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[Nepleslia] Birthing A Battleship

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ON: Ayenee-Class Starbase, Nepleslian System

Clark Thompson was an ambitious man, a middle-aged Nepleslian who'd seen his fair share of war and figured that the fighting would never end. That's why he got into the shipbuilding industry, so that he could build his own private fortresses away from the chaos of the streets of Nepleslia. He'd ended up with Geshrinari Shipyards, a respectable, yet mob-connected producer of various starships, on a starbase that he himself had designed a few sections on. Space made him feel good, mainly the distance from all the idiots while at work. The unintelligent didn't build good starships, more make enough money to buy them, and so he didn't have to deal with them too much. But, Clark's career was about to take him into the realm of treason. Today he'd been assigned to design a battleship.

This battleship, his assignment papers noted, was allowed to use the restricted technology that Yamatai laws prohibited and guaranteed to punish the use of "harshly." So it was quite a surprise that a corporation usually concerned with staying so legitimate in Kyoto's eyes would take such a terrible risk. Something had to be going down, and whatever it was, it was probably good for business but bad for the people. Many death would follow as a result of this project; he was sure of it. Sitting down at the side of a large conference table, he laid out a bunch of paper notes, sketches, and print documents, looking them over until someone else entering got his attention.

Abdyel had found herself in Geshrinari Shipyards with a most curious assignment, a battleship. After the war with the angels had ended she was one of the skilled engineers who had been looked down upon and not given the proper promotions they deserved... or at least in her eyes she was. She was making enough money now to live comfortably, working for a company that before she was working her hardest to destroy. "Are you the other engineer for this project?" She asked as she entered the room, the light from the hallway outlining her fairly slim form and blending with her long blond hair, her short wings almost completely hidden behind her back.

"Yeah," Clark nodded, smiling. Plebian girls, to him, were adorable. Not only that, she was educated, too. He looked over her body briefly, he smile renewing as he silently joked to himself, "Try not to put the wrong curves in the ship design." He stood up from his chair and walked over to the plebe girl and offered his hand to her. "Clark Thompson," he introduced himself.

"Ah..." She said, quickly raising her hand to shake with his, making her breasts bounce slightly with the sudden movement. "I'm Abdyel, nice to meet you." Missing the comment about curves entirely she continued with business, holding an upright posture that had been drilled into her by her superiors during her time with the ECN. "What do you have so far?"

Clark was still mentally patting himself on the back for picking her off that jobs site. It was good for the both of them. She got out of the post-war poverty, and he got a sexy little assistant with brains. Maybe with a little smoothness, he thought, observing her lovely bosom and posture, he could get a little more for his money. With another smile, he pointed to his papers. "Just some brain-storming and a few elements I'd like to put in it. I'm still not sure exactly how big they want this thing, though. I'm thinking it'll be rather large, though, since the directions say it should be a match for Star Army ships if possible and to be a symbol of Nepleslian strength." He smiled, and cracked a little innuendo joke, nonchalantly asking, "You like 'em regular or extra large?"

"They had me working on small ships during the war, I'm afraid my experience with larger systems is limited to what I've read about," She said as she turned away from him and leaned on the table, bending over enough to get a good view of the papers that had been placed about the table. She didn't quite grasp the concept of Innuendo yet and was enjoying her freedom from the ECN to much to wear pants, her skirt riding up on her body only slightly as she looked at the papers, but not enough to expose a prime view of her body. "Are you planning on building the ship around the equipment or designing the hull first and squeezing the systems inside?"

The man chuckled, thinking about squeezing his equipment inside something entirely different. "Well, maybe we should do a little both," he said, moving behind her and a little to the left, so he could look at the papers too (and also those adorable fluffy wings). "Let's determine the major systems first, design a rough version, then do the hull and do the internal stuff and the smaller systems from there. For starters, I figure we're going to run this thing on a big old aether tap system and the bet power transfer and storage network systems we can find. If possible, I'd like to have its main weapons fire not just forward, but if it's a smaller ship we may have to settle for that so we get maximum firepower."

"Perhaps we should deal with power last? Once we have the shields, weapons, and control systems worked out we'll know exactly how much power we will need. If you want flexibility I think I can do that." She said, looking over the papers a bit more, "We could have one large main weapon running down the insides of the ship and the use a series of orbit weapons to bend the beams path to anywhere that it is needed. I heard the ECN was toying with that idea earlier. We could also have some sort of centralized main weapon that delegates its power to weapons spaced out on the hull." The angel was more familiar with the Angel's weapons than those of the YSA so naturally her thinking turned to those methods, "Also, what type of main weapon are we considering for use and what effects do we want it to have?" The girl paused to look at the man who was nearly on top of her, and feeling she had gotten something wrong she opened her mouth again, "Sorry, I just don't have a feel for how big you want your ship to be," Her large blue eyes looking up to him in hopes she hadn't offended him.

"Does one kilometer sound alright?" Clark asked, noting how nice she smelled. She must've been just out of the shower. He, on the other hand, smelled good, but it was a musky man smell, the kind that you get when you think about sensual things. "Maybe we can have some sort of central energy conduit in which we can build up raw power for the main weapons, which could be in turrets of some sort. We'd make the energy systems modular so that more or newer types could be added along the main conduit as need later down the road in case the turrets were replaced. In fact, we could make the turrets large scale subspace encased relativistic positron guns, like the Chiharu class crossed with SMX ships. The central conduit would be an immense reserve of anti-matter."

