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Nano-ring /universal nanobotic item/


Inactive Member
I was asked to post a detailed explanation of how an item in my inventory works. I'll try to be more sensible than I usually am.

The ring form of this advanced piece of ancient Thaxarian technology. Developed to be used by heavy infantry in close quarters combat, the ring is based on a simple yet effective method of integrating matter.

Don't take me wrong: the ring doesn't consume other metals permanently or modifies its molecular structure! Instead, it builds its own reserves, for example: clothing, or even a block of iron if possible. Heavy to carry, true, but it's the only way to carry your reserves.

How it actually works:
- the ring itself is several 'wisebots', which are nano-sized supercomputers capable of using metallic materials to construct further nanobots.
- the nanobots move as the wearer of the ring pleases through instinctual mental connection
- the nanobots, when enough have been built, can pick up any shape by moving and connecting to each other in the right order
- energy is maintained with solar power in regular conditions, and by controlled disintegration of obsolete or damaged nanobots and final fission of non-iron atoms. ('Fe' is the most stable of all elements and thus fission is nearly impossible.)
- The tiny size and sheer number of the nanobots can give very reliable offensive or defensive equipment
- for example: a sword with an edge that is less than a 'nanobot-wide' and doesn't get dull, nor is it rendered useless when breaks / body armor that can be modified in hardness and weight, depending on present requirements (you'll probably want light or no armor in a marsh, and tougher armor in the middle of a firefight)

The ring and the derivant items can be transformed into almost anything of metallic nature. Spoons, knives, swords, maces, even bullets and armor. The nanobots can be separated from the main stream and used separately. However, in order to modify the structure of the item, it needs to be connected to the ring and the wisebots that send the necessary information to allow the lesser nanobots to move and arrange their positions properly.

However, the nanobots can only be created from present metals. This means you can't make a golden stream out of lead, but you can create multiple layers of metals (4 main layers in katanas were quite effective. A hard core and edge, two medium sides, holding it like a sandwich, and a light layer on the back. This way the blade was reliable, lighter and more dangerous.)

No special training is required to use the item, but knowledge connected to mechanics and item designs sure helps.

Personally, I can't say I like it much. It's sort of like a carriable PHALANX construction pod (well, maybe it's just body armor that's produced, not power armor) that can become not only armor, but anything physical you could very well bloody imagine... and cramped up into the size of a wrist bracelet?

Come to think of it, 'wrist bracelet' is only drawn from my mental picture of the item. You really didn't specify how it looked. Is it a ring worn on the finger? A belt? A torque?

I think it's a little too convenient. Also, I really have no damn idea of what 'Fe' is supposed to stand for. Iron on the periodic table? *shrugs* How does that thing even manages to store a sizeable block of iron anyways?
It build reserves by building more nanobots. Imagine that you pull the ring on the bodywork of an old De'Lorean: the main 'wisebots' begin to harvest the aluminum at amazing speed and start manufacturing new bots. The new bots can harvest metal as well and they duplicate themselves. The effect is sorta like a layer or loose metal crawling up your arm. If you don't need any more material, simply lift your hand off the metal surface. The 'harvested' metal can be stored in either blocks, armor, loose clothing or weaponry.

The nanobots send the signals of the 'wisebots' to their neighbors, and as long as there is a line of bots available, the lil' buggers can move. Once they're separated from the 'wisebots', they are rendered motionless, and the moving metal becomes stiff.

And no, no 'power armor'. The metals remain in their original forms. Also, the only electronics the nanobots can build are merely the minimum amount found in themselves. ;)
So, these wisebots are the only things who actually remain stored in this 'ring' (you still haven't specified what it looks like). Harvested matter is turned into nanobots, whom are then used to make other materials.

So, what could look like a metal knife could be in fact thousands of nanobots all connected to each other like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. If the wisebots makes contact with them, the nanobot-made knife can have it's nanobots reinitialized and then reused to make another object of similar volume. If so, it does make the concept of 'carriable reserve' sound more sensible if you keep around inert nanomachine-formed items.

