of synthesized brain fluid. (Obviously, the patient is unconscious during this procedure.)

After insertion of the chip into the subject's brain, the CC adheres itself to the soft matter of the brain, where microscopic barbs attached to the receptors dig into the spongy flesh. While also helping to keep the chip firmly in place, the main purpose of these barbs are to provide a means of receiving the natural electrical charges of the brain so as to power the chip.

Operation of the chip is passive. Within hours of insertion, the receptors on the chip receive impulses given by the memory sector of the brain and begin to store them for removal.


Memory Scanner and Decrypter
: Perhaps the most important aspect of the chip itself, the memory scanner and decrypter is located around the edges of the chip, where the receptors meet. It is here that the chaos of the electrical pulses that is the brain is broken down into parts. Signals that are not related to the memory of the subject are either rerouted to power the chip or simply passed through the chip entirely.

Signals that are deciphered to be related to the memories of the subject are directed to the main storage unit of the chip.

Main Storage Unit: The MSU is a ring that runs around the chip connected to the Memory Scanner and Decrypter on the outside and the wireless communications device in the center. A marvel of Nepleslian design, the minute hard drive contains approximately several terabytes of data storage capability, as well as a primitive OS designed to interpret the deep and short term memory of the brain.

Wireless communications device: At the heart of the CC rests a nano-sized wireless communications device that fits snugly into the space provided by the MSU. When within range of compatible Nepleslian technologies (NAM power armors, memory storage units, government super computers), the chip emits an encrypted signal, which, when accepted, prompts the chip to begin transfer. This process can be done while the subject is conscious and performing other tasks. Transfer speeds are remarkably fast, but are not comparable to those of the Yamataian ST (which is nearly instantaneous). To compensate for this, the wireless device is in a state of constant update once range is reached. It takes about 10 minutes to create a full backup from the wireless transfer. As there can be multiple personnel in the same area passively transmitting data, each chip carries a unique user ID.


For those with proper cybernetic augmentation, installation of the CC is considerably easier. Those with cybernetic brain augmentations can have a larger version of the chip (a few millimeters wide without the ball) installed into their systems. Transfers can be done via wired connections at a tremendously faster speed than wireless (approximately the same speed as ST tech).


(First tech submission. Eeek. Waiting for comments before I go into advantages/disadvantages of this tech)
If combat experience is the high point of Nepleslian soldiers, this would reinforce it because it would retain memory up to the exact point of death (assuming that it is not an all annhiliating blast or freak headshot outside of communications range.). As opposed to the before-mission ST.
Ew, I get queezy around surgery details but they seem incredibly accurate for this.

The tech also looks good. I see no problems with this.
I'm no expert on Nepleslian tech, but seems a bit of a stretch to me. Flawless neural net copying requires a very powerful brain scanner...unless Nepleslian medical technology is so advanced that recording the quadrillions (thousands of trillions) of synapses and neurons that a human brain contains is no big deal to them. I mean, not only can this devise do it passively -- without high powered scanning equipment -- it can fit the entire package into something microscopic.

Another problem is neural net map corruption. In ten minutes' time a neural net can change significantly, especially in pre-battle conditions; Soldiers recalling training, memorizing orders, thinking about loved ones, what they'll do if they survive, praying, etc etc. If you don't 'freeze' the mind by having the person temporarily suspended, you will be transmitting parts of slightly different maps each second of transmission. This can lead to 'flawed' and damaged neural net maps, causing small amounts of brain damage (in the map itself, and therefore the person if he is resurrected using said map). The damage will be extremely tiny, but over multiple ressurections it can build up to the point of behavioral changes or even crippling brain damage. The only way to prevent this is if this device can take a full brain map scan in a split second; Which given its 'passive' and apparently lack of high powered scanning equipment, seems highly unlikely.

Again, I may be underestimating Nepleslian technology. But from my technical opinion they would need cognotech far more advanced than Yamatai, or they would have to be willing to accept tiny amounts of brain damage each resurrection (and change your submission to mention this), or the enitre system would need to upgrade to a bulkier, high-powered brain scanner.
Are you sure you want to give Nepleslians that Yamataian-ness? With a constantly transmitting ST backup, it effectively turns them into immortals who experience a life not unlike a never-ending counter-strike game.
What would be more nepleslian than a ton of soldiers unafraid of death that act like they are playing an endless game of counterstrike?
Even though STed, pilots will still be afraid to die. How certain are you that person that was recreated from death- you? Would your real soul be shifted over? This would probably be pushed aside after the first or second respawn. But unlike a game of CS, there is horrendous pain and trauma from the event of a death (Which, due to the nature of this device, the recreated pilot will remember all too clearly), this would serve to deter recklesness.
Also keep in mind that a neural net (like the human mind) is a associative system where the structure determines how information is processed. Storing the electrical signals could (perhaps) allow you to store the information they know, but the personality resides in the structure of the brain (this being why even minor brain damage can greatly affect a personality) and could not be copied by this device. So this could copy there knowledge, but when cloned to a new body there personality would be nothing like the original.
Uso Tasuki said:
What would be more nepleslian than a ton of soldiers unafraid of death that act like they are playing an endless game of counterstrike?


Wes, I understand your point of view, but I think Uso Tasuki just defeated you there. HEH.

If Tom wants to give his player characters the opportunity to recover from death, wouldn't that be his priviledge as a GM? Though I thought he was against that sort of thing, I don't see why he couldn't be allowed to.
Also keep in mind that a neural net (like the human mind) is a associative system where the structure determines how information is processed. Storing the electrical signals could (perhaps) allow you to store the information they know, but the personality resides in the structure of the brain (this being why even minor brain damage can greatly affect a personality) and could not be copied by this device. So this could copy there knowledge, but when cloned to a new body there personality would be nothing like the original.

