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NAM Heavy Transport


Inactive Member
See Fian's post.

<s>Heavy Freighter
NS-HFS-1CIV Warhorse Class

Table of Contents
1. About the Warhorse
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Warhorse
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Warhorse
The Warhorse is a large yet affordable freighter/cargo/supply ship which is also highly adaptable to it's owners needs via it's use of the newer modular systems design. Designed for both the civilian and military market, it's long range and large cargo capacity via the use of modules are among it's key selling points.

2. History and Background
The Warhorse was designed by Razeal Kresh to hopefully improve the trade abilities of his home nation. Many of it's specs and components are shared with the sojourner class.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
Organizations Using This Vessel: Nepleslian Merchants
Type: Heavy Freighter
Class: NS-HFS-1CIV
Designer: Razeal Kresh
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: 4 Prototypes

Crew: 60
Maximum Capacity: 100 or up to the limit of attached modules.
Appearance: A long ship, thin in the middle with only a spine intended to hold large cargo modules.

Length: 400M
Width: 250M (without modules)
Height: 100M (without modules)
Decks: 12
Mass: 200,000 Tons (without modules)
4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0.2c
Speed (FTL): 4,500c
Speed (Aerial): 600 MPH & has landing gear (4 short legs) and can land on a hard surface.
Speed (Water): N/A

Range (Distance): 600 LY
Range (Support): 6 Months with full supply stock.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance , the Warhorse class has an estimated life of 30 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed. Modular Upgrades are available as they are developed and produced.

5. Inside the Warhorse

Bridge: The Warhorse has a simple and standardized bridge design, and most crews find it easy to adapt from experience with other freight or cargo vessels. It uses an older computer interface, with mechanical keyboards and LCD screen displays. The furnishing is brown faux leather with grey and black interface panels. The ship can also be equipped with a Savtech AI if so needed.

The captain's chair is located at the rear-center of the bridge, with tactical to his left and the science station to his right. Navigation and Comm are located in front of him at the front of the bridge with the Engineering stations facing the aft of the bridge.

Crew Quarters: The quarters are slightly cramped, with stacked bunks for most of the crew.

Amenities: The crew restroom facilities are sparse and toilet paper is often sparse on long voyages. There is a mirror and sink with which to clean up, and a standard issue magazine holder filled with girly mags.

Mess hall: Located 2 decks below the Bridge, the mess hall is utilitarian for a vessel of it's size.

Medical Bay: The ship is also equipped with a small medbay.

Escape Pods: The ship carries enough escape pods in the fore section for a full crew.

6. Ship Systems
Hull: Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Warhorse's hull provides fairly good protection.

Airlock System: The main airlocks are located port/starboard near the ships main bridge, at regular intervals along the ships dorsal spine, and also along the x/y axis on the engineering section.

Docking system: The Warhorse uses the new Nepleslian UNIV-A Docking clamp systems, which enables any smaller vessel so equipped to be docked to and also carried along by the larger ship. The UNIV-A is capable of quickly docking and releasing any compatible ship attached to it.

Module system: The Warhorse can carry 12 Modular cargo units.

Escape Pods: Escape pods are located near the bridge and also along the spine of the ship, both dorsal and ventral.

Environmental Systems: Enviro and Atmospheric generators/recyclers are located close to the bridge an also at key points around the ship.

Hyperspace Communications: The hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between starships and other vessels or planetary bases.

Rapid Launch Bays: The ship's exterior is equipped with two large rapid-launch bays, one located fore/ventral and the other aft/dorsal, which are force field-contained openings in the hull. The bays make it possible for shuttles to fly out into space at their convenience. These bays can also be sealed via large sliding segmented doors.

Graviton Beam Projector (12): This device creates a stream of gravitons which can be used to tow other spacecraft or shuttles. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitonic shielding.


Radar: Works simply upon sending out radio signals and relying upon their bouncing off an object to tell the ship where it is. The range is limited to the speed of light.

Subspace Mass Sensors: Subspace mass sensors instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the ship. The readings are used both for early warning and navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. The readings are not very detailed and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg.


CCD: Propels the ship at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields.