"Alright... one kilometer it is," She said in confirmation as she looked back down at the plans, choosing not to explain her nervousness at talking, "But wouldn't large cannons like that be more suitable for a secondary weapon when most ships can field wide area effect beams? He had actually managed to guess spot on about the shower. Her hair was no longer wet and she had made sure her wings had not gotten any water on them although her body had been freshly shaved, leaving her silky to the touch on her legs and "Maybe we could use the FTL system to move the anti-matter directly to the ships we want to target? That way we wouldn't need turrets at all, could hit ships at almost any distance with near perfect accuracy and surgically remove targets close to the ship?" He was rather close to her, so she flattened her small white wings against her back to give her more room to move around.

"I don't think we have the technology to do that, but it's a neat idea. Hmm...actually, do you think it would be possible for us to use wormholes for that? We could have the turrets have linear wormhole generators built it that would set the range to the targets so that range would be nearly point blank each time. The wormholes would flash into existence only for a moment and have enough time to collapse so the turret wouldn't be damaged. As a backup system, the turrets could be used without wormholes too."

He paused for a moment, looking at her face, "Maybe we could use a large wormhole at the end of the main conduit for an anti-fleet weapon that wouldn't have to be exposed at the front of the ship."

"That would work, backups are a good thing to have. If we used a large anti-fleet weapon like that it could open up directly into the ship‘s anti-matter power core because the wormhole device would prevent weapons fire from penetrating inside the ship through a turret which might otherwise be a vulnerability, perhaps antimatter plasma for the reactor? We could even use refined anti-matter to cut down on overall size" She paused and thought for a moment before asking, "Is this the only main weapon that the ship will have? Or is there going to be something else? Also, what will the ship have along the lines of smaller point defense weapons?" His sent started to get picked up by her small nose. It aroused her curiosity as the Arch-angels that supervised her did not smell exactly the same way.

"Let's worry about the point defense weapons later, alright?" he smiled, "We could use NDI-style quantum gravitic reactors that generate anti-plasma as a byproduct for power. We can probably sacrifice sublight speed for a high-speed hyperdrive system, too. I hear there's ones that can pull twelve light-years a minute these days." He picked up a clipboard with a print-out of the reactors on the market so they could both look at it. A lightweight ballpoint, the kind with the clicky button on the top, pen fell out of the top part of the clipboard and bounced off the table and her belly, onto the floor. There was some sort of colorful product logo on the side of it; probably a promotional item.

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the NDI equipment, you'd have to show me what its like," She said as she instinctively turned away from the table and bent over to pick up the pen he had dropped. In the process she ended up flashing him, freedom and skirts were apparently new concepts to her. As she stood up and faced him he was gifted with a view of her smooth inner thighs and small rear end which was covered by panties with a hard to see logo on them and cute little red hearts on a white background. She took a look at the Pen's logo, the color's drawing away her attention for a moment before a red blush crept across her face, "Is this our company's logo? I don't think I've ever seen it before."

Clark savored the view, enjoying it immensely. He had a smile on his face when she turned back towards him. "By the way, I love your outfit," he complimented her, pointing in the general direction of her waist. "It's very fashionable, reminds me of the girls in those Yamataian video magazines where they introduce the latest peronsal gadgets." The pen's label read, "Heatlube Personal."

"Thank you..." she said as she tried to think of the magazines she had seen before. Most had lines of text and diagrams of machinery, leaving her mind to come up with a blank as to what girls he meant, "Heaetlube Personal..." she read out loud after squinting at the label. "Ah, for personal machines and small gear maintenance right?" She asked as she reached out to hand the pen back to him, the quick movement of her arm making her handfuls of breasts bounce slightly, "I'm always interested in seeing new things, you'll have to show me those magazines sometime,"

"Not exactly. It's more like a cream than oil," he said, gladly taking the pen. "It heats up nice and warm when you use it, so that it feels especially nice. I've never seen it used in a machine," he laughed, amused. "I suppose that's one of the unnecessary amenities you didn't have much of back home. Anyway, I'll show you those magazines later. They've got some great stuff in them like self-adhesive transparent video screen patches you can put on your skin, for instance. I get issues free since Geshrinari has an ad in them for our design services." He leaned his firm buns back against the edge of the table, arms supporting him as he leaned back, setting down the pen with one hand.

"Hmm, we didn't get cream like that," She said, her body moving back to a more familiar posture, her legs and waist upright with her back arched slightly. Old habits did indeed die hard, "There is so much cool stuff you can get outside the ECN... Well I saw a few archangels with luxury items like that but none ever came my way." She turned back to the table, "So we have our weapons, what about shields? Did you want to focus on kinetic energy barriers or something a bit more fancy like space distortion and the like?"

"Well, combined distortion fields seem to be the thing these days, ever since KFY introduced them on the Nozomi. Their new gunship has it, I think too...though nobody really knows too much about its actual performance stats but the test crew. I know NovaCorp somehow got the tech for their Mersina-class too. It's nice not having to worry about shield interference. On the other hand, we could probably get production going faster if we used conventional stuff. I imagine this ship's going to have very thick armor, too." He slid further back onto the table, so he was now sitting on it, facing Abdyel.

"Well, we can decide on what materials we want the armor to be made out of once we know the exact shape," She said, maintaining her pose in front of him, "What about something entirely new for the defensive system?" She asked, looking away from him and down to the papers on the desk again, "Something new could give this ship an edge in combat until the opponent adjusts to the new system. Maybe sense we are already using wormholes in the weapons we could adapt it as a shielding system and FTL drive as well?" She leaned over the table again, her wings fluttering a bit as she looked through more and more of the papers to try and find inspiration. This turned the slim outline of her sides to her partner.

Clark again checked her out. He was impressed with her upper body. It wasn't common for a plebian to be so well endowed in that department. "True, I suppose we could do that. The problem is we can't exactly make a wormhole that covers the whole ship. Hmm...though we could always try to layer a bunch of them to surround the ship. Would be weird though. I think covering our ship's outer hull with wormhole generators would be awkward. The FTL system is good though. I know the Nerimian ships use wormholes to get around."

"AH!" she said, snapping upright and turning to face him, "We could use the FTL system to generate a subspace bubble around the ship that when pierced triggers a distortion that bends the space of the main reactor to the point of penetration, to make it shoot forth a jet of anti-matter plasma. Something along those lines could all but eliminate solid projectiles, even those with energy encapsulation if we could make the plasma well up through many levels of hyperspace and subspace... it would be tricky though and a different system might be more practical..." she started to talk herself down from the idea even before it had come out of her mouth. "Maybe we can work on the shields later, we still have a computer system to consider and hull design." She looked around a bit, "Um, I didn't bring a data pad with me. Is there one around here I could write down my thoughts on?" she asked, her mind working on several curiosities at once, "And why is it we are trying to match this up against ships from the star army? Wouldn't it make more sense to match them up against the SMX ships?"

"I assume its because the Star Army has the best ships and we're competing with them," Clark shrugged. "Though the SMX ships are pretty advanced, too. Your shield idea is interesting, but um, can you imagine if another ship fired a high-powered energy weapon and it went through the plasma right into the reactors?" He handed his clipboard from earlier to her after replacing the generator stats with a pad of lightly lined paper. He also gave her back the pen with the charming little lubricant logo on it. He considered dropped the pen again, this time deliberately, but decided not to.

"I guess that makes sense," She said, "and yes, that idea is a bit less than realistic at the moment." She took the pen and clipboard and put it down on the table, occasionally scribbling random ideas as they came to her during their discussion, "Maybe some sort of distortion bubble that actively pushes the ship away as weapons fire pierces it?" A warm feeling passed through her body as she thought about the lubricant. Something like that would have been nice to have for the aches and pains she suffered in the ECN. She returned to bending over the table as she scribbled on the paper.

"The important thing I think is to concentrate on protecting the ship from other ship's main weapons. The smaller guns we can afford to let penetrate, but if an anti-fleet weapon can wipe this ship out, there's not a lot of point in designing it," Thompson said. "So I think we need to look at the big guns out there and see if we can come up with a way to counter most of them in one shield. Mostly, that's energy and spatial stuff, not a lot of solid-ammo main weapons out there." He looked down over her shoulder looking at her notes, then caught a quick glance down her back at her well-formed behind. "Hmm..." she said, taping the pen on the paper. Her shirt fit loosely over her body, the shallow V neck cut of the collar hanging off her body just enough to allow someone at the right angle to see the tops of her breasts constrained in a white bra, also decorated with little cute red hearts. Her white skirt was fairly flat against her backside and he already had a good look at her lean posterior earlier. With the way he was sizing her up there wouldn't be much more left for him to look at by the end of the day, "So how do we counter the energy weapons? Could we use energy sheathing like the kind missiles use to penetrate subspace shields? That kind of penetration might help displace the energy effects around the ship."

She turned her head to him, "Do we have the specs on how the Star Army anti-fleet weapons work?"

"Well," he looked down into her pretty blue eyes, "We have enough general information on the principles they work on, I think. The main ones are transposition cannons, aether shock cannons, quantum detonators, and super-heavy particle beams." He smiled, showing nice white teeth that were surprisingly aligned for a Nepleslian.

"Well... " She thought, "If we re-enforced subspace and made it harder for spacial distortion effects to occur wouldn't transposition and aether effects be lessened?"

"I suppose," he nodded. "Hrm."

Her mouth opened and closed as she talked, showing that her teeth were fairly well taken care of now and although they weren't perfect they were still pleasant to look at. She wasn't even thinking about it but her teeth were probably not the most interesting part of her anatomy to him. "Perhaps we could use a spatial anchor of some sort then as part of the shielding? We'd still need to counter the Quantum Detonator and particle beams."

"Aether shock," Clark pointed out, "is basically a linear form of it. Sorry if you're not familiar with it, during the Elysian wars the Star Army never used any on the Elysian forces. It essentially turns a huge region of space into an aether tap, flooding it with a nearly infinite amount of transient energy. Real nasty stuff. The aether shock cannon is like a concentrated version of it. The particle beams, we might be able to use subspace shields against them too. Look like the standard shielding, but beefier, might be the best way to go." He leaned a little further back over the table, stretching his back a little.

"Ah..." she said, "So that about does it for the shields then?" Her head turned down towards the papers again. Leaning further back gave him a better view down collar and at the bra holding up her breasts. Despite its cuteness factor he would probably recognize the design of the undergarment as the type that hooks in the back, using the elastic in the bra to hold her breasts fairly tight against her chest. "So on to FTL and STL systems?" she asked.

She had gorgeous mammaries, he noted, starting to get a mild erection from all the thoughts of things he was going to doing to her given the chance. "Hyperspace, primarily, a distortion system, and a backup that could use the central anti-plasma?"

"That sounds good, FTL systems weren't my forte. Are you considering using standard drive systems to channel the anti-plasma out of the ship or linear wormholes directly from the ship's core?" She was still looking down at the papers, unaware of his spying on her as she folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them up and out, to make a more comfortable spot to lean against on the table, "Maneuvering might be a bit easier using the wormholes, but you'd need at least two points of wormhole generation if we use linear wormholes to turn the ship. It would save a lot of time in designing a system to channel the drive plasma out the back for STL fight."

"Standard, but they'll be auxiliary so normally they'll be sealed by armored cutoffs. Using wormholes wouldn't do us any more good than conventional system as far as defense goes, and the anti-plasma wouldn't have anything to push off of if we were to use it anywhere else but the engines for maneuverability. Besides, it wouldn't do to have the anti-plasma come in contact with the hull." He smiled. "Say, we've been at it for a while now. Would you like to go out for lunch?" he offered. "It's on me."

She looked at him and gave a smile, "Yes, I'd like that. This does seem like a good place to pause for the time being. Where are we going for lunch?" In the process of asking she stood up again, resuming her upright posture that seemed almost out of place with how casual the two were getting. This of course ruined his view of her bra and the orbs of flesh it covered for the moment as the shirt resumed pressing against her body and obscuring his sight.

"There's a great bakery I know near hear. They have the freshest bread and soups, plus some great iced coffee..."
Abdyel's eyes lit up and the small wings on her back fluttered slightly, "Iced coffee sounds great right now. I think this project is going to end up with me spending a lot of long nights with you." She turned towards the door of the room before pausing to look back at him, "I think I know the place your talking about, is it the one a few decks down? I've walked by it before but I don't think I've gone inside."

"I don't think I'd mind at all," Clark told Abdyel, grinning. "I won't stop till you're satisfied, okay?" he told her. "We'll probably be talking, eating, and falling asleep together every day for a while. I don't mind, though, because you seem like you're great at this sort of thing." He joined her and walked alongside her through the bland hallways of the starbase. "Coffee is a requirement in our business," he chuckled.

She gave him a kindhearted smile as they headed off toward the bakery. "Thank you," she said, her wings fluttering more and her step taking a light bounce to it, "The arch-angels weren't as nice to me, and the caffeine drinks they were trying to pass off as coffee near the end of the war were barely more than heated dirty water. Yuk!" She parted her lips and stuck out her tongue, placing a finger on it to emphasize her point of just how bad things had been getting on the other side.

"Well, that's war for you, I suppose. If you go to the surface level of Nepleslia, mainly around the cities, there are some of the same problems, except the Nepleslians tend to get more drastic. Instead of peacefully suffering to in their poor society, many of them commit acts of extreme violence and desperation." He stopped and pushed a button for a lift. "I suppose there's been a few times when you've felt extremely desperate yourself," he said, keeping a straight face.

"Ya... things were going so well at the onset though. They actually gave us decent coffee. REAL coffee, not the synthetic kind that some people try and pass off as good." She said, sighing a bit and ending her bounciness, her wings folding back down against her back. "Things were getting really desperate towards the end. They started taking away lesser engineers off R&D to serve on starships. I barely avoided being sent to some far region of space and getting blown up." The doors to the lift soon opened and she stepped inside, twirling around to face the door she just entered, flinging her skirt up slightly in the process. "Its great not to have to worry about that kinda thing anymore."

"It's a shame there was so much pain and suffering. And yet here we are designing a war machine. Hopefully, it won't ever be used on humans," he said. He stepped inside with her. The elevator descended rather rapidly, and Clark felt like he was about to float off the floor at any second, not to mention the uneasiness it gave his stomach. "Whoa! I hate this thing," he grumbled.

Her wings extended in reflex as she felt like she would fly off the ground, one of her small hands settling over her stomach to settle her body. "Or the Elysians. As bad as things were I'd hate to see more suffering come their way... but we just make them, not pilot them." Even though she had been through these lifts before she had still not gotten the hang of the weightless feelings it brought on her body. "Its a shame these kind of technologies can't be put toward ending the pain and suffering planetside." Even though the uneasiness in her stomach she managed a shaky smile, "That would be nice."

"Elysians are humans. Nepleslians and Geshrin too," Clark said as the Elevator sharply decelerated to a halt on the correct floor. "I mean, we can make babies together, can't we?" He stayed up by hanging onto the railing inside. "You know, this part of the station must've been designed by a theme park entrepreneur or something," he laughed.

"I... um, don't know." She said, "I mean I've had a sexual education course but they never covered other races... sorry. I should have known." She was more than ready to get out of the lift once it had stopped and the doors were open, "I'm starting to dislike Theme park entrepreneurs now."

"I didn't know the ECN gave their soldiers those sort of classes; I thought it would be required vocations only. I guess I shouldn't have made assumptions like that," he said. "I'm pretty sure Nepleslian reproductive equipment is about the same as the Elysian counterparts, though I suspect..." he trailed off, not wanted to embarrass her by making more assumptions about Elysia. Stepping out of the elevator, he pointed at a glowing sign hanging from the ceiling. "Food Court" it said. "Ah, here we are."

"I don't think they do give the soldiers those kind of classes, but I was an engineer on a starbase with a lot of Arch-angels." She smiled at him as they reached the food court, letting him take the lead toward the bakery "Well, we can look up cross species things later. Speaking of which, what do you consider NH and seraph weapons? and AIs? They may not be human but I've met a few that could pass as one."