Actually (assuming humans are completely physical and do not require spirits, or anything else mystical to achieve a fully functional mind), all one would have to do its take a photograph -- A detailed image of the location, state, and composition of the brain's synapses and neurons. That would bundle everything together, both personality and memory, into a single backup. You wouldn't need to store electrical signals...nor could you, since brain synapses are composed of both electrical and chemical synapses. As far as I know, super-detailed photographing is the only effective way to completely "backup" the brain.

Zakalwe said:
If this gets approved Sophia should also be approved.


Woah, there. Tom is proposing something that photographs and transmits human brain maps. Pictures, places, and composition of neurons and synapses. A dumb camera, if you will. It just records data and sends it to the ST facilities for their systems to do the rest.

Something that actually understands what, how, and why the brain is doing something -- fully comprehending the interplay of quadrillions of synapses, and the effect each has on another -- would require a supercomputer of colossal proportions, beyond that required by ST backup facilities. Yamatai hasn't even managed to shrink down the brain scanning gear and computers into portable backpacks for field teams, let alone microscopic versions of those computers. Unless I'm mistaken there's some sort of "don't push the high-end tech barrier any further" restriction in place.
I also think it's a bit small, perhaps something a bit bigger that hugs the brain-stem?

Taking a photo of the brain would be pretty easy compared to decoding that photo. Replicating it might be a bit harder, you know?

Oh, and Isty would horribly abuse it with suicide attacks. Because suicide attacks are effective when used properly
Le Blue Dude said:
I also think it's a bit small, perhaps something a bit bigger that hugs the brain-stem?

Taking a photo of the brain would be pretty easy compared to decoding that photo. Replicating it might be a bit harder, you know?

Oh, and Isty would horribly abuse it with suicide attacks. Because suicide attacks are effective when used properly

I'm not too sure about the normal prices of ST's or this brain chip, but I don't think it would be the wisest idea to just constantly die. The Star Army of Nepleslia might just discharge you because you keep getting all of our good power armors busted up. Those things cost money, you know!
Personally I'm all in favor of the brain damage bit. It would give characters a bit of realalistic scaring from their actions in role play.
I loathe ST technology myself, but if my playerbase is overwhelmingly in favor of it, I feel it is an obligation to include it in Nepleslian technology.

I'm torn on this myself, but since there may be an IC war coming soon, where PvP may be involved, to not have this chip may result in a lot of hurt feelings for some Nepleslian players who have developed their characters extremely well only to have them blown away by some freak shot.

Not having it, I fear, would make players extremely cautious about wanting to enter any PvP situations at all. Nepleslian soldiers are at such a disadvantage (in some areas) when compared to the Mishu or the Neko that there'd probably be a lot of hiding involved. To not have something like this would probably be akin to any Nepleslian player signing a contract stating "your character is most likely going to die when we enter PvP."

Nepleslia should be gritty, but not suicidal to be a part of. I feel that players of the empire of Yamatai (especially Neko) feel particularly safe about their character's basic (survival) future, but I envision my Nepleslian player base as feeling very, VERY unsure of their character's futures.

It's really cool, but a little unfair too.

I suppose the only way I would be happy is if ST tech was universally removed from the universe, but we all know that's an impossibility.


The tech was written with the idea that brain damage would be a serious risk to those who repeatedly got killed. That was intentional.

Still, I'm going to sit on this a couple days before I give an official decision on how I want to pursue this tech.
Imagine if Yamatai and Nepleslia, both with mental backup tech, went to war - it'd be like 40k. Constant, neverending war, fought by the same war veterans in battle after battle.
Brain damage would indicate limited respawns, yo. The army will probably discharge you after the 3rd (Or not even respawn you at all) or you might endanger the mission and your teammates.

The following quotes from two marines before the Elysian mission reinforces some of Tom's statements.

Fian looked at Rico this time but with his head partially lowered, looking at the man with the top edges of his vision and clenched fists. "I am! But I just cant, cant." He was turning red now, "Cant, cant make it in time... Too long, not fast enough... They would have.." Finally, he looked at Rico dead center in the eye, his own was starting to tear up. "They would have killed you before then!"
Indicating the limitations of Nepleslian War Machinery and fragility of Nepleslian lives.

"...shit, you think I don't know that? I'd be stupid if I didn't,â€
I'm really with Tom on this one, because I loathe ST technology as well. I realize that it may be a neat feature and everything, that it has an established place in the setting, that it's somewhat possible with currently levels of technology, etc.

But to me, it's really just approved character shields. It makes players, both OOC and IC, take more daring actions, even if they don't consciously mean to. If it was presented in a RP that I didn't love as much as this one, I would scoff at it and question what the creator was planning to accomplish.

I myself would actually rather Nepleslia did not have this technology. But Tom again brings up a good point on what possible future conflicts would turn out to be like: Nepleslian players who have no chance of competing with other superior nations NOT playing their characters the way they normally would, in hopes that their characters won't die and they can continue to roleplay with them. Humans are petty like that. So, honestly, if nations clash Nepleslia NEEDS this in order to keep up its own identity, instead of suddenly becoming an empire of cowards.

I honestly don't want to lose Rico just yet, but he himself would fight just as hard as he would've with all the ST/CC jazz. If he died, well, I would be sad, and I would wish he had an ST backup, but I'd know it'd be wrong. But just because I know it would be the correct thing to do does not mean I would just accept it with a sick grin on my face.
As I said before Isty would abuse it. I only stated that it could be possible, not that I approved. Personally I don't care either way. Isty's got brothers.
Imagine if Yamatai and Nepleslia, with only one having mental backup tech, went to war. Yamatai players would just re spawn when they die while a Nep played would have to get a whole new character approved if they wanted to get back into the action. That kind of imbalance would kill PvP.