Ion Impulse Engines: Ion impulse engines ionize a gas such as xenon and accelerate the ions using a magnetic accelerator to near the speed of light, which produces thrust. While ion engines provide a decent amount of acceleration, they soon became relegated to civilian engines as newer technology became available to the military.

Defensive Systems:
Radiation Shields: The Warhorse Class is equipped with a Mercurite shielding system, which is capable of blocking most forms of electromagnetic radiation. This is useful for blocking electromagnetic pulse-type weapons when the ship is equipped with an automated bridge module.

Computer Systems:
Computer System: The Warhorse uses an affordable off the shelf system which is capable of managing all the basic ship's systems. An upgrade area is also available for adding another computer or swapping out both in favor of a full upgrade.

Modular Weapons Ports(16): The warhorse features modular gun ports which can accept weapons designed for them. It is however not normally so equipped with the actual weapons as it is intended for civilian use. Locations are: 4 on the fore of the ship, 4 on the dorsal spine between the cargo modules, 4 on the belly between modules, and 4 for the rear/engineering section of the ship.
Primary Purpose: anti-fighter/pirate/raider
Secondary Purpose: anti-mecha
Damage: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of Fire: N/A
Payload: N/A

7. Vehicle Complement
Ge-T1 Shuttles (8): Your basic high-capacity, FTL-capable trans-atmospheric shuttle. Includes adjustable-seal hatch on the floor and ceiling of the cargo compartment for docking with ships from outside. Not tall enough inside to hold the tank below.
Primary Purpose: Interstellar Transport
Secondary Purpose: Planetary Landings
Range: 10 days of travel (about 137 light-years at maximum speed)
Speed: 2000c, Mach 1 in atmosphere.
Load Capacity: 52 personnel with gear or 2 personnel with cargo.
Weapons: None
Systems: Anti-Gravity, Armor, CDD, Communications, Chaff/Flare Dispensers, Emergency Homing Beacon, Shields, Sensors.

16 Demon Human Power Armor are optional.

This page written by Zachary T Carpenter using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2006 StarArmy.com
Last revised</s>
These are the basic designs submitted by Razeal and purchased by Melchoir IC and RPed out. The NAM Aerotech division will amend and modify these designs as it sees fit.

So wait for it.
No, it was just blueprints on paper IC. Its not even approved by NAM just as yet. No live models have been built.
The Warhorse has a simple and standardized bridge design
What is the actual layout, though?

large yet affordable
It doesn't list the cost (or manufacturer's recommended sale price), though.

Amenities: The crew restroom facilities are sparse and toilet paper is often sparse on long voyages. There is a mirror and sink with which to clean up, and a standard issue magazine holder filled with girly mags.

Hyperpulse Drive: Using layered asymmetrical warp fields that can envelop the entire vessel, the ship can move at superluminal velocities.
Shouldn't this be "Continuum Distortion Drive?"

Speed (FTL): 10 LY/min Hyperspace
That's a really fast HFS, faster than any ship but the Sakura, Takumi, and DD4...
Personally I think this is very undetailed. You need far more details on the interior, looking at the Sakura would be a very good indication of the ammount that makes a ship truelly fleshed out. In addition to this the ship is rather lacking in systems and generally has the feeling of not being all there ... a skeleton and little more.

That STL is impossible with an ion drive. Especially if you're not going to take 6 months to get the acceleration up.

The modules need signficant explanation.

As said before that is incredibly fast. Vastly too fast.

How can the ship have a range of only 7,000 minutes or around about 5 days when it has 6 months of supplies?

Bridge: Simple and standardized? That doesn't really help and doesn't tell us anything about the bridge. In fact that only thing we learn about it is that it consists partially of leather and partially of grey material.

Escape pods: Enough? That's hardly accurate.

Everything else: Much more detailed needed.

It only has one sensor?

How about more details on those weapons?
Shouldn't this be "Continuum Distortion Drive?"
As far as I've read, Nepleslian ships use Hyperpulse drives primarily.

The modules need significant explanation.
How about more details on those weapons?

The modules are built & equipped after-market as are the modular weapons.

How can the ship have a range of only 7,000 minutes or around about 5 days when it has 6 months of supplies?

I have read on numerous occasions that known space is only about 30-60 LY's. A range of 700,000 seems more then adequate.
RazealK said:
Shouldn't this be "Continuum Distortion Drive?"
As far as I've read, Nepleslian ships use Hyperpulse drives primarily.
The description is of a continuum distortion drive, though, and only Nerimian-made ships have hyperpulse drives. I challenge you to name ONE Nepleslian-made ship that has one.

RazealK said:
How can the ship have a range of only 7,000 minutes or around about 5 days when it has 6 months of supplies?

I have read on numerous occasions that known space is only about 30-60 LY's. A range of 700,000 seems more then adequate.
I think you missed the point. He's saying that your current supplies and engine stats give your vessel a range of 525,960 light years for 100 people or about 5.26 million light years for one dude.
So unless you plan on making thousands of slow cargo runs or intend to explore beyond "known space" there's no need for it to have such a large range.
From the Vampire's stats:

Hyperpulse Drive: Using layered asymmetrical peristaltic subspace fields that can envelop the entire vessel, the ship can move at superluminal velocities.

This ship's stats also state:
Organization: Sold to various privateers and mercenaries.
Type: Short-Range Patrol and Cargo Craft
Class: Ge-L3-1A "Vampire"
Designer: Geshrinari Shipyards, Nepleslia
Manufacturer: Geshrinari Shipyards, Nepleslia
Production: Several made with plans to continue producing them for some time.

From the sojourner

Hyperpulse Drive: Using layered asymmetrical warp fields that can envelop the entire vessel, the ship can move at superluminal velocities.

The other Geshrinari ships don't describe thier type of FTL drive.
I just designed this, and my other ships, based on what Neplesia was already using. I don't care if it's a CCD or hyperpulse or an overweight Scottish engineer behind the ship pushing it. This is your Universe Wes, I'm just going off what's on the site.
Just make it the CDD description and be done with it, for continuity's sake. You're not losing speed you shouldn't lose already.

5,000 c. That's about where you should max out at for civilians. Maybe 100,000 c if Wes finds it appropriate (it is a war freighter). But yeah, 2 LY/min is just goofy.
Ketsueki description (experimental) said:
(CDD) propels the ship at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields.

Yui 5 description (FTL attack power unavailable?) said:
An alternative FTL technology, it propels the ship at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields, using a set of rotary distortion coils. The normal CDD speeds are augmented by working with the forward deflector to enter a quantum slipstream. This allows the ship to travel thousands of times the speed of light. This gives Star Army ships their biggest advantage over their enemies: attacking at FTL speeds. (UNSURE if this applies to civilian craft, I don't believe it does).
Heavy Freighter
NS-HFS-1CIV Warhorse Class
Table of Contents
1. About the Warhorse
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Warhorse
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Warhorse
The Warhorse is a larger counterpart to the Red Hill, with a higher capacity and endurance. While the Red Hill is directed to enterprising privateers, the Warhorse is made for large corporations, the SAoN and NAM itself. Again, similar to its smaller brother, the Warhorses use of cargo modules makes this ship flexible in its duties.

2. History and Background
The Warhorse was designed by Razeal Kresh with the intention of improving the trade abilities of his home nation. The basic design was then purchased by NAM and tailored to their specifications.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
Organizations Using This Vessel: Nepleslian Merchants
Type: Heavy Freighter
Class: NS-HFS-1CIV
Designer: Razeal Kresh
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: Mass Production

Minimum Crew: 12
1 Captain
1 Vice Captain
4 Officers
6 Engineers
Maximum No PHM Crew (Miner Configuration): 75
2 Doctors
18 Pilots and PA Operators
36 Miners
6 Cooks
4 Furnace Minders
2 Technical Sentries
Cleaners to be multi tasked by the crew.

Appearance: A long ship, thin in the middle with only a spine intended to hold large cargo modules.

Length: 600M
Width: 100M
Height: 120M
Decks: 10
Mass: 200,000 Tons (without modules)

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0.70c
Speed (FTL): 10,000c
Speed (Aerial): Mach 1.4
Speed (Water): N/A

Range (Distance): Known Space
Range (Support): 4 Months Oxygen Maximum.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance , the Warhorse class has an estimated life of 50 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed. Modular Upgrades are available as they are developed and produced.

5. Inside the Warhorse

The Bridge of the Warhorse is located inside the ship, so that potential pirates cant fry the bridge for easy loot. Consists of two tiers, the captain sits on the higher tier together with the vice captain who is expected to be standing (But has a chair of his own in the corner). On the semi circular lower tier there are four terminals manned by four officers. Due to the size of the Warhorse, it is recommended that at least one person is on duty here. The bridge is suitably spaced and comfortable. Holographic projectors in the room project screens on the walls for a higher heads up. Fore section.

Composed of a long cuboid Central Spine similar to the Red Hill and a smaller but equally long Higher Spine. They provide a link between the fore and aft sections of the ship and as an attaching point for the cargo modules. The Higher Spine serves mainly as crew quarters for 4th Classers, while the Central Spine has an empty space for miscellaneous uses. There is a pair of large elevators that run inside the spine to ferry cargo and personnel.

Engine Block:
The Engine Block takes up nearly the whole Aft section. Different generators and systems are segregated from each other and safety precautions enforced, leading to a safe and occasionally grimy workplace. There is a small restroom for engineers here.

Crew Quarters:
Rooms are divided into class. 1st Class rooms are spacious, king sized bed equipped with attached bathrooms. 2nd Class rooms are the same, but smaller and with twin single beds. 3rd Class rooms are double bunked, and they share communal showers. 4th Class rooms are dormitories with double bunks.

1st and 2nd Class rooms are located at the fore of the ship. 1st Class rooms are occupied by the Captain and Vice Captain, 2nd Class by officers and doctors. 3rd Class room are located in the upper and lower part of the central spine and are occupied by engineers, technical sentries, cooks, furnace minders and some higher 4th Classers. 4th Class Dormitories make up almost the entire higher spine, and are divided into a smaller section for Pilots and PA Operators, and a larger section for miners.

Unlike the communal meals (And gravity table) on the Red Hill, the food of the Warhorse is divided by class. 1st, 2nd and some 3rd Classers have steak in a carpeted café in the fore section. 4th Classers have sludge in their cafeteria at one end of the higher spine. There is good elbow room but no gravity table. Off duty miners and pilots are encouraged to part time in the cafeteria.

Recreation Room:
There is an arcade, hydroponics garden and gym at the fore section of the ship. All facilities are shared amongst the classes, but there is an exclusive time slot for the higher classes to have the place for themselves.

Medical Bay:
The ship has a 6 bed Medibay with a small ER room. Considering the living and working conditions of the 4th Classers, the medical cabinet is always well stocked. One doctor is always on duty here, usually also with 1 Technical Sentry/Nurse. Fore section.

6. Ship Systems

Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and anti-radiation shielding, the Warhorses's hull provides decent protection. More emphasis was put on the spine however, as such a narrow connection between the front and back of the Warhorse is an obvious weaknesses.

Power: Fusion Generator NFG-03a
The generator provides great amounts of low tech affordable energy. Unfortunately, it is quite large sized (40% of aft section). Power is provided by cable through the spine to the fore section. Capacitors are in place should the generators fail, and would last for a few days. Located at the back of the ship.

Shields: Combined Shielding CPS-03a
For standardization sake NAM had lumped the two systems of energy shield and repulsion together. To offset the weak armor ( and potential repair costs ) the CPS here has a higher power to weight ratio than on the Firefly. The Warhorse is capable of taking a serious pounding before the shields fail with a one hour full recharge time ( So run run run! ). This lacks the overcharge function on previous NAM designs. Located at the Engine Block.

Antigravity/ Gravity
These are basic necessities. Thankfully can be left on during battle conditions.

Airlock System:
The main airlocks are located port/starboard near the ships main bridge with one dorsal airlock above the engineering section. Every room in the Warhorse can be sectioned off, the spine counts as three rooms.

Module system:
The Warhorse can carry 12 Modular cargo units. The module system is the measurement of standard cargo capacity. Each "Cargo Moduleâ€