"Oh," the Nepleslian man blinked, suddenly realizing that she might be rather experienced in certain areas. He showed her the way to the bakery, which was tucked away in a nearby dimly lit alcove, with stained glass lamps on each table and wrought-iron chairs with big velvet seats and backs. The counter, made of glass, was filled with Danishes, cookies, breads, croissants, muffins and other baked goods of all shapes, sizes, and flavors. "Nekovalkyrja are their own family of species," Thompson told her. "They have kids by themselves on their time instead of through the wonders of sex. Odd, really."

"Nekos can have kids?" That was apparently rather new information to her, "I thought they couldn't reproduce. I heard one of my arch-angel supervisors telling a friend that he was glad the Nekovalkyrja couldn't get pregnant." She blushed a bit, "I don't think I should repeat what he said but from what I understood of it the NH series weapons, arch angels, and Seraphs is sexually compatible the right word?" As they reached the alcove her mind was distracted by the array of foods out before her, "ooh, can I have that one?" She asked, pointing to a rather large chocolate cookie with chocolate chips in it, "It looks bigger than what I can handle, would you mind splitting it with me?" She gave him a look like a kid in a candy store pleading for something they probably shouldn't have. The look was ridiculously cute on the angel girl however.

"Well, they only get impregnated of their own accord," Clark explained. "Archangels are compatible with humans, whereas Nekovalkyrja aren't compatible with anything but sometimes other nekos; seraphs reproduce by osmosis or something. I'm pretty sure they can't impregnate a neko, at least with a normal pregnancy." He grinned at her expression, feeling warm and fuzzy inside, then went up to the counter, ordering her cookies, and some croissant-type pastries with dark chocolate in the center. He also bought two large mocha iced coffees, small soups (served in bread bowls) and a pair of long sticky buns with nuts on the outside for them.

"Thanks," She said, giving him a quick hug before letting him go and picking a small nearby table to sit at. She was still wondering about the nekos but decided to put that on the back burner of her mind as she shifted back to thinking about the starship they were making and the food in front of her. "mmm... that all looks good but don't you think its a little much? I don't think I can fit that much inside me."

Clark laughed, "Well, we'll see how much you can take in," he laughed, enjoying the embrace. "We can take the rest home I guess. Take your time and what you want, I'm not going to shove it in your mouth or anything." After paying for the meal with the swipe of a card, he led her over to a secluded little booth table in the corner of the bakery, where they wouldn't be bothered by anyone, and set their tray down on it. Soft smooth jazz music played quietly and romantically in the background, coming from a speaker nearby. "After you," he smiled, gesturing for her to sit.

She sat down and slit into the booth, waiting for him to sit down as well before reaching out to take hold of one of the large mocha iced coffees. She took a straw and placed it in the top of the beverage before looking up at him again, "What about computer systems? We will probably have to design a whole new package of software and hardware to run this ship's systems." She asked as she wrapped her lips and started sucking on the straw, her wings flustering once as her body was jolted by a shock of cold and caffeine.

The man sat down close to her, taking a sip of his own, enjoying watching her drink. "Well, if we're using any restricted technologies, we're not going to want to go to Kessaku, since they work for the Ketsurui clan, which basically runs Yamatai. Geshrinari isn't really very advanced in computer systems, so maybe we'll go to NovaCorp and ask for some modular, scalable systems. We wouldn't have to tell them what they were for, maybe. Ooh, that stuff's cold going down."

She nodded, "ow... brain freeze..." her hands went up to the sides of her head for a moment as she leaned forward until the effect dissipated. While she was bent forward like this he got a closer look at her white wings and the two slits in her shirt that they were coming out of. "Well.. if we are going to outsource the computer work we might as well handle that last so we know exactly what we need to run the ship. Will the ship carry a larger fighter or mecha compliment into battle with it? Most ships now days do." She reached for a broke off a chunk of cookie, popping it into her mouth and gobbling it up as she waited for his response.

Hugging her side to his for a moment, he laughed playfully, saying "Body heat!" Then returning to the subject of the ship, "Yes, I'm not sure which type, though. I don't know if we can count of being able to get Phalanxes from Nerima, and we're definitely not getting anything from KFY. That leaves us with NovaCorp and Zen, I think. And those Emrys guys. I hear they've got a spiffy new armor out, not sure if its for space use though. I bet they could make one, though. I figure the total number will be around fifty. Does that sound alright?" He started on his chicken soup in the bread bowl. "Delicious."

"Fifty seems a bit low, A barracks for the pilots wouldn't take up much space and lots of armors can be crammed together in a storage room. The only real problem would be the logistics of feeding all of the people. How many do the star army ships carry these days?" He could feel her young, firm skin under her shirt as he pulled her close in the 'body heat' hug of his and she didn't seem to mind his help at all. She ended up taking another drink and munching another piece of cookie, enjoying the sugar and caffeine rushes that were soon running through her body, "What about building the hull around the PASV concept? You know, placing bunkers and stuff on the outer hull of the ship for the power armor's to use? I heard that some small company was playing around with the idea."

"PASV?" Clark asked, raising an eyebrow, taking another bite of soup before continuing, "I'm not familiar with that, sounds interesting, though. Was that from the Mersina design?" he asked, looking a little confused. "I think a Yuumi carries a hundred twenty. The Yuumi's about 60 meters smaller than our ship, but the pilots are little nekos only 8 inches tall."

"Well, I still think we can fit a few more power armors and pilots in a kilometer long ship, maybe 60 or 70?" She asked, "It might have been a Mersina design, I've only heard about it through word of mouth. I would think that some cover on the hull of the ship would be better than operating out in space with nothing but the power armor itself." She paused to take another piece of cookie before drinking down more of the coffee. "I've heard about smaller versions of nekos but I didn't know they really made them. During the war the Archangels always seemed more interested in the full sized type."

"What do you mean?" he asked. "You know there are a lot of miniature people down on Nepleslia, too," he added. Shortly afterwards, he finished his soup and munched on the bread it had been served in. "Mmm," he nodded while pointing a her soup, showing his approval of its excellent flavor. The man's muscular shoulders brushed against hers casually.

"Well... the archangel supervising my small group of engineers liked to interrogate nekos. He would talk about that all the time... " She blushed slightly, "Um, I'll tell you about it later I guess... what do you mean miniature people on Nepleslia? I thought all of those guys were full sized?" She asked as she looked down at the soup. She picked up a spoon and used it to scoop up some of the soup and bring it to her lips, "ah... hot," she grimaced slightly as she took a moment to get used to its heat before tasting the soup on her tongue and swallowing. "mmm... that is good." She said more to herself than to him as she waited a few more moments for it to cool down before taking another scoop. He may have had well-developed muscles but her body didn't, leaving only a thin, lean body

Clark watched her take the warm liquid down her throat while he replied, "Nope, there's a lot of variant human species and mutants around. A lot of the older military vehicles were piloted by the smaller-size version of Nepleslians, like the ASF-57A gunship, in order to save on supplies and internal space. Ironically, when the 57 was upgraded to human controls, it didn't have an escape pod system, whereas the older one had one for the little people in the front bay. I wish we could bring those ships back into service. They were made out of a system of interlocking junction pieces and cross beams, then filled in with armor and bulkhead panels. Most of the ship's hull was simply framework, using forcefields to keep in the atmosphere. It seated thirty soldiers with weapons if you had them hang their legs out the sides, like we'd do when we used it as an atmospheric transport. You ever hear of the Tron War? The 57 was the pretty much the sole space vehicle used by the Army or Uesureya during it."

"That's ok, I ramble at times too" She said as she took another bite, "I can't say that I have... That long ago I was probably still just a little kid. The 57 sounds a bit uncomfortable, your legs hanging out the side of the ship while its in flight." She took another bite of her cookie and downed a bit more of the warm liquid before continuing, "Are there many little people that fight in your people's army? I can't say I've ever seen one. one this station before."

"They're not as common as they used to be, and tend to hang out in miniature cities among their own kind," Clark explained. "The Tron war was fought against two allied peoples, the Micans, and Nathanites, living on the other habitable planet in the Nepleslia system, Nepleslia four. It's mostly farmland these days, because the majority of their peoples went off in the other direction when the colonization of Yamatai went on, and instead of taking some of their people, they took nearly all of them. The nations called themselves the Trons and were notable for their man-portable explosives and tough body armor. Warfare was mainly fought in trenches. I suppose their civilization is out there somewhere."

"Well why were they fighting?" she asked as she held a spoonful of soup near her lips, "I mean... it wasn't just a random war was it?"

"Nepleslia wanted their planet for themselves, simple as that I guess," Thompson shrugged. "Nepleslia won, which is why they upped and left I guess."

"That makes some sense..." She said before finishing off the spoonful of soup. Her cookie was less than half gone, as was her soup and she was already slowing down on her food intake. "How are we going to arranging the living quarters? Small rooms for everyone? or barracks for the enlisted and larger private rooms for the officers?"

"I'm thinking the officer's quarters will be particularly nice, since this ship is supposed to be a major political symbol once its done. As for enlisted, I think open bay style or submarine-style might be best."

"Perhaps diplomats quarters as well? large open with lots of space and a nice bed and bath for use by any diplomats the captain needs to entertain?" She asked, "The tightly packed enlisted quarters does sound like a good idea, I'm the one who wanted to cram as many mecha and fighters in there as possible."

"That's what I'm thinking, though it would be better if later we could make a diplomatic yacht instead," said Clark, and then started eating his chocolate filled pastry. When he was done, he said, "So we want to line the outside with mecha bays and then crew quarters and armories in the second layer of interior. Inside that would be crew rooms, then ship systems, and in the center, the power system with anti-plasma."

"That sounds good. Perhaps the diplomatic yacht is stored inside of the hanger bay? or if we want to make it big and fancy maybe it is carried piggyback?" She asked as she took another bite of her cookie, stopping with just less than half of it eaten and the same with her soup. She was still working hard on her coffee though. She leaned back, her wings flattening against the back of the booth, "I'm stuffed... " She said.

"I was thinking an entirely separate vessel," the Nepleslian man chuckled. "You know, with all the exploration the Star Army is doing, they could use a diplomatic yacht, too, or a peaceful diplomatic corps to do the first contacts and diplomacy instead of having grizzled warriors do it." He playfully put a hand on her belly. "Wow, I don't suppose there's much room in there," he laughed, returning his hand to the table. "You're a slender little thing," he smiled. "You're as pretty as any Nekovalkyrja I dare say."

"Um... thanks," She said while blushing. Through the thin fabric of her shirt he could feel her tight stomach. It was perfectly flat and gave off a gentle warmth. She sat with her hands at her sides, not interfering with his hand as she looked over at him, "I've never been much of a big eater..."

"That's good," Clark smiled. "It's probably unhealthy to eat too much pastry in one sitting, anyway," he laughed, loading up the remaining pastries in a paper to-go bag he'd picked up with the food. You ready to head home for the night?" he smiled.

She nodded, "I guess so, although I have enough caffeine in me to stay up for hours. I might just head back to our work area and scribble down ideas for a while." She said as she took another sip of her coffee, and then started helping him put away the pastries. Her face still held a slight blush. "He thinks I'm pretty!" she thought to herself, feeling more confident in her appearance.

"I'll stay up with you then. I wouldn't want a chance to give you my input," he grinned, sliding out of the booth with the bag of leftovers and offering her his free hand. Her blushing made him like her even more.

She took his hand and slid out of the booth, letting him lead her off to another round of ship talk.
ON: Ayenee-Class Starbase, Nepleslian System

After braving another ride in the lift system Clark and his assistant had arrived back at their office, coffee and pastries in hand. "So where did we leave off?" Abdyel asked as they arrived, "We've got primary weapons, power, shields, propulsion... we've decided that the computers will be outsourced right? With internal design outlined I guess that leaves... the materials for the hull and... what else?"

"Yes, I think we're going to NovaCorp for the computers," the Nepleslian man nodded, setting the bag of pastries down on the table and rolling one of the chairs away from the table. Taking a seat, he continued, "Sensor systems, life support, and emergency systems like escape pods."

Her mind started to tackle the remaining problems one at a time in the order they were presented to her. "What information do we have on the current cloaking systems?" She asked, standing near the table in the center of the room strewn with brainstorming papers, keeping her upright, slightly arched, posture. "If we are comparing this to what the Star Army has we should try and find a way around those cloaking devices and expose their ships."

"I think the newer ones use special armor materials to do a lot of the work," Clark said. "And, as far as I know, there's not a sure-fire way of detecting them. The Nozomi and Sakura are all but undetectable to us at the moment. Sensors are not my specialty area," he admitted. "Sorry. I think aether wave sensors are our best bet."

"Well, we are going to need some way to find them otherwise they will be able to fire at our ships without us being able to return fire. Aether wave sensors would detect their power source correct? Maybe if we had a sample of their hull materials we could find some way of detecting it." She thought, leaning over the table in the middle of the room slightly to have a look through the papers to see if she could find some idea that might help her. "And what about our own stealth devices? Or maybe we should save that for later?"

"I don' t think we have anything but scalar-based stealth fields. Your average bend-light-around-you type thing. Nepleslia's strengths have always relied on firepower and armor, and I guess unless we come up with something in the stealth department, it might end up the same way with this ship." Thompson looked like he was getting a little frustrated by the issue.

"What about electronic warfare then?" She asked, standing up again and turning to face him. Her lips took another drink of iced coffee before continuing, "If we can't hide from them we could at least make it difficult for them to fire accurately at the battleship." His tone started to set in a bit with her, provoking a change in topic on her part, "Life support should be easy enough. Perhaps nanomachine scrubbers to pull CO2 out of the air and convert it to O2 and carbon? We could also use a genetically engineered plant for that. OH!" She said, her face lighting up with an idea she thought was great, "We could make said plant a vine that grows throughout the hallways of the ship, you know clean the air and make the ship look pretty. We could even engender it to bloom certain colors to indicate irregularities in the air, or to produce a fruit that could supplement the crew's diet. Something sweet to pick fresh of the vine and bite into."

"A vine? That'd be weird and we're no genetics corporation," Clark told her, imagining a vine in the ship's passages. "Though I would love to have a section of the ship devoted to hydroponics farming. It'd not only make oxygen, but food as well. It'd probably have to be helped with some scrubbers. If possible, I'd like to avoid the complications of nanomachines. I don't think Geshrinari is capable of that sort of thing at the moment. As for electronic warfare, I think we could implement it. We'll have to ask an expert on that sort of thing for help." He sighed, "The hard stuff is always last I guess."

"Well...ok. Maybe tomorrow we can get in touch with someone like that, at least we'll get to that when we come to it. Would we put the hydroponics near the outside hull to try and make use of natural light or would we want to put it further inside and not use external light at all?" She walked over to him and bent forward to bring her face level to and near his, keeping her legs straight up, "Come on cheer up!" she said, giving him a cute smile and stretching her wings a bit, "The hard stuff can be fun to work on."

"Since weapons, shield systems, mecha bays, and armor are going to be on the outside, let's keep it inside." He rotated his chair a little bit, wanting to plant a kiss on that little mouth of hers as her face hung close to his. Leaning forward, his touched her nose with his, and grinned, "You like it hard, eh? Well, you're certainly doing a good job keeping it that way for me!" he laughed. "It's all for the best, though."

"OH sorry..." She said, pulling back a bit and looking down, "I didn't think I was making your job harder." She didn't think he could possibly mean that. She gave him a bit of a nervous smile, happy that she at least put a smile on his face. She didn't notice but it probably wasn't her words that were bringing a smile to his face but her loose shirt that hung off her body and presented him a view of the handfuls of flesh on her chest bound in a bra with little hearts on it.

"No, I mean that you ask the difficult questions, forcing me to think about them more. It's a little more challenging but it's better for the ship design in the end," Clark explained, caching a view of the little hearts. He sat up more straight to get more concealment of his body's ongoing reaction to her loveliness, and reddened ever-so-slightly. "We make a good couple," he grinned.

"Ah," She said, smiling a bit and looking at his face at the mention of making a good couple, "I'm here to help you!" she said, jolting back up right as he stood up. Her hands clasped themselves behind her back as her breasts bounced slightly under her shirt with the sudden movement. "I think we are at other systems now, baths, cafeterias, and the like." She said, returning back to the previous bit of the conversation.

Clark put his hands on his lap casually, pressing the down the warm lump there so she wouldn't notice it. "Community baths and toilets or individual ones? I'm thinking, since the beds are already together, might as well have community facilities. The crew quarters should probably have group showers, while the staterooms would have personal bathrooms. We'll probably want a small officer's mess or wardroom, and a larger, separate crew cafeteria. A gym would be a good thing to have, too."

"Well, I think that the enlisted could shower and bathe together but the officers should have separate facilities in their rooms. They should also get larger beds as well, twin sized maybe?" She asked, her wings fluttering as she thought of her next point, "And yes, an officer's mess and individual closets for them would be good to have especially if they don't have to bathe with the enlisted. Would the gym be divided like this as well? Our would all of them be working together? Also, I don't think there would be any females among the enlisted for a ship for your race, but should we have separate showers for the men and women? or should they shower together? We could also put vending machines in the ship, it wouldn't be a mall or anything like that but it would at least give them something to do with their money and provide a way of distributing luxury items... like that heat lube stuff."

"I think they could shower together, and officers could work out in the same know, I can get you some of that lube if you want," Clark offered, smiling. "It's great stuff. I bet we could hook up a contract to get the stuff aboard the ship, too, if we really wanted."

"Well you still have to show me those magazines remember?" She said with a smile, "I would think that many corporations would line up to stuff the ship full of their equipment and products. I mean they would have a more or less captive audience for their products. "I'll take you up on that heat lube offer, but I want to finish what we can of designing the ship tonight."

"We should have got in our pajamas and made this a slumber party," Clark laughed, pondering how to demonstrate how the product was used on her. "Sure, I've got the magazines in my room and while we're there I'll be sure you get to experience the lube for yourself," he promised. "I think we've actually covered just about everything but the general shape of the hull. Tomorrow we can get to drawing the big thing."

She giggled, "A slumber party sounds like fun!" She finished off her iced coffee and tossed it out into a trash can. She headed for the door, and was about to enter the hallway before stopping and turning around, "Um... where is your room?"

"Oh, you want to go now?" Clark asked, surprised. He adjusted himself in a manly way then stood up and walked over to her, offering her his right hand. "Right this way, madam!" he smiled sweetly. Tonight was going very well, not only extremely productive, but pleasurable as well, he thought.

She locked her arm around his and followed him down the hallway, "Well I'm out of caffeine and a hull design will take a while to hammer out so we might as well do it tomorrow so we can get it all done in one sitting...OH!" She quickly broke away from him and dashed back into the room, grabbing the back of pastries, before running back and locking her arm around his again, "Don't want to forget these do we?" She asked with a smile.

"Good thinking," he praised her; he'd been so distracted by her charming demeanor and his own desires that he'd completely forgotten about the pastries. As she returned to his side, he wrapped his right arm around her torso and picked her up onto his shoulder, carrying her down the vacant hallway butt-first. Laughing, he broke into a run down the hall, the bag in her hand bouncing on his back at a slower and slower pace as they seemed to get lighter. "Whee!" he cheered, as he reached a large open area, and jumped out into it. Suddenly, Abdyel was looking hundreds of feet down. The gravity was extremely low in the shaft, however, and the couple sailed across effortlessly, Clark's feet floating over solid floor once more and returning to a run. "YES!" he shouted.

"Hey! What the..." She asked both confused and surprised as she was lifted up onto his shoulders. Her face turned bright red as she reached behind her with one hand to hold down her skirt. "EEEP!" She yelped, only seeing the sudden lack of floor as he jumped into the gravity shaft. She closed her eyes tightly and flapped her wings wildly. She didn't open her eyes even after their floating was over. her shirt rode up a bit on her body, exposing a bit of her skinny midriff for anyone who wanted to look.

A little ways down the hall, Clark slowed down to a walk and then stopped at his door. "Better than having to take that crazy elevator, isn't it?" he joked. "I love that jump. There's no gravity generators in the air shaft, so jumping it is should try it sometime!" He kept her up on his shoulder as he unlocked the door though a computerized panel next to it. "Your heart is racing," he commented, feeling her warm body thumping against him. He walked inside the darkly lit room and then softly unloaded her onto his bed, laying her on her back. "Rest for minute dear," he directed her, going over to his dresser and grabbing a computer tablet from the top of it.

"DON'T DO THAT!" She yelled at him, "I mean... give me a little warning at least..." Her heart was indeed racing as she put the pastries down on the floor next to the bed. She raised her head and tried looking around the room despite the darkness, reaching out for a pillow to put under her head while her breathing returned to normal.

Clark made a brief stop in his tiny kitchen, where there was the rumbling of an ice grinder, and returned with a small glass of grape-flavored mixed drinks for each of them, placing the lightweight tablet with the gadget magazine on her belly as promised and holding the glass of cool liquid to her lips, bumping crushed ice against them. His bed as very comfortable and soft, easy to get a great night's sleep in. In the dim lighting, he sat next to her watching her lay against the pillow. She was an angel, in more than just the physical sense.

Alright, there's more to this, but they end up having hot sex.
For the rest of this, PM me and I'll send it to you. It's about 8 pages in length (this individual post contains 4 pages).

I'll also be compiling the entire topic into a downloadable PDF document for printing at some point (ala the Destruction of the YSS Ongaku booklet).

Link for Wes
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