Did I understand you correctly?
The ring looks somewhat like a larger, silver colored insignia ring with simple decorations engraved. Twirly lines and such. The ring itself is a pile of 'wisebots'. The nanobots created by the wisebots can create duplicates of themselves from the same material. The ones on the outside can pick up a slightly tougher exterior. Yes, it is basically the way you said.

As for the second part, it works just like that, nothing to add here. Faster to keep a shirt of bots on you than use up raw materials again.
- for example: a sword with an edge that is less than a 'nanobot-wide' and doesn't get dull, nor is it rendered useless when breaks / body armor that can be modified in hardness and weight, depending on present requirements (you'll probably want light or no armor in a marsh, and tougher armor in the middle of a firefight)

As long as my Vial weapon remains unaproved, I don't see how this can be approved.
I also retain my point of view that the item is way too convenient. No malice towards you Kilian, but I seriously don't think this item is really needed or will hold too much lasting appeal to you either. I suggest it remain unapproved.
I must agree, the two designs are rather similar, but not quite the same. The Vial is limited to the nanobots stored in the handle/hilt of the item, and yours could modify matter on an atomic level.

I see your point, though. It's up to the 'officials' now. ;)

Something I'd like to add to the ring: the 'wisebots' are made of an alloy based on pure Niobium. Their separate energy is supported by tiny Elerium/Ununpentium-115 shards.

Edit 1 minute later: Oh, you posted before I could. Well, it can't really be helped if that's how you feel about it.
I'd like to say that I don't know where this philosophy of "Will it benefit the RP?" came from, since that never stopped anyone before from creating tech or approving it. As it is, there's plenty of approved tech that no one uses/you never hear about. It seems like you people decided to finally draw the line when people like Victor and Kilian here started posting. It's as if you don't want their tech, but without an OOC reason, you have to say it's based on what's good for the RP.

But I do understand--a little--why this tech remains unapproved. It does seem like it's a bit overpowered. If this were something more than one person had, it wouldn't be too big of a deal; it's not on par with some of the other powerful items that have been posted before. It honestly sounds like it works to me, Kilian, but I'm not the most knowledgable tech guy here. However, if there's no tech problem, then it would have been approved before this crusade against tech started. I would worry a bit about how the character ended up getting it, though.

I might sound a little confrontational here, and it's not my intention. I just want a policy to be written down somewhere. We need to make sure people know that....we don't want tech that won't "benefit the RP" and then it should be applied everywhere instead of seemingly on a case-by-case basis.
Actually, in this case, it is one of those peices of tech that you look at and go, "you know... this won't hold water".

For example.

wisebots = megami? Computers on that scale require some serious juice and support equipment such as the gravity manipulatiors and ect.

There is no discription on how the user interacts with the device.

minimal discription of the nano-bots, no discription of nanobot creation or setup time.

Solar power on an object the size of a ring powering several super computers and creation devices? The breaking down of nano-machines can only act as energy storage as energy must be spent to make them in the first place.

the 'tiny size' comment is incorrect so long as the how the nanomachines form structures (commands and actual molecular structure) bit is left out.

The Example about the sword is wrong. A sword like this would deform/warp/chip, especally when hitting materials in this setting.

The discription is misleading saying that it can create metalic objects like bullets then saying it can only use present materials meaning it would need not only metals but intense heat and chemicals to produce bullets.

Edit: Oh yeah, Niobium?
Jadg Wolf said:
I'd like to say that I don't know where this philosophy of "Will it benefit the RP?" came from...

You might re-read some of the recent threads you have posted in, it seems that this is de facto policy at the moment. (You might start at Wes' comments in on if something will benefit the RP)

Kilian said:
Imagine that you pull the ring on the bodywork of an old De'Lorean: the main 'wisebots' begin to harvest the aluminum at amazing speed and start manufacturing new bots...

{random unrelated fact} Actually those "old" DeLorean (DMC12 Technically) were made of stainless steel. ;) (Oh also there were a few Gold Plated ones)
Skhaal and Kilian were by no means singled out. I can recall many other instances where some of my tech was pushed to the side on similar reasons. Mecha melee weaponry, mecha-delivery dropships, point-defense shield barriers and escape pods that could serve as backup computers/energy cell when attached to their mother ship.

So, no, I don't think this is singling out those two players. We're nicer than that.
Yes, Scribbles, I know that it's the de facto policy at the moment, but that was the whole point. I'm talking in the bigger picture: stuff like "Will it benefit the RP?" never stopped anyone before, either contributing or approving tech, until it was sort of randomly implemented recently. I can, however, see where it's coming from, and I agree that the level of tech should be toned down, which is why I'd just rather see some actual criteria or something, because it might be a bit of a subjective question. For example, what if it will benefit Kilian's RP? Is it worth rejecting technology when that player will actually use it?

Could I get some links Fred? Or were the topics deleted? I tried to find some of the things in this forum but only saw the escape pods, which Wes seemed to think were all right. Perhaps you had a conversation with him outside of the forum, though. But I would think that the reasons those ideas didn't take off was because they might have been perceived as redundant or unnecessary: for instance, power armor already have the aether rifle for melee attacks, and dropships might be useful in certain situations but potential disadvantages in combat outweigh the impetus to produce them (ex. shooting one dropship down will disable several armors; defenders will have a lesser number of targets; dropships would be larger than armors, which would provide a bigger target). If you just wanted to shuttle armors from place to place, though, it could be useful, but I'm not a big tech-head and so I'm not really sure about any of that. I'm not trying to belittle your ideas, just provide possible explanations.

Of course, if there really is trouble tech-wise with this submission, then that'd have to be cleared up for approval. Just try and answer Zack's (Uso's) questions, Kilian, and we'll go from there.
The issue isn't really my tech that didn't make the cut - I think everyone that contributed here has stumbled some in the beginning before they got an idea of just what could be nice and what not - as well as how to present it. I just wanted to precise that Kilian wasn't singled out and that sort of stuff does happen to people, that's all.

the trouble with making an older character from a race like the Tharaxian can lead to birthing pains, especially with someone without much experience with the SARP yet. I understand the mistakes he's doing and why... which is why I'm being sympathetic... that doesn't change that while the ring is a cool item... it might be a little bit too cool. I'd rather the coolness be attributed to the character, not the way he wields a distinctively unique item.
Okay... forget about this whole approving thing for now. Let's simply discuss the technology. Oh, and how the character got it is written in the bio.

Serious juice: ancient technology that uses an energy source (Ununpentium-115, one of the greatest conspiracy-theory elements ever! We're not alone!) Even in present time (and OOC lol), scientists suggest that this relatively stable superlarge atom could be the ultimate fuel source in the far future. True, the project might die down. As for now, the atoms split up with alpha-radiation in a jiffy; we do not have the necessary containment and atomic bombardment technology.

Interaction: yeah, I somewhat forgot about that. At first I thought about a direct mental connection, but that would be something like a telepathic ring thingy. Sounds stupid if you ask me. Instead, I call the nanobots once again. ^__________^ The designated new owner of the nano-ring receives an injection of uniquely constructed signal sending/receiving nanobots. Uniquely constructed means that they are injected in a special plasma and bear artificial tissue similar to the user in order that the body doesn't 'attack' or rather 'eject' the alien matter. The bots form separate nerve-streams between the ring and the user's brain, that's why instinctual action only can trigger the 'wisebots'.


- fodder bot: disc shaped lil' bugga' with retractable arms with pincers. The bottom side is serrated in order to be able to 'harvest' metals with the same or lesser toughness. E.g. lead can't even scratch titanium. The minimal circuitry found in the bots is silicon-based and can be found in almost any terrestrial or similar matter (sand, stones, soil, quartz), and has to be picked up separately. The fodder bot is only capable of duplicating itself and moving to specified locations. Creation time depends on the metal(s) used and the number of the starting bots. Tougher, moreresistant metals take slightly more time to pick up and rearrange. The number of the bots influences the progress of building simply by the "more to build, more is built" phylosophy developed by the Egyptians (pyramids), Mayans and other American indian tribes (eerie temples), and the Mesopotamians (zikkurats). lol

Energy: their circuitry is based on silicon, which used as semi-conductors not only in informatics but in "solar wafer" as well. It can be built only by the 'wisebots' and is simply copied by the 'fodderbots'.

Signals: the nanobots connect to each other via their surface. A single strand of silicon can ensure a communication link. As long as the fodder bots are not separated from the main 'wisebots', they can move and arrange in the desired order.

-wisebots: sphere-shaped bots about twice the size of a fodder-bot. Each contain a tiny shard of Elerium (conspiracy theme fuel element), which can last for almost an eternity with their operation. Elemental niobium build has multiple advantages:
- one of the closest elements to superconductors (best for computers and conductors, though hard to make because it is only found in nature in alloys and isotopes)
- no corrosion
- great heat, magnetism and radioactivity resistance (they are currently used in capacitors and nuclear-industry)
- nice jewelry (silvery-bluish color, vibrant in the sunlight)
The wisebots can't reproduce on their own unless niobium is available, which is quite unlikely. If it is, the number of wisebots is kept at a limit: it can't surpass the state of the ring, e.g. you can't create a whole glove of wisebots. A simple counter can ensure that. Possible damaged wisebots can be recycled. Otherwise, the ring would vanish.
(You can probably find descriptions of niobium on Wikipedia if you're interested.)

Metallic objects: Why not? Bullets I meant simply as the core, not the casing and propellant included. If you meant that the metals can't be welded into full-scale live ammunition, you are right, but I never suggested that.

As for why a nanobotic weapon would not work, I really don't understand. The fodder bots pick up a physically favorable position so that they don't fall apart. The ones on the exterior are backed up by the ones in the core of the item, doing constant repairs by recycling and using up reserves. True and proven, an iron fork won't penetrate titanium plates or somesuch. As for chipping of the sword: it happens only when the surface is hit by a harder object (e.g. lead VS stainless steel) or when the sharpened edge is hit in a near 90 degree angle by an item with similar or even minorly lighter density. However, this is true not only for these items, but also for modern and ancient swords. :?

Did I forget anything?

Oh, the DeLorean: there was a DMC series made of Aluminum, I'm sure of it!
For everyone's interest:

It should be stated that this superconductor functions only at around 7 Kelvin. Having a ring that cold should be fun on your finger.

(It should be stated that the supposed 'stability' of Unupentium which made it so interesting to Conspiracy theorists has now been fairly disproved given that when they created it, it degraded in a fraction of a second.)

Elerium is another name for Ununpentium.
Teehee, I know 7 K would freeze the limb to kingdom come, I said 'close to superconductor'. Niobium is high quality material used in electronics even on room-temperature. Does anyone have info on 0 gravity? Totally unrelevant, I'm simply intrigued by interesting materials.

About the Elerium shards: I simply wanted to add to the science-fiction feeling. (Eerie UFO feeling penetrates the room with creepy X-files music.) I know that there is no current use for the mysterious element No. 115 and that fission is almost imminent after fusion. There are suggestions though that the right isotope would be stable. Not that we'll live to see those fuels in production/operation, it is an interesting topic whether a high-technology race could manufacture the ultimate artificial fuel. Elerium (or rather Ununpentium) is no doubt retro sci-fi geekdom. We are still not alone! ;)
115 is going to be radioactive and synthetic so you'd have to tank up on it somewhere every now and then.

Having a peice of radiactive material next to your body aside, I do think the radiation would be enough to destroy or damage the nanomachines or at least mess with their electronics not to mention the cells of your body.

Niobium would need to be at 7k to be used as a superconductor. You can't have it be close to a superconductor otherwise it is just cold Niobium.