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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Big Green Starbase

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
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  1. Nepleslia
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  1. I agree
Big megastructure of a military starbase that took years to make and cost too much to ever make another so there will only ever be one.

It is the slowest FTL capable thing in the setting on purpose and is as bright as a spotlight in a dark room when it enters FTL as a downside because big things should be slow and easily detected.

(I will be adding models to it later for more detail in the appearance section)
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Given the scope of this thing and some of its capabilities, I'm going to ask that @Wes and others take a good look at the station that Char has submitted. I think Char has taken some steps to keep the station reasonable in most regards - it fits within the Weapon Limitations guide and is slow as a rock, for example - but there's two main things that stand out to me on review:
  1. The station carries a Zvarock wormhole gate within itself. I think this is awesome, but the 'Z-gate' offers instantaneous transportation between any of Nep's other gates and the station. As the station is portable, this allows for pretty significant projections of force.
  2. The fighter compliment is over double of the Izanagi's and more than 10x an Albion Battle Carrier's.
At ~204 km wide, the station's fighter compliment certainly has room. Likewise, the Z-Gate could fit inside something of this size without too much trouble. Tier 15's are weird like that.

I'll keep this open for a bit until I've had a chance to see other's thoughts on it, since it's a significant add to Nepleslia's forces.

Other than the notes above, I didn't see anything glaringly wrong. Thank you for the submission, Char!
I dont have much time before i go to work and wont argue those things until i see what wes or andrew have to say.

But i will point out that the Nepleslian Z-gate network only connects to other gates of its kind which are only in Nepleslian space. And ive made the station pretty much visible to anyone in the sector whenever it travels so it cant really move anywhere unmolested. Not only that but objects like this are flying international incidents that cant really pass through a system unless its a show of force (it would garner likely the same if not worse a result if, say, an Izinagi flew through a nep system).

I also feel as though ive written it out fair enough that its intended to be the home and hub of an assault fleet and is the only one of its kind and there will never be another. It's not a new superweapon or class of OPness, but a single entity that can/should be used as a plot device to deploy ships into Nepland or vice versa for the 4th Fleet. Its only that big and strong because its supposed to house and support millions of souls and an entire assault fleet of hundreds or more ships. And ive written in obvious flaws to offset such things, like always.

As for the fighters im pretty sure i wrote that while they can be used for defense their primary purpose is to resupply its fleet. So its more a storage aspect than anything. Frankly knowing a single Izanagi can hold almost half of what i thought was a lot of fighters to begin with makes me feel like i undershot it a bit to be honest and should have put more considering something considerably smaller can carry half that~

Things like this are often considered OP or power creep the first time they are submitted. Im aware of that. But its not intended to be a new Izanagi and i feel as though i made it pretty tame compared to what i could have made it. I stayed within what limitations i could and feel as though theres not IC reason Nepleslia cant manage something like this, i even wrote that it wasnt easy or financially a good choice for them. And its just up to the whims of people OOC reasoning and desires that it could/should be nerfed.
Just so we're really clear - I don't think you've done anything here that I'd consider unreasonably "OP" . I love the idea that factions get some big "middle finger to the universe" sort of signature something and, for me, this seems like a great one of those.

I think SARP as a whole would probably benefit from better rules around things that I'd consider to be "T15+" like your Big Green, the Izanagi, etc, that include better control over how many things of this size you can have, a review process that includes other factions because of the degree of impact these submissions entail, etc, etc.

I've heard a lot about the Izanagi and other stuff being contentious and I think a big way to resolve that up front is to make sure we get sufficient buy in from day one that there's no grounds for issues later on. This is more for the submitter/submitter's faction than anyone else.

Obviously this isn't the place to push for a rule's change, but I can make sure we're taking some extra time to avoid headaches later on.
No objections from me. I'm impressed by the effort into into this and think it'd be a cool, unique part of the setting.
It is nice to see some mega-structures being built again; I hope to see more. I see they tagged here me, but it seems Whisper has the review. Let me know if I am